Sub-Description In A Search

If you were to Google "Sears," (or other big names), Sears' website pulls up first. Beneath the link is a description that Sears includes in the "description" META tag. That I understand and know how to do.

However, after the description are four other links: Baby, Clothing, For the Home, and Computers & Electronics. How would I modify HTML/ASP so that sub-descriptions to pull up in a search engine for my sites?

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Using The Table Description

I have an Access database with a number of tables (who doesn't?)

I am planning to use the "Description" of a table for keeping track of some information at the Table level.

Would anyone know of some code to retrieve that information programmatically in ASP?

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Getting Error Description

in case of error i wrote:

Response.Redirect("/error.asp?error_id=" & err.number)

how can i get the error description, source etc

in error.asp , just by knowing the error number?

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Retreving Description

I set an Description to an Table in MsAccess Database, I Open the recordset of the table in the database in my asp file, now, how do I retrive the Description I set to that Table from asp?

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Extract Meta Description

Does anyone know how (using ASP & VBScript) how to extract the description from a webpage. I mean the meta description contained in the HTML (eg <meta name="description" content="description of website">).

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How To Retrieve Column Description From DB

I have a table whose field names are very wierd and difficult to udnerstand. And when users see those field names and text boxes to enter value... they become 8(

as my input form is displaying like this

for all fields in the table
RS.Fields(index).Name : <Input type=text>

I added description to each column in database(SQL Server) so that i can understand... is there any way so that i can show that description of column to the users. Code:

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Spaces Before The Description Line

How to keep the spaces before the description line in the following code? Right now, it displays like "Net Income", but I like to have spaces before the words like " Net Income". The database value is " Net Income".

<td align="right"><Font class=content4><%=ars.Fields("LINES")%></td> ...

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Image Upload With Description

I saw most of the image upload posted here but can't find one that can upload an image to a folder and make a link in the database and at the same time include description, name, etc. to the database on the same row.

I created this form to include the picture, name, price and description to be upload into a database. I know i need another script to perform the upload, so i name it upload.asp, so what shd i write in the script? Code:

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Getting More "description" Room In My DB Tables..

Ok the kid who put together my shopping cart did a pretty good job. Each item is housed in a SQl db table, however I one problem..

The description field can only carry a max of 1024 char and is a NVARCHAR.

Should I...

A. just add three more fields to the db of the same type and add 3 more text boxes to my eidt product page and pull all 3 out when i build the page?

B. Change the current DB type to something other than NVARCHAR?

C. Find some other way to store my descriptions that I have not yet even realized could be done?

anyone have any ideas... Im no guru, but I know enough to get myself in trouble. heehee 1024 is not even close to enough room on some products. Some of them I need about triple that space easy.

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Meta Description & Meta Keywords In Asp?

Where in an asp file do the meta name="description" content="description"
and meta name="keywords" content="key words " go?

Is it similar to where they're located in html? the top of my file looks like this (below), is it correct?

<% Response.Buffer = True %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0.11 Transitional//EN">
<script src="java.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<meta name="description" content="description" >
<meta name="keywords" content="key words " >
<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<style type="text/css">

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Need To Convert Google Search Ref To Find What The User Search

i get the ref url that come to my site and i want to convert it to find
out what was the query in (google or other searcher sites)

foe example : if someone goes to google and search some text and my
site was in his resaults and he click on it , in my site i see his link
ref like

i want to know (in asp and save it to DB) what was the word or words
that the user write in search engine.

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Search Within Search Results

I am trying to create a parametric search within a table (in the column headings). My first page (search.asp) allows you to choose parameters from a dropdown box, such as package and volts. You click "search" and it reads the Access dbase to yield the results.

The results page (results.asp) displays the information based on the parameters. Under the package column heading, I have the same drop down box, and I am able to once again choose the package I want and the table will refresh. Code:

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Search Box

I have list of songs in table in asp page. I would like to put a link to each song so when user click on one I can search database for it's data. How to do that?

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i have a database with 5 tables,
on my web site i have a search bar..
i wana link that search bar to my tables so..
when ever some 1 searchs for a product, the search bar shows that all the simmuler products to what they searchd for..

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ASP Search Using Asp

I was wondering if there was a way to search pages using ASP or ASP.NET.

I have roughly 5000 static html pages (an online library of sorts) and wants a serch feature. Is there any way to do this?

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how to search within the selected category?? Example : Search "bubble clock" in category,Clock and watches.

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I have a search page that has ms frontpage database wizard results showing. The thing is, is that I want to have the search form on other pages besides my search.asp page. Does anybody know how to make a search form on a seperate page that submits the search to the database and displays the wizard results on the search page.

