I got a problem solving on how to convert the following time zone all into EST. My server is currently in EST but i need to convert the following time zone [PST,MST,CST] all into EST given all the exact time. eg 09:00 AM PST, 1:00 PM MST, 2:00 PM CST etc etc.
I've been working for this a week now and i hope somebody will give me sample code
I know this is probably simple, but I'll ask anyway. I have a form which when submitted to the database the field in the database automatically adds date and time which is fine. My only problem is that my site is for the GMT UK time zone, but the database resides on a American server, IE the database records the local American time (-5 hours difference)
New to ASP,JScript,VBScript.I have a server in one time zone and a client in another. The ASP reads time from the server.I need capture the time on the client and use that in the server code.
Is there an asp component anywhere which will convert a GMT time in the past to a different time zone e.g. EST? You can't just take the hours off as there is often daylight saving hours to take into consideration.
I have run into a bit of a time zone problem. Basically, I am using ASP and Javascript to handle dates and guess what... you got it, the client could be in any time zone but the server will always be in the same one (UK actually).
I have figured the best method would be to use Javascript to determine the GMT offset (.getTimeZoneOffset), then pass that to my ASP script (I am already doing Javascript->ASP work, I am just appending this to the end of the querystring). ASP will have two dates then, the server date and the client date, and then the client GMT offset. Once I get this offset in ASP, how can I use that with the dates/times I am working with?
I'm using brinkster, and am trying to change the Time Zone, 5 hours forward to London UK time, and also, reduce the rime by 7 minutes, as their server is off by that many minutes - I asked them to change it, the said no, it's correct, but I synchronse time with time.windows.com and the time was 7 minutes behind from brinkster.
You may think I'm being a pain, but on my site, the products I add are time dependent and people need to know the exact time. the code is below, of course, with everything I try, I get an error, can someone please figure out my mistake. Many thanks + Happy new year every1
I am attempting to solve a date/time formatting issue is VBScript ASP pages. The ASP pages needs to determine what time zone the client browser is in and tell a COM object.
The COM object then reads information from a proprietary file and formats the date/time into the appropriate time zone and returns the information to the ASP in an XML form.
My question is how do I determine the client's time Zone using VBScript in ASP pages?
using now() instead of time(). but then when i want to print " thetime " onto a page, ill get something like "7/11/2005, 5:10:13 PM". how could i then separate the new date from the new time and print them to a page separately?
I have a variable that contains a time value in the format HH:MM:SS that indicates a duration rather than a clock time, and I need to convert it to plain seconds so an input of "00:07:01" would output "421". I'm not too good with time/date conversions, and I can't seem to get this one working right. Is there anyone out there that already has a script that does this or someone who could point me in the right direction?
The following code gets me the day of the month which I use in a query to give me all employees' birthdays for this period. But I have a bug: day variable used in the query must give me todays date(19),it gives me 21 (2 more than I want)
I could really do with some guidance. I am currently hosting my website on a Windows Server, and use ASP pages for accessing MS Access database data and also CDONTS for forms to email.I was just wondering if I were to swap to Linux hosting, how easy or hard ( would it be to change these pages from ASP to PHP with the exact same functionality.
I created a form to allow a visitor to add a new record to a database with the recordset object. Is there any conversion that needs to take place from the form input fields the user gives me to the recordset object? One of my form fields that I have is going to contain a money datatype in my SQL database and so far it's giving a 500 error.
My code in short looks like: strCurrentPrice=Request("currentPrice")
then upon adding to the database the code looks like: rsAddCards("currentPrice")=strCurrentPrice
I would like to display the difference between the logging time [Session("start"] and the current time [now]. In hours minutes and seconds, I have tried a couple of things but all I see is gobbledy gook.
I have a website that I subscribe to that allows me to track tasks. I have an extra computer with a big monitor that i want to always display the task list. the problem is after so many hours I get logged out.
I need to need to reload that sign in url every few hours Code:
there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time. for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something
I am calling a recordset from sql which happens to contain one column that is a datetime in the format: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS. So when I call that column from the db, it displays in the same format within my page.
However, I would like to be able to display the datetime as part of my recordset, but in a more aesthetically pleasing format (i.e: Sunday 1st May 2000, 7.23PM)
I have tried using the formatdatetime() function along with my rs, but this causes syntax errors. I know this is probably dead simple, but I don't get it!
I keep getting a type mismatch 'cdbl' error on the line: cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr = cdbl(cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr)
What's weird is I use this in other sections of my code and it works fine...no error. I've checked and re-checked the code and can't find the why this is happening?
Anyone have any code handy to convert a binary number to decimal and a decimal to binary? I need server-side code to perform these calculations. For example, I'd like to be able to pass 129 to a function and it will return 10000001. Likewise, I'd like to pass 10000001 to a function and get 129. I can do this on paper, just not sure where to start on how to pass these numbers into a function to perform the calculation.
I am in UK using XP with date format set to dd/mm/yy. I am running an asp site from a server in USA, which is returning the date from a database field retrieved as objrec("todate") in US format mm/dd/yy. To rectify this so as not to confuse visitors to the site I am trying to get the date displayed as dd month yy , e.g. 25 January 04 by using the format function format(objrec("todate"), "d-mmmm-yy"). This returns me a VBScript runtime error "Type mismatch: 'format' " The data base field "todate" is stored in short date format, which should be OK shouldnt it?
My database is being converted from Access to MySQL. My question is how do I maintain the database once the switch has taken place? Are there freeware MySQL administration GUI's or something? I'm a little clueless here.
I currently am using a script which submits full state names to a payment processor. However, the payment processor only accepts 2 digit state names. Does anyone have a premade code for asp that converts state names into 2 digit ones. Code:
I'm currently working on a form that, upon submit, generates an RTF file. I've run into a little formatting issue. If you're typing in a text box, much like this one, and hit Enter to go down to a new line, nothing happens in the RTF coding. For me to have a text box Enter/Line translate into my RTF file, I need to replace it with /par . So, I know about the Replace() string function, but how can I make this work with a carriage return
I am basically looking to create / incorporate some form of Auto-PDF generator into a website I am developing, essentially so I can set a webpage which I want it to convert.exactly in the same way that it works when you go to a Webpage then in the Browser you hit Print > and select Adobe PDF printer.This then creates a PDF identical to the webpage you are viewing
I seem to be hitting brick walls with this as I found one option which did this, but this did not support CSS, so exported the page on the fly, but with no formatting whatsoever.I then looked into ASPPDF but this does not allow for this