Text Box In Form Cutting Text

I have a form on asp page that pulls info from a DB when the page loads.
It them puts the info into text boxes on the page that are editable by the

The only problem I have is say in the description text box it should
read "HP Laserjet 5Si" , it always cuts the text off where it just says "HP"
.. It does this on all the text boxes? I can't seem to figure out why it
is doing it. Here is the sample code:

With quotes around <%= vdesc%>

<td><input name="desc" type="text" id="desc" size="45" value="<%=

And I tried it without.

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Cutting Text

I would like to be able to take text from a field in my DB and shrink it down to about 50 letters. So say my field has 1000 letters in it i want to shorten what is in there so that just the first 50 letters will show up on the page.

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Cutting A Text String In Half Literally

I have a dynamically generated and FTP'd page that is sent to the server with a title of a song. Then when the user opens the page/site he or she will see the text in a marquee. What I want to do is create a IF Then Statement where it would look like the following:

I am getting a result like this: 'toh23'

and I want it to do either not show it or display and alternative text so...

if (TEXTSTRING) = "toh" then response.write("News")
response.write("Normal Text")
end if

I have the if then else down but I have no clue how to split the text between the 'toh' and the '23'. It will always be toh and then a number but the number changes. I know you can split strings with commas and such but how about numbers?

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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Form Field Cutting Off Querystring

a form field that should read the refer=querystring cuts off after the
toid=101. I assume that because I have

Is there any way to make it read the entier section after refer= and not stop and the variable?

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How To Access Variables (form Text Box Values) On Same Form?

I have a form on an ASP page that has 5 text boxes, for data entry. I am trying to get data from the text box, and pass it to a hidden text box on the form.

The hidden text box is called "MyDateTime" (a SQL date and time value). I am attempting to concatenate data from two other textboxes (one for date and one for time) to give a string like : "8/8/2004 8:00 AM" I am trying to use the following: Code:

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International Text And FSO Created Text Files

When using ASP's FileSystemObject to create text files, I am unable to get user submitted text (in Hebrew) to save as anything other than "?????". The text file is being saved in Unicode and setting the CodePage in ASP proved unsuccessful. Strangely, hard coded Hebrew text in an ASP variable does add to the text file correctly.

Any ideas of why this happens and how to get it to work correctly?

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Inserting Text Box Into A Form

I'm trying to create a form that allows me to modify the contents of list. When the user clicks on the modify button, it takes them to a page which displays the quantity of items they purchase, and allows them to update that quantity. So the quantity is shown in a textbox, and the content of the text box is drawn from a rs("content").

But the page is crashing when I run it. I'm having trouble getting the response.write textbox line to work. Here's the code:

response.write "<td align=right><input type="text" name="quantity"
value=" & rs("qty") & "></td>"

This is the line that is causing the page to crash. Can't figure out why. Can someone give me some insight into this?

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Pull Text In A Form

Pull text in from a simple notepad file on the server...simply looking for the code to place on page...I had it working in root but when I uploaded to server it din't function..checked permissions etc.

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Fill Text Box On Form

Using ASP, If I have a text box on a form, how can I auto populate it when the form loads with the date of the current Friday, i.e. dd/mm/yyyy .

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Retrieve Text Box Value On Other Form

What I want to do is that I have created text box on one form so whenever user type something init and click search button then I want to display that text box value on other form so that i can retrieve a record according to that user's number... Code:

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Form Data Not Going Into Text File

I currently am trying to get a form to send its data to a text file. I use the code I have found in tutorial/help sites around the web, but when I try the code out, nothing happens.

When I click the "Submit" button on my form, I am sent to the .asp file and the code in that file is displayed in the browser. There is nothing written to the text file either.

The code I have in my test.asp file is:

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Use Request.Form To Get Text AND Value In A ListBox

I'm developing a small website and trying NOT to use Javascript (Don't ask!).

I'm using a ListBox generated by a database etc along the lines of

<select name=cboList>
<option value="0">Please Select</option>
<option value="431">£1.10</option>
<option value="438">£2.15</option>
<option value="444">£3.50</option>
<option value="451">£4.75</option>

When the form is submitted I want the new page to determine (Request.Form), both the value, ie 431 etc, AND the text, ie £1.10. Request.Form gets the value, or if there's no value, the text, but how can it pick up both?

Annoyingly, this would be easy in Javascript but I can't find anything on ASP detecting the value.

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Fill / Populate Form Text

in a text field e.g.

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Homepage Email Address" SIZE="25">

How would I pre populate that text box so that when a user opens the page there is already text in that box?

