Temporary Internet Files

How I can erase all the files from the cache of an ASP page, at the end of a session?
Is it possible?

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Displaying Image From Database Saves Files To Temporary Internet Files

I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.

We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.

Here is the code to display the image:
Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL )
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")

SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database

When I add this code:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.

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Temporary Txt,csv Files?

I've got a web-based "database admin console" that uses ADOX, etc. to query a database and return the tables, columns, etc to a form that I can then use to build SQL statements to run against that database. It's very "generic" - i.e., everything is dymanically created but pretty handy to have

If you send it a "SELECT" statement, it can print out a table on the screen showing your recordset. No big deal. What I'd also like to include is some way for users to get that output in a comma- or tab-delimited text file that they can use however they like. There are two ways I know of to accomplish thi

1) Create a big string as I step through the recordset - (strOutput = strOutput & "'" & objRS(I) & "," .....) and then slap strOutput into a <textarea>. This is probably not desirable because the user would have to copy all the content in that <textarea> and manually paste it into Notepad or whatever

2) Use the FSO. However, my limited experience with the FSO leads me to believe that I'd have to SAVE the resultant file before I can send it to users. I don't want to do that.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how else I can accomplish this? Or, if FSO is the way to go (which I suspect it is), bear in mind that my only exposure to FSO is in the context of .vbs files....are there any special tricks you need to use for ASP

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Delete Temporary Files

Is it possible to delete internet temporary files using ASP code? And maybe specify the extension of the files to delete?

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Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN

I keep getting this message onmy webiste. I have had to change from a DSN connection to a dsn less connection but i still can't get the site to work.
Link to the error message


Here i sthe code that relates to the error message


Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _

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Temporary Vcs File

I need to take some info from a SQL Database into an ASP (VBscript) web page, create a temporary vcs file (Outlook vCalender file) and use the SQL data to create the entrys for the appointment, then email it to someone as an attachment. Getting the SQL values is no problem. How do I go about creating, populating & sending the vcs file? its similiar to a txt file. Its plain ASP not ASp.net and I can't install any components onto the server. It has to be kept local.

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Create A Temporary

Is there a way to create an asp program which counts the number of impressions, clicks, leads and sales of a certain ad and post it somewhere else? I have actually reviewed some ad servers one of which is Adxpress by Valuead. It's a good one but it'll really cost some money.

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Temporary Tables

I have a script that generates varius entities of data, like this


I want to 'response.write' these onto the webpage, but I want them to be ordered by the value (largest first). Can I create a temporary table, put the values into it, then call them back using the an SQL command? If so, how do I create 'temporary tables'?

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Display A Temporary Page

i am developing a search engine. its like this. i have an asp from which gets the search string. i display a page with a wait symbol for 2 seconds (meta-equiv-refresh=2) and then transfer the control to the same page which would display the search results.
I think even this forum does this type of display. Now my question is how do i start searching for the entered string and stop displaying the wait page only when the search is finished.

i.e i dnt want a wait page to be displayed simply for two seconds and then show the search page. I want to ""show the wait page after the search is started and then stop displaying it and display the search results only after the result is got""

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The IIS Generate Many Temporary Shortcuts

I use the ASP to genereate the excel file. We use the Excel.Application to create a excel. But we find many excel shortcut or directory shortcut under the C: or D:
How can we resolve it?

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Generating Temporary URLS

I have a form on my site that users must fill out before downloading a pdf document, however, i would like the form to send them an email with a temorary URL.

which they can click to download from, and which expires after 'x' days. is this an asp thing? or do i have to move to .net to do this?

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Insertion In Temporary Table From Query!

i have written a stored procedure. depending upon different parameters, query is prepared as string and executed through exec() function. it returns a certain number of rows. stored procedure also contains a temporary table. the question is this how can i insert the rows returned by the query in to temporary table?

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Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN For Process 0x508 Thread 0x634 DBC 0x2181024 Jet

I am using ASP + IIS + MS access, when running the following codes:

conn.open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)}; " & Server.MapPath("db.mdb")

The following erorr is show:

General error Unable to open registry key
'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x508 Thread 0x634 DBC 0x2181024 Jet'.

I have shared the MS knowledge base and try to grant the modify Permissions to IUSR_SERVER on the folder that holding the database, and set the script authority in IIS, the error is still exist. If I create a system DNS for that Access file and modify the second code as ...

conn.Open "AKmobile"

Another error is show:

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

But there is no problem when conencting with MS SQL Server.

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General Error Unable To Open Registry Key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet

Why d I get this error?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x18c8 Thread 0x1478 DBC 0x2f56fa4 Jet'.

/wheelofgod/search/cat/showbook.asp, line 102

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Unable To Open Registry Key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN For Process 0xa60 Thread 0x

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xa60 Thread 0xb30 DBC 0x1391ec4 Jet'.
/name.asp, line 17

my code:

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Error :: Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN For Process 0x120c Thread 0x1494 DBC 0x1690024 Jet

All time that I go to make login to enter in admin is appearing this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x120c Thread 0x1494 DBC 0x1690024 Jet'.

/noticias/config.inc, line 6

In line 6 of config I have this: .....

