Trapping Single Quotation Mark

I am looking for a way that I can trap the single quotation mark. If an
encoder uses single quotation mark on a textbox field, it always give me an
error because I use single quotes on the SQL statement.

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Decline A Quotation Mark In Asp

how can i decline a ' character in asp?

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Quotation Mark Rules

One thing I've started to notice lately is that asp seems to be very sensitive to how quotation marks are layered. Does anyone know where I can find out when to use double quotes and when to use single quotes? Code:

SelectSQLB = "SELECT * FROM TeamRosters WHERE IDNumber = Session(' 'TeamMember' & LoopCounter')"

Is the line that's giving me trouble and I'm not really sure how to layer it. Every logical combination I've tried has produced a different sort of error. Note that TeamMember# is a session variable and loopcounter is a local variable used to select which TeamMember# session variable to use. Before I've noticed that pretty much it works like this: " ' ' " but that was for two layers deep. What's the syntax for going three layers in?

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Single Quotation Marks

Just wonder how you guys handle the single quatation marks when you write the value of a text input into SQL server.

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£ Sign Not ? Mark

I am using ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") to grab content from a site and display it
on my site, the issue I have and have had for weeks now is that on the
original page the sign "£" exists and when I get it to my site it is
displayed as a "?".

If I find the ASC code for the ? and replace on that it still does not work

I have tryed all the usual method of fixing this with no success...

anybody had this issue or know where I might start to look to fix it ???

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Check Box To Mark Yes/no

I've created a form where people can request samples of our product to be sent to them. I've created a list page where it lists out all of the current requests that still need shipped. In my database I have a field called shipped with data type yes/no.

I made another page which lists all requests that need shipped based off that shipped field (yes/no.) From this list there's a link to view the details of each record. On that details page I'd like to include a check box that we can simply click to mark the shipped field to yes so that it won't show up on the list of stuff that needs shipped anymore.

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Getting Question Mark

I am trying to retrieve arabic fields from sql server 2000 database , the collation for the database is arabic and the content of the column are in arabic but am getting question marks displayed in my ASP web pages when am tring to retrieve the contents of this columns

i have added the following line to my asp page

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1256">

but still getting the question marks and not arabic content as they are displayed in the database .

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Javascript Quote Mark

I am having trouble getting the 's and +s on this statement correct. The first select line works as it is supposed to but the 2nd one does not. Can anyone correct this and perhaps tell me/point me in the direction of the rule of thumb for stuff like this?


<SELECT size="1" name="waste" onChange="window.location='drumsnew.asp?waste='+this.value+' &c_type=<%=Selected_Container_Type%>'+'&c_size=<%=Selected_Container_Size%>';">

<SELECT size="1" name="ctype" onChange="window.location='drumsnew.asp?waste='<%Selected_Waste_Type%>'+'&c_type='+this.value+'&c_size=<%

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Using Cdo.message And Getting Question Mark

I am using cdo.message for sending mails I get the data I Hebrew and I send it to the mail the problem is that I get the mail with: question mark "?????????"


all in question mark

what can i do to see it all in the language Hebrew?

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Punctuation Mark Problem XML

I created a form that puts a text in a sql db just like it is typed in the text field. So when I type: Het potentiëel is dat er .... puts this exact in the database.

An other page takes the value from the db to create a VML/XML based page. but this goes wrong on the words with punctuation marks like ë.

If I look at the source it shows exact what is placed in de db: Code:

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When To Use Quotation Marks In SQL

When do you use quotation marks around values in an SQL Statement, and when do you ignore the quotation marks completely?

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ASP - Quotation Marks

I have a number of records I need to display in a list box (dynamic) - some have quotation marks and the system chokes on them.. whats an easy way to overcome this?

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Quotation Problem In ASP

When the quote mark (") is the last character on a string, it does not output on input boxes because the application reads it as the end of the value. How can I get the quote mark to appear in input boxes?

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Quotation Marks

I am trying to copy an uploaded document from one directory to another. The uploaded file (attach1) will be dynamically named. The resulting file (LName) name is based on a last name field. I have the following code but I cannot figure out how to deal with the issue of quotation amrks. Should I escape them or do I use another method?

dim fs
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fs.MoveFile "E:Inetpubwwwrootuploads<%=(frmSend.Fields.Item("attach1").Value)%>.doc","E:Inetpubwwwrootuploads
set fs=nothing

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Mark Alexander's Search Engine

I get this error messege :

<LI>Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E10)
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/test/searchlibrary.asp, line 273
line 273 : objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, , , adCmdText

I think my library.mdb has a problem .

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Ignore Quotation Marks

I can't seem to find the right way to do this, how do I get ASP to ignore a quotation mark in a string? " doesn't work.

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Quotation Marks Not Appearing

Just like my other post about quotation marks not appearing,I am having trouble with foot marks (').

They are going in as ' but are appearing on the user's end of the database as ` Minor.

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Printing A Formated Quotation

I'm asked to do Quotation and Invoive modules using asp. To come out with the Quotation or Invoice will not be a problem but I think printing them from the browser will be a problem. The quotation should be formated and printed as if it printed using excel with proper alignment and if the details exceeds the first page it should have the closing line and the next page should have the table header ect.I'm not sure whether this is possible to print in this way from the browser.

