Trapping Mssql Raiserror Statements

I am inserting a record in a table(Trans_Master) using ado recordeset.I have also created trigger on the same table after INSERT where RollBack transaction is done when a condition is not met.

the created trigger is working fine.But the problem I am having is How do I can trap thus rollback in asp.One posssile solution I may see is traping raiserror in asp but don't know HOW?

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Error Trapping

Need help with some basic error trapping. This code traps the error and successfully redirects to the error handling page.

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If
On Error GoTo 0

I meant to use this code to send myself an email with error details but it is not working. I get my nicely formatted email but instead of error values there is nothing. Why would all Err. be empty?

I suspect that the problem is with the error occuring on one page but actual handling of the error is meant to be on some other page but I am not sure here. Code:

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Trapping As ASPError

I have a COM object developed in VB. It makes ADODB calls. When it fails it
Raise Error. I am using the COM object in my ASP using Server.CreateObject.
Whenever a function call fails I wanted the system to catch the 500-100
error and redirect to the configured page in IIS. But nothing happens. I
don't have "on error resume next" in my COM object.
If I create ADO objects directly in my ASP code using Server.CreateObject it
works fine.

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Trapping A Certain XML Error

I'm using the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP object.

I am pulling documents (PDF, to be exact) from a remote server, and it all seems to work fine. However, I cannot control that particular database in which the documents are stored.

Currently, the DB where the documents are stored is down, and when I use the object above, naturally, I get the 500 error(my error log states that it's a timeout). How can I write a custom error message to display in a browser, instead of the usual HTTP 500 Internal server error page?

The code I have is below ...

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Error Trapping

i want to perform error trapping on the connection to a server,so if the SQL server is inaccessible the site does not crash.I'm using javascript and hoped the try.catch might work.this is want I've tried in an existing piece of ASP script:

{ "<%strTRSConnect.Open App_TRSConnectionString%>";}
{ alert("Error occurred ::::" + e.description) }

where App_TRSConnectionString is declared elsewhere. It still attempts to connect and because i'm testing with an inappropriate connection string the page crashes.

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Trapping Errors With ASP

I want that every error in every asp/javascript/ etc... will trappped to a central asp page (not dotnet), which I declare on my site.suppose I have a dotnet site platformed - is the declaration for that may be the same for not dotnet declarations.

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Not Trapping Error IE7

how to get IE to report the line number of the error in the source file, when an error occurs? at the moment it just gives me the error number '500'.

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Trapping F1, F2, F3, F4, Etc. Keys

Is there a way to trap F1, F2, F3, F4 etc. keys on ASP and have our own
codes to do whatever necessary for each of those keys ?

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Trapping Errors

I need an example of "Trapping Errors" in ASP (not .net).

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Error Trapping Question

i need the best way to catch any error on a specific page.

i have a page that connects to a database on an AS/400 and there is a possibility that a certain condition might exist on the 400 that causes my page to bomb. i have no real way of specifically testing for this condition (not easily anyway) so i just want to write out a general error message if ANY error occurs on the page since it will be very rare.

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Trapping Errors - FileSysObject

How can I trap errors from the FileSystemObject ("Permission Denied, File Not Found, etc.)? I tried the "Err" object, but it doesn't return an error number...

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Global Error Trapping

Is it possible with "classic" ASP to set up a process where anytime someone encounters a server-side error, it will e-mail the error message to me? I know I've done this with .NET, just can't remember exactly how.

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Trapping Odbc Error

I have a data-driven website that allows users to enter records for sales leads. It all works perfectly. The only thing I want to do right now is prohibit users from entering the same lead twice.

I have a PK field in the MS Access database that, obviously, disallows duplicate records. However, when such an attempt is made, the browser
redirects to some generic ODBC error page with some cryptic numbers and other information that will stymie the users. "It doesn't work", they will say. The text of that error indicates that they tried to add a record that violates the PK rule of disallowing duplicate records. But they probably won't read it and it's truly ugly anyway.

