Stuck On Function To Format Text

I have a function at the moment which will take the contents of a <textarea> form field, and replace carriage returns with an HTML <br /> tag,

Assume the textarea, named "this" contains:

Therefore, all projects can be broken down into 8 standard processes (according to the Prince2 methodology): Code:

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Any Function Of Date Format

Any function on ASP to format date on dd/mm/yyyy?
The format (VB) function does not work on ASP ?

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Format Currency Function

I cannot get the FormatCurrency function to work properly on my site, which is hosted on a server 2k3 box w/iis installed.It works just fine on my local iis machine, however w/out a glitch.

Here are the two side by side:

IIS over WINXP, Access Db, datatype=NUMBER, Format=CURRENCY
IIS over 2k3, Access Db, datatype=NUMBER, Format=CURRENCY
Error Message that appears on host server...
Datatype mismatch....

Here is a code sample of what fails:

<font size="2" color="#FFFFFF"><b>Room Rate</b></font></td>
<td width="13%" bgcolor="#999999" align="center"><%=FormatCurrency (objRS("RoomRate"))%></td>

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Text Format

I use <textarea> input more than one paragraph to the database, whose field
type is set to "text". Then I retrieve it to display in <textarea>, which is
OK, paragraph by paragraph, but not in the other tabs because of no <P> or
<br> between each paragraph.

Is there any solution to display in other tabs
than <textarea> paragraph by paragraph. Or do I have to change the database
field type other than text? And which type is good in this case. Thanks for
any idea.

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Text Format

I've created my database on MS Access and linke it to the web using ASP. I can display data from db. The problem I have now is when I display a data from db on ASP page I get the text as one block with no spaces or paragraphs format. Can anybody give me a hand of how to display my text as I entered. I stored text on field with memo type.

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Format Database Value Into Text

how can i format text so it can be read by a database? for example, for numbers i do cint(whatever). whats the equivalent for text?

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Rich Text Format

I am using RTF files to store a template which has certain tags which should be replaced with content with ASP.I can use the VBScript function replace to do this substitution but is it possible to merge the pages in one file with those in another from ASP?Is there also an easy way to print out the result?

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Format Text From Database

Is it possible to store html tags in a database field so that when data is retrieved from this field the formating is retained? For example I have an address field in my database, which I return using:


However they are times where I may want to have my city, state etc on seperate lines by using <br>, but right now if I store a <br> in my database it does not affect the formating of my displayed address.

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Text Field Format

I need a user to follow a format. For example entering a date. I need the user to enter a date in this format MM/DD/YY. How do I check to see if they followed that format?

I need the user to enter a currency amount without the "$" sign. How do I check to see if the Request.Form("price") value has a "$" sign in it? I guess I need to know how to parse a string in ASP.

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Loading A Unicode Text Format In Asp

I have a text file containing korean fonts, i saved it as a unicode format in notepad.
i tried to load it in asp using #include file, i get an "UNICODE ASP files are not supported" ....

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PDF Creation :: Format The Text Or Resize It

Is anyone having problems with formatting text using the ASPPDF component? I am having problems when it fills in the pdf form from data entered through a form. For some reason it doesn't allow me to format the text or resize it...

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Change Format From Number To Text.

i have several fields in the database that the format is number. then, i have a report page that allow user to open it the ms excel. my problem is, when all data transfered to ms excel, all data that is in number format, they are located at the right of the cells and there is 1 data named noIC, suppose this data is a 12 digits number but in the ms excel, it became something like this 780945+E12....

to solve this problem, i have to change the cell's format everytime all data have been transferred to ms excel. i have to set to left indent for all fields that contain numbers and for the noIC i have to set from General to Number.

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Check If A Text Box Data Is In Date Format?

Is this possible to check if a text box on form.htm is in mm/dd/yyyy format before submitting to asp page?

if you enter say 2/2/04 it gives a incorrect date format error. The asp page uses this text box in the select statement for a db2 table query that is a date field.

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Stuck With Results Of A JS Table.

I am trying to develop a little site for myself an co-workers to enter
our march madness bracket picks. With the tiny little bit of knowledge and
some cutting and pasting I have created a mess that sort of works.

I have a JS form that users can enter all of their own picks. However, when
the picks are entered into my DB the only appear as numbers. There is an
area in the code that refers team #'s but it doesnt quite match what I get
in my dB for instance - kentucky should be 1 and it shows up as 0.

Here is the code - if anyone can throw some tips my way I would really
appreciate it. I have edited out the actual Javascript and the .css styles
and other things that arent applicable (I hope) for easier reading. Code:

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Cdo.message Emails Stuck In Queue

I'm working on a classic asp site and am having sending mails in my development environment.

