Three Linked List Boxs

if you have seen an example floating around on the internet of three linked list boxs using asp code and a database connection. I have managed to get it to work for the first 2 list boxs, but I am unable to get it to populate the third list box, this is how it is:-


Not all Sub_cats will have subsub_cats, hope this makes sense. I have attached the code.

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Dynamically Linked List Boxes

I want to link 2 list boxes on the same page without reloading it. The list boxes are dynamic and when one selects an item in the first one, the second one get's populated accordingly. So far I've been stuck with Javascript Object Expected Error and I cant find a way to make it work. Code:

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Drop Down List With Linked Fields

I want to create an asp page from these forms in my database:

Table 1 =>
1.1) ID:
1.2) Product Name
1.3) Description

Table 2 => For the ASP Form
2.1) ID:
2.2) Text field 1 (Normal input field)
2.3) Product (Dropdown Menu, Data Source Table 1, Field 1.2)
2.4) Description (Text Field, Data Source Table 1, Field 1.3)

The Description value should be in correlation with the Dropdown Menu value in Table 1

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Message Boxs ?

I am a new ASP user working on a university project. The design plan calls for the use of message boxs to confirm deletions from the DB. I have seen client side message boxs, but the design plan calls for server side pop ups using ASP. Can anyone show me how this is done.

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Linked Tables

I have a database that has 2 tables linked into it from another database. I am having problems trying to pull in values from those 2 linked databases. One of the tables is tblClient. Code:

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Linked Tables

Ithe goalposts have been moved (yet again!) and the database that was one, may have to become many, being used on subdomains of the same server sharing some information but not all from a 'global' database.The solution I initially found was to used linked tables and developing it on pws - this was perfect. I linked local databases to the external table data in the 'global' database hey presto the application ran smoothly. There was only 1 connection to each local database and I could retrieve all the information I needed from the global one. However on uploading I have no idea how to set this via asp or sql as online the path of the linked tables is what was on my local machine and I have found no way of being able to edit this or indeed know if this is possible.

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Linked Combobox

I am using one combo box and populating it with the values . i have another combo box on the page. I want to display the related values in this second combo box based on the selection in the first combo box.

I am trying to reload this page on the change event of the combo box but the values are not coming in the 2nd combo box . Please send me a solution to this or if possible a sample code for the same.

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Linked Tables?

im trying to link to a Access db which uses linked tables via a odbc connection... is there anything different about the connection string / driver?

adoConnection.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("Resources/peterjohntest.mdb")

but this error comes up Code:

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Show If Linked With Sessions In ASP

I have a "booking" section on my intranet.

2 questions.

1. Can I, say by session, determine if a user logged in can amend/delete data they have entered? But no one else.
Say they book a conference room, but only they can delete it

2. I want to prevent cross bookings (in terms) of time.

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Opening Linked Tables

I have an Access DB that has a linked table to a SQL Anywhere DB. When I try to access this Access DB, it prompts me the first time every time for username and password to the SQLA DB. This isn't a problem when it is just me that is working on development, however,

I figured MS would have something good to say about this issue, so that my users can use this DB as well. MS says I need to pre-open the table using the same credentials for both DB's. I have tried this several ways, and am still unable to open the linked access DB.

The error I get is that the DSN=xsellvehicles (this is the DSN that is used by Access to open the table that resides in SQLA) can't be used because the username or password doesn't work.

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Resizing Linked Images

I've been tasked with the challenge of re-sizing images linked via BBcode on the fly. I have compiled a list of functions that do individual components of this task, but stringing them together has proved, well, a challenge.

I discovered this code that will re-size the images, however this will need to be added on an ad-hoc basis, and the fact that the image name appears twice complicates the usual system I used to add the code.

Usual way of replacing the code (inside a function):


vText = Replace(vText,"[ img ]","<div align='center'><img align='middle' src='")
vText = Replace(vText,"[/ img ]","'></div>")

Image resize code:

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Linked Drop Downs

how can i change the options of a combo box when selecting an option of another combo box?

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Linked Form Menus

I currently have a page with car manufacturers in a dynamic form menu. Users can select one and click submit to find available cars by that manufacturer. What i now need is a second menu on the page where when a manufacturer is selected, the models associated with that manufacturer display for a user to choose. For example if Ford is selected:

Menu One Menu Two
------------------ -----------------
Ford Focus

Can i do this with ASP to say "if menu one is ford, menu two contains...."? Or is there a much easier way which i am somehow missing?

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Dynamic Triple Linked Dropdowns


' then set up a query
' -----------------------------------------------
sQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT * from tablename Order By columnA, columnB " ' << insert your own sql here

could someone give an example so I could follow it?

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Images Won't Show Linked From Access DB

I am unable to show and image or flash i have in an access database that is linked to an images subfolder, below is what i am using to show text on my ASP page but i want to ad a couple of images to the database to show in different locations on the page or pages, so i guess i needed a call function but ive used the one i have on my database image rotator scipt and a few others i have dowloaded and still the call scripts wont work, i'm sure im doing alot wrong can someone please edit this code and show me what to do... if its no bother

This works fine for showing the text on a page:

Dim rs
Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")

rs.Open "introtext", "DSN=introTXT.mdb"

While Not rs.EOF
Response.Write "<br>" & rs("Content") & "<br>"
Response.Write "" & rs("URL") & ""

Set rs = Nothing

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Two Linked Dynamic Drop Downs

I want to make a form where m using two drop down menus.

