Time Stamp Into Access DB Comes Up Blank

I have been working on a form that updates an access database via a SQL statement. I believe I have the SQL part correct as when I do the response.write SQL I get what I believe to be correct. Code:

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D/t Time Stamp

I am trying to store the current date to an ms access database on my server.
I set it up with a dsnless connection.
Here is the statement:
Insert Into employees(timestamp) Values ('" & date() & "')"

the timestamp field is of type date/time in the ms access database.
I get an error saying the insert statement is invalid. Cannot get you the
exact error, my server is down.
But it seems that the syntax is correct.

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Now() Time Stamp

I have an asp form which is capable of entering a Now() datetime stamp. Can anyone show me how I can then use this information to let change some text once 48 hours has passed? I.E. compare the now() time stamp with time now. As yet I've tried to use Date() but this does not count to exactly 48 hours after the initial time stamp.

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Time And Date Stamp

Im looking for a simple app with a start and stop button that when clicked
will add a time and date stamp into a database (and add it up on a weekly
basis)i wanna keep track of my time on a particular project for the next few weeks

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Unix Time Stamp

I am trying to replicate the Unix Timestamp,specifically the function
mktime() in Vbscript, ASP. I have the following so far:

ThisTime = DateSerial(2004, 9, 27) + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0)
response.write DateDiff("s", "12/31/1969 00:00:00", ThisTime)

This returns the timestamp: 1096329600, and when you decode that it comes
to: 27 Sep 2004 20:00. I want to set the time too, ie. show for example: 27
Sep 2004 16:15

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Date/time Stamp

I'd like to stamp a field (Visitors_FulfilmentDate) with the current Date/Time (it is SQL2000 - smalldatetime datatype).

Using ASP - would like to set Visitors_FulfilmentDate to whatever is the current date/time. Tried using Now() but it doesn't work ("[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]'Now' is not a recognized function name. ") :

strSQL = "UPDATE Visitors SET Visitors_Fulfilled = 1, Visitors_FulfilmentDate = Now() WHERE Visitors_ID = "& strFulfilmentCode ....

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Reformatting The Time Stamp

i have some vars throughout an application that has a time stamp in the format:


at the end of the app in a few places, its required that the stamp be like this format: YYYY-MM-DD

i'm trying to change this and am having no luck, any suggestions:

varDate = "8/30/2006"

Replace(varDate, inStr(Left(varDate "/", 2)&"/"), Right(varDate, 4)&"-")

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CDONTS Email Time Stamp

My customers webpage sends emails to everyone in the members database using
CDONTS. The customer is on the west coast, the server is on the east coast.
The email has Eastern time on it, 3 hours ahead of Pacific time. Is there
any way to set the sent time that goes out with an email??

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Send Time Stamp To Database

How to insert time stamp data into Access Database when insert other data together in ASP/.

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Date/time Stamp For E-mail Form

I'm a complete beginner when it comes to ASP (CF and PHP are my regulars) and am trying to help a friend out with a very basic form on his site. It's your standard issue "fill this out for more info" HTML form, which will be processed by an ASP script, and then spit out a "thank you" page at the end. The thank you page will not have to display any information about the request.

The entire form is working great, collecting the visitor's name, e-mail address, phone number, and info from some radio buttons. But we'd like to add an automatic time/date stamp so that when the form is submitted and then received by the site's owner at the other end via e-mail, it also shows the date and time it was sent. I imagine we'd use some sort of hidden field? I'm of course open to any ideas.

The format of a sample e-mail could then be:

Date/Time Submitted: 2003/04/26, 11:03 pm
Name: bob joe
E-mail: bob@joe.com
Phone Number: 000-000-0000

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Page 2 - Login Stamp In Access Database

Unless you declared those session variables earlier, they have no data in them. Assuming this information is coming from a form, try using request.form("fieldname") instead of the session variables.

If this doesn't address your problem, give more detail about what "isn't working"

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Access Time

how can i allow a registered member to accessfew protected page for one hour only.not more than that.please help me doing this.

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Time Interval, Access

The interval that a driver is available from 5:00:00 AM to 8:00:00 PM.... And I dont want to pick this route that runs from 10:15:00 to PM 4:00:00 AM ... because the driver is not available btw those times..However my query picks that tooo..Why?

rs3.Open "SELECT * FROM Routes " &_
"WHERE instr(Day_Runs,'"&trim(rs("sch_day"))&"') " &_
"And ( (start_time = #"&FormatDateTime(rs("sch_time_start"))&"# AND end_time = #"&FormatDateTime(rs("sch_time_end"))&"#) " &_
"OR (start_time > #"&FormatDateTime(rs("sch_time_start"))&"# AND end_time = #"&FormatDateTime(rs("sch_time_end"))&"#) " &_
"OR (start_time = #"&FormatDateTime(rs("sch_time_start"))&"# AND end_time < #"&FormatDateTime(rs("sch_time_end"))&"#) " &_
"OR (start_time > #"&FormatDateTime(rs("sch_time_start"))&"# AND end_time < #"&FormatDateTime(rs("sch_time_end"))&"#) )" ,conn

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Insert Time Into Access DB

I tried to insert time using now() and failed,

time= date();
conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");
conn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" +
Server.MapPath("generator.mdb") + ";");
sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO table1 ([time]) VALUES (" +
time + ")";

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Track Access Time

currently was doing a asp project, this project allow ppl to upload file to server and allow other user to browse it or download it. is the any way to track the time between after user click on the file to browse it and close it? What i mean is to track the time that a user access certain file in asp.thx a million.

