Submitting List Values To A Function

I have a list box with five values in it. These are essentially account groups. The user will select one of these values and click on a button. This will update a second list with specific account names depending on what the user selected on the first list.

These account names will be retrieved from an SQL database. Below is the code which sets up the first list and the button. Code:

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Accessing List Box On Same Page Before Submitting

My form contains a drop down list of univ. campuses and depending
upon the campus user is selecting, I am selecting the courses offered
in that campus from database (MS Acccess) and showing those in a
different drop down list below.

Is there any way that I can access that campus-list value before
submitting it to database?

Also, please give me solutions in VBScript and no javascript. That's my
Prof.s restriction. One of my friend told, there is no way this can be
done. But I am sure there must be some solution. Microsoft is not that less

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Submitting A Form That Checks Entyered Data Is Not In An Exclusion List

I have an ASP form that users enter a number into. The form then posts
the number with a hidden login and password to a web address which
opens in a new window. However, I want make sure that the number they
enter is not one of the numbers I have in an Access database table that
contains a list of numbers they are not allowed to enter. How can I do

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Get Values In List Box

I am using list box on one page which has 5-6 values now i want that user should able to select only one value at a time from list box ,now after selecting value when he click submit button it should direct it another asp page which also has a list box and that list box should have all values which was on previous list box on first page , i m using post method.

user only able to select single value from list box on first page but second page should display all vaues in list box.

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Loop Through List Box Values In ASP

I have an ASP page that has 2 List Boxes. The first List Box contains available items and the 2nd list box contains selected items. Code:

<select name="lstAvailable">
<option value=”1”>User 1</option>
<option value=”2”>User 2</option>
<option value=”3”>User 3</option>

<select name=”lstSelected”>

I have JavaScript that populates the lstSelected when items are clicked on from the lstAvailable list box.

When the user presses the Submit button, a 2nd ASP page actually does the insert. My problem is that I do not know how to retrieve the value from the 2nd list box (lstSelected) from the 2nd ASP page. I need to do an insert for each item in the selected list box.

I have tried using Request.Form(“lstSelected”) but that did not work. I also tried a For next loop but I could not get that to work either.

Can someone help me figure out how to loop through all values in the lstSelected list box from the 2nd ASP page?

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Retrive The Values In The List Box

I have multiple list box added to the asp page using <select> tag. I have added items in the list box using recrdset from Education table Education table={educationid, educationname}

User can choose more than items from the list box. These items gets added in the user table in field "edu" seprated by commas. When User wants to edit his information ...i want that the items in the list box should be automatically selected which are present in "edu" field.

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Cookie Values In Drop Down List

I know how to write cookies and how to call cookies. But how do I write the values of a drop down list and the value of a radio button list to a cookie and call them to select the correct options when the page is reloaded?

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List Of All Asp Response Function

where could I find all response. funkcion explaind? like response.write, response redirect and other?

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Function To List All The Server Variables

Does ASP have a function to list all the server variable similar to PHP's phpinfo()?

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How To Show A List Of Values In A Seperate Line In Textarea?

I have a textarea that displays the values from the recordset. But how can I display each value in a seperate line

While not rsHires.EOF
Response.Write rsHires("Emp_Name") & "

I tried <br> too, but they get printed into the textarea.

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Refresh Values In Select List Based OnChange Of A Dropdown Box

I am trying to learn and use good DHTML concepts and code (assuming they are needed). My current issue concerns how to handle this situation.

I have a Select List box which displays values based on what value is selected in a dropdown list. For example, my dropdown list contains a class name, and the Select list contains all of the students who are registered for that class.

So what I would like to occur, is when the user changes the class from the dropdown box, the Select List is re-created displaying the students who are enrolled in that class.

I thought I could do this without having to reload the page (with DHTML) but here is my problem. Code:

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Returning Multiple Values From A Function

I've looked around the net and searched this message board and haven't been able to find a solution to this problem. An application that I am currently making pushes and pulls data from SQL. One stored procedure is very important and returns many values.

I call this sp many times in my script and wanted to put it in easy to manage function, sub, or whatever works. The problem is that it returns about 10 values that I would need to return from the function back to the standard asp. Code:

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Problem With Len() Function & Null Values

i've come across a real head-hurter. I'm looping through a recordset and
response.writing it's rows out with no problem except 1 field. The field
type is varchar and contains words like meeting, holiday, etc.

Problem is, I'm trying to render a "n/a" when the field is null as in
LISTING 1 below. My code isn't catching the null values. How can I test for
null values? I could swear I've successfully used the Len() test like below
successfully on similiar null varchar fields, but perhaps not.

Any ideas?


If Len(objRS(7)) < 1 Then
xTeamName= "n/a" ' this is problem line
xTeamName = objRS(7)
End If

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Passing Optional Values To Function

How can i pass optional values to a function? I tried this below which gave me an "Expected identifier" error:

FUNCTION cart_state_list(selectname, optional stateid as integer = 1)

If it were php here is the code

function cart_state_list($selectname, $stateid = 1)

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Returning Multiple Values From VBScript Function

I am using both VBScript and JavaScript functions in the same ASP file. All I need to do is to retrieve some values which are calculated in the VBScript function, to JavaScript. The call to the VBScript function is made through a JavaScript function. Code:

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VBScript Function Returning Multiple Values

Is there a way to return multiple values from a function without using an
array? Would a dictionary object work better? Code:

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Returning Values - Which Is Faster? ByRef Sub Or Value-returning Function

What is a faster/better coding practice?

