Text Size Issue On Asp Page

I cant seem to alter the text size on the code below only the colour, the
code you see is all that the page consists of from start to finish that's
all of it, cant apply css nothing works. Code:

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Change Text Size Onclick

i have three images on my page which i want to be able to increase the text size of the whole page by using these buttons

Small Normal Large

Standard size will be normal, the others i want to affect the whole site so when they change page the setting changes stay with them

The only way i can think of is multiple style sheets and saving to a cookie anyone got some examples or suggestions / solutions for how to approach this ?

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Size Of A Text Input Field

I want to create some text input fields which they should all have the same size regardless the browser version or type. Because my text input field looks different in size if I view them from a different computer. Is the following coding should solve the problem?

<input type="text" name="field" value="" size="30" style="width:300px;">

Is the best way to use CSS to control the size of a text input field?

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Page Size In Print Page

I write a page in HTML ,user can print it I want to fix page size in
print page set up to (legal) that doesn't need user every time change
option how I can do this.

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Checking Page Size

Is there some code to check the page size of some webpages i am opening using asp or javascript?

I want to check that they are all over a certain amount (ie: they display something, and not just a blank page. )Also some code to make sure that the page is still valid (ie: It does not display "Page cannot be found")

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Checking Page Size In Kb

Is there some code to check the page size of some webpages i am opening using asp or javascript?I want to check that they are all over a certain amount (ie: they display something, and not just a blank page. )Also some code to make sure that the page is still valid (ie: It does not display "Page cannot be found")

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HTTP Page Size

Is there any limitation on a ASP (or http) page size (in bytes), i.e. what is max size(in bytes) a ASP page can hold? I seems to know that there was a limit of 64K, but that was long, long time ago, probably more than ten years.

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File Size And Folder Size

I'm using Windows 2000 server n IIS I'm Using FileSystemObject of ASP in Server Every File and Folder has 2 Size when we get properties of any 1 actual size and Size on Disk.now my problem is when i get the file size from ASP object it give Size value but when i try to get folder size it gives size on disk and both values are different.

I'm creating a size to access limited size to upload files so i just check the folder size and then get size for those which are going to update by user then i will less those size to actual folder size to get remaining size.

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Passing Text ID From One Page To Another

my database has a table with a primary key that is both text and numeric
(seems like a bad idea now but there's 1000s of records so too late to change it ((((

basically i want to pass this from one asp page to another using the ?ID=house_ID

house_ID being the offending key

the other end i pick it up using lngRecordNo = Request.QueryString("ID")

and then my sql statement is as follows ...

strSQL = "Select * FROM House WHERE House_ID LIKE " & lngRecordNo

but it doesn't work .... i'm getting the rather generic error message of Too few parameters expected 1.

anyone got any ideas

also if i want to use date in a where clause how do i format it i've tried < " # Now() # ";" but it doesn't like it because of the quote marks inside of the sql statment.

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Get Text Out Of Html Page

I have an html page, how would I be able to just get the words in it? I mean I can probably program to get it but is there any existing tool that we can use and just fetch the word content of a html page?

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Grabing The Visible Text Of A Page

I was wondering if there was any way to grab all the visible text off a page using asp and xml. I can get all the html of a page. Can anyone help we be able to grab the visilble text.

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Displaying Text On Asp Page From Access

I've created a db field with Memo type, and I have stored some text with
carriage returns (no html) So the 3 words start on a differnt line. In
access this displays correctly ( each word starts on a new line).
However when I display these on a web page all the words appear on the same

I need the words to be displayed on a seperate line.

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ASP Page Emailing Text File

I have an asp page that successfully writes out the form data to a text
file. I would like to use Blat (or other free email utility) to send
the contents of the text file to a user. The code to email is as

Dim stdout, shell, cmd
function ExecCmd(cmdline)
set stdout = wscript.stdout
set shell = createobject("wscript.shell")
set cmd = shell.Exec(cmdline)
do until cmd.status=1: wscript.sleep 5:loop
ExecCmd = cmd.stdout.readall
End Function

ExecCmd("blat .prodapp.txt -s "Product Info" -t Join Bytes!")

I am guessing that it may not like the two sets of double quotes. Is it
possible to do this? The company is not willing to spend $$$$$ on
actual sendmail package.

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Passing Text From One Frame/page To Another

I have a date in a frame/page that i want to pass to another page. I can succefully pass a static value, i just can't pass a value from a text box.

I tried to make everything public. I believe that Me. may only refer to the page that is orginating the action. But how do I pass the text box. Can we assume since I can pass the static value, that the issue is how I grab the textbox value Code:

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How To Pass Disabled Text Box Value On Other Page

I am trying to fatch disabled text box vlue on other form but i cant...

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Locking All Text Boxes In Asp Page

I need advise as to how to do the following. In a asp page, the user can input
information via text boxes which goes to a database. If users click a check
box named final and submit the asp page, then next time they come, they will
not be able to change any information.

This means, I would like to grey out the text boxes so that users are unable to edit the values in the text boxes. The only way to allow edit is via adminstrator's intervention.

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Replacing Text From RSS Feed In ASP Page

I have a rss feed that I am pulling into an ASP page. In the rss there is a url with the text 'SITEID' that I need to change to my actual id '456456'. Does anyone know how I can have the ASP page replace the text in the URL? I am pretty green on all this. Here is the asp page code I am working with: Code:

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Save Dynamic Page To Text File

Can anyone recommend how to do a screen scrape from a dynamic page and save it to a text file?

