System Of Game Result

Eu gostaria de criar a seguinte página e gostaria da ajuda de todos. I have a data base (jogos.mdb) that he has a name table (resultados). In the table resulted I have the

fields: data | time1 | resultado1 | time2 | resultado2

I want to create a command that goes to show these information nu'ma line of a page any. Example of as he will have to be shown: 12/03/2006 São Paulo 1 x Saints 0 . I would like to not only call these information a data base that goes to be in another site and in that the data base will be housed. I do not have idea of as I can make this. They can help me to create this page.

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Filter The Result And Display The Final Result

it is possible to compare the result of 2 recordset and
filter those similiar results,and display only the remaining results

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Game Programming

I am developing a blackjack game which is multiplayer, multitable game in which 4 users playing on each table.
There are 8 tables like this.
I am generating random cards through my random card function. Main problem is that I want to track cards for avoiding repitition. I can use application veriable for one table . But how to do for multitable ? We can't track it on session side as well as application side as all tables are in one application.

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The Name-the-function Game

I'm trying to detect if a specific character is in my string. I looked through all the string functions via-google and I can't seem to find one. I'm trying to use:

if InStr(myString, *) = "" then
print: the * isn't in the string
print: the * is in the string
end if

but this doesn't seem to work... Any ideas?

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Game With Highscore

I am looking for a free ASP game code that I can use on my site. I'm not too fussed what thjegame is but I would like ti to have a higgh score chart to increase the interactivity of my site.

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Game Script

I'm trying to teach myself ASP, I've done very small modifications before but would like to get into it seriously and so have decided to build a website using ASP, obviously this has to be something of interest to me to help me through the hard "head scratching" coding times, so I've decided to attempt to make a fantasy league game for Moto GP.

I know, I know not very easy (well maybe it is for you, but not me) Anyways I was looking for a good script on the web which I could sit down and look at and then rip to pieces and rebuild so that it will fit what I want it to do (I often find it's a good way of learning)

However I've been completely unable to find an ASP script anywhere for a fantasy type game.

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Talkin To A Game Server

how to MONITOR (send/recieve) data from a game? (or game server) I've spoken with a few people, and they say I need to tie into the game's API that it uses for the chat channel, but I've no idea how to do that (I assume a technology like ASP, along with some other technologies or not) should be able to communicate with a game. Does anyone have resources I can read up on or can spread some light on the situation?

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Adding E-mail System (for Web Based Tracking System)

I am currently developing a final year project which is a web based
tracking system tracking exam questions. I am using IIS as the
server, MS access for the database, and ASP with VBScript for the
scripting side of things.

One of the things I want to do would be to e-mail a user/moderator
whenever a exam question is edited/completed/updated. does anyone have
any previous expierence in this? i don't even know where to start.

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What Is The Asp Code Variable For System Date And System Time?

What is the asp code variable for System Date and System Time? Are they built-in system variables, or is there some code involved to return the values?

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Sum Result

I have a database setup and the results come out as

Product 1: Shorts
Size: M
Price: £2.99

Product 2: T-Shirt
Size: XL
Price: £3.99


What I need to do is total these up

The Cells are called:

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Result Set

I want to do some checking for my table for eg:

I want to check if the table for which year then if same year then do something.....

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Calculation Result

Does anyone know how i can make

Dim excl

excl = rs("price") / 1.175

return only a 2 decimal place number

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Top 10 Search Result

i want to have a search application wherein it returns a results page and arranged based on the most relevant word. can you please give me an idea with this or point me to any info.

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Assigning The Result

How can I assign the result of a SQL-query to an ASP variable? This is what I have so far but it doesn't seem to work. Code:

dim strSQL
strSQL="select TestID FROM TestID_Description WHERE CL1='" &Request.Form("CL1")& "' AND CL2='" &Request.Form("CL2")& "'AND CL3='" &Request.Form("CL3")& "'AND CL4='" &Request.Form("CL4")& "'AND CL5='" &Request.Form("CL5")& "'AND CL6='" &Request.Form("CL6")& "'"

Maybe it's interesting to know that TC_Number is the primary key of the table.

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Detect Result

The delete method of the FileSystemObject.FileObject does not return a result. If permissions disallow deletion, it will not raise an error. Conversely, if the delete method does succeed, a call to FileExists directly afterward may return true because the system hasn't updated yet (or whatever actually goes on). Is there any way to accurately check the result of a deletion?

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ASP Result Page

why my results page is not coming back with anything?? I have set up a simple form in dreamweaver, it connects to a access database and IIS web server. When i test the recordset it works ok (returning the desired affect).

It uses a post method therefore the recordset uses form variable. But when i preview in browser(either IE or Firefox or Netscape) and enter text the browser comes back with something like the page does not exist or can't be found? It's not the recordset and result page so is there something else i'm missing?

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Joining 2 Result Sets

i want to left join result sets together coming from two different databases based on a common field storenumber. They are separate databases as per management design.

