Table Layout

I am building my own webpage using HTML, Access DB and ASP. I have built the HTML pages but I have one query. I posted this in HTML forum already and was told to ask here. I have a form that is filled in by the web administrator that must be displayed on main page. It is a timetable for a cinema and the information can be submitted into a database table.

I only want to have a maximum of 3 rows in the table, one for each screen. Is this possible? My other query is when Im extracting the film information from the db table to the users page I want it to look lilke something resembling this:

Screen: 1 Screen: 2 Screen: 3
Film: Oceans 12 Film: The Village Film: Shrek
Mon: 8.00 Mon: 8.00 Mon: 8.00
Tue: 8.00 Tue: 8.00 Tue: 8.00
Wed: 8.00 Wed: 8.00 Wed: 8.00
Thu: 8.00 Thu: 8.00 Thu: 8.00
Fri: 8.00 Fri: 8.00 Fri: 8.00

Do I create a html table for each that is overwritten once, say, "The Terminal" is entered instead of "Oceans 12" in screen 1 by the administrator?

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Same Layout

I have the same layout for a few dozen pages and want to know if there is an asp code or something else that would allow it to load 1x and only the new content reload.

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Fso Layout

I need a page or set of pages to allow a user to mange the file system under a certain folder. This certain folder will be determined by authentication and db checks. So the user will need to be able to Rename files or folders, Delete files or folders and move files or folders.

I can handle writing the code to do this but I am stuck on a user interface. Does anyone have a good example they would be willing to show me?

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Create Layout

I have a lot pages on my web site, and I don't want to go through and make each one. So I want to have a querystring to load each pages layout from my ms access database, and I don't know where to start.

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Formatted Layout

I am currently migrating my MS Access Program to ASP. My only problem is I cannot migrate my report since the layout is different. Is there a way where I can use WYSIWYG format?

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I have coded my pages in HTML and named them as ASP. I would like to use a trailing string i.e. . which pulls from a database of plan names and corresponding prices over a user selected interval. I want to offer pricing over these intervals:


with a percentage discount being offered for each greater length of time. The user should be able to use radio buttons to select how to pay and after this a paypal button should be generated with the designated amount.

Now that I have layed out what my intensions are, does anyone have any ideas of how to complete my goals using ASP? and if ASP will not do the trick does anyone know of a better/differnat way to do this.

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Data Layout

I have the following problem. As some of you already know (because they already helped me a lot), I am showing data in a table. The first code is correct. It shows my numbers with two digits behind the comma and negative numbers in brackets and in red. Code:

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Repeating Region Layout

I have a repeating region set up in Dreamweaver for products. At the minute, when processed the records come out like this (one after the other)


However, I want to have three in a row (until end of table)

x x x
x x x
x x

Is there anyway to accomplish this?

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The Layout Of Retrieved Data

The link for the photos are requested from the server and so the photo
appears on screen. I can produce a long list by using the response.write ***
& "<br>" or whatever. but is it possible to have it start on the next line
after say 5 photos in a line. i.e. where each - is a photo

- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

rather then
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Spreadsheet Type Layout

I am semi-new to ASP. I'm in the process of making several reports and I wanted to condense one of our reports to fit nicely on a web page. This report consists of about 5 different queries.

I want to make a table like the one below in ASP. I thought I would just make a table and go from there but I quickly realized I can't.

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Neatening Code:: To Separate Layout?

I was wondering is there is a way to neaten up or rather seperate the main layout and the asp codes? For example, to have a main.asp(which is solely the design and layout) and include other .asp files that retrives and records the records.

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Data Entry Through Forms Layout

I have a table layed out in SQL 2000 like the following:

Username Date Hours Period
john 1/1 10 1
john 1/2 20 1

How simple is it for me to build a data entry form in ASP that would display this with input boxs for the hours field. The problem is I need it to span left to right on th eweb page.

Period 1
1/1 1/2 etc------------>
box box


The key to the look would be the current period.

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Neatening Code :: Separate From Main Layout?

if there's a better way to seperate my asp code from the main layout? like to have an index.asp(solely the layout and design) and just include other .asp files to display the records.

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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How To Open A Recordset For A Table Has Space In The Table NAME?

I am trying to display the content of a Table called

'Order Detail' directly from the database (e.g., Northwind.mdb). I have the following commands:

Set tableSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

tableSet.Open table_name, DB_name, adOpenForwardOnly, _
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

where, table_name = ''Order Detail" Or
table_name = 'Order Detail' Or different variations.

I always get error on the second command with the following message:
Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause

which I believe because of space in the Table Name. How can I resolve this issue? (working with file or table name with space)?

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Table Inside A Table Update To DB

I have a table with many txt boxes which i have inside a form with a submit button to an update page which adds all the details to a db. The problem is i have a another table inside the first e.g. table 2. i want to be able to update table2 by clicking a second submit button that would update it. Is it possible to have a form within a form or how can i do it??

Also i need to update the entire table in one go. For exampple if i have 3 records in table2 i want to be able to update them all by clicking the one update button. Code:

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Copying From Table 1 Inserting In Table 2

I have the following code but this is inserting manually. I want to make a query from table 1 and automatically enter the records into table 2. What needs to be modified? Code:

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Bookmarking A Position In A Table <table>

Have an app which dynamically creates table rows depending on records, these can be several hundred (don't ask). Hence a very long page at time. Each row includes a hyper link to a new page, and a link back to the original page.

