Tracking Users When Browser Is Closing

I have an important question to ask about how to trap events when the user close the browser window.

I'm a ASP programmer and I have s MSSQL database with a user table where I'm able to track if the user is logged in or not.

However this is not easy to track if the user close the browserwindow without using the logout button. I have tried putting in code in Session_onend, but it doesn't seem to run if the browser is closed. Eg. tracking visitors in a application variable in Session_OnStart and Session_OnEnd. Code:

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Tracking Users

I am trying to create a website for students where they have to log in before they can access any of the materials on the site. Therefore the login will be done on the homepage. Providing log in is successful, I then want to be able to track which student downloads which materials. I know how to deal with the login code but am not sure when I create the session variables to track the users. Is this done on the following page? Also do I need to use the global.asa file?

does the session on start event happen the minute the student arrives at the homepage or can I tell it to start once the students have logged in? any advice will be gladly received.

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Tracking Registered Users

I have a site with a login page and several dozen secured pages behind it. The user data is in an Access Database. The client wants to add some specific tracking features. I haven't started working in it yet, so I don't have any code.

This is more of a planning phase and I wanted to make sure I wasn't going down the wrong path from the beginning.

1. The primary goal is to track the number of times each user logs in during the course of a month. They want to keep track of 3 months worth of information. After that, each new month would overwrite the oldest month.

The login code is pretty standard stuff - check for a match in the database and create server variables.

I'm thinking I'll need to add a table to the database with a field for UserID, a date field and a numerical field. When the user logs in, the page will need to check and see if a record exists for this user and this month in the table.

If so, it will update the record by incrementing the numerical field and updating the date field. If no record exists for this month, it will create a new record. This part I'm pretty sure I can handle. I'm not quite sure how to automatically overwrite the oldest month when the number of records per user is greater than 3.

Any thoughts on the best way to do this? 2. As a secondary goal, they wanted to see if it was possible to track which pages each user was going to while they are logged in. I don't have the foggiest idea how to do this. Any ideas?

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Tracking Users From Login

I have a login page that posts to an asp page and uses a and database for the security on the site. I'm looking for an effective way to track who is logging into my site. each user has a specific username and password that is checked against the database. How can I find out which of these users are actually logging onto my site?

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Closing Browser

Is there anyway to close a browser without getting the "Do you want to close this window" pop up? I intend to launch a browser using the windows scheduler. And auto close it itself. I tried using self.close() ...but got that pop up confirmation. Anyway?

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How To Capture Browser Closing Event With Javascript

Iam trying to capture windows closing event (i.e) when the user clicks
on the "X" button i want to capture that event and want to update some
values in the database.I tried two methods but iam getting problems
with the two methods. Code:

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Detect If Users Have Disabled Javascript In Their Browser By Using ASP

And recently i have just encountered a problem. The problem's that how we can find out if users have disabled their browser's javascript support ability.

Most of my visitors are using Internet Explorer. so it means thier browser can already support Javascript. but when they disable javascript, is there anyway we can detect that in ASP?

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Logging Users :: Transactions My Users Perform

I want to be able to log in a database any transactions my users perform. For example logging in, requesting a page, downloading a resource, logging out etc.

What is the most practical way to code this? I was thinking of trying to use an include file which would have a function to add a log in the database for each page on the site or when a particular action is performed.

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Tracking Changes

It's an ASP-built Intranet app, so I can't show you the site, but I'll show
you screen shots if you think that will help. The app is to keep track of
issues called in to a Support help desk. These issues are called tickets.
Each ticket has one and only one row in this given table (let's call it
Ticket). Any additional info on a ticket will be entered into another table
(called History), so it's possible to have many rows in that table for each
one in the table I am focusing on.

The app in question uses SQL Server 2000 as its datasource.
The table contains info entered when a ticket was created, but I have
included a mechanism for users to go back and change info that was
originally entered. This leads me to my dillemma. The boss wants me to find
a way to keep up with changes to that original info. It seems logical to
keep this info in another table. Let's call this new table Audit.

I have explored using a trigger which would create a row in the Audit table
whenever an Update was used on the Ticket table. The problem with that is,
you have one row per changed field, and that could add up. Actually, it's
not a problem, just something to consider.

