Test CDO Message Send Response

Does the .Send method return anything from CDOSYS?

Dim result
Set oMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
' other code
result = oMail.Send

I've tried searching, but I can't find where anyone says what "Send" returns. An integer, a boolean, a string, or void?

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Simple Test Script To To Send A Test Email Using CDO

I am building a shopping cart where orders are send by email. Even though it says it's sent, I receive nothing. So I did a test script to send an email using CDO since we are using an exchange server for email and it's on the same network as the site. Code:

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Send Iframe In A Message

How can I send a IFRAME element in a message with Cdonts or other component? the IFRAME follows. I tried to send using webmail and outlook and I coudn'n sent yet.
I doesn't appear me anything

tm" width="435" height="1130" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">

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Send An Email With CDO.Message

i've a problem sending an email with IIS 5.1 (win xp pro). I was used to use deprecated CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") but i got an error. So i tried with Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") and i got no errors, but i didn't receive any mail. I found some mail created in mailroot's subfolders. How can i solve?

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Anyone Know How To Send A Message To A Cell Phone?

I have a situation where I need to send a text message to a cell phone. Any ideas?

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Display A Message After Response.redirect

I am trying to display a message on page1 which is set up in page2 (message1) by sending it from page 2 with this response.redirect command.

<%response.Redirect "page1.asp?message=" & response.Write(message1) %>

In page1 I have the following at the beginning

dim messageBack
messageBack = Request.QueryString("message")
...all the stuff that opens page2 then the last line is
<p><%Response.Write messageBack %></p>

It appears that I am not seeing anything on return to page1 but is it possible that it is flashing up and disappearing instantly or have I got hte whole thing wrong?

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Auto Send Email To AOL User With CDO Message


Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig
cdoMessage.From = "admin@nyc-discusfanatics.com"
cdoMessage.To = strEmail
cdoMessage.Subject = "NYC-Discusfanatics.com User Registration"
cdoMessage.HTMLBody = "<html>" &_
"<body>" &_
"Hello "&strUName&"<br/><br/>" &_
"Thank you for registrating with NYC-DiscusFanatics.com Please activate your account by clicking the link below.<br/><br/>" &_
"<a href='http://www.nyc-discusfanatics.com/face/dragonball/AccountActivate.asp?UserID="&strID&"'>Activate my account.</a>" &_
"<br/><br/>Thanks for your registration." &_
"<br/><br/><br/>Vincent" &_
"<br/><br/>Administrator of NYC-Discusfanatics.com" &_
"</body>" &_
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing

I got return email that the mail fail to deliever to AOL user. I assuming AOL email doesn't accept ASP script embedded in the email?

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Using CDONTS To Send Japanese (UTF-8) Email Message

I'm having no luck sending an email message from an asp page with UTF-8 encoding so that Japanese characters can be correctly rendered.

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Test In Ie 4.0

My clients have 4.0 and I can't seem to get 6.0 off of my W2K machine. Any suggestions?

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How To Test For Nothing

I have:

Dim foo
Set foo = Nothing

If foo = Nothing Then
response.write "foo is nothing"
response.write"foo is something"
End If

I get an error in the line "If foo = Nothing Then". It says:

"Object variable not set"

How then do I test if something has been previously set to Nothing?

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Cookie Test?

I have always used this in ASP to test if the client is accepting cookies:

Session ("nc") = 1
If Len(Session("nc")) = 0 Then
'Cookies Off
'Cookies On
End If

But I only ever tested it in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 though not sure. Anyway with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 Len(Session("nc")) <> 0 always whether cookies are on or off. Can anyone suggest a better cookie test that will work in most browsers?

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Test ASPs

I have a PC running Win XP Home and want to learn how to write ASPs.
In order to test them I think I need a web server installed on my PC. Since
I don't believe IIS can be run under Win XP Home I downloaded and
installed the Apache web server. I'm stuck at this point and would appreciate
opinions on whether I am on the right track, and, if so, advice on the following.
1. Having written a test asp page how do I use Apache to test it?
2. Can Apache handle VBScript on an ASP page? From the info on the
Apache web site I don't think it can.

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Test Engin

iam making asp test engin and i dont want the user to use the keyboard
so is there a way to disable the keyboard of the computer that have the
exam on ? its not a website world wide. i will make it on my room computers.
is it possible ?

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How To Test If Object Has Something Or Not?

The current code (see below) works. But, I wonder if there's better way to test if a node object has something or not.

' want to find if /Root/Node's id attribute is 1,
' if yes: get its child node <num>
Dim nodeA : Set nodeA = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("/Root/Node[@id='1']/num")
' test if nodeA have something
If TypeName(nodeA) = "Nothing" Then
' -- NO: nodeA has nothing
' -- TypeName is "IXMLDOMElement"
' -- YES: nodeA has something
End If

I have tried other functions, such as IsEmpty(), IsNull(), IsObject(): none can
get the result I wanted.

