Stripping Out Quotes

My ASP page allows user to enter comments into a form. To avoid
errors I'm having to strip out double quotes before saving to the
database. Is there anyway to encode these so that I can store them
instead, in the way was an URLEncode works?

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Stripping Quotes From All Members Of An Array.

I need to make a function that takes Request.QueryString elements and strips all single quotes from the input.

function StripQuotes(array)
dim StripQuotes
for each old in array
new = replace quotes (old)
Add new to StripQuotes
return StripQuotes
end function

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Stripping Results

i have a record that is returned by the database as domain/username. i want to be able to strip off "domain/" and just display "username". is this possible? if so, how would i go about doing this?

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Stripping Out "'s

I'm trying to replace all the " in my variable with ', but I can't seem to get it right.

editizecontent = Replace(Request("EDITIZE"), """, "'")

Would this work?

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Stripping The Date

in my front end uses will type in a date in a text box. in the code it want to call each individual i.e the month the day and the year i am not sure of how to do this.

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Stripping Down Database Results

i have a record that is returned by the database as domain/username. i want to be able to strip off "domain/" and just display "username". is this possible? if so, how would i go about doing this?

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Stripping Part Of The Text

I want to strip email from the text. Some of my users may send me a string:

str = "This is email 1: Join Bytes! and here is email 2: <a

How do I parse the string to get email address only? mI know I may use instr() to determine if email address exists, but please, give me a hint on how to handle it next.

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Stripping New Line Characters

a small code snippet that will strip the /n from a string?

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Stripping Out Characters From A String

I know there is a way of stripping out special characters from a string however I need a way of stripping out "" marks from a string or what i really want is to replace all double ("") marks in a string with single ('') marks before inserting the string into a database. Is there a way of doing this in ASP?

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Stripping Text In Variables

how do I strip this to obtain certain text:

varaible to strip:

Server};server=SERVER_NAME;uid=USER_ID;pwd=PASSWOR D;database=DB_NAME"

text required:

Server_name, User_Id, Password, DB_Name

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Stripping HTML Tags

I'm querying a text field with an 8000 character limit. The text also
contains HTML tags like <p> <br> and more. Is there a way to strip all HTML
tags in the resulting recordset, or do I have to replace each tag

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Stripping Out Unwanted Characters From A String

I'm trying to strip out none alphanumeric characters (and a couple of punctuation marks) from a string before inserting into a database.

I've put in my code below, basically I thought I'd loop through each character in turn and pass it through a regular expression to check its validity. If it passes I'll add it to a global variable ('validString') if it fails I'll remove it.

But I can't get my Mid() function to accept 'i' as a value so it won't loop. Code:

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Problem Stripping Paragraph Tags

I have an asp page that reads the contents of a database and creates an xml news feed. I have code that strips out the <BR> and <P></P> tags, but it looks one of the databases I'm trying to read from uses only <P> without the closing tag.

So the make a long story short, I can't figure out what to add to my code to strip out these tags (or if that isn't the problem at all!) Code:

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Converting/stripping Non-ASCII Characters

I'm trying to catch some characters in a string before they are entered into a database that are not ASCII and convert them to ASCII characters. The characters in question are the angular double quotes but this could be associated with similar occurences. I want to check for left angular double quotes [&ldquo;] or right angular double quotes [&ldquo;] and replace them with straight double quotes [&quot;].

(I'm not actually storing the HTML equivalents - they are simply there to give you an idea of which characters I'm on about.)a way of catching these buggers? I've tried using chr(8220) (the numeric code for one of the illegal characters apparently) but ASP has a problem working with numbers outside the character map.

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Stripping File Path Name Before Insert Into DB

Does anyone know of a function that will take the file pathname and just keep the file name before doing an insert into a database? Code:

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Problem Stripping Down Db Results For Cdonts Mail

i have a password reminder page that works, but i'm trying to strip down the username. it's in the database as domain/username, but i don't want the user to see the domain in the email they receive.

when i run the page i get a type mismatch error pointing to the line where i'm outputting the username in the email. i can get this to work when i'm outputting the data to a web page. is it because of cdonts? how would i strip off the data? Code:

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Stripping Text Between Two Strings With Regular Expressions

I need to strip some text from between two strings, my code looks like this:

SECTION = "My page name"
I need to build a regular expression that will return:

My page name Anyone know how to do this?

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Can someone help me my quotes in LISTING 2 below? LISTING 1 works fine in
HTML, but I'm having trouble with quotes in LISTING 2 near the javascript
code when trying to response write the entire button code.

<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="<< Previous <%=iMaxRecords%> Records"

Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=<< Previous" & iMaxRecords &
"Records ONCLICK="document.location.href=""paging.asp?iPage=" & (iPage -1) &

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Quotes In SQL DB

I have a product description in an sql database.which looks like this Do's and Dont's.When i pull it to look at it on the screen it displays fine.But now when i go to move that into another database for the order it only displays Do in the other table. Which means its cutting everything off from the ' forward.Ive tried just about everythign to my knowledge adn i still cannot get this to work.

