Time Based Colour Coding!

What I would like is during the time the event actually occurs I want the field in the table to change colour and return to it's original colour when the time to expires.

I've written some ASP to do this, and it half works, but instead of colouring one event, it colours everything (because I use a repeat region i think). Code:

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Time Based Redirect

am trying to redirect users based on time using following.It sends no matter what to first url.Code:

if now() > 23 or now() < 08.00 then
response.redirect url1
response.redirect url2

Its something simple but I just cant get to grips with it.

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Recurring Time Based Function

i have some lines of codes.. probably i'll make it a function..
i want the function to be executed every 24 hours or some other stated time.how do i do that?

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Returning Records Based On Time Field

How does one return records in a recordset based on a time/date field. If todays date is 8/25/04, how could i return all those records from 8/25/04. Mind you, i have long date format ex. "8/25/2004 4:46:45 pm"

I dont want to user a form for this i simply just want these time- sensative records to be returned in the recordset .

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Colour Selector

I am looking for a way to display a colour selector so that a user can choose a colour.
Exactly like the font colour selector in this text editor. Where the user would click the dropdown box
and see the colours. There may be multiple ones on a page, and I want to store the value to use after

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How To Change An Image Colour?

I have problem to change colour of a product taken from the database. For your info, currently i'm doing my post graduate project on Online Shopping. One of the features that i must include in the project is changing colour of a selected product. The product has the motive on it and i have to change colour for both - the background and the motive of the product. i have tried many coding but it does not work. Can somebody please help me....?

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Text Variable Colour

I'm trying to change the colour of the session("name") variable below, but not having any luck. I need the name to be a different colour than the "logged in as". Any suggestions? Code:

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Datagrid Cell Colour

I am not sure if this is possible but is there a way to change the color of a datagrid cell when a condition is met? For example, let's say if percent_changed >10 then change cell color to orange if percent_changed >25 then change cell color to red.

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Text Changes Colour/datetime

I have a form which I'm trying to get the writing to change colour after 48 hours and then 336 hours. Fields that need to change:

InstallationDate - compare the SignedDate with the InstallationDate. If the InstallationDate is older than 48 hours then the text needs to change to red. InstallComplete - compare the SignedDate with the InstallComplete field. If the InstallComplete field is still not filled [null] after 48 hours of the signed date then the text needs to change to red.

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Change Font Colour According To IF Condition

I want to change the font colour to red if a recordset value is 'high' but i dont know where to put the font tags, Heres what i got so far:

<td width="13%" align="center"><% if rs("priority") = "High" then response.write rs("priority")
else response.write rs("priority") %></td>

But where would i put the font tag and the colour, so it coloured the priorities marked as high red?

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Adding Font Colour To Response.write Script

What I would like is shown in the script below:

response.write rsuser("event_Day") & "&nbsp"
response.write rsuser("event_Date") & "&nbsp"
response.write rsuser("event_Month") & "&nbsp" & "&nbsp"
response.write rsuser("event_Year") & "&nbsp" & "&nbsp"
<font color="#990000">response.write rsuser("event_SoldOut")</font>

I would like for the 5th response.write to be in a different font colour, but its not allowing me to do this.

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Coding ASP

I've read people using UltraDev and such - so tell me what benefits have you found ? I've noticed ASP.NET is very difficult to do with text-editors but I haven't found any reasons to code "normal ASP" with GUIs. How can you do a code like this:

dim foo = "I've heard Zenith is a fancy lad"
IF (foo) THEN
Response.Write("<a href=""foobar.asp?param=" & zoo & """>Woohoo</a>")

...faster with GUI ?

I'm waiting


P.S I've just found this forum and it looks like the best ASP-related BBS I've seen

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ASP Coding

If anybody can give me any tips or coding for search engine.I have created a search engine site.it is a kind of knowledge at work site.