The alternative is to have ASP code which would, when any edits are made,
manually compare each new value in the form to each existing value, and
record those items which have changed. This seems like it would put a lot of
work on the web server. There are generally maybe 10 people using this app
at any given time, so that may or may not be important.

For the record, the Ticket table has about 40 fields. The PK is a single
field, and it's an Identity with type int. Most of the other fields are int,
as they contain FKs that point to values contained in statics tables. There
are a few tables of type varchar, and 3 fields which contain large amounts
of data, as they are description fields. Users type in up to 3000 characters
here, but it's typically a few hundred characters.

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there is a form(ex=subscribe.asp) which is an asp page where users can sign up for newsletters. this asp file calls a php file in the form action which i have written and this php file processes information user entered and inserts to the database. this works fine. in the website there are numerous pages from which a user can click on an image and be redirected to subscribe.asp and fill in the form.

I need to know which page the user was before subscribe.asp ex = aboutus.asp, contactus.asp etc. is there a way i can pass information from this subscribe.asp file to the php file which the php file can read and find out the source of the previous page (ex= aboutus.asp, contactus.asp etc).

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Recordset Closing

today i got an error from my site

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_DBC failed
it got error when i tried to update.then i checked all my files which has database stuff.i did not see any close statement for recordset & connection.we used DSN for connection.this site was build my someother firm.when i asked to my boss he told me they kept connection open purposely becoz they had uesd connection pooling.they said using connection pooling can utilize less memory resource.should i close each & every open recordset & connection

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Closing Recordsets

I realize that sometimes you can use recordsets that were never opened (like when you're adding a record to a db) and I realize that you cannot close a recordset such as this.

But for the ones that ARE open, should they be closed first and then set to nothing?

Also,I'm trying to create code that checks if a recordset is open. If so, I wnat to close it. How would I do that?

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Closing Pop Up Window

In my code I am opening a new window through javascript which opens upon submitting a form. The form collects certain information from user ; and this information is used to create a file.This file is created after the page is submitted and just after the file is created I want to destroy the window and then give a link on the page to download the file.

Is there any way to do this. The problem I faced was upon submitting the page I loose the window object that is returned by method.

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Closing Of Connection

for readability purposes,I plan to standardize all my asp pages to always open connection at the beginning of the page and close the connection at the end of the page

If in the middle of the page I issued redirection,does this mean the connection will not be closed?

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Self Closing Windows

I have a page on a server (not under my control) that can't have scheduled tasks running on it and I need to hit the page once a day. I am currently doing this through a .bat file on our server which runs iexplore.exe and hits the page. Is there anyway I can get this window to close? either though the .asp page or in the .bat file.

This is becoming more of a problem as there is the likelyhood that within a month or so, I may have more pages requiring this same operation and it isn't very good to have to log on to the server each morning just to close these windows.

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Closing ADO Recordsets

I have in the back of my mind and knowing the importance of using close(rsname) to close a recordset once it has been finished with, is whether any recordsets have been left open accidentally.

Is there, therefore, a way of listing all open recordsets, without specifiying the name of the recordset? ie. "For each key in recordset". Do recordsets get closed after a period of non-use?

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Closing DSN Connection

I just want to close my dsn connection. I cannot seem to find it. is it Set conn = Nothing?

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Closing Connections

What's the proper syntax for determining if a connection is open before closing it?

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Closing Page

I have a button that goes to a new page - if a person clicks on the X in the right hand corner - I want it to go back to the previous page. How do I set this - I can't set the target to blank.

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Closing Unwanted Pop Ups

My website has been targetted by a web scam. They have sent out an email, which looks as if it's come from me (the email tells them that they must update their information). There is a link in the email which, when clicked, opens up 2 windows: my site in the background and a small window on top with form. This forms asks the customer to submit sensitive information. Is there any script I can use to close down other windows when my site is opened? I can't think of any other quick solution at the moment.

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Closing An ASP Application

how to close an asp application. What is the ASP code i should use to close the browser Is it something like "window.close".

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Tracking Emails

anyone know a good way of tracking an email so that i know if theyve been
opened? and preferably somethign where i can identify the recipient
(matching with our crm)?