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Display Japanese Text On Web Page From Access Database

I've got a simple template based ASP page which pulls information in one of several different languages from an Access database.

The copy I have in the database is fine. All languages - including the Japanese are displaying correctly when I look at them in Access. However, when I pull the Japanese text from the database, each character renders in the browser as '???????'.

I've tried different HTML encoding, but nothing seems to make a difference.

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Incorporating Contents Of Text Files Onto A Html Page

im wondering if there is a method/command which can be used so that when an asp page is called, it can 'explode' content from a text file (.txt) onto a web page, thus enabling a n00b to alter the text within the file, rather than the web page itself?

Further more, if I wanted to incorporate the text which is exploded into a CSS to give it some style flava, how would I do this? Is it possible?

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Building A "page Grabber" To Saveout Text AND Images?

My well-heeled clients would like a tool that I could build into a web application that would suck down the entire contents a remote webpage and store it on a local filesystem.

I know how to scrape textual content from places on the web using MSXML and assorted scracping widget. That doesn't help me for photos, nor does it answer how to encapsulate the photos in a form that I can see them.

This would probably only find use in intranet-type situations, so a IE-only ..mht-type encapsulation of the page might be OK.

I have OK skills working with the FSO, so if there's a widget or method by which the retrieval can be done, I can probably figure things out.

Has anyone done anything like this? Can someone suggest widgets and/or a design approach?

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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How To Get Size

how can I get size a file from any sites.
I want to know what the size of file is by using ASP..
is there any way ?
or is there any free component ?
(But it must cancel immediatily after getting the size of file..
because maybe its size can be 50 Mb

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Url Size Limitations??

I am using variable passing through the url, and as it is getting larger, I am finding that occassionally some values are getting trimmed. Is there a limit to how long a url can be?

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how can I get different font size in the form method "select", "input"
instructions working under ASP? because when I check with the browser is too
big in the table.

<FORM method="post" action="../gallery/default.asp">
Select a category:
<SELECT name=""CategoryID">
<option" value="">Select Your Gallery</option>
<OPTION value="3">Digital Package</OPTION>
<OPTION value="6">others</OPTION>
<OPTION value="5">test</OPTION>
<OPTION value="4">Traditional Package</OPTION>

<INPUT type="Submit" value="View Photos">

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Image Size

I am having a problem with this code. The problem I am facing is that
the first image is displayed in its original size. But when I click the
next button, the next image not displayed in its original size, but
being displayed as 100 x 100 pixels, same goes to the 3rd picture and so
on. Code:

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About Max Size Of Cookie

cookie has a limit size? if yes, how big?

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Getting Image Size

I only need to know the height and width of the image.

It doesn't seem to be as easy as php's "getimagesize($imgFile);" method.

'Copyright *c* MM, Mike Shaffer
'Permission is granted to use this code
'in your projects, as long as this blah
'copyright notice is included

function GetBytes(flnm, offset, bytes)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFTemp = objFSO.GetFile(flnm)
lngSize = objFTemp.Size
set objFTemp = nothing

Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(flnm,1)
strBuff = objTextStream.Read(offset - 1)
GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(bytes)
set objTextStream = nothing
set objFSO = nothing
end function

function lngConvert(strTemp)
lngConvert = clng(asc(left(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(right(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
end function
function lngConvert2(strTemp)
lngConvert2 = clng(asc(right(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(left(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
end function

function gfxSpex(flnm, width, height)
if fileT(1)="gif" then
Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 7, 2))
Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 9, 2))
elseif fileT(1)="bmp" then
Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))
Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))
elseif fileT(1)="png" then
Width = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))
Height = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))
end if
end function

if gfxSpex("images/urlogo.gif", w, h) = true then
response.write w & " x " & h
end if

Which is a little bit shorter, and seems to work ok so far, but isn't there anything easier, like php's "getimagesize($imgFile);"?

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Listbox Size

I have a drop-down with 40 option values and only one option should be selected of the 40 options. The list size should be 1.

When I click on the list, it drops down 30 options (a very long list) with a scrollbar for the last 10 options.

Is there any way, when I click on the list it drops down only 5 options (as if the list is of size 5) and allow a scrollbar to browse the remaining 35 options.

Code is:
<select name="deplist" id="deplist"
<option value="Commerce">Commerce</option>
<option value="Instru">Instrumentation</option>
... similar such 38 options

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Setting Img Size

I need to set the image size in the following line. When I try to set the
img to 75x75 I am getting an error. The line I'm having problems with is :

Response.Write "<a href='" & imageFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'><img
src='" & thumbFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'width="75" height="75"></a>"

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Limiting Size

How does one limit the amount of characters being entered into a <textarea>. I know we I can maxlength="50" an <input>, but what about a textarea?

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Maximum Size

I need a general code for limiting an image size in pixels.Uploaded Images from people may not be larger on width than 400 px.
If so than a script would minimize them to 400 but if they are 260 px then they of course appear in 260 px

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How Do I Get A File Size

How do I find out the size of a file. I can get listing of files in a
directory but I cannot figure out how to get the file size also.

Here is what I have so far.
Set MyDirectory=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFiles=MyDirectory.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("test"))
For each filefound in MyFiles.files
Response.Write filefound.Name & "<br>"

I don't have any books for reference here. Can someone point out a good
online source?

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