How can I redirect to a custom error page or trap the error before the ODBC error page is displayed and just display a msgbox or something telling the user they attempted to add a record that already exists?

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Error Trapping While Sending Email

I have a mail script but don't know how to catch any errors so that it will display email address that failed to send. Here is my code...

Dim mail
Set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
mail.From = ""
mail.Bcc = ","
mail.To = ""
mail.Subject = "This is the subject of the email"
mail.HTMLBody = "I am the message that will be displayed in the body"
Set mail = Nothing

How can I display a message that says that there's an error with sending the mail?

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Error Trapping The Dreaded Refresh

My problem basically is as follows:

1) User enters their details to create a new account in my db.

2) They press the submit, the system successfully creates their new account
and then displays a page saying 'well done you've created your new account'.

3) The doofus (or clever clogs) clicks the Refresh button, which in turn
submits the details back to the db and creates a duplicate entry in my db.
I don't have a duplicate account num, as the system takes the max last one
and adds one to it so really no errors are generated, but it does mean that
they have 2 accounts now.

As mentioned above, this scenario crops up when doing a New Account page and
when they've just posted their order via the shopping cart final page (shall
we say). The latter worries me because duplicate orders would cause a lot
more hassle.

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Trapping Single Quotation Mark

I am looking for a way that I can trap the single quotation mark. If an
encoder uses single quotation mark on a textbox field, it always give me an
error because I use single quotes on the SQL statement.

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Trapping A Crystal Report Error.

how to trap the error if the cause is the concurrent user. from iis server my 500-100.asp page is coded to trap errors that came from crytal report. below is the code that has been used.

if instr(lcase(objASPError.file), "rdcrptserver11.asp") <= 0 then
SendEmailNotification objAspError
end if

this piece of codes means if theres a error from rdcrptserver11.asp it would send a notification to me right? what if i dont want to get email notification if ther error is exceeding the concurrent user. what would i do stop the sending of notification when that happens.

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Asp If Statements

I need some help with some if statements in an asp page I got. My sql statement is:

sql = "select * from courseDesc"

I want to logically diplay all the information on the page. So I inserted this if statement to choose the information I want to dispaly:

<% if rs("courseName") = "whatIsCist" then
end if %>

Other courseName titles I need to display the information for further down the page, include: wdt, lan, wan, programming, admissionReq1,2,&3. Does anyone see where my problem is?

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IF Statements

I'm having problems getting some ASP code to work with a form I'm using. I'm using the script with a multiple page form and want to print a javascript onsubmit value for just one of the forms. I'm getting errors because of the multiple IF statements and I'm not sure how to do this and have the "s show up properly in the output. Can someone tell me how to do this properly?

<% If step < 5 Then Response.Write " <form action="/script.asp" method="post" name="theForm" id="theForm" & If step < 1 Then Response.Write " onsubmit=""" & "return checkForm(this);" & End If %> & ">" & End If %>
Here is how I want it to output:

<form action="/script.asp" method="post" name="theForm" id="theForm" onsubmit="return checkForm(this);">

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Use Or And Statements

is there a way to use "or, and" statements in asp,
what i want to do it do 2 seperate checks on the database and if one is true or the other one is true then display some text is this possible and also the same check again on the database but the first statement and the second statement has to be true then display some text is this possible, if yes how would i do it?

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If Then Statements

I have a field on an asp form called hotelYesNo (YesNo value-pulldown) and a field called roomMate.

I want to do an If Then statement likeso: If hotelYesNo = Yes Then roomMate is required, but if hotelYesNo = No Then roomMate is not required.

I don't know how to get this accomplished in the asp code.

I know how to do this in Microsoft Access but not on a webpage.

How would this be done?

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If Then Statements

I want to run a query and need to use If then statements such as: If this is output, then run this query. Is there a way to do this?