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Session Tracking

i want to display the session time out message when i click a button. the msg should be displayed in alert box.

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Referral Tracking

My goal is to be able to advertise on different web sites i.e.,, etc. and when a prospect clicks my ad/link they are sent directly to a contact form that I've created where it will automatically populate a field "referral" with the referring url (, etc.) as where the user came from.

However, not all my leads/prospects will be coming from referral urls and searches. Some might be going directly to my web site via Therefore, when a prospect comes that way, the ASP contact form should adjust to compliment that prospects entry. So, the "referral" field would be a drop-down that has these options:

- Option 1
- Option 2(Other Publications)
- Option 3
- Option 4(Referral)

And, if the user chooses "option 2" another select box appears with a list of publications, i.e. Forbes, Business Week, Fortune, Leaders, etc.
And, if Option 4 is chosen, then Employee, friend, owner, and other would appear in a select box.

Currently, I have the contact form working so that the user must specify where he/she came from as I described it above. I am simply looking for a piece of code to automate the referral process if a prospect comes from an online ad or specific url (i.e.

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Tracking Mail

I have a small email newsletter (100% double-opt-in, less than 400 subscribers) that we publish with CDO.Message and CreateMHTMLBody (on Win2k server, so we are using CDONTS).

We are using CreateMHTMLBody because the newsletter is dynamically generated, pulling data 3 different data sources, otherwise it would be a cinch to use the existing tracking bug we utilize on simpler mailer that runs with CDO.NewMail and manual composition of the HTML code.

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Link Tracking

direct me on the right road to doing link tracking. Im trying to create a system for my website, where as you click on a link or image on my webpage, you get directed to the detail page and also at the same time increment up the hitcount on that link.

I tried to use a onclick function, but since that is client side code it didnt work. The idea behind it is to get my products displayed to my customers, with the most popular items first. This seemed so simple when i set out on this project, but right now ive hit a wall. Im using dreamweaver, have got quite a good knowledge of ultradev and all that goes with it. Is there a way in dreamweaver for me to do this?

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Session Tracking

I am developing an intranet site for my customer and i have faced a problem with session tracking. Many files added as include files and i found me unable to track session between two pages. I tried it with applying many logics but it failed.

There might be some sily mistake happaning by me but i can't track it. Give me idea about this. Is session variable does not work in include files?

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Tracking Where A User Is Going

Is it possible to track where a user is going from a page? My goal is to be able to tell if a user is going to a new page inside my domain vs them going to an outside link - and have an alert box appear if they are going to an outside domain name.

I currently have a bit of JavaScript that I add to all the links within my page that when click alert box is avoided, but if they go to a link without that code (via Address Bar in the browser, back button, and refresh button) they get a alert box.

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Session Tracking

I'm designing an online shopping cart using ASP. I want the flexibility of session tracking by using URL rewriting but I don't know how I would go about this.

I'd like to know how I would go about storing and retrieving session data (i.e. product items + their quantities) using URL rewriting? Code:

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Closing Window When The Jobs Done

How can I close the window (DownloadCSV.asp) automatically when this has asp page (GenerateCSV.asp) has finished loading. The asp page, GenerateCSV.asp is called in the onLoad event when it has finished it pops up the download dialog box, when that happens I want the page that calls it to close, how do I do this??? Code:

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Closing Recordsets Set The Code

Is it sufficient to Set a Connection or Recordset to Nothing, or ought they
specifically be closed first?


Set rs = oConn.Execute(sSQL)

'Do stuff

Set rs = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing

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Closing Command Object

I am trying to close a command object after executing a command text and getting an error message as:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'close' /data_usage_guide/workplansystem/ProjDataLoad.asp, line 67

The reason I want to close the object is to use it again for executing another commnad text as shown in the code below. Could any oen help why I am getting this error message and/or is there a better way to do this , i.e. posting data to several diferent tables one after the other. Code:

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Closing Child Window

I have a submit button which opens a child window,and submit parent window to itself and then begins some processing on parent window. On completion there appears close button on parent page.

Can anybody suggest me how to close the child window on the click of close button on parent window and then redirect to other page?

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