Where in based on selection in first drop down the second drop down should populate itself with relevant data based on first drop down. Like first can be COUNTRY name and second can be STATE name where based oon country selected the STATES are displayed in second drop down for selection.

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Form With Linked Drop-down Lists

I have an ASP-page where I want to be able to select a fabric and color of that fabric. Since different fabrics comes with different colors I want to have a form with two drop-down lists where selection of fabric in the first list populates the second list with the right set of colors. I need to have the lists in the same form so it only require one submit.

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Restrict Linked Image Width

I'm creating a forum based site with basic BBCode features, but am concerned that misuse of the [ img ] tag will mess up my layout. I do not want to go down to road of users uploading images, but want to allow them to embed images from flickr, photobucket etc.

So, is it possible to restrict all linked images that are say, over 400 pixels wide? I've been racking my brains and have had trouble coming up with any solutions. Is it possible?

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Exporting To Word Using ASP - Need Linked Images To Be Embedded

I have an application in ASP that exports to Word using the Response.ContentType method.

The application references another ASP page through the img tag that uses a Response.BinaryWrite (of an img content type) for its output.

In other words:

App A.ASP contains the code: [...] <%Response.ContentType =
"application/vnd-msword"%> [...] <img src="B.ASP">

Then B.ASP contains the code: [...] <%Response.ContentType = "image/png"%>
[...] <%Response.BinaryWrite BinaryObject%> [...]

When Word opens and the document is saved, it references the images as links. I need to have these images be embedded as the file will need to be emailed outside of the network.

I can go in and manually break the links and save them as embedded files, but this process needs to be automated as users will not know how to do this.

Is there a way to force these images to be embedded instead of referenced as links when the Word doc is intially created?

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Reading Linked Server Stored Procedure

I've got a stored procedure which returns a select query on a linked server. This works fine if i call within SQL and Query Analyser but if i try and execue to return data to a ASP recordset i get the ridiculous

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: The provider did not give any information about the error.].

Am i missing something really basic like a simple setting or is it just not possible.

Heres my ASP code: ...

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Creating Linked Pull Down Lists With VBscript

Trying to figure out how to make a pulldown menu, which when something is selected, another pulldown menu comes up with limited options (based on the input from the first). I've seen examples using Jscript, but none using VB. The rest of my page is done in VB. Any suggestions? Is this possible?

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How Can I SELECT By Two Fields In A Linked Table (2 Degrees Away)?

How can I do this in a single query (or query-subquery)?

Return the Rows of all books in the CATALOG that...

- are tagged with one category

- are also tagged with a second category

This is a 3-table db
Many-to-many (each book may have many categories & v.v.)

- bookCatalog is the main table (with fields for each book's unique data, primary key is Ref_no)

- bookCategoriesLinkTbl is the linking table (it has two fields: category_ID and Ref_no)

- categoriesTbl has only 2 fields: category_ID and categoryName
It's an Access 97 db Code:

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Linked 'tables' (access) Local - To -remote

Is it actually possible for a local access 2000 database to link to a remote database online via linked tables. I just wanted to know how feasible a LINKED TABLE scenario would be.

If this was possible it would solve so many administration problems and save development time when it comes to building asp-admin pages to manage the backend.

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How Can I List All The Email Address From Hotmal Contact List?

How can i list out all the email address into my website from the hotmail caontact list? i am successful log in into the yahoo contact list by using serverxmlhttp and list out all the email address from the page source, but i could not access to hotmail by using the serverxmlhttp. Is any other methos can list out the email address from hotmail contact list?

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List Box

I have a form with 3 list boxes, in the second list box i have created a select all button to enable users to select all items.
but when i click select all button an error message is returned stating that "Object doesn't support this propery or method"
here is my code.

<script language=javascript>
function selectall(sel) {
var len = sel.length;
for ( var i=0; i<len; i++)
sel.options[i].selected = true;

<input type="button" name="selectall" value"select All" onclick="javascript:selectall(listboxname)")

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List Box

i have a list box with allot of values in it. How do i submit the item that is selected in the list box? ive tried a few but i cant get it working. Here is what i tried: = document.form.list1.value

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in select box we can select only values...can not change that value in list itself...
i wanted to give my user in edit form they can chnage the value in list itself...

any property of select box..or some codeing ? Code:

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Fso List

i know how to get a listing of files in a specific directory, but i want to get a list of all files in all subdirectories of a specific directory (not virtual). on my server i have e:picturesweb.

in this folder there is male and female directories and in those directories there are also subdirectories. i want the page to create a value for each file and directory so that it can be submitted to another page that will ftp the pictures to a remote site. (yes I have the ftp script ready to go)

something like:
picname1 = john1.jpg
picdir1 = male/
picname2 = sally.jpg
picdir2 = female/

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List Box

I have a webpage with a list box. I wish to populate it with values from my database when the page loads, these values are just the primary key.

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Using List Box

I've created one list box and a button The query is: After clicking the button the action done on the same page with the values selected. How to solve this ?

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List Box

Does anyone know how to tell which items in a multiple-select listbox are selected?

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Drop Down List

Im using a drop down list for user to select their option. (For example the user selected type2) All goes fine for saving, but when I retrieve the info from database to be display on the same form on the same drop down list, it display Select Heretype2

<select name="type">
<option value="<%=type%>">Select Here<%=type%></option>
<option value="type1">type1</option>
<option value="type2">type2</option>

How to overcome this?

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Drop Down List

I want to save the value of the option in a cookies choosed by a user in a drop down list in ASP page. After OnChange"........ what should I write?

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