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Displaying Text Field On Form

I'm trying to write a web form that will allow users update info from a database table. Everything is working fine, except the display of the one text field from the database (nothing displays. Here's what I'm trying:Code:

<textarea name="AdditionalInformation" cols="32" rows="10" wrap="VIRTUAL"><%=(UpdateRecruiting.Fields.Item("cs_additionalinformation").Value)%></textarea>

what I'm doing wrong?

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Handling Text Input In Form

how do i allow the user to add in a value that has a ' in it (e.g int'l) apperantly if i do that there will be an error... how do i go about this?

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Form Validation For A Dynamic Text Box

I have a form that has both static and dynamic fields. I have no problem validating the static data, but whenever I try and apply form validation to a dynamic text box that has repeated rows, the validation does not seem to take. Do I have to run that validation through a loop? Code:

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Form Submission With Same Text Fields

I have 3 fields in my form and one of them called ID with multiple text fields e.g (there are 10 text fields for ID) and when you submit the form all the 10 ID's should be submitted to the DB for that particular record with a single space inbetween the 10 ID's. Can any one tell me how this is possible.

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Form Including File And Text Fields

i want create a form that include many text boxes and an fiel field for upload a file to server but when i add "enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form tag i cant get the texts . how can i do a form working with file upload and text fields.

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Binding 2 Text Fields On An Online Form

I am trying to bind/link 2 text fields on my online form.

So they both should show the exact same text entered in them.

When text is entered in one of them I want to see it in the other text box and vice versa and when text is deleted from one of the boxes it should also be deleted from the other one aswell.

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Form To Comma Delimited Text File

how to create a comma delimited text file from an asp form. Assume my fields are: Name, email, phone number.

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Text Area Limited Text

I have a text area which I want to limit the number of words or number of text entered into it. Is this possible?

<textarea name="textarea" cols="35" rows="5"></textarea>

In the text area above, can I say limit the person filling in the text area to say 100 characters?

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Regular Expression Of Text OR Text OR Etc...

I have text in a field coming from a database. The text has various
forms such as:

text1 or text2
text1 or text2 or text3
text1; or text2
text1; or text2; or text3

how can I parse this with a reg ex? I tried this:

(.+);? or

but it only captures 1 submatch (text1) and only if theres an "or"
after it

I'd like to get 1 submatch for each piece of text separated by the
"or", just the text itself if there is no or.

Anyone know how to do it?

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Controlling Text In A Text Area

I have this problem in controlling a text in a Text Area. How can I do that, for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically goes to the next line. Because im having problem when viewing text in my report, it continuesly views in a straight line. Can you give me ASP code for that.

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Hover Over Text To Bring Up Text

I have text - ARI Promise, when I hover over the text I would like a box to appear with the Promise information. It would be several paragraphs that need to be formatted with paragraph and bullets. Is this possible to do? If so how would I go about it?

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Need To Load File Path From Web Server Into Text Form Box

I need to load the file path of a file on a web server into a form text box. I tried using a normal form box using type=file but that just seems to return the file path from the local machine.

Ideally I'd like it if someone can get this to work with a file on a web server without using asp. If not then I suppose I'd have to use the FileSystemObject method. I can see how you can get a list of files from a remote server using FileSystemObject.

The problem I need help with is selecting a file path from the list of files into a text form box. The path of which I am then going to write to a database field.

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Write Info On Form To Text File On Server

I want to write the info on a form to a text file. Code:

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Dynamic Form Lists And Dependant Text Boxes?

I am having trouble with the ordering page. I would like a dynamic form list to look at a database and when the user selects a product code, the text boxes containing description and price change too to reflect the product code.

The user will be entering in their contact details, so I dont want the page to reload too because I will lose that info. Code:

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Multiple Pages Pulling Form A Single Text File

I've got multiple pages on the same server that all have the same drop down
boxes in them. It is a list of all our facilities. Every time there is a
change, I have to change it on every page. They are in the format below. Is
there an easy way to store all that data in a text file so I only have to
update it one place?

<option value="fac 1">fac 1</option>
<option value="fac 2">fac 2</option>
<option value="fac 3">fac 3</option>

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Form :: Make The Input Text Boxes Smaller Or Bigger

I am currently making a form in asp and when i make the text boxes they are all formatted to the same size, even if I use the width=*** to change the size? Is there another way to make the input text boxes smaller or bigger?

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Write Information Form A Comma Separated Text File Onto An ASP Pag

I have a text file that has two lines in it, the first line gives item
labels, my second line gives values for those labels. I would like to use
ASP to present this data on a web page. I also want the page to reload every
10 seconds so that any updates to the text file would be relfected on the web

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Display Text In Text Box

I have a search page, after search returns value I want to display fields in text box instead of table.

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Error In Asp Text: Command Text Not Set For The Command

I am getting the above error in an asp page. Not sure why? The error details is given below. Code:

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