Method 1:

Sub myFunction(byRef x)
x = x + 1 ' do something with x
End Sub

x = 7
response.write x ' shows 8
Method 2:

Function myFunction(x)
myFunction = x + 1 ' do something with x
End Function

x = 7
response.write myFunction(x) ' shows 8

Also discuss considerations when there are more than one variables that need to be changed.

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I have a form that contains another form. For some reason the "nested" form
won't submit via document.FormName.submit(); it says "object is null or not
a value" or something like that. When I place the form outside of the
original form, it works just fine...but that's not really an option here.
Any ideas why it will submit when it's outside of the form, but not when
it's within a form?

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How Can I List All The Email Address From Hotmal Contact List?

How can i list out all the email address into my website from the hotmail caontact list? i am successful log in into the yahoo contact list by using serverxmlhttp and list out all the email address from the page source, but i could not access to hotmail by using the serverxmlhttp. Is any other methos can list out the email address from hotmail contact list?

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Submitting Two Forms

I need to submit in the same page two forms to two different ASP-pages.
I created two forms, each with hidden input and a submit button. But it
doesn't work. Nothing happens with the second form.
Does it exist a way to do that?

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ASP Submitting SQL For Execution

I currently have an asp page that ask for an email address and then with selection values runs a stored procedure.

Everything runs fine but the concern is that with enough records the processing limit will be exceeded by the web server and it will cause the page to crash.

Is there a way with ASP and MSSQL to send a request to process a stored procedure but have the processing of the asp continue while the sql runs its cousre? My sp will already email the user when processing is complete I just need the asp to send the request for it to be run but not try and run it while the next page loads.

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Submitting Formdata To Db

I'm trying to submit a form field to an Access Db but I'm having a few problems, as it doesn't work.

However, when I change the emailbeta variable manually, and browse to the page, it works fine!?!?!?

I'm including each page within the index page, so I dont know if thats causing the problem, I've included all the code below. Code:

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Submitting The Contents

I am creating a website which has a form for registration. I am not using any database or server side coding. The form details should be sent through an email to me. I tried the action = "" but it only fires my outlook when the submit button is clicked.if it could be done the way I want?

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Submitting More Than One Form

I don't know if this is possible or if it even makes sense, but this is what I want to do. I have a page with a form to fill in a timesheet for a user. Depending on how many users did a "job", a form will appear on the page for each user. So basically, you could have 3 forms, all with the same names etc.

and the only thing distinguishing them is a hidden input with userID and different data for each user. Now what I want the person to be able to do is fill out all the forms on the page and submit them at one time, rather than one at a time.

Then in the asp, I'd like to iterate through each form that was submitted (obv I don't know how many were so I assume I'd go through a collection if one exists) and process them one after the next. Is this possible and if so, how do I submit them all together and how do I then go through them on the asp side.

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Submitting Form

Currently I'm able to run the insert with a form that is fully filled. My problem is I want to allow the user to leave some fields and be able to submit the form.Any ideas how I should do that?

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Submitting A Form

I have a form where students can enter their evaluations which are sent to a database. The asp code has been working flawlessly for more then two years, but suddenly when they hit the Submit button, nothing is written to the database.

Instead, the code of the submitting script is shown. No error message is shown. As far as I can tell the code is unchanged, but obviously something has happened. I would be grateful for hints on where to start looking.

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Submitting Checkboxes

if there is a way to submit all checkboxes (names and values)no mater if they are off or on (checked / unchecked). Anybody would know some scripts or tricks to get this working.

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Submitting Forms

I have an asp page with a form on it, the corm contains some list boxes that populate depending on a previous listbox choice.

for example, list box 1 is populated from a database, and user makes a chooice, form is submitted to it's self, and listbox 2 is populated from database, dependant on coice in listbox 1.

fair enough, that works a treat. but to get this working I have used the <form action = "this_page.asp" > tag, and in the first listbox, I use
<select name="F_12025" size="1" id="F_12025" onchange="products.submit()">

my problem is as follows, at a certain point, the user has completed the form and must click the submit button, to sent the form to a thirdparty dll.

I cannot find a way to submit the form to a different page than is speccified in the form tag, (in this case not a page, but a dll, but what's in a name eh?)

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Stay On The Submitting Page

Maybee a little bit of topic, but is it possible to stay on the
submitting page once you've clicked submit.

This is to get processing done on page B when you submit on page A,
and the page should not change. Normally I use a response.redirect to
the submitting page, but that can't be done in one case.

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Submitting Images Through ASP(Use To Be:image)

i wish to enable users to submit an image on one of the fields on the form within an asp page.

essentially i suppose they would submit it as an attachment though it would be entered and stored in the access dbase, from which it would be pulled in connection with specific text fields.

i'm using ultradev though trying to use an input field though it seems to talk about retrieving data. can this image as a field collection by done on the input with asp form ?

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Submitting A Form Into Iframe

how I can submit a fomr into an iFrame on the same page?
I have a page called search.asp and in it is a form with one text box and a submit button.
Once the submit is pressed, I want the iFrame to be updated with the results from the database.
(I tried adding target=[iFrame name] to the form tag, but this loads the whole page into the frame)

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Checking Db Before Submitting A Form

I have a form that currently input data into an access db. The first thing that I would like to happen when the Submit button is clicked, is to check one column in the database to see if there are any duplicates before uploading any data. So my question is, how?

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Submitting A Form With XML Parser

I want to be able to post data from a form on one server to another server at regular intervals. I know the XML parser is built around this kind of technology and can post information to a server.

Is there a way of either posting form data to a seperate server without user interaction either using the XML parser or by generating a form and using some JavaScript to autosubmit a form once the page has loaded.

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