Time Based Redirect

am trying to redirect users based on time using following.It sends no matter what to first url.Code:

if now() > 23 or now() < 08.00 then
response.redirect url1
response.redirect url2

Its something simple but I just cant get to grips with it.

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How To Redirect Based On The Url??

I want to do on my site and if anyone can tell me it can/can't be done that would be great. If it can be done, is it difficult or is there already code available and I can just *plugin* the info that pertains to my site? Code:

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Redirect Based On A Param

I need to redirect based on a param and here is what I am using:Code:

If Request("catid") = "9" Then Response.Redirect "ClassCatRealEstateSales.asp"

my guess is that there is a syntax problem, I am not getting an error because I have other lines that will catch blank ids and the like and redirect to a main page and that is working.

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Recurring Time Based Function

i have some lines of codes.. probably i'll make it a function..
i want the function to be executed every 24 hours or some other stated time.how do i do that?

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Time Based Colour Coding!

What I would like is during the time the event actually occurs I want the field in the table to change colour and return to it's original colour when the time to expires.

I've written some ASP to do this, and it half works, but instead of colouring one event, it colours everything (because I use a repeat region i think). Code:

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Returning Records Based On Time Field

How does one return records in a recordset based on a time/date field. If todays date is 8/25/04, how could i return all those records from 8/25/04. Mind you, i have long date format ex. "8/25/2004 4:46:45 pm"

I dont want to user a form for this i simply just want these time- sensative records to be returned in the recordset .

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Form Redirect On Submit Based On Radio Button Selection.

I need to have my ASP form "post" action=? pass to a different confirmation page based on a radio button selection on the form, after submit.

Depending on which radio button they click on, they will receive the same confirmation but then be redirected to a selection specific page, based on the radio button selection. I'm assuming I need to create several different action pages, each with a different redirect, then have the radio button determine which action page the form is directed to based on the radio button selection.

I've tried several different options, such as creating a variable on the form, sDirectionVar, with redirect conditions, but I don't know how to call that on submit? I'm not sure I'm even going in the right direction.

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Redirect On Server Time

I want to be able to redirect clients based on the server time. This is to direct clients from different parts of the world to different pages. Have seen a Javascript thta does this based on the clients time but can't find anything that does it using the server time.

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Time Delay On Response.redirect

Is there any way to delay a response.redirect for say one or two seconds?

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ASP Wait Some Time And Redirect Without Loading Server

Do you know any way to load a page, wait for 5 seconds IN SERVER PROCESS, and then redirect in the server side, - not using javascript?

What I pretend is to show a page that loads a .GIF file that appears to be loading something, and after 5 seconds redirect to results page, so users apparently think that a backend proccess has occoured.

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Redirect To Secure FTP Site Via Response.redirect

I am trying to use the following in an ASP page to redirect a user to a
non-anonymous FTP site:


but I keep getting a "permission denied" error. If I just put the same
address string in IE6's Address box and go to it, IE opens myusername's FTP
home page just fine, so I know the FTP site is working as expected. Also,
if I put in an anonymous ftp site, without the username and password (e.g.
"ftp://ftp.microsoft.com"), the redirect works fine, too.

I don't want the user to be prompted by IE for the username and password at
the FTP site, so I am providing them from within the web site.

What can be preventing the response.redirect from handling non-anonymous FTP
access? Is there a better way to do this?

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Time Calculation :: Difference Between Login And Current Time

I would like to display the difference between the logging time
[Session("start"] and the current time [now]. In hours minutes and seconds,
I have tried a couple of things but all I see is gobbledy gook.

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ASP To Re-load Page From Time To Time To Reset Varaibles

I have a website that I subscribe to that allows me to track tasks. I have an extra computer with a big monitor that i want to always display the task list. the problem is after so many hours I get logged out.

I need to need to reload that sign in url every few hours Code:

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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Time/Date Format And Changing Time To GMT

Currently working on a ASP for a friend, which requires the date and
time on it. It pulls in entries from an Access Database with dates and
times in the format of:

"Fri Oct 17 18:02:46 2003"
However my date and time on the ASP page is displayed as:
"Friday, October 17, 2003 18:02:46"
using the script:
"<%Session.LCID = 1033%>
<%=FormatDateTime(Date(), vbLongDate)%>
<%Session.LCID = 2057%>

Anyone know how to change this script, fully or partly to produce the
date and time on the format that's in the access database i.e. "Fri Oct 17
18:02:46 2003" Code:

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Time Convert String To OdbcType.Time

I am working on a database that collects information about incidents. One of the fields that people enter is the time of the incident. I am trying to convert that string that people enter into a OdbcType.Time and I am at a lost.

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Local Machine Time To Eastern Time

How will we convert the system date & time to other timezone for eg: Eastern Time zone using ASP?

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Time Function Returns Wrong Time

When the Form is submitted I use the Date() and Time() functions to put the date and time into the Body part of the e-mail. The time reported is three hours earlier than the time at which the Form is actually submitted.

I understand these functions are evaluated on the server so the server must be in a time zone three hours earlier than where I am . Is there any way I can get the local time at the location where the user is actually located. ?

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How To Get Asp Execution Time And Database Connection Time ?

Any some tools or sample codes drop down asp script execute time and
database connection time ?

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Server Time Local Time Convert

I'm trying to do a very simple code that converts the server time into a time zone of your choice.

dim h 'Current Hour
dim i ' Time Zone Increase - add or subtract hours
dim r 'Result Here
h = Hour(Now)
i = + 2
r = h + i

but obvisouly i'm having trouble with the time zone convert.