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PWS Keeps Trying To Connect To Internet

I have just installed PWS on my Win98 SE machine. Even though i change my internet connections to "Never dial a connection" it still tries to connect when i try to view my asp pages.

Presumably there is some simple option i need to change which will allow me to run my scripts without connecting to the internet.

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Printing Over The Internet

I am developing an ASP.Net application where I need to direct a
rendered print job to a print device (private) situated behind a router with
a firewall enabled. I hope that I can explain this properly, the details are
as follows...

PC with internal IP address of
Print device with the internal IP address of

PC sends a request to my remote ASP.Net web site for a print job (report) to
be sent back to the internal networks local printer. Is this possible to
redirect the output to the print device rather than the internal client that
made the request. code:

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Internet Issue

Issue: whenever I try to get online, a window pops up on the screen
and gives a message, "the webpage you are requesting is not available offline. To connect,
click connect tab".

And later I can get online, or sometimes it never let me to connect to
internet. I'm fed up with this problem. I tried doing many steps to
block this message. Nonetheless, I always see this pop up.
Steps which I performed: 1. uninstalled the network drivers &
restarted the computer.

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Internet Connection

I'd like to know how to implement a program which measures how fast a user's internet connection speed is?

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Internet Browsers

This problem occurs in classic ASP on a simple asp page I am writing.I am trying to output a random number using VBScript's Rnd() function.Whenever I refresh my browser, the same number appears(0.7055475).This happens in both Internet Explorer and Firefox. This is all I'm doing:


I have pressed F5 to refresh, cleared both browser caches,and even restarted IIS.I was under the impression that a psuedo-random number would at least change values when I refreshed my browser.Does anyone know what the deal is with Rnd() not producing different numbers?

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Internet Faxing

we need to send about 300 pdf files via an internet fax per day. does anybody know of a good hosting outfit or know of a software package we can install on our own servers to do this?

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Intranet And Internet

I'm dowing a web site on my intranet in a ASP page I have to made save option, on the intranet everything is working fine, but when I upload my website in the internet I have this message:

The page cannot be displayed
There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach
and it cannot be displayed.

What is the probleme my page is in ASP and on intranet it's working fine.

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Intranet And Internet

How can I programmatically in ASP detect the difference between being on an Intranet (ie no outside www access) and the Internet (where can can get www access) ?

I have a program, which has a registration module being built. The module automatically skips across a couple of servers and checks the registration codes, and skips back to the program and informs it the registration code is authentic;

the program there after continues as normal; one of my users wants to install the program on an intranet in their office - I have no problems with that except the registration system will keep stalling and requesting a valid user registration code:

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Internet Explore

When one of my users are navigating my ASP website, and click on submit type button to move from Page1.asp to another ASP page, Page2.asp, they are getting message like

"Internet explorer cannot download <asp page> from <server>. Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."

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Intranet & Internet Application

Is the developement process of intranet & internet application is the same....Can the internet application that I build using asp be used in a intranet enviroment....

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Internet Information Service

I would like to test ASP websites
and therefore I neet the Internet Information Service
feature from Win XP. The problem is that I have Win XP
Home Edition. Is there any way to upgrade this feature
called Internet Information Service to my Win XP Home
Edition system?

I thought there might be a file to find at the windows
download page but I just found Internet Information
Service security patches. Is there any file that installs
this feature called Internet Information Service (IIS).

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Internet Information Service

I would like to install the
Internet Information Service to my Windows XP Home
Edition System. I tried it before and I realized that
this is a special feature of Win XP Professional.

Maybe cou could tell me how to install this and run it on
my Win XP Home Editon to write ASP sites. I thought of
downloading the right file at windows download site but I
cannot find it. There are a lot of security updates but
not the setup file. Is there any other way to install it
on my system or make it work?

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ASP - All Internet Search Engine

Does anyone know how to make an all of internet search engine, or if its even possible?

I am willing to pay for a website to be amde for me that does this. If you reply then I will tell you more.

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Internet Explorer's Buttons

How to disable Internet Explorer's minimize, maximize, close buttons

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Internet / Intranet With A Laptop

I have an ASP application that has been running fine for years. I can access the application from my laptop via the Internet without problem. I brought my laptop into the office today and plugged it into the intranet. I did not join the computer to the domain.

From inside the office I cannot run my application. I can bring up the login page and try and login, but it appear to have no session variable on the redirected page during login. I tried to set the cookies secruity to allow all, still no good.

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User On Internet Or Intranet?

I'd like to check if the user accessing my site is from the internet or from the intranet, based on which I display different messages in a page. I propose to check the REMOTE_ADDR server variable to determine the user.

But I'm not sure if checking if the REMOTE_ADDR = 127.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x would suffice. Thus if the first hex part of the ip address is 10 then he's from a lan, or if t's 127, it's the local machine. Otherwise he's from internet. Would this be a foolproof way of determining where the user is from? Just forgot my TCP/IP lessons .

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Internet Browser Detection

How can I detect what browser type my users are using, currently with my asp
server variables I only detect Netscape and Mozilla as U, how can I get
specific information without having to use software that you must pay for?

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