Is there any method (maybe via js) where on leaving the second page l can redirect the browser to the table row the end user clicked on? Hence the bookmarking. Can do this via Visual Basic on the desktop app, but can't work it out on the web app.

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How To Get Data From A Table Into A Table Form?

I have a table produced with names across the top and services down the left hand side with boxes for numbers for people who recieve services then the info is written into a table in an access db. That works fine and here is that code:

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Best Method Of Updating Table From 2nd Table

I have two tables. Table A has 20,000 records, Table B has 2,000 records. Table A is what needs to be updated from the data in Table B. Only some fields will be updated and of course, only some records - both tables have the same field as a ClientID so matching up records should be easy.

Anyways, been a while since I have used ASP to work on things like this but would like to work through this one. I understand the process I believe, it is just how to make it go on to the next record once it has finished updating the first.

Basically, I was thinking of having it set up to reaad the top record from Table B, update applicable data in Table A. Delete that record in Table B. Move on to the next.

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Record Set For Id From Table 1 To Table 2

Hello I have a page for registering users.

I am reciveing this error:

The following errors occured:
- An error occured. -2147217904 : No value given for one or more required parameters.

there are students and teachers. therefore I have 3 tables one for logins and one for staff and on for students.

I have a form designed to capeture the need information.

in the code I am runing an if and elseif statmetn to determin the tables. I then insert the userid and password into the login table.

then i enter the remaining information into ither the staff or student table. what i am trying to do is select the perimary number that is generated as the userid and passeword are enterd. and add this to the second table. Code:

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How To Make Column Of Table 1 = To Column Of Table 2?

I want MS Access 2000 database column of table 1 = column of table 2. This is what I was doing: Code:

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Asp Table

I have a database app that I'm building and displaying my results in a table.
I need to know for anyone who can help how to have one row say red and the next row say green for instance.

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SQL In Getting Table Name

I have menubox that shows all the datbases in a directory. When the user highlights a database, the chosen value gets stored in an Application variable(its a control panel).

Id like this Application variable to populate another menubox with a listing of all the tables within the selected database. However, I'm having trouble getting these values and google hasn't been much help. Code:

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Whole New Table

Can i, using asp code, create whole new table in my DB?
I have clients on my site and each client buys itmes and i want to store the purchase i thought that each client has its own table like member "John" has "JohnOrders" a table reserved only for him..
Which means i need to create a table using code each time a user register.
am i doing this right beacuse i've seen people have just one "ORDERS" table but i cant understand how the stuff all the info about all users into 1 table?

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Get Table Row

how can i get the table row index so that i can highlight the entire row when the user click on the row.Below is teh code i have tried but failed... cos it only hightlight a single cell.

var oSelected = null;
if (oSelected != null)
oSelected.bgColor = "white";
oSelected = window.event.srcElement;
oSelected.bgColor = "lightskyblue";

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i want to create a table from a txt file seleted by the user and display on the browser. anyone can offer some tips on ow to do it?

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XML To Db Table

how to convert xml data to access table using asp.

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Add Table Gridlines?

How can I add table gridlines to this? border of 1 inch?

call OpenDB()
set rs = Dbconn.Execute("EXEC spRES")
Response.Write "<table>"
Response.Write "<tr>"
For Each oField In rs.Fields
Response.Write "<th>" & oField.Name & "</th>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Do Until rs.EOF
Response.Write "<tr>"
For Each oField In rs.Fields
Response.Write "<td>" & oField.Value & "</td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write "</table>"

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ASP Trying To Access SQL Table..

Trying to access an SQL Table....


I have a form that is set up to search the table and attached is the code that is trying to get data from that table.
Need help please, if anyone has any ideas.

This is the error Im getting:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '2003'.

/pub/property/tpp/SearchRes.asp, line 124

I cant figure it out.

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Table Not Updated

I am using an Insert command in my asp code that Inserts a rows in my database. After the Insert command i create a recordset and ask for all the rows in the table that i aplied the insert command Some times the rows i get are correct but sometimes the database is not updated by the time the recordset is opened.

Is there any way to wait until the table is updated with the new rows and then open the
recordset? ...

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Cookies -vs- DB Table

On an Intranet Web application I'm working on, I need to
display a Pop-up that shows the users what report changes
have occurred. This may happen once a week or more and I
need a way for the users to turn-off this Pop-up after
they've reviewed the changes.

Currently, I'm debating whether to use cookies or build a
table that will set flags. I'm not sure what the best
solution to take would be. Does anyone know what would be
the best solution? I don't like the idea of using Pop-
ups. I'd rather have a link for the user to click that
shows the report changes, but my client wants to use pop-

If I use cookies, how do I create one, and how do I update
it so it knows when to and when not to display a pop-up?
I've never created a cookie before, so if someone has some
sample code that would helpful.

As for the Pop-up, I've seen pop-ups that loads a new
instance of IE, and I've seen pop-ups that look embedded
in the current instance of IE with a close option. I
would like to create the latter pop-up? Has anyone done a
pop-up like the embedded one before? If so, where can I
find some sample code on how to create one?

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What Is Table Reloatins ?

what is table relations?
what is its advantages?
how to use in asp?
how does it effect to perfromance?
should we use it?

if i use it, can i get records of two tables in a only recordset..

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