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Fix Quotes

help with the fix quotes? For example, I have persons name as Jo'Mario entered as text in a text box, I need to text to go clean without any error because I am generating an error as follows:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

And I think it is due to single quote I am using in the text box.I know there is a coding to fix this problem but not sure of it.

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Quotes 2

Below in GOOD CODE, I have a mix of ASP/HTML that works. I'm trying to convert the code into all ASP, but I'm failing in BAD CODE. The single quotes are very hard to master.


sHTML=sHTML & "bgcolor=" & tblcolor & style=""cursor:default;""
onMouseOver="this.bgColor=""'#e6e6e6'"" onMouseOut="this.bgColor='" &
tblcolor & "'"


If sPageType = "forum" Then %>

bgcolor="<%= tblcolor %>" style="cursor:default;"
onMouseOver="this.bgColor='#e6e6e6'" onMouseOut="this.bgColor='<%= tblcolor

<% End If %>>

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Stock Quotes

I'm currently writing a custom financial app that tracks stock purchases and
values. however, I need help in retrieving stock quotes from the internet. A
20 minute delayed quote is fine. I do not want to revert to "page or screen

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Removing Quotes

I have successfully taken over a number of variables from a .csv file and put them into an .asp page. Unfortunately the .csv file has all these variables enclosed in double quotes i.e "Hello" and appear this way on the .asp page. Is there anyway of removing the double quotes (") from the beginning and end of the variables?
I have tried splitting the individual variables on the " with this
sSeg2 = Split( var1, """ )

but this brings an error..

Unterminated string constant
/iq/groupama/chamber/test3.asp, line 74, column 26
sSeg2 = Split( var1, """ )

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Need Double Quotes

I am pulling data from a table to create a <select> list. I need to wrap the value= in double quotes. Code:

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Strings With Quotes In

< input type=text name="PageTitle" id="PageTitle"
value="<%=strPageTitle%>" >

How do I "escape" any quotes, accidental carriage returns etc that are
contained within strPageTitle? Do I have to use a series of replace()
functions, or is there a cunning way that makes it OK?

(Using escape(strPageTitle) fills the box with % signs...)

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Double Quotes Tag

I have an asp page.I have all the form tags, javascripts etc in that. For e.g In my asp page I have mentioned my form tag as

<form name=frmupdateskill method=post>

and javascript as

<script language=javascript>
some code...

I send this asp page to my onsite person. When he replaces the old asp page with the one I sent the following are the things I come across. Code:

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Quotes With Textbox

First Question:

When I try the fallowing I get an error message:

Field1 = Replace(Field1, """, "& quote")

Second Question:

I have some info stored on Access DB, when i pull it for updates I should print the data as fallow:

<input type="text" name="Field1" value="<%= RS ("Field1") %>" size="20">
All that well and good but the problem occur when "RS ("Field1")" contain a double quote!

Let's say I have:

RS ("Field1") = Hi "guys"....

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Single Quotes

I've got an HTML page with a series of links that are intended to search a category listing in a database.

for example

link 1 has a querystring of "?subid=Boats"
link 2 has a querystring of "?subid=Cars & Trucks"
link 3 has a querystring of "?subid=Men's & Women's Outerwear"

As long as the subid doesn't contain any single quotes or any special characters such as the "&", my SQL works ok and the records are retrieved. 'm using Request("subid") to get my querystring value.Is there any way I can escape the single quotes or other special characters in the Request("subid") so it won't break the SQL?

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Quotes In Forms

What is the best way to deal with quotes inside form data that a user is submitting to my page?It screws up my editing feature,in which I'm using a SQL string to edit the data.Adding works with the quotes,as I'm using .addnew for new records.

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Quotes In A Hyperlink

I just want to write a hyperlink in ASP. getting many errors . can anyone please help me with this.

Response.Write("<font size=2 face=arial><A Class=TableLink href = "
link://" & "onMouseOver=" & """" & "window.status='Case';return true" & """" & "onMouseOut=" & """" & "window.status='';return true" & """" & ">Case:</A></font></td>")

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Escape Quotes

I'm still having trouble getting some of my data being returned properly when people use quotes. (ex ProjectName contents being - the "primary" project - The double quotes are the main issue. I am using a function for the single quote and it seems to have resolved the issue.


Term = trim (Term)
if Term <> "" then
Term = Replace (Term, chr (39), chr (39) & chr (39))
end if
If Term <> "" then

I use this just when passing strings from a form. I tried altering it and using chr (34) for a double quote but it didn't work.

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Quotes From Database

I have a form that asks for the size of a particular object. Sometimes the size is 4" X 8". The problem that arises is when the record is pulled back from a database to a textbox in a form; I get an error with HTML.

I try and place the 4" X 8" into a text box, like <input type="text" name="size" value="4" X 8""> Is there something I can do in ASP to keep this from happening after the client receives the data?

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Stock Quotes

Does anyone know how to implement a stock quote using ASP on a website? Any sample code or components, etc.

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