Thread Affinity

Does the issue posted in apply to IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0 whereby storing objects in session or application objects causes thread affinity thus removing all benefit of a thread pool

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UnauthorisedAccessException For Thread

I am writing a new program. Here in, the user has to click on a
button on a web page, and a new excel sheet should open up.

I could do it successfully using Office 2k3 PIA's for the click event handler for the button. Then I decided to create a new thread and complete the process of creating an excel sheet in the new thread itself.

But I am getting the following error.

An unhandled exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred
in Unknown Module.

Additional information: Access is denied

But, the code executes successfully when i remove the thread and directly
code it in the click event handler for the asp button.

What might be the problem?? How can I give access permission to the thread??
Should set some permission in the Internet Information Services Manager.

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IIS6 APS Thread

Is there an explanation somewhere as to how IIS6 determins how many ASP threads its actually going to use?I have configured IIS6 to have 20 threads (ASPProcessorThreadMAX) but it uses them all.

I am using the MACT test tool to stress test and with 50 concurrent users I quite often see only a single ASP thread being used the other 49 are on the Requests Queued. The Request Wait Time in Perfmon can be averaging around 5 or 6 seconds and there is plenty of spare CPU.

The application quite often has long running queries(15 to 20 seconds per request)and rather than use another thread IIS will quite often just keep ticking along with the threads its using with the result that the Request Wait Time can jump significantly.

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STA Object In Session And Thread Affiliation

Here's a question that I've not been able to get a definitive answer to.

Creating an STA object (such as a typical VB6 object) and assigning to the
ASP Session store is a bad thing.

It's a bad thing because it forces IIS to affiliate the Session with the
Thread on which the STA object is created.

This means all subsequent requests for that session can only be handled by
that worker thread and can therefore result it in poor performance as
requests queue up to access the thread they are affiliated with.

My question(s) is/are this:

Is this affilation now set in stone for the life time of the session?

Does removing the STA object from the session remove the affiliation or is
IIS/ASP just not that clever?

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Making A Thread, And Then A Post, Getting New ThreadID

I am putting the thread details into the Thread_Table table, and so creating a new record in that table. THen I need to create a new post in the Post_Table, and need to pass it the ThreadID that I just created in the Thread_Table. Code:

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How Access Xml File In A Thread-safe Manner, Using Classic Asp?

I have an xml file, which is to be updated by an asp script (vbs) when users are submitting forms from their browsers. Now I wonder if there is anything that stops the following to occur: Code:

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Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN For Process 0x508 Thread 0x634 DBC 0x2181024 Jet

I am using ASP + IIS + MS access, when running the following codes:

set Conn=Server.CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.CONNECTION") "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)}; " & Server.MapPath("db.mdb")

The following erorr is show:

General error Unable to open registry key
'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x508 Thread 0x634 DBC 0x2181024 Jet'.

I have shared the MS knowledge base and try to grant the modify Permissions to IUSR_SERVER on the folder that holding the database, and set the script authority in IIS, the error is still exist. If I create a system DNS for that Access file and modify the second code as ...

conn.Open "AKmobile"

Another error is show:

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

But there is no problem when conencting with MS SQL Server.

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Unable To Open Registry Key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN For Process 0xa60 Thread 0x

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xa60 Thread 0xb30 DBC 0x1391ec4 Jet'.
/name.asp, line 17

my code:

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Error :: Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN For Process 0x120c Thread 0x1494 DBC 0x1690024 Jet

All time that I go to make login to enter in admin is appearing this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x120c Thread 0x1494 DBC 0x1690024 Jet'.

/noticias/, line 6

In line 6 of config I have this: .....

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