Suggestions For Database Date Manipulation?

I need to write a script that will be able to calculate monthly totals and yearly totals. My database stores the date as "16-Apr-02" and I initially thought I'd just use greater than/less than calculations.

But, this page will need to be generic enough to hold up for a couple years so this option wouldn't work for monthly totals as soon as I get into 2003 right?

So would the best way to go be to parse the date and just look to extract the "Apr", "May", etc for the monthly totals and use the greater/less thans for the yearly totals, or is there even a better way of doing what I'm looking to do?

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Suggestions For Storing Variables OTHER THAN A Database

I am creating a page that will help college students to determine what schedule they should follow when choosing classes for the next semesters. I will have a database in Access that will list all the different courses they need to graduate & the info surrounding them (including what classes they need to take before they can take specific classes).

Students will fill in their current grades of classes on a form with all the classes listed & then based on what they have taken, this will provide a schedule for the remainder of their classes. I plan to use ASP, VB,& SQL to achieve this.

This is my question: It would be much easier to simply have the student's grades be placed in another table HOWEVER, due to security reasons, I cannot do that. I will need to store the grades (as well as the classes that they were for) in an array of some sorts.

Any suggestions? I was debating putting them in a database & then deleting or clearing that database upon them leaving but I do not know if that is the best solution. HelP? Code:

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Database Manipulation

I have a fairly simple access database that I want to be able to view/update/delete etc from a html page using asp. The database would be on a server and would use a dsn connection to it.

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Suggestions On TreeView

i want to have tree view navigation in my site.Anyone who has come across a good tool that is easy to code and maintain (and with good performance of course)? I don't mind invest to get a really good treeview utility.

Ones I have found so far are and projectseven's. One thing important, it has to support unicode well. Most data are in chinese characters.

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Book Suggestions

I am looking for suggestions on book titles. I want great books for:

ASP (VbScript)

Suggestions for or against any titles?

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Select Statement Comparing Date() & Date Field Of Database

i'm new here and i'd like to ask if there's someone who knows how to compare date() function and date from database with date/time type inside select statement so i don't have to do if..then..else

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Security Suggestions For Intranet

reworking some security for an intranet. need to know if this will do it. user logs in and a session variable is set to true. also a time snapshot is take when they login. if the time has been over 10 minutes without visiting another page its set to false. aslo if they log out its set to false. are there any holes that i should be aware of?

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ASP Shopping Cart Suggestions, What's Your Experience?

Can anyone suggest a good shopping cart they have had experience with in ASP? I have a client looking for something and I don't want to take the time to write my own (actually they have a pretty short deadline and I'm not good enought at asp to write one that quick). I'm looking for something that I can customize with a XHTML/CSS site.

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Compare A Date In My Database To The Current Date

I am trying to compare a date in my database to the current date. MySQL statement is:

sqltemp5="select * from users where dateclosed <= '" & date & "'"

What I am trying to accomplish is exclude records where the dateclosed field is older than todays date. Such as if dateclosed = 6/30/2004 then today being 08/25/2004 that record should be excluded.

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MS SQL Database Field Date Comparison To Date()

In a connection string, I have the following:

sql3 = "SELECT DISTINCT State FROM Property Where TypeID = '" & srch_cat & "'"

In the database, is a field called expiredDate I am trying to show only records whose expiredDates are greater than todays date, but I am messing up somewhere. The values in the fields are as this: 3/7/03 (or something like time is added to it)

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404 Error: Page Cannot Be Displayed; Suggestions For Resolving?

I currently have a few asp pages linking together. On one page (postNew1.asp) it has a form that allows administrative users to enter a new form.

When creating a new form, there is also a file input box for the user to upload a filename.

If the user does not enter a correct filename, I have an alert box showing "invalid filename" when ever the user presses the "OK". It will not allow him to go anywhere until he enters a valid filename. Code:

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Date In Database

On my machine in the office I change the computer setting to English (UK) so the date format is dd/mm/yyyy instead of mm/dd/yyyy for US.this problem happens in either Access or SQL Server. In the database I have a table with Date/time column. The database is
located on a machine that is set to dd/mm/yyyy also.

When I enter date 7/1/08 (as in January 7, 2008), it stores it in the database as 1/7/08 instead of 7/1/08. Why is it like that and how can I make the database stores it as 7/1/08 ?

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Take Date From Database

i am trying to get date from the database whic is in the form of mm/dd/yy and load into a form . which would contain 3 combo boxes representing day, month , year. and once the form is loaded the whole date should be shown selected to the user. And also give the user to change the date by selecting any value from the drop down boxes. is this that complex as it sounds? how do i make this happen?

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Enter Date In Database

how can I enter a Date in database using now()?

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Submit Date In DataBase

The user wish send a greeting card and choice a data to be sent, per example after 1 month, the system if auto-send in the date submited for the user for the From Email submited.