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If Statements

I didn't really get a direct answer in the .net forum so I guess I'll just post it here where it should be anyway. Instead of .net I'm just going to probaly stick with 3.0. I want to have several different templates for users to browse a site in.

Since I can't use include files in ASP is there a way I can ONLY load coding in an if statement as it applys to that certain user? I want to enclose multiple images and coding into one file but only load the ONE image/code that pertains to the user. Is this possible using if statements?

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IF Statements

i am trying to find out if three feilds in a record match, if so send it to another page. basically see code.

Quote: rs.Open "Rental", cs, adOpenDynamic
Do Until rs.EOF
If rs.Fields("MemberID").Value=person And rs.Fields("DVDID").Value=dvd And rs.Fields("Current").Value=true then
Response.redirect "copy.asp?memberid=" & person
End If

this does not bring up a problem just does not do it any ideas on if staemenst etc in asp thingy.

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ASP And SQL Statements

I have a (hopefully) simple question that has been giving me some problems. I'm trying to use a simple Select statement to access some data in an access database. In access, the sql statement is as follows:

SELECT TPL_Checklist_Master.[1] From TPL_Checklist_Master

However, when I try to do this on an ASP Page, it always causes an error. I'm assuming this is because of the [] around the field name 1. (I would change the field names, but I don't have control over that).

I know when trying to use a * in the statement Where field LIKE 'A*' I needed to replace the * with a %. I was wondering if something similar had to be done in this case.
I hope my description is clear enought to follow.

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Asp If Statements

We have currently launched a website in ASP and now want to add some tracking functions.
We have banner ads and emails that we are launching.I would like to create code that will allow me to change the an image and a text link based on where the user is linking in from.

I.e If they clicked on banner xy - then the index page the images would be xy and the text box in another page would be xy. if they clicked on banner zz - then the index page the images would be zz and the text box in another page would be zz.

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Include Statements

I have been avoiding this issue but it keeps popping up and I cannot figure out a solution. Include statements pathed two or more folders deep they break.

This works:
<!--#include file="../includes/mo_security.asp" -->

This does not work:
<!--#include file="../../includes/mo_security.asp" -->

So basically my site files are limited to one folder deep.
Ex: ROOT/parentFolder/files.htm
One I move another level down the includes do not work anymore:
Ex: ROOT/parentFolder/childFolder/files.htm
I am on a Windows IIS server. Is there any solution to this or is it just a limitation of the include statement?

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Converting Sql Statements

I have a project to do that requires that I use mysql as the database. I have only used MS Access. The sql will be simple searches.
Is there a drastic difference, or just different punctuation?
Can I find a copy of mysql on the web? If so, is there any advice on installing?

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VBScript If Statements

Is it possible to wirte a VBScript If statment that outputs different HTML? IE: If **** = True then do this HTML else do this HTML?
How do you do something like that?

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LIKE Operator For IF Statements?

Basicly I pull the whole column contents and what to test to see if the username is that list. How can I do this in an if statement. I know how to do this kind of thing in SQL (LIKE operator) but I need to test agains two recordsets. Code:

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ASP With SQL Insert Statements

Question 1: How can have th asp script automatically convert the date generated by the system to a format which is acceptable by Sybase SQL (yyyymmdd)

Question 2: If the user were to insert a a string containing " ' ", how can I convert it into a special character so that it won't be treated by Sybase SQL as the start/end of a variable?

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<!--#include--> Statements

I am using the ASP include statements for some HTML code, and I have the <body></body> tags included in an outside <!--#include--> file. Is this OK? Or could it mess something up not having the <body></body> tags in the actual page HTML?

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Sql Update Statements

I am getting an error on my sql update statement and I can't find where it is. I am getting the message, "syntax error in update statement". when I do a response.write on my sql statement this is what I get back

update tblUser set lastname='Ray', firstname='David', address='petal ms', email='', pass='dray', where username='dray'

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