In attempting to use CDO.Message the emails usually (but not always) get stuck in my mail Queue folder.

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IIS Stuck In Processing Directory Browsing

I'm running ASP on IIS 5.1 on Windows XP, the same thing works on Windows 98 with PWS.

The function below stuck the IIS - draws only frame with nothing inside and wait for infinite. All other requests to IIS are stuck. I presume that it is some permission thing, but what? Is there some log or something that I can check? Code:

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Emails Are Stuck On Queue Folder

We have a server with an Intranet, it handle the contract forms we want to send the contracts forms by email but the emails are stuck on the queue folder. we are running with win 2000 server, SMTP, IIS, creating the pages with ASP.

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Stuck On Update Multiple Records (same Field)

how to update a database from a dynamic table with checkbox. Their is only one field I would like to change and that is the one with the checkbox.

I am using Dreamweaver and I create a dynamic table, add the update record and I get BOF EOF error. The database does have data in it. Code:

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Function Call From Text

instead of linking to say a page from some text, how can i call a function on click of the text instead?

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Calling Function Using Text

i want to have alert for my delete process. but I have no idea how to call my function in this case. this is the text.

<a href="padamlaporan.asp?idl=<%=id_laporan%>&i=<%=request("i")%>">Padam Laporan</a>
i want to call this function.

function padambutirlaporan(){
if (confirm('Adakah anda pasti untuk padam laporan ini?')){
document.location.href = "padambutirlaporan.asp?idl=<%=id_laporan%>&i=<%=request("i")%>";

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Advance Search Text Function

For example:
The text to be searched is the following:

Text 1:
Hello world! what a nice day today. But I like to sit in front of computer and doing some web design. Now I have encountered some technical problems and would like to get some helps from the experts.

Text 2:

I like fishing.

Text 3:
Baseball season is over.

Text 4:
The winter snow storm is coming.

Search Keyword: snow.
Search result is Text 4

Search Keyword: I
Search result is Text1 and Text2

At the end, the key word should highlighted with a different color in the paragraph.

How would I do about this?

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How Do I Highlight A Split Function Text?

How do I highlight a split function text?

code ....

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Display VBScript Function As Text Field

I have a VBScript function:

<script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
Function Main()
set wshshell = createobject("")
struser = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERNAME%")
strdomain = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERDOMAIN%")
msgbox struser & strdomain
End Function

That works great as a Active X script but I want this to display as a value in a text field and I can't find how o do that.

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Script To Format Existing Access Table Into Wall Calendar Format?

I have the tables set up in Access, viewing in column format on ASP pages but now the company wants the schedule reports to be in a wall-calendar type format. I've searched and found calendar scripts but I need one that's creates a table resizable to a report size format. Using the existing MS Access db I've written is also a plus.

Any suggestions on where to start?

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Convert Any Audio Format Files To Vox Format

if there any asp or vb functions that can convert any audio format files to vox format.

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How To Format Date In MM/DD/YYYY Format

how to format date in MM/DD/YYYY format in ASP?

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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How Can I Add Mail Function To That Post Function

I am using a simple guestbook /portal and i want script to send mail to the thread owner when someone reply his message.

this is the send message code ....

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International Text And FSO Created Text Files

When using ASP's FileSystemObject to create text files, I am unable to get user submitted text (in Hebrew) to save as anything other than "?????". The text file is being saved in Unicode and setting the CodePage in ASP proved unsuccessful. Strangely, hard coded Hebrew text in an ASP variable does add to the text file correctly.

Any ideas of why this happens and how to get it to work correctly?

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Function Inside A Function

Can I define a function inside a function. e.g;

function abc()
function xyz()
....some code.....
End Function
End Function

I googled this but can't find any related topic.

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Function In The InStr Function

I want to use the instr function, but return results from it depending on surtain functions, I can't realy explain so I'll show my example:

I have a string in wich some word I want to find might be in diffrent Capital Letters order, I want the Instr function to return all the values of the place of that word (avcourse I'll run a for and increase the starting point of the Instr func until it returns 0). The instinct thought is to use the Lcase or the Ucase functions, but in this case I don't know how to use them. In the same Idea I wanted to use the Instr Func with the trim Func, But Its realy the same principle if I just understood how to do so.

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Text Area Limited Text

I have a text area which I want to limit the number of words or number of text entered into it. Is this possible?

<textarea name="textarea" cols="35" rows="5"></textarea>

In the text area above, can I say limit the person filling in the text area to say 100 characters?

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