Table Design In Edit Mode,weekly Timesheet

I need to create dynamicly an ouput table that users can edit their hours and cost center. Each day have maximum 2 entries for week if they have one entry per week, then the design table will have an empty text box for users to enter in....

Please see the attached outline to show the weekly timesheet in edit mode. Below is the query I am using it. Code:

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Table Design In Edit Mode

I need to create dynamicly an ouput table that users can edit their hours and cost center. Each day have maximum 2 entries for week if they have one entry per week, then the design table will have an empty text box for users to enter in.see the attached outline to show the weekly timesheet in edit mode. Below is the query I am using it ....

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Edit And Delete From A Table

I have a table which views fields from database to users. I have the edit and delete links in each row. My question is how do I get the id of the row in the url to use in the action page?

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Edit An HTML Table

I have a dynamic html table. I want to write the code to edit rows in the table. Right now I can't change anything in the table. How do I make the rows so they can be selected and changed.

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Edit HTML Table With Asp

I have tried to edit table in html page with asp, but I havent succeeded in it. The pupose was to check with "if" function that does the variable fit into certain number array. For example:

if data1 < 100 then
"change the colour in a certain cell in a HTML table
end if

Is it possible to change with asp the properties in a html table? The purpose was to change the colour in a certain cell if the condition in the if function does not match. And if it is possible.. how I can point to a certain cell and change the colour in it.

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Edit Multiple Records In A Single Table

I am using a db to hold student data records. I currently display them in a roster based on their affiliation with a certain class. To edit a record I need to click the name of an individual, it opens an edit page, I make the changes, hit submit and return to the roster.

This is pretty standard stuff. What I would like to do is change one field of every record without opening each record individually. The idea comes from my Fantasy Fball league roster:

McNabb, Donovan QB PHI ActiveReserve
Droughns, Reuben RB DEN ActiveReserve
Johnson, Rudi RB CIN PIT ActiveReserve

Where the example above says "ActiveReserve" is a pull down menu that lets me change who is playing week to week. I can then change each record, hit submit one time, and update the db. So how do they do it?

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Weekly Report

I want to create a weekly report on diciplinary actions taken. I dont
have an idea of how i'm goint to go about doing it. I have done the yearly
reports and the monthly reports without much hasle. I just dont know how
to create a weekly report.

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Weekly Emails

For a System I'm Creating I wish to send a weekly reminder to everyone in the database. Could you help me go about this as I dont even know where to start?

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Total Weekly Hours

I am using a select sum(tot_daily) as total hours calculates the time incorretly...
ID | Tot_hrs | Person
1 5.45 A
2 5.45 A
3 5.45 A

The total hours should be 17 hours 15 mins...but the result comes as 16.35.... Is there a way to calculate it as 17.15 in db level in a select statement

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Creating Weekly Calendar

I need to create a weekly calendar in which each day has 13 time slots. I would like to create a reservation system where by a member can log in, look at the calendar, be able to see which are the free slots and then reserve a particular time slot. I don't know how I can do this?

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Pick Five Records At Random From Db And Rotate Them Weekly

I need to pull five records randomly from a database, and display them on a web page. These need to change weekly.

Is there a way to do this in ASP?

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Set The Authentication Mode

I found some code on the Internet that I have modified for my needs and it works nicely from a localhost, but not when it is sitting on our intranet server.I believe the reason is that the instruction

<authentication mode="Windows" />

is missing.

In I would put this instruction in web.config, but since the code is in an earlier version of asp (the code is at I don't know how to include it.

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Background Mode

I have done a CMS system and if I could do something in background mode,for example, send a newsletter.I don't want to wait until the page loads completely.I'm creating a mail object for each record of my newsletter suscriptors,I don't know if it would be better to use bcc with all records.

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Module Mode

Is it possible to make message box or input box in Classic ASP in Modal mode ? At least accordingly to parent window?

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In Debug Mode Page

I am running an ASP application from within VS .NET 2003. When I run, the files are put in readonly mode, even thought its only an ASP page. Is there a way to edit the ASP (not ASP.NET) page (not in the middle of debugging ofcourse) without quitting debug mode

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My Exe Is Running In Silent Mode

i tried to open an exe through a shortcut from an ASP page. although the exe shows in the task manager i cant see its UI.can anyone help me with it. i used the following code

cmdExe = "D:DevWalkwire est.exe"
Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run (/c cmdExe)
Set WshShell = Nothing

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Ie Not Visible In Debug Mode

i have searched through a ton of past posts in an effort to find the
answer to my problem but so far have come up with nothing.
The problem I am experiencing is with VS6, visual interdev on windows
2000, with IIS.

When ever i attempt to debug my asp web app the debugger will step into
the code and will start an Iexplore.exe process, but not actually make
internet explorer visible.

Does anyone know any way round this I have spent loads of time trying
to sort it already.

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Upload Files In Offlline Mode

I'm developing a web site and i need to make adminisration for this site it's a site for Real Estates . But I don't need the administration to be online . I want them to fill data and images offline and then send them online.

but i have a problem regarding the images i want it to be sent to the web site So i want if there is a possible way to fill data offline and this will put it in offline database then on browsing images it'll be sent online and at the same time put on their location i adjusted offline . So how can i put Images at a desired location Offline and at the same time upload them online .

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Page Cannot Be Displayed In Release Mode

I am pretty new to, and have recently taken over a project. I have
gotten to the point where I am about to release my changes, but for some
reason when i build the project in release mode and launch in in IE I always
get a "The Page cannot be displayed" page instead of my login form.

Anyone have any ideas? The applciation works fine in debug mode, its just in
release mode that this happens.

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Memory Leak Only When Compiled In Release Mode

We have an webservice application that has a memory leak when the application
is compiled release mode. However, when the application is compiled in debug
mode it does not exhibit a memory leak.