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Email Coding

f_strHost = "mail.my-site.com"
Set f_Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
f_Mail.Host = f_strHost
f_Mail.Port = 25

f_Mail.From = "feedback@my-site.com"
f_Mail.FromName = "feedback@my-site.com"
f_Mail.AddAddress "mysite_for_admin@my-site.com"
f_Mail.Subject = "Admin Record on Submission"
f_Mail.Body = f_msg_admin
f_Mail.IsHTML = True

f_strHost = "mail.my-site.com"
Set f_Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
f_Mail.Host = f_strHost
f_Mail.Port = 25

f_Mail.From = "support@my-site.com"
f_Mail.FromName = "support@my-site.com"
f_Mail.AddAddress request("email")
f_Mail.Subject = "Customer Submission"
f_Mail.Body = f_msg
f_Mail.IsHTML = True

Is this a good email coding practice? i havent yet found any simple code but this one works on me.

I just want to send one email to the customer's email add and another to the admin(having a default email add =mysite_for_admin@my-site.com) while sending at the same time.

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Sql Coding Problem

I have problem with my sql coding. The problem that i encountered is that i cant detect the in between time in my field. I have two fields namely PeriodFrom and PeriodTo which I set to text data type. However, let say the previous user has made a booking from 0750-1620, the subsequent user should not be able to book the in between time. I tried to use the sql operator but it seems like doesn't work at all. Is there anything wrong it?...

Below are my coding..
blnInvalidLab = False
blnInvalidPeriod = False
blnInvalidDate = False

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Coding Standard

i have to write same sql statement twice.. is there anyway i can write statement once and call all the values in second combo box ? Code:

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Coding Standards

w3c talks about scripting and gives examples. But I could not find a
coding standard for ASP/VBScript.I am trying to find any standards and tools to apply those standards to
my companies ASP/VBScript codebase.I am thinking that HTML Tidy can at least go through and cleanup the
HTML codebase

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Combination SQL And ASP Coding

I am having a hard time figuring out how to sum records in an access table, and display them correctly with asp on a web page.

Here's an example of my table:

orgID, orgName, noPeopleInvolved, noHoursWorked.

This table just keeps track of the number of volunteers an organization had at a particular event, and the number of hours the organization as a whole, put in.

Now, I can get it to where I display every single organizationName once, in a table (an html table on a web page), with columns OrgName, Tot People Involved, and Tot # of hours worked,
by using this asp code and getting each orgName from a basic select statement earlier in the code:

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ASP Coding Errors

I have a form page that people fill out and push submit. When they push
submit, the information is stored in a database in two different tables.
You are then directed to a page that lists everything you have submitted so
you can print it. I am having problems with this second page. Information
from one of the tables is listed, but the information from the other table
isn't listed. They are related by the "casenumber" that is given when

I have looked at the tables, and the information is there, and they have the
same casenumber, but the information doesn't get put on the 2nd page. We
just moved our site to IIS 6. Everything was working perfectly in IIS 5,
but is now "broken" in IIS 6. I always get the following error when it hits
the coding that should put in the information from the second table:

ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested
operation requires a current record. Code:

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Coding Standards For ASP?

Looking for any info on coding standards for ASP? with the review/formatting of code? Is it done mainly for the jscript/vbscript components?

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Formpagetablefields Coding

I have the following code in my html page:

<td align="left" valign="top"
class="formpagetablelabel"> initialinvestment</td>
<td class="formpagetablelabel" align="right"><input
class="formpagetablefield" type="number" name="initialinvestment" size="8"
Value="<%=formatNumber(Session("initialinvestment"),2)%>"font class="formpagetablefield">

This command takes data from my database and shows the value in the formpagetablefield as a number.


has the format that negative numbers are in RED, in BRACKETS and to align to the RIGHT of the formpagetablefield.

How do I have to change the code to get the result?

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Coding With Dates

I've got in my code a date in the format of dd/mm/yyyy (eg 10/06/2008). What I want to do is find out the number of days since last Thursday. Simple enough to explain, but I have no idea about how to go about coding it.