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Search When EOF And Not EOF

Need help here~ =) ..For -> while not rsConfiguration1.EOF ... blah blah blah

How to write my code so that even if its not End of record, it will still search my db?

In short : I want the db to be able to search under 2 circumstances : EOF and not EOF

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How could I try and make the most important result from a search show up on top?
I was thinking of having a result where the strSearch is the most to the left come up on top but else then that vague and not necessarly effective option I have no idea on how to do this.

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Intranet tech support system using ASP/VBScript running on W2000 Server,
IIS, and using SQL Server 2000. I need to add a search engine. The problem
with using a regular SQL query is that if you put a phrase, say "red car" in
the text box, to hit submit, my SQL qurey would only look for that phrase,
and would leave out other items where the words red and car appeared
separately. I guess what I am saying is that I would like something like
Google or other search engines, which would find results which seem to fit
the criteria typed into the box, and rank them and highlight key words.
My research so far has shown me that SQL Server has something called
Full-Text searching, and I have tried to read up on that in BOL, but not
really seeing how I can apply it. I wonder if there's already some tutorials
or sample code out there. I have done some looking on the Web, but still
haven't found much.

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ASP Search

I have created an asp server page as described in the
Microsoft Article 318387 HOW TO: Query Index Server Data
by Using ASP in FrontPage 2002

It is running off my IIS server for the search results.
However, the results return only file locations; I would
like it to return a link to the hits. How would I do this?

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im now doin a search function... but my problem is... if i didn't enter any data in the textbox and then click search button, it will appear all list from database instead of display "please key in data".

I just want to display "please key in data" but not display all records. Code:

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I'm make a search and I want to limt the results to 10 and have a next button.

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Search The Web

With Index Server I can search web pages stored on our servers. Is there any
way to programmatically search web pages on the web ?

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DB Search

I am trying to set up a pge that allows users to search DB for their order status. I managed to get it working with 1 search parameter. I would like to give my clients more then 1 search option to search by.

This is where I ran into problem. I believe it to be with my lack of ASP knowledge and the problem here is with the SQL statement. I do not think that it will work the way SQL statement is set up right now but I am at a loss for correct syntax here. Am I way off ? Code:

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Search Box

I am relatively new to asp so still need help on it.
On my site I have a search that allows users to search for a specific job skill ie.cobol, asp etc

The problem is that at the moment the search can only search for what is exactly typed in the box eg.

"ASP" this search works fine,
"ASP, HTML" this doesnt because It searches for what is typed in.
I have been told It is something to do with parsing and that this will allow me to search for multiple job skills using commas to split what is typed in. If any body has any ideas I will be very greatfull

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Search PDF

Does anyone have or know of some ASP programming that will allow me to do a text search of a folder full of PDF files?

I want a user to be able to enter some text and then the programming to do a full text search across all the PDF documents and return the results.

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MS SQL Search

I want to search the content of some database tables,do asp has some function or tool do this?

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I have a column in my database where emails are copied to, and i need to be able to search through each entry for certain keywords and display the results if the column contains any of the keywords. i can't figure out how to do this though, because if i use the select statement like this:

select * from maintable where column LIKE ('keyword')
select * from maintable where column IN ('keyword')

it will only display the results when the keyword is the only word in the field.

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I'm producing a search that when a section is chosen from a drop down menu the search only searches the selected section. The problem is the code below searches others sections as well as the selected one.

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM qry_Policies WHERE SectionID = " & request.Form("section") & " AND title like'" & txtSearch & "' or keywords like '%" & txtSearch & "' OR keywords like '" & txtSearch & "%' OR keywords like '%" & txtSearch & "%' AND '" & txtSearch & "' OR title like '%" & txtSearch & "' OR title like '" & txtSearch & "%' OR title like '%" & txtSearch & "%' ORDER by title" .

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Search XML

It may be a really stupid question, but if you dont ask, you dont know. Is it possible to search an an xml file, which is used for an RSS feed, with asp at all? So for example, i want to have a search box on my site, which will then search the xml file for the search term, and then return the result to the person searcing?

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I'm producing a search that when a section is chosen from a drop down menu the search only searches the selected section. The problem is the code below searches others sections as well as the selected one.

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM qry_Policies WHERE SectionID = " & request.Form("section") & " AND title like'" & txtSearch & "' or keywords like '%" & txtSearch & "' OR keywords like '" & txtSearch & "%' OR keywords like '%" & txtSearch & "%' AND '" & txtSearch & "' OR title like '%" & txtSearch & "' OR title like '" & txtSearch & "%' OR title like '%" & txtSearch & "%' ORDER by title"

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Search Through PDF's

I'm developing a site search engine and I need to have it be able to search through PDF documents also. Being a novice programmer, can anyone help me out with this?

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