Tick Checkbox If Database Is True

in my web page, i would like to user to see a ticked checkbox should the database = True however, i cannot seems to be getting it. Would anybody be able to help me out? Code:

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ASP CHECKBOX: How To Send True/false To DB

Been having problems sending a true/false value to my database from a checkbox/radio group. Using checkboxes.... Code:

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Set A Checkbox From Database

I have a database which contains a field called hide which is a yes/no data type. I have an edit record page which is populated with all the data from the database which can then be changed and updated back to the database. What I am trying to do is set the checkbox based on the value in the database . i.e. if hide = true then set checkbox to true.

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Insert Value Of Checkbox To The Database

what Im trying to do is to insert into the database the values of the checked checkboxes of the recordset fields the appear in the table I've written the following code:

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Dynamic Checkbox With Database

i have list of items as a list.Now user can select any item in that list. Now what i do is create checkboxes to enable user to check the item which has to be selected.

1. Checkboxes are dynamic.

2. I create checkboxes with one name assign value = Itemcode value so that when form is submitted i can get the itemcode value as a comma seperated list and which would be easy for me to put it in a database query.

3. the part i have problem is i have to display those checkboxes ticked back to user , ie after form submit i have to make the checkbox which are previously checked, to be in checked state.


assume this is an arrray i am getting from form element.what is the easiest and efficient method so that i can make those checkbox checked again.

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Update Database Using Checkbox

I'm trying to update a database and some of the answers are check boxes. If I don't change the value of the check box the database is not updated. That is, if I had the checkbox checked when I first submitted the survey it would show ON in the database, when I try to update if I leave the checkbox blank, it will not clear the result in the database.

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Updating Checkbox Value Into Database

Currently i am using this function to update the database for the values of the checkboxes. Anyidea on how to go about including the values of those not selected.
0= not checked 1=checked

MenuName | Super | IT
Menu1 1 1
Menu2 0 1


for each chk in Request.Form("opt")
sSQL = "UPDATE GroupAccess SET IT = 1 WHERE MainMenuID = " & chk

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CheckBox's Validation Thru Database

The Subscribers on my Web-Site need to Personalize their Settings so as to Only View the Categories(Pertaining to Tendering) of their Interest by Selecting them thru Checking the CheckBoxes, HowEver they may Change the preferences(for Personalization) at any point of time by Re-Selecting few other Categories or Deselecting the Previous Selected Categories. Code:

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Tick Checbox

Ive set up a page with a apply/sumbit button on one page . when the user clicks either apply or sumbit button I want the following page to tick the checkbox . would I need asp coding or java and which page would code go into.

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User Tick

how to makesure user tick on the any of the checkbox the page?

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Problems With Checkbox Value Stored In Database

I have a checkbox the value which goes to a database via a asp page that
builds the sql string.

In the front end asp page, the checkbox code is written as follows:

<i><input type="checkbox" name="chk_Complete" value="<%Response.Write
l_IsChecked%>"<%if cbool(l_IsChecked) then Response.Write " checked"%>>

The code to captures the checkbox value in the asp page that builds the sql
string is follows

l_f_IsChecked = Request.Form("chk_Complete")

With this, when the database is already checked (and the checkbox shows checked) unchecking and saving makes the value of the checkbox value in database unchecked. At this point when the asp front-end page is refreshed it shows the checkbox in unchecked state(should be so). Now if I want to check the checkbox and save in the database, the checkbox value in the database does not get changed to checked.

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Adding A Checkbox Which Returns Value To Database

I am trying to write a basic holiday booking system for the company I work for, it is quite simple in that the user selects the dates they want off work, and they can view if it has been approved or not. It has an admin screen so that the manager can go in and approve the holiday request.

To do this I would like the admin screen to display all the dates in the database that the user has selected off and to have a checkbox next to each that the manager can select to approve it. However I don't know how I would do this, at present all it does is read the info in the database. Code:

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Insert Checkbox Vaule To Database

I am having problems inserting checkbox data into my database. The string data from the text files in my form have no problems being inserted in the db. Code:

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Shows Tick Box Data

i want to do is to have an update form that shows tick box data which is read from an access database via asp and a dsn less connection string. Have achieved it with text boxes but can't for the life of me figure out how to do the same with tickboxes.

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Is It Possible To Insert All Checkbox Values Into 1 Field In The SQL Database?

Is it possible to insert more than 2 checkbox values into 1 field in the SQL database?

I have 5 checkboxes; I would like to insert them all into 1 column in the SQL DB.
If I insert more than 2, it gives an error.

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Tick Box Duplicate Text From One Textbox To Another

i have a form on my page..

i have one textbox called


and another one called 'customername'

and a tick box called 'tickme'

the user fills in the booker name first..
they then move through the form..

they then get to the customername textbox..

basically when the user ticks the tickbox.. i want the name currently in the bookername textbox to be placed in the customername textbox..

i am guessing that this feature will probably need to be coded in javascript.. but seeing as you guys must deal a lot with forms.. someone will probably have done this before..

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Asp Email Form With Tick Boxes To Different Address's?

I am trying to set up a contact page using Matt's FormMail ASP script (because my hosting is on a Windows server I am unable to use the easier Natemail PHP script)

It is simple enough to send an email to a single email address but I want to have a form with a choice of 4 email address's to send to that are chosen by way of a tickbox (it doesn't have to be a tickbox but that is what I prefer at the moment)

Does anybody know of a method to do this?