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Enter Coding

i need a script to go from field to another in an asp page with the enter button instead of the tab button, and the submit button is the space instead of the enter button.

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Coding For Different Languages

I am now creating a website which have 3 languages (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese). The server has installed English version Window 2000 (Server Version, Default Codepage is Traditional Chinese) and MSSQL 2000 (English). I have created a database which use the codepage "chinese_PRC".

However, when I created an testing asp pages ( 1 textbox and it will insert the content into the table), it cannot store the chars in correct coding. I would like to know whether asp or MSSQL has something wrong in my setting?

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Coding Standard In C#

coding standard in c# what is the best way of coding i mean some developers develop applications through direct query's INSERT,UPDATE,SELECT,DELETE or some developer develop applications through using classes create classes and call INSERT,UPDATE,SELECT,DELETE querys some developer develop application's through stored procedure create classes and call stored procedures i mean i am little confused what is the best way to written code .

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ASP Coding Problem With SQL

What i am wanting to do is go through a database and count the number of times that a specific user has entered in an item (in this case a story)

I have some SQL to "try" and do this, however it isnt working...

storySQL = "SELECT * , COUNT (stories.user_id) AS num_ord FROM stories WHERE stories.user_id ='" & tempUserID & "'"

response.write storySQL

storyRS.Open storySQL, objConn
i dont really know what the num_ord is as it was in my sql book...

The error i am getting is: Code:

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Coding A Popup Within My Page

I need direction on this. I don't know what its called, almost like a message box or something. First off, I have frames. Right now, the menu has a list of warehouses, and if you click on the warehouse on my site it then opens (in the 'main' part of the frame) all the hotline activity for the past 30 days. I would like it to instead of going straight to that page kind of popup a little box with an input box for someone to type in the amount of days they would like to go back, instead of the default 30. The thing is, I dont know how to code that in. It would look something like this (in my head anyway).

<%If (link)<>"" Then%>
<form action="" name="""" method="post">
Please enter the amount of days you would like to search by.
<input type="text" name=""days">
<input" type="submit" name=""submit"" value="Submit">
<%End if%>

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How To Take CDO Coding Toreplace CDONTS

I'm having problems understanding why I would need to add this code to my Web Form when using CDO.

sch = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration"

I'm don't like having anything rely on another location to make things work. Do I need to add this code in or is there a simplier way to change current CDONTS code. Code:

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Coding For IMAP Email

I have a simple helpdesk page on our internal intranet where the users input their information and it emails them the ticket and info, etc. Well, we host our mydomain.com IMAP email offsite right now, so we have IMAP.MYDOMAIN.COM in DNS forwarded externally.

Problem is, most if not all users internally know their email address as myemail@mydomain.com, and NOT myemail@imap.mydomain.com. Since the email that gets sent to the engineers on the backend is hard-coded, the emails for our notifications work... (someone@imap.mydomain.com and will always work.

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Image Changer Coding

Const ImagesRoot = "Graeme/pics"

Set fsoFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FolderRoot = fsoFolder.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(ImagesRoot))
Set FolderSubs = FolderRoot.subfolders
RndFolderNum = Int(FolderSubs.count * Rnd)

this is the code i have, all variables defined correctly and what not. however im still getting a error. its probably something stupid based on the error im getting but lets see if anyone can help

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A004C)
Path not found
/ebus211g6/Graeme/rndimage.asp, line 19

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Coding Of Delete Button

i want to a delete button that can delete the file i upload to localhost. what is the coding for the delete?

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Search Engine Coding

I'm using an Oracle database and basically all my information is in there ready to use, what I'm having trouble with precisley is that:

I have a search field, when a somebody types in what they are looking for basically what I want the asp page to do is retreive that specific information from the database. Basically I don't know where to start. I'd be very grateful for any help you could provide me with.

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How To Upload File Using Asp Coding

I need some help in uploading file using asp coding.

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