If this is not achievable I'm thinking of creating an excel file put all the data inside and open it for the user to print it from excel.Could anyone guide me which will be better way.If creating excel file is a better option sample script.

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Replacing Quotation Marks

The following removes any unwanted apostrophes before being inserted into an sql database:

Articletext = replace(articleText,"'","''")

..but if I need to remove all quotation marks, this doesnt work:

Articletext = replace(articleText,""","''") Code:

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Format A String To Stop Speech Mark Errors

I have a form which sends a link from a text field -

<input name=""wishList"" type="hidden" value="<a href='<%=url_link%>?ID=<%=sendID%>&myMonth=<%=sendMonth%>' class='link-onDarkGrey'><%=tripType%> in <%=country%> - <%=mStartDate%></a>">

I need to set a session variable to this value but I think the apostrophies are getting in the way.

session("choices") = request.Form("wishList")

what's the best way to format that lot?

later I want to concatenate several requests so I can display them.

session("choices") = session("choices")&"<br>"&request.Form("wishList")

will this work?

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Error Trapping

Need help with some basic error trapping. This code traps the error and successfully redirects to the error handling page.

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If
On Error GoTo 0

I meant to use this code to send myself an email with error details but it is not working. I get my nicely formatted email but instead of error values there is nothing. Why would all Err. be empty?

I suspect that the problem is with the error occuring on one page but actual handling of the error is meant to be on some other page but I am not sure here. Code:

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Trapping As ASPError

I have a COM object developed in VB. It makes ADODB calls. When it fails it
Raise Error. I am using the COM object in my ASP using Server.CreateObject.
Whenever a function call fails I wanted the system to catch the 500-100
error and redirect to the configured page in IIS. But nothing happens. I
don't have "on error resume next" in my COM object.
If I create ADO objects directly in my ASP code using Server.CreateObject it
works fine.

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Trapping A Certain XML Error

I'm using the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP object.

I am pulling documents (PDF, to be exact) from a remote server, and it all seems to work fine. However, I cannot control that particular database in which the documents are stored.

Currently, the DB where the documents are stored is down, and when I use the object above, naturally, I get the 500 error(my error log states that it's a timeout). How can I write a custom error message to display in a browser, instead of the usual HTTP 500 Internal server error page?

The code I have is below ...

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Error Trapping

i want to perform error trapping on the connection to a server,so if the SQL server is inaccessible the site does not crash.I'm using javascript and hoped the try.catch might work.this is want I've tried in an existing piece of ASP script:

{ "<%strTRSConnect.Open App_TRSConnectionString%>";}
{ alert("Error occurred ::::" + e.description) }

where App_TRSConnectionString is declared elsewhere. It still attempts to connect and because i'm testing with an inappropriate connection string the page crashes.

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Trapping Errors With ASP

I want that every error in every asp/javascript/ etc... will trappped to a central asp page (not dotnet), which I declare on my site.suppose I have a dotnet site platformed - is the declaration for that may be the same for not dotnet declarations.

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Not Trapping Error IE7

how to get IE to report the line number of the error in the source file, when an error occurs? at the moment it just gives me the error number '500'.

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Trapping F1, F2, F3, F4, Etc. Keys

Is there a way to trap F1, F2, F3, F4 etc. keys on ASP and have our own
codes to do whatever necessary for each of those keys ?

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Trapping Errors

I need an example of "Trapping Errors" in ASP (not .net).

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Double Quotation Marks Not Being Processed In Html/asp Form

I originally believe this was a database issue untill I tried to run this using just pure forms.

Issue. I have a form (basic form) and at one of the steps.. the user inputs an article name (and in this case.. there is a set of doublequotes used in this name).

I used the name ( In "Search" of the three Ethical Reviews )

<input type="text" name="Article">

Now I filled in the rest of the data Including a large section with just paragraphs of text that includes quotations marks, slashes, etc etc.

I click the submit button which Transfers all this information into a review page. The review page is another asp page that merely drags all the info from the last page and displays it on the screen for re-editing. Example Code:

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Error Trapping Question

i need the best way to catch any error on a specific page.

i have a page that connects to a database on an AS/400 and there is a possibility that a certain condition might exist on the 400 that causes my page to bomb. i have no real way of specifically testing for this condition (not easily anyway) so i just want to write out a general error message if ANY error occurs on the page since it will be very rare.

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Trapping Errors - FileSysObject

How can I trap errors from the FileSystemObject ("Permission Denied, File Not Found, etc.)? I tried the "Err" object, but it doesn't return an error number...

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Global Error Trapping

Is it possible with "classic" ASP to set up a process where anytime someone encounters a server-side error, it will e-mail the error message to me? I know I've done this with .NET, just can't remember exactly how.

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Trapping Odbc Error

I have a data-driven website that allows users to enter records for sales leads. It all works perfectly. The only thing I want to do right now is prohibit users from entering the same lead twice.

I have a PK field in the MS Access database that, obviously, disallows duplicate records. However, when such an attempt is made, the browser
redirects to some generic ODBC error page with some cryptic numbers and other information that will stymie the users. "It doesn't work", they will say. The text of that error indicates that they tried to add a record that violates the PK rule of disallowing duplicate records. But they probably won't read it and it's truly ugly anyway.

How can I redirect to a custom error page or trap the error before the ODBC error page is displayed and just display a msgbox or something telling the user they attempted to add a record that already exists?

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