Stripping Out Characters From A String

I know there is a way of stripping out special characters from a string however I need a way of stripping out "" marks from a string or what i really want is to replace all double ("") marks in a string with single ('') marks before inserting the string into a database. Is there a way of doing this in ASP?

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Stripping Out Unwanted Characters From A String

I'm trying to strip out none alphanumeric characters (and a couple of punctuation marks) from a string before inserting into a database.

I've put in my code below, basically I thought I'd loop through each character in turn and pass it through a regular expression to check its validity. If it passes I'll add it to a global variable ('validString') if it fails I'll remove it.

But I can't get my Mid() function to accept 'i' as a value so it won't loop. Code:

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Stripping New Line Characters

a small code snippet that will strip the /n from a string?

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Converting/stripping Non-ASCII Characters

I'm trying to catch some characters in a string before they are entered into a database that are not ASCII and convert them to ASCII characters. The characters in question are the angular double quotes but this could be associated with similar occurences. I want to check for left angular double quotes [“] or right angular double quotes [“] and replace them with straight double quotes ["].

(I'm not actually storing the HTML equivalents - they are simply there to give you an idea of which characters I'm on about.)a way of catching these buggers? I've tried using chr(8220) (the numeric code for one of the illegal characters apparently) but ASP has a problem working with numbers outside the character map.

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Remove Last 4 String Characters

how to take a string and output it such that the last 4 characters are removed (.txt, .pdf, .doc, etc.)

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How To Get The First Two Characters Out Of A Variable String?

How would you get the first two characters out of a string variable to make an asp:label respond a certain way. For example:

The string is "F112345678995" I would like to pull the "F1" out so that an asp label will respond "No match".

Is this as clear as mud?? If you need further clarification let me know. Also can you use a trim statement like in VB?

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Counting Characters In A String

I have several isbn's that are eather 10 or 12 charcters long. I need
to insert a dot . after the fifth character if it is 10 long, and
after the 6th character if it is 12 long. How do I count through the
string and find out if it is 10 or 12 charaters long, then insert the
dot . after the first 5 if it's 10, or after the first 6 if it's 12?

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Remove Last Four Characters From String

In PHP I'd use the following line:

$parsedfilename = substr($parsedfilename, -4);

But I can't find the same way to do it in vbscript using ASP!
I simply want to strip the last four characters, but leave the rest of the string in tact! As the string could be any length, I don't know a start position.

Surely it's simple and I'm missing something?

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Remove Last 4 Characters From String

I have this bit of code that stores the current web page address in a Session variable. I want to always remove the last four characters, such as E.asp, or G.asp, or I.asp.

I searched tutorials on string manipulation but all seem to take out a string in the middle of a string and replace it with something. I just want the last 4 characters removed.

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Splitting String Containing Non Ascii Characters

I have these strings which are pulled from a database which contains both
english and chinese characters(big5).


Fragrant Rice 10kg Green Dragon?
Broken Rice 10kg G.Elephant?

I want to split the string at the first occurance of the non ascii character so that i can get the english and chinese parts separated.

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Maximum Characters For String Data Type

what is the maximum number of characters that a string variable can hold - i
initially thought it was 256, but after some testing it seems that it can
hold much more than that..

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Stripping Results

i have a record that is returned by the database as domain/username. i want to be able to strip off "domain/" and just display "username". is this possible? if so, how would i go about doing this?

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Stripping Out Quotes

My ASP page allows user to enter comments into a form. To avoid
errors I'm having to strip out double quotes before saving to the
database. Is there anyway to encode these so that I can store them
instead, in the way was an URLEncode works?

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Stripping Out "'s

I'm trying to replace all the " in my variable with ', but I can't seem to get it right.

editizecontent = Replace(Request("EDITIZE"), """, "'")

Would this work?

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Stripping The Date

in my front end uses will type in a date in a text box. in the code it want to call each individual i.e the month the day and the year i am not sure of how to do this.

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Stripping Down Database Results

i have a record that is returned by the database as domain/username. i want to be able to strip off "domain/" and just display "username". is this possible? if so, how would i go about doing this?

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Stripping Part Of The Text

I want to strip email from the text. Some of my users may send me a string:

str = "This is email 1: Join Bytes! and here is email 2: <a

How do I parse the string to get email address only? mI know I may use instr() to determine if email address exists, but please, give me a hint on how to handle it next.