Basically it should match rows based on the store number, those who don't have matches should display only the storenumber and no other info like: Code:

Store Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 x x x x
2 x x x x
3 <--No data in 3, just display storenumber
4 x x x x

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Keep Track Of The Query Result

I have a search form that display result based on the user search criteria.
the result displayed through paging when the user select a specific product description to look at then go back
to the search result the user will lose it's place.

my question is:
How can I let the user search the database for all the products that I have then select a specific product to read the description of it
then be able to go back to the original search. I have the first part working fine but to be able to go back to the original search that I need your help. Code:

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Refreshing Page With Result Set

My web page is calling a result set that is displayed on the page. If I click refresh, it pops a warning saying, "The page cannot be refreshed without resending the information." I then have to click RETRY in order to refresh the page.

Is there anyway to automatically perform that action so that my users will not have to be prompted?

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Search Result By Relevancy

i am trying to make a search/result page(using asp, dreamweaver,iis,winnt,miscrosoft access database) wherein the results page brings up the most relevant words or phrases and not in alphabetical order.

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How To Deal With Big Query Result?

In my search application, user can type a number to search. I use LIKE in my

If a query result generates over 10,000 recordsets, it may several minutes
to run.

Is there a way to only query certain recordset at a time?

I found in SQL you can use "TOP". Like select TOP 100.... it will return
only top 100 records.

Is there a way to query may be from 101 to 200 then from 201 to 300...

My query is like: Select * from Product where PartNumber like '%" PartNumber

Any idea is welcome.

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Execute Asp From Database Result?

I'm working on a application where I've created a couple of Sub routines I call them from my ASP page.

But I would love to put the hole HTML including my "call showOffers" in my database and when I get the result set do I want to execute the "call showOffer". Is this possible?

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Asp Script For Forms Result

I am struggling to come up with a way to save a forms' results, to a text file, but the name of the text file comes from the input of a user name on another forms...

ex. john doe enters pg1 & enters his name in a space on the page (form) . this links him to the next page, pge_form. I need the results of page_form to be named johndoe.txt

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Optimizing - Large Db Result Set

when creating a webpage that must display a large result set, the page load time is unbearable. Unfortunately, there are a lot of records and they all need to be displayed, at once, on this one page.

To reduce file size, I have minimized the amount of HTML tags used to dislay these records. My only other idea is to write javascript matrix to hold the data, and then to use dom to create the page on the client side. Are there any tried and true ways of speeding up page loads?

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Database Result Error

We have completed a clean install of Microsoft Server 2003
on our Web Server and are using frontpage 2002 for our web
site. On our asp page ( we
are getting the following error:

Database Results Error
Description: Syntax error in query. Incomplete query
Number: -2147217900 (0x80040E14)
Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine

We cannot find any kind of documentation on this error.
Has anyone else seen this kind of error, and know how to
fix it?

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Result To Multiple Pages

This is my first post to this newsgroup, I have question regarding showing resultset to html. Let's say I have in resultset 200 rows, and I'd like to show on each page 10 of them, so it could look like for example google search results:

Results 1 - 10 of about 17,700 for "asp search engine" [results]
Result Page: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next

Is there some helpful script/guide?

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Count The Result In A Record Set.

I have a question about looping in a recordset. I'm actually showing some actualities in a page, based on a start and end date. All is working well. My problem is that I put a <hr> between each news, but I don't want a <hr> at the end of the last news. I would like to count how many results I have in my recordset so I would be able not to show the last <hr>.

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Percentage On Search Result

i'm sure there're no post about this in asp forum.Any idea how do I show the percentage number for the matching result.

example :

Your search for xxxx :

1. item 1 98%
2. item 2 86%
3. item 3 75%

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Realtime Result Checking

i have a command object that executes an insert for a billing system.i also have a recordset object that creates a cursor to check. the credits status before. Another to check the credits status after.however, both appear to be the same when i do a response.write .How could i check the credits before and the credits after online and realtime ?

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Return A Cgi Script Result

How can I have ASP call a cgi script, via Form-GET, and then display the results in the same ASP page?

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SQL Result To Excel File.

I have a SQL query to generate the report for me in SQL Query Analyzer. I would like to create an ASP page that has a link, and when people click on that link, it will prompt a download message (open or save) in Excel format. Is there any codes can do this?

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Get A Result Page To Display

I have a search page that allows user to search a SQL database and want the result page to display on a search page. How do I get the result page to display on a search page when user clicks a search button. Have you got any sample codes to demonstrate this?

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Second Table From Sp_help Result

I am using SQL Server 2000 and I want to be able to list out all the field names and their datatypes from a particular table. I found out that sp_help does that but unfortunately when using a recordset, I could only get the first of the 3 tables.

Is there anyway to get the second table using a recordset because that is the one with all the info about the fields and their datatypes? Or is there another way of finding out the datatypes of the fields?

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