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Compare The NOW Time With A Deadline Time

I am trying to compare the NOW time with a "deadline" time. Please help. Just not sure why this is not working. I need to be able to say IF IT'S BEFORE 9:30 TODAY, IT'S OKAY TO ADD SOMETHING. IF IT'S AFTER 9:30 TODAY, YOU MUST ADD IT TOMORROW.


deadlinetime=formatdatetime(now(),2) + " 8:30:00 AM"
response.write "NOW: " & nowtime & "<BR>"
response.write "Deadline: " & deadlinetime & "<BR>"
if nowtime<deadlinetime then response.write "can send out today" end if
if nowtime>deadlinetime then response.write "must send out tomorrow" end

NOW: 1/18/2007 8:51:43 AM
Deadline: 1/18/2007 8:30:00 AM
can send out today

As you can see, NOW is GREATER THAN Deadline, so it should must send out tomorrow.

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Time Calculation :: Between Two Dates And Time

i want to calculate the total time between to dates and time.

Example: Total time elapsed from date 1 time 1 to date 2 time 2.

27/09/2004 11:00 - 28/09/2004 10:30

The user enters a record and then later comes back and closes it. I need to know the time it took from when they entered the record until the time it was closed.

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Web-based Sql Db Mgr

it appears that my ISP is blocking port 1433 which means i can no longer connect to my sql db on the web. had been using an access project or another program called WinSQL. so i'm forced to go with a web-based solution and i don't really have time to build one from scratch. the host this site is on still hasn't installed the .net framework so i have to go with a classic asp solution.

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Recorset Based On Some Value

I need to open recordset and select one record based on some value?
I need some script which will select random record based on the some percent or some number from 1-10, for example.

Its banner rotation system i have made, and it select randomly record, but I need some percent or some number(1-10) for selecting recordset based on that number.

banner1 10
banner2 70
banner3 40

...so every will be selected based on value from DB.

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Xml Based Mp3 Player

i found a flash based mp3 player for my myspace that pulls the playlist from an xml file. my question is this... i want to be able to change the playlist (add, delete songs, change play order, etc...) without having to change the xml. here's my idea and i'm not sure how exactly to do all of it, but let me know if there is an easier way.if i create a db that stores the information i need (filename, song title, and track number) i can create an html form that will allow me to change the track number (i know how to delete and add songs). my question is how to i update the xml file at the same time it updates the db. in other words, how to i send the data in the db to an xml file.

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Web Based Install

How ca I write a asp page that will handle web based Install? Is it possible
or I need to go for some 3rd party Software for this, If Yes what is the
Best to use with ASP?
My requirement is: I have one Software that I wanted to install in Customer
PC directly from Webpage instead of allowing the user to download the
Software and Install.

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Based On Temperature

I have dynamic weather on my site based on the users' zipcodes, but the feed takes much too long to load; therefore I would like to see if it is possible to query a site for a temperature only based on zip, and then use an "if...then" to display 5-6 different gif weather images. I know it can be done... www.dogears.net does it. Or if anyone out there has a good source for dynamic weather and or movies that can be used

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Keyword Based Ads

i want to develop a small application which will generate a list of
product from a database based on a user web page contents. something
like google adsense but not that extensive. any help or resource

any guidelines. i want to use ASP , access or SQL server .

in short a script page, when called, read the contents and search a DB
for products and diplay it .

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ASP-Based Forum

I have been mostly frequenting the PHP forums but now my job makes it necessary to get my hands dirty with ASP.
I am trying to find a Forum Software (Open Source or Commercial, doesn't matter) that has all the bells and the whistles. The following are some of the major requirements:Integration with existing Site and DB (including migration of data from current forum)
Ability to apply the look and feel of the site (if various parts of the Forum can be broken down to components/panes/boxes/windows that can be included in other site pages as well as customisable through CSS)
If anyone knows of any software that meets these requirements, please do let me know. Additionally, if you have experience in using that software, your opinions on it will be much appreciated. Currently I am going through some forum's that I managed to find through searching in SitePoint (ASPPlayground, Snitz, Web Wiz Guide, IdealBB). If are experienced with these

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Day-based Web Loader

I am working on a script for a client that will switch a web element every Monday at 0:00:00 time. I have the entire website finished, however I now need to add a VBScript that will rotate between elements ONCE on every Monday.

If I am being too vague, here is an example:

<img src="puzzle1.jpg" />

I now want to rotate through puzzle1.jpg, puzzle2.jpg, puzzle3.jpg up to 12, then start again (a loop), but only make this change once each week on Monday mornings. So, this week it would be puzzle1, then starting Monday, it would be puzzle 2, etc.

I hope I am being clear enough, if I could provide further code, I would, but I am unsure as to how to start.

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Web-Based Email.

I currently have a web-based email for my site for users. Is there any way that I can make this so that it can be accesable from Outlook Express? It would have to call the database for the emails.I would need it written in ASP.It also needs to be free!

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Web Based Front End

iis runs on win2k3.i need to have a web-based app that among others does something like this:

1. login - validate against the local user database.
2. user must belong to a certain group (say backup operators group).
3. create a web-based front end to the task scheduler. create, modify, delete schedules.

i dont have a starting point with regards to the three requirements

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Day Value Based On Month Given

I'm looking for asp functions that can do the following:Based on the Month (& year) given I'd like to find out:

1.) The # of days in that Month
2.) The day of the Week the 1st falls on.

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