We are running .net 1.1 compiled with VS 2003.

The application does reference an unmanaged dll that provides security
functionality. This dll is instantiated once and referenced on every web
service call.

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Get Data From Previous Page And Display It As Before But With Disabled Mode.

how can i get the data submitted by the previous form using " for each x in Request.Form " and display them same as the the previous form before and the only different is tat this time the all the data in this form is being disabled. (the data may consists from text box, combo box, radio button, etc.) . just wondering is there any way to perfrom like this..

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MS Visual Interdev 6 - Search Mode With Results Explorer?

When searching through code in Vis. Interdev 6, when in the Find
dialog, it listed the results in the results pane below. The cursor
didn't change position to the next found item until you clicked on a
line in the results.

This is actually a nice feature that I haven't seen before -
all the matches show up at once in a list,
with a column containing the text for the line the string was found
in, so you can quickly see the context of the match.

Anyway, the first couple times I used CTRL-F, I saw a results pane.
Then I must have changed something without realizing,
because now when you search, no results appear in the results pane,
but the cursor moves in the editor window. This is the behavior I am
used to with Vis Studio 6, but I would prefer to turn the results
pane back on.

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COM Design

At the core of my DB schema is a request table. This entity has one or
more assignment records and each assignment record has one or more
assignment log records. The log tracks assignment actions such as hold,
release, open, close, etc.
In VB, I would normally create Request, Assignment, and AssignmentLog for
the data. I would also create two custom collections for Assignments and
AssignmentLogs. Given any Request ID, I could populate everything else
with encapsulated queries and recordsets. The request object could
implement properties to give the currently assigned helper, open state,
elapsed time, etc.
My question to you is; how to I implement this model for the Web? As I
understand it, web objects are stateless. If my request object can't
persist its data in memory, then does it have to fire a query every time
the caller wants a property value? Will I always have to pass the
RequestID in as a parameter?

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If I wanted to write my own blog application, what functionality should it contain?

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CMS Design

I want to write a shop content management system in ASP.However the database holding the products for sale will be on a different pc to the webserver.I do not want the remote webserver pc to authenticate against the sql server.

Ideally the cms should produce static html pages which could be indexed by a search engine.So far,the most likely solution will be for the web pages to include javascript includes which will reference an asp page on the same machine which houses the sql server, this will then insert the values into the web page at run time.

I could make it so that the sql server PC creates the entire website, then automatically ftps' it to the remote website - however the problem here would be that the ftp would probably go wrong a lot and generate loads of support calls.

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Better Design

which is a better model to implement to design a database with all the constraints during the design of tables, etc, etc or to write the code ( in asp ) and implement the constraints needed when storing data by means of the code.

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Design Approach

I will have a web site where hotels can list themselves on it.One thing I am encountering that is a challenge, is that every hotel has different types of rooms. Also, every hotel has the normal high and low seasons, and some even have more seasons such as shoulder, weekend, etc. which affect room rates. So here is how I concieve the design:
First, allow hotels to specify how many seasons they have, perhaps with a drop-down box of values such as 1,2,3...6,7 etc. They would then be presented with a series of text boxes, and asked to define the season, such as "High" "Low", etc. Adjacent to every season would be a beginning and ending date for that season. Next, they would be asked how many types of rooms they have, such as a drop down with 1,2,3,....5,6,7. Once decided,a form would present itself with form fields for the each room, such as description, ameneities, and most importanty, rates PER season. The seasons would be defined from previous step and would be unique for each hotel.
Once complete, this would give a web site where I could list hotels and each would have its seasons, rooms and rates listed uniquely.Is this a good concept?

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Design View

yet my colleague can? (when looking at exactly the same page - same destination folder etc)
Is there some sort of setting, so that you dont only see those small yellow ASP blocks when looking at the design view, and see the layout of the page , with the tables etc?
I realise that most of you gurus dont use the design view at all, but it is something that using ASP,

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Database Design

I need to have a webpage that starts off with content down the side and along the top, when the respective top and side have a value id like it showing up at where the side and the top meet. I had tables in my database that linked up and when I ran a form with a subform it seemed to work well.

But I cant seem to get anywhere close to pulling the data down correctly to a webpage so help.Its difficult to kinda explain what I want to do and I seem to be having a difficult time making it run properly.

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Database Design

how most of ya'll design your databases and why in that particular way? I'm specifically interested in setting up tables in which the data are contain registration information and table2 contains account information and comments.

How would I link these? I'm thinking using a standard primary such as autonum and when they register to write to the two tables but i might be mistaken.

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General Design

I have customers that I designed a site for. I am almost complete with the site, and they are saying that the font is too small. However, on my computer it looks just like the font on devshed and everyother site. Are there any suggestions out there, as to maybe their settings are messed up or my scripting is bad .

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Application Design

I am currently creating an intranet application, in which the staff will be able to create their personal profile uploading their pictures and such. Now i have tend to act cautious when users need to upload their picture. i have set the maximnum size to 30kb.

my project manager seem to think otherwise saying this might discourage pple from using the application. I need some advice though as regards the maximum size of the picture.
Also, does ASP has any inbuilt object that can resize a picture before storing in a database.

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I have coded my pages in HTML and named them as ASP. I would like to use a trailing string i.e. . which pulls from a database of plan names and corresponding prices over a user selected interval. I want to offer pricing over these intervals:


with a percentage discount being offered for each greater length of time. The user should be able to use radio buttons to select how to pay and after this a paypal button should be generated with the designated amount.

Now that I have layed out what my intensions are, does anyone have any ideas of how to complete my goals using ASP? and if ASP will not do the trick does anyone know of a better/differnat way to do this.

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