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ASP Test Script

What I have is a ASP test script that can grade online tests and give the test results at the bottom of the test page itself. What I need is the test results to be passed on to a test results page with the score of the test that was taken. I have a problem getting the test results intact over to the test results page.

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Test For SQL Injection

how do i test for SQL injection ?
sdo i do a SELECT statement in my username login?

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Test For Cookies

I have an asp script which is posted to by a form. On the script I need to know if cookies are enabled.

Therefore I need to make the form post to a different script which sets a cookie and does a response.redirect to the main script. However, how to I make the request object get forwarded to the second script with the response.redirect?

You cannot use server.transfer as the test for cookies will not work properly.

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Test DB Server

In ASP VBScript,is there a way to programmatically test if a SQL Server database server is alive?

I want to use a connection string to a mirrored DB server in case the primary DB server fails. This failover is easy in ASP.NET, which supports DB mirroring and a the specification of a secondary server in its data provider.I want to hack together the same thing for my classic ASP apps.

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Taking Test.doc

How to get test.doc from following string Using VBscript

"Files uploaded:test.doc (54326B)"

File size and file name may vary dynamically,and I have to pick file name with ext from them.

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Test Hyperlinks

anyone know some good ASP code to go through a page and test the hyperlinks to make sure that they are valid. Couldn't find anything good yet, but if someone knows of anthing.

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Test Variable

How to I test a varable to see if it contains a number and not a text value?I want to use this to detect if people have edited my get strings in the URL field of the browser, before it gets send to the next page.

I am sure it is simple just forgot, had a search on yahoo and could not find anything.

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Timer To Test ASP

Well i use Timer to test ASP scripts how much time is needed for rendering. But how much time, approximately a heavy asp project like CMS or FORUM should do?

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Online Test Like Brainbench

I am creating an application for online test in ASP.While taking test i want functionality as on brainbench when we take any test there. Only difference i want is that there will be 5 questions in my test to be solved in 10 minutes.And all 5 will appear on one page.
I am done with other parts.but i am unable to find the logic for restricting time.And dont know what logic should i implement so that timer should not start again even when he goes back and returns to the page again.I have used javascript timer.

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How Do I Test To See If A Comma Is Present ?

I am using this code below to count the number of variables after the comma:

jumvar = 43352352,325324452,235234452,24523454
jumvarsplt = split(jumvar,",")
valnum = CInt(ubound(jumvarsplt))

But i would like to know how to test if the variable has a comma before running the above code.

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Radio Button Test

I'm trying to make a little 2 question test using ASP. What i've got so far.

*database connection code and other stuff*
Now the radio buttons (Q1.asp)

<input type="radio" name="jim" value="Answer1" >
<input type="radio" name="jim" value="Answer2" >

But i want the answer value to be a value from a database. Is that possible? value="request.querystring("Answer2") Where Answer2 is the field name? Is that wrong?

And for the code to check if it's right i want it to be able to compare it to a value in the database. (CHECK.ASP) Code:

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Display Test File

A client wants to include a news page on his site . This would change basically weekly. I have tried to explain basic HTML ie headers etc but he cannot or does not want to understand.

Is there a way to say for him to create a word file or equivalent with nicely Bolded coloured headers etc. There will only be three or four news items a week.

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Test For Submit Button

I need to dynamically generate some submit buttons = the easy part . But i'm not sure how i can test which button has been used to submit the form and what it's value is .
Anyone know this?

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Small Test For Non .NET Users

I made a small javaScript that checks and see if the user has .NET installed on his computer... but the problem is that I HAVE .NET, so I can not check that it works when you do not have .NET.

can someone that does not have .NET installed on his computer, go to the following URL and let me know that he gets a correct reply? (that he does not have .NET).

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Test If File Exists

I have a left menu that is accessed and displayed via XMLHTTP (it resides on the same server). Some sections of the web site don't have a "menu.asp", so a "Page Not Found" page is returned, which doesn't look great in the menu column.. Is there a way to know if a page exists before using xml.responseText to pull it?

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Asp Web Site Test Tool

I have a company web site which has asp pages and html pages. We have build
a new site and I am doing QA for that. How can I test that web site to check
if all the links work fine. there are so many links and I can not click each
and every one. Is there good automation tool.

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Website Stress Test

How do u do stress test on your website? I know there is a program to simulate multiple connection to your website and then analyze the perform. I want to know the efficiency of my coding.

If I am not mistaken, in the appendix section of Wrox Beginning ASP 3.0 mentioned about this program. Unfortunately, i gave this book to somebuddy else . Do you have one to recommend?

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Online Test System

i have required some assistance in orderto developing a online test sytem web site.

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