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Stripping Text In Variables

how do I strip this to obtain certain text:

varaible to strip:

Server};server=SERVER_NAME;uid=USER_ID;pwd=PASSWOR D;database=DB_NAME"

text required:

Server_name, User_Id, Password, DB_Name

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Stripping HTML Tags

I'm querying a text field with an 8000 character limit. The text also
contains HTML tags like <p> <br> and more. Is there a way to strip all HTML
tags in the resulting recordset, or do I have to replace each tag

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Problem Stripping Paragraph Tags

I have an asp page that reads the contents of a database and creates an xml news feed. I have code that strips out the <BR> and <P></P> tags, but it looks one of the databases I'm trying to read from uses only <P> without the closing tag.

So the make a long story short, I can't figure out what to add to my code to strip out these tags (or if that isn't the problem at all!) Code:

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Stripping Quotes From All Members Of An Array.

I need to make a function that takes Request.QueryString elements and strips all single quotes from the input.

function StripQuotes(array)
dim StripQuotes
for each old in array
new = replace quotes (old)
Add new to StripQuotes
return StripQuotes
end function

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Stripping File Path Name Before Insert Into DB

Does anyone know of a function that will take the file pathname and just keep the file name before doing an insert into a database? Code:

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Problem Stripping Down Db Results For Cdonts Mail

i have a password reminder page that works, but i'm trying to strip down the username. it's in the database as domain/username, but i don't want the user to see the domain in the email they receive.

when i run the page i get a type mismatch error pointing to the line where i'm outputting the username in the email. i can get this to work when i'm outputting the data to a web page. is it because of cdonts? how would i strip off the data? Code:

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Stripping Text Between Two Strings With Regular Expressions

I need to strip some text from between two strings, my code looks like this:

SECTION = "My page name"
I need to build a regular expression that will return:

My page name Anyone know how to do this?

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Web Forms / HTTP File Upload / String.Split A StreamReader.ReadLine() String

I'm developing an Asp.NET system to take a CSV file uploaded via the web, parse it, and insert the values into an SQL database. My sticking point comes when I try to split() the string returned by readline() on the file.

The following code snippet works for me:
tokens = "one,two,three,four".Split(",")
for each token in tokens

However, if I take the next line in the CSV, read using StreamReader.ReadLine on the PostedFile.InputStream, I receive "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." which I have narrowed down to be my string holding the line. Further investigation reveals that no other string member functions work on my line (.ToCharArray, .ToString, etc).

I suspect that StreamReader.ReadLine is not correctly returning a string, even though Response.Write(line) displays what I would expect .....

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String Functions Run On Empty String

I have a form in which several elements are expected to be all digits. Some of those elements can be left empty, but if specified they must be all digits. I have this Sub to edit them: ....

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Text String To A Interger String

I am pulling info from a sql server By default the query pulls back the inforamtion as text.Therefore when I go to calculate some figures its giving me a type mismatch error.
Is there a function in can call to convert a text string to an integer string using

rstSearch.Fields("name").Value .To pull back the info in a for loop

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch

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Get First 50 Characters

Anyone in here got an idea how i could limit the display on on a paragraph to 50 characters? because everytime I access the database it would show up the entire paragraph.

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I have the character & (username is a&d) in a username in one of my database fields and it won't read it properly. Do you have to do something special with characters like that?

sqlString = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserID=" & "'" & userid & "'"

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Returning Only 255 Characters

I have a MS SQL 7.0 table with a large field (> 500 characters). My select statement embedded in my ASP file in an intranet web interface only returns 255 characters. If I run the select statement in Query Analyzer, I can easily change the "Maximum Characters per Column" setting to return the entire field, but that doesn't help me in my ASP web interface. How do I return the entire field through ASP?

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Count Characters

Is is possible to accurately count the number of characters in a Word document using ASP?

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Characters From DB Record

What I am trying to do could be simple but I have no idea how to it. I am trying
to display only a part of the record retrieved from database.
I have retrieve data from database and I show it in normal way <% = oRs(0)%>, the problem is that I want to show only 100 first characters and then make some thing like this … after 100 first character. In this way all the data retrieved would look the same in the page.

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ASP Trims Characters

One of our offices in AD is called "Albert St", the OU is called "Albert St", but when I retrieve the value out of the list box it becomes "Albert" and throws errors as it cant find the "Albert" OU. Not surprising, really. I am going to try type casting, but beyond that

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