The information is made in the database, but how i can do the system for that the greeting cards if auto-send for the from email, without without having the necessity of everyday access a page to send the cards of the day?

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Date Format Into Database...

I set up a menu program for a client a few days ago using ASP and an Access database. I have a field in a form with a popup calendar. The form field is such that a date will be entered as 09/05/2005 (short date).

I specifed as much in the Access database when setting it up. Ok, so it was working great for a few days but then today I went to open the program on my father in laws computer (in Hungarian) and when I open the Access database, the date field is entered like this - 2005.05.09 I am clueless as to what is going on. Anyone shed some light?

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String Manipulation

I ran into a problem where I need some help

I am having a form textfield receiving a number like


In my sql database i want to have this number being manipulated that it will only insert 100001. How can I do this?

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String Manipulation

What im trying to achieve is this:

Getting the HTML code of a website, and then extracting specific information. Im trying to get flight information from a website, but there may be more than one flight in a search i want it to loop untill it cant get any more.

I've managed to get the html from the other website, and i've also managed to get the first flight on the page.

I believe my problem is with this part of code (might want to review full code below):


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Text Manipulation

I've been asked by a friend to try and code something that works like this and I would be able to except for the fact that it's on a IIS server without PHP.

That said, I wouldn't mind learning ASP now that I have a project to learn on, but I need to do it in decent time. Could anybody point me to a package that does something like this that I could pick apart and learn from, or point me to some worth while ASP text manipulation links that might get me a good start on learning what I need to get it done?

And as a last choice if I can't get it done quick enough, does anybody have any links to premade packages that I could purchase that would do the same thing?

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String Manipulation

I have a string (ie. I want to replace the number after last "." with another number. What would be the best way to do it?
the lenght of the number after last "." may change and the lenght of the number to be replace varies as well

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String Manipulation

How do I seperate the "chk_" and "33" in the following string:


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Time Manipulation

My attendance system records time IN and OUT in the format 5:00 AM and 5:00PM. I want to generate a report that "how many IN in between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM"

if have tested as rs("eventtime")>"7:00" and rs("eventtime")<"8:00"

its working but its the same result for AM or PM.How can i differentiate and test AM and PM.

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Image Manipulation In ASP

I am researching option for doing the following in ASP:

1. Thumbnailing an image as it is uploaded and/or selected by user, basing the thumbnail size on the current image dimensions [hence need to detect image dimensions]

2. Rotate an uploaded image [portrait to landscape and vice-versa]

Googling I find a wide range of mainly commercial COM components for doing this and other manipulations.

I am wondering what is the most "standard" way of doing this in normal ASP (3.0). Do servers tend to have preinstalled components for this? Is there a set of components most commonly used?

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Browser Manipulation

How do you redirect a script that create a browser without a url address and the size of the browser is intact?

I've seen this before(forgot the site!) but dont know exactly how this is done.

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TXT File Manipulation

I have a text file that I have to retreve certain parts of it, and store them into variables. *its a lot* You can download the txt file at the following location. What my main goal is to move down past the 2nd set of "****" and start to collect values. (the number of lines before the 2nd set of "****" could change) So i need to store each of the columes into an array. or something liekt hat.

I just need to get the seperated characters by " " into seperate variables for ALL the lines between the 2nd "****" and the 3rd .

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String Manipulation

I have a dynamic string where the length varies.I need to write a function that will return part of a string, placed between first 2 symbols and last 3 symbols. For example the string DEVELOPMENT will return the following: ...

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String Manipulation

I have a very long string, that I need to cut up into more usable sections and display or write to text file. It should: Read the string in, move along the string x number of characters then find the nearest end of the sentance, eg. a . or ? write a new line and do this again. Basically I want to end up with a number of lines of full sentances of a similar length.

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Image Manipulation

I have short term project, and I haven't used ASP in a long time. I need to know about image manipulation, I need to take an image that is uploaded, and make a thumbnail of it, (as well as one about 50% scale).

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String Manipulation

This looks elementary but I dont know how . How do I remove the trailing text after a symbol @. and wanted my_username to remain as a result?

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String Manipulation

I have a first name last initial, all displayed as one. I want to break it appart & show capital letters on the initials. IE: "johnd" > "John D"

Did a search around the forums, but only found info on the "replace" function. Don't think I could do this with that function alone. This should be a simple problem, but I'm pretty new to asp (not to programming though).

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String Manipulation

I want to split a string like: "mapname1/mapname2/mapname3/" into:


placing them into an array would be great but I really don't know how I can do this?

Is there somebody who could help me out with this please?

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Photo Manipulation

Is it possible to do any photo (jpg) maniputlation in an ASP script? I'd like to be able to rotate a photo. Also, if it can be done, reduce a file size to produce a thumbnail. If so, can anyone point me to the resources for learning to do this.

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File Manipulation

i can do this in c++ and but how in asp can I set the stream to the last line of the file go back 1 line instert charecters in there.

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