(I am using Adobe Golive CS2)

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SPLIT Either BOF Or EOF Is True?

I'm pretty new at this so if someone could tell me what I need to do to the foloowing code I would really appreciate it!

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM chapmeetreq2 WHERE chapter = '" & session("chap") & "' and entrydate = '" & date() & "' order by req_id desc" ...

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True Answer Re Timeouts

I've been using text files for Tab-Delimited/ADO/ASP sites so that users can
update and display their products lists through my system with relative

Only problem is that for the last few months or so, this system has been
generating loads of timeouts. ISP has said that I should be looking to
upgrade my system, as it is the mechanics of it that are creaking under the
strain. My queries are:

a) Which REALLY performs better OLEDB DSN-less or ODBC DSN-less?

b) If I convert the system to use 1 Access DB rather than 50-odd
tab-delimited text files will this REALLY perform better in relation to

To give you some idea of the problems, the site can viewed by going to
www.bardwells.co.uk and clicking the Product List link.

I just can't understand it because the pages on the whole are very lean and
zippy (esp. ADSL), but its these exact same Broadband users who seem to have
more trouble with timeouts than dial-up ones.

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True Or False In A Yes/no Field

in one of my sql queries on an asp page i am trying to select some data from an access table. The problem is the search criteria is based on a yes/no field. I need to find any record where the value is null or true. So far i have this:

if ISNULL(orseof("Returned")) OR orseof("Returned") = True then

the ISNULL section works it is just the = true bit that doesn't.

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True Image Thumbnails

How can my ASP serverscript read a JPG file and create a small thumbnail
image? I don't mean simple resizing, but true resizing so that the image
actually gets smaller in size. Is this possible without the use of a 3rd
party component?Does anyone have a code example for me?

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Subscript Out Of Range: 'True'

I'm getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'

Subscript out of range: 'True'

/Featured.asp, line 28

on this code:

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Response.Buffer Set TO True

If response.buffer is set to true, and no response.flush has been executed, is it accurate to expect that my browser should not be rendering the content which I (well Ok, someone else) is sending in response.write statements?

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True Or False Quiz

i m trying to create a true and false quiz which accesses the questions from a access database processes the results and then writes back to the database

I dont know how to structure the code for the radio buttons,i also need to give the user immediate feedback, but i cant use pop up boxes

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Isnumeric Return True

why does isnumeric return true?

if isnumeric(a) then
end if

empty isnt numerical is it?

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Evaluate RegExp To True.

How do I evaluate a RegExp to true or false? Like I want to know if the value is correct or not using this snippet. Code:

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Either BOF Or EOF Is True, Or The Current Record Has Been Deleted.

I am struggling with opening a database and reading data from it via SQL. Please tell me what is wrong with this code. I am trying to open up different tables and get information from them and put it on the one page. Code:

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Either BOF Or EOF Is True, Or The Current Record Has Been Deleted

ADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

This is the error I recieve when trying to run my site. I know why. I am passing a non existed URL Parameter. However I would like to recieve a MsgBox that says that such record doesn't exist. Code:

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Either BOF Or EOF Is True, Or The Current Record Has Been Deleted

It says I have 8 records but is not displaying them.

ADODB.Fielderror '800a0bcd'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. /deleteevent.asp, line 33 Code:

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Either BOF Or EOF Is True, Or The Current Record Has Been Deleted

I have several pages I set up in my web site and I am having trouble with two of them - search and results. The stat_search uses a form which seems to work right and when I test the recordset on the stat_results page and enter a value it returns the right results.

When a value is entered from the stat_search page the results page displays the records with the right value and the Records _ of _ indicates the right number of records but when I use the Next or Last arrows to move to the next record I receive the ADODB.Field error. Code:

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Either BOF Or EOF Is True, Or The Current Record Has Been Deleted

Howcome it doesn't work?

ADODB.Fielderror '80020009'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. /gemetria/kjvresp3.asp, line 0

It was working before!!! Code:

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Either BOF Or EOF Is True, Or The Current Record Has Been Deleted.

This is the error I'm getting:

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/ism5315/readtrends.asp, line 46

What I'm trying to do is select the records from my table that match the sensor and gauge the user selects. I have time fields that are optional, and I'm trying to get the page to work if the user selects no time frame first.

Of course, there can be mutliple records for the gauge and sensors, so I created a loop that should run thru and select them all. But I am getting the above error. But I know I am getting into the loop because I have included a response.write sql to verify I am selecting the correct objects. Code:

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Random True/false Quiz

Here's what I want to do (i'm kind of there in JavaScript, but want to move it to ASP).

I have 17 different html pages. quiz1.html > quiz17.html.

The user says take a quiz and it pops up a window holding quiz1.html.

Within each page is a true/false question. Upon answering the user is told:

1. what they answered.
2. if that is correct or not
3. a corresponding sentence about the question.
4. an image the corresponds to if they were corect or not.

(This is all done in javascript).


However, now I want to take these 17 questions and randomize them and choose 6 questions.

For example:

The window pops up and it's question 1 they do that then move to the next one. 1-6 (random out of 17.

I'd like to do this in ASP.

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