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Inserting Data/time To An Access Db

i have an access db with a "date/time" data type with a format of "Long format";
i want to add the date/time automatically in DB when a user submit a form.

i tried using the
xdate = formatdatetime("var",1)

and putting that var in the DB, but i get an error

can someone show me how to do it right?

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ACCESS Date/time Problem...

I have a db that has a field 'enddate' and I want to UPDATE all the records there 'enddate' has passed... i.e. the record has expired.

The trouble I get is that no matter what the date, it marks all the records as expired, even though some have not... It's nothing to do with the 'impressions' or 'maximps' fields as I have taken those out and the problem still happens. I have a good testing database set up, and it should be showing some results...

This is my code:.....

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How Do I Inserrt Time And Date Into An Access Db.

I have an access db called boards with a table called notes and I want to add a time and date data to the table. The code for adding data to the db is: Code:

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Date Stamp

I have a guestbook and want to add a date field. I want the date field to be automatically stamped as it were when someone submits a new entry to the guestbook, how can I do that? My database is Access by the way.

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Login Stamp

I am having lots of trouble creating a login stamp in the database to keep a record of when users sign in. The database is Access.

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Mail And Update MS Access Record At Same Time

I have a form on a website for logged-in customers to update their contact details, when the customer update their contact details it should update the record in the database and at the same time the updated contact details should be sent to me by email.

I'm not an expert in ASP 3.0 and therefor I'm using dreamweaver 8 to create asp pages(ASP 3.0 VB), but dreamweaver does not have such kind of fuction(server behavior) to do this and so I have to create this by hand.

Now I already have page with the form that updates the record in the database, and I also have another page that does the mailing(CDONTS), first it updates the record in the database and in dreamweaver I have set "after insert the record go to mail_processing.asp" , but this does not work.

I can only get one to work, either only update the record or only mail the form data.

How can I make it to update and mail at the same time?

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How To Retrieve Last Update Time For Access Database?

I would like to indicate in my ASP page when the Access database was last updated.

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Blank Form

What I need to know is how to click on a button that is labeled NEW, as in new record, and have the current form open to data input. That is a blank record. After the user then inputs the data to all the fields on the screen and hits the SAVE button the record will then be placed into the database table.

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Auth_User Blank

I am trying to use AUTH_USER from request.servervariables but the field is
blank. I am using Windoze server 2003 with IIS5. I know there is a fix
because I did it a long time ago with our old NT server running IIS4 but I
cant remember how I got it to work. We are all authenticated users on our
Domain so this is available, I am able to get IP info and such. I seem to
remember some kind of ASP code that did the fix by altering the way the web
server displays info.

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Blank Asp Pages?

The host Im useing is useing plesk as its control panel if anyone has ever heard of that...I hadnt until this site.

when I try to load a asp page on my site it just loads a blank page.

The page is a data base editor page that I had built useing fp 2002

all my other asp pages load fine.

But this one just loads a blank white page

No errors no nothing. Code:

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Blank Data

I had a problem for a while where data was added on its own, and BLANK data. I found out it was because i was opening the processPage.asp to see if it was working, so that was inputting data out of the form that wasnt there. So i get blank data. Is there anyway i can make the process work ONLY if there is data in the form?? Code:

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Blank Lines

I am creating a directory of suppliers.I have a form that collects data - business name, address1, address2, town, city, county, country, postcode.
The data is stored in separate fields in an Access database. Another page is used to display the data, one field per line. However, if some of the fields are blank, I want to suppress the blank liens as at the moment I am getting:

My Business Name
1 High Street

Any Town

Any County
United Kingdom

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Blank Drop Down

I have a drop down list, values coming from a db, when I come into the form I want it to have no value - how do I do this? Also, if I want to capture the value that a person selects from the drop down list do I need to use a session variable if I want to print it to the screen after they select it?

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Blank Date

I want to clear the date in a field in an access table by entering a blank. Does anyone know the syntax for that in the select statement? This is via an asp page

The select statement I am trying to use
strQ ="Update Inquiries set ShutOffDate= 00/00/0000 WHERE CustomerID = "&CustomerID&""

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Blank 500 Error

I'm getting some errors in my .asp code somewhere but I can't seem to figure them out because all I get is a blank 500 error screen. I don't get any description of the error, just a blank screen so I don't know what the problem is.

Just wondering if there's a way to get the results easily because I do not have admin rights to the server so I can't make a custom 500 error page or i would.

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Blank Pages

We use Vignette V5.6 to display our site. In our CMA site, we have a page which has FRAMESET and in one of the frames we call a ASP page. There seems to be some problem that the frame shows the ASP page is blank. When we restart the IIS it works fine. But after some time it again shows the blank.

If we get one blank page, all the asp pages under the same virtual directory, called in the Frame shows blank. FYI. The Vignette template which contains the frame is marked for NO caching & For itnernal use only.

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Blank Fields

All my fields give that error when I try to leave it blank when inserting a new record. The field is not required in the database, so what do I have to do to insert it as blank?



[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Field 'Tablename.NOTREQUIRED' cannot be a zero-length string.

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Blank Querystrings

I want to know how I can check if a querystring exists, whether it has a value or not.

Basically I would like to use test.asp?login without having to use ?Login=blah.

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