Trouble Deleting Records Via SQL

I have this list of records (from an Access DB) and would like to use check boxes to delete 1 or many records. I think there is something wrong with the SQL though, cause the records are not deleting when the form is submited. Code:

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Trouble Editing, Updating, And Deleting Records

I am having trouble with the edit, update and deleting of records. I got the codes from a user in a different forum. Now I can't find ant help from that forum. Here is a link to a zip file with the pages and database in it.

Simply open the listings.asp page then click on one of the Edit or Delete labels. I am getting the following message when I do:

Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E10)
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/Tests/New Folder2/delete.asp, line 7

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Having Trouble Deleting A File In Mysql

It worked fine with access db's but now it's giving me this error...

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-4.0.17-nt]You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '* FROM releases WHERE title = 'Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Ad

/releaseerase.asp, line 16 Code:

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Deleting Records

I am using ASP with SQL for my database.The problem I have is that even after I have ordered certain items from the shopping cart table on the webpage, I cannot remove them -
that is the entire list shows up the next time the table is opened.

is there any way I can delete the items once ordered so as to not let them show in my table?

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Deleting Records

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask. but... I need to delete records where two fields in the same record are equal. I am not sure how to go about this.will this work?

strQ ="DELETE FROM Request_Notify WHERE Field1 = Field2"

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Deleting Records

I was wondering the correct way to delete records from two different tables using inner join


DELETE tblPunchlines.Punchline, tblCast.LastName, tblCast.FirstName
FROM tblCast INNER JOIN tblPunchlines
ON tblCast.EmployeeID = tblPunchlines.EmployeeID
WHERE tblCast.EmployeeID = 3
AND tblPunchlines.EmployeeID = 3


Can anyone show me the correct way to do this

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Problem With Deleting Db Records

I have a link on my page for each db record:

<a href="<%= strFileName %>?sc=delete&strArticleID=<%= recordset_obj("article_id") %>">Remove</a>

when i click the link, it goes to the correct "case" and will run through my deleteRecord subroutine. I checked it with output at the very beginning and end of the delete routine.

my problem is that nothing happens and i want the record to be deleted.

here is the delete routine: Code:

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Deleting Records In A One-to-one Relationship

I am trying to get my code to delete a related record in a one-to-one relationship. The code I am trying is as follows:

mySQL = "DELETE FROM tblPurchaseOrderLine WHERE ((tblPurchaseOrderLine.lngPurchaseOrderLineID)="& PurchaseID &");"

myRS.Open mySQL, objConn, 1, 3

However, tblPurchaseOrderLine is related to tblAccessoryPackOrderLine of lngPurchaseOrderLineID. Do i need to reference both table in the statement?

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Deleting And Then Re-adding Records

I may have made a typo somewhere. I am trying to delete collections from RelProdCollection Table that has a certain record with Product ID number of __ and then readd them based on the user's choices on the edit form. Code:

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Deleting Records From A Database

If I have an access database with the fields Title, Artist, Description, DiscNo, TrackNo, Price and ID(Autonumber)

What would be a single-page script to remove only records where DiscNo= string entered into a text field in a form?

Example: I enter into the text field "SC8200" which relates to 18 records in the database. I click submit and all 18 records are deleted. Code:

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Deleting RS Records Using Loop Iteration

Can I loop through a recordset and with each record, see if the value of a field is higher than 5. If it higher than 5, just delete that record, not the whole record set and continue the loop.

I am accustomed to using a sql statement to selecting an entire recordset based on similar criteria and deleting the whole recordset in one swoop, but not this time. Code:

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Deleting Multiple Records In A Database

I get this message when trying to delete:

The column prefix 'username' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. I am not sure what this error is. I checked all over the place for the problem.

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Adding, Deleting Records Using Global.asa

Can I do the following things in the global.asa file?

When sessions starts:

Add a record into my database

When session ends:

delete it where rs("sessionid") = Session.SessionID...


I'm pretty sure I can, but...I've heard not ALL things can be done in global.asa...

Do I create an object, and a connection? How would I do it? Since I want a database in MY database, not in memory like I've seen...

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Error In Deleting,updating And Adding Records Using Asp!

I got an asp page that supposed to add,delete records from access 2000 mdb file. It loads all the records but when i try to delete or update i get these errrors. Code:

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XML Trouble

I was wondering If there is any way to grab just the viewable text of a webpage
using xml. Not the html, just what the user can see.

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IIS Trouble

I am having trouble with installing IIS, I tried to do it in my control panel, but it wants the disk, I don't have the disk because my computer came with Windows XP Pro 2002 Service pack 2.

so I went to the microsoft website and downloaded the free download of IIS6. Then when I go to my control panel and Administrative tools it is in there and when I click on it, there is no computer name available.

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Iframe Trouble

I have a sign-in box that is an IFrame, with a form target of "_top", and
the current (parent) page URL as a hidden field.

If sign-in in successful, there is a response.redirect to the page URL,
having set the session variable LoggedInOK=true.

However, if the sign in is not OK, I want the IFrame to be the target, (i.e.
_self, not _top) to display the error.

Is there a way for ASP to control whether it redirects to _top or _self, as
setting the form target in the Login page requires "pre-knowledge" of
whether it will be successful.

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Trouble To Migrate To IIS 6

I am moving a ASP website to a new Window 2003 server with
IIS 6, but an error occur for the metadata declaration in
my global.asa

<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" NAME="Microsoft Scripting
Runtime" UUID="{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}"

the error message is

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0223'

TypeLib Not Found

/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/myweb/global.asa, line 4

METADATA tag contains a Type Library specification that
does not match any Registry entry.

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Trouble W/ Checkboxes

I'm writing an Online registration system for my friends new business.
I'm trying to incorporate checkboxes so when a person checks on 3 or 4 checkboxes and hits the Submit button I can
pass the information of what they checked_on to a new page.
When I get to the new page I would like to update a database, based on what they checked_on on the previous page.
I'm not sure how to do this.
I'm not sure how to pass the information.

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Recordset Trouble

Ive got a script here that searches using info from querystrings. it's just a snippet from the other lot. Code:

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Cpshost.dll Trouble

using PWS on test machine (NT4 workstation SP6) and everything was fine but cpshost.dll was used in the website we're maintaining, so I idiotically installed it from a Visual J++ disc. now the website works fine but when i navigate to nothings happens. I've checked directory browsing is enabled but still nothing happens!

I'm aware that cpshost.dll was never meant to be used on NT workstations but as I said before the upload functionality works fine, it just seems to have screwed the directory browsing up - and also the code document.referrer equals nothing.

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Trouble With Rss2html.asp

I am primarily a front-end designer and not familiar with ASP beyond
breaking up pages into include files. Recently, one of my freelance
clients wanted to display an RSS feed from his blog on his site. I did
some research and found the rss2html.asp script. I chose this over a
javascript solution because those scripts apparently don't affect
search engine rankings.

I implemented the script and it was running fine until about a month
ago, when the site and sometimes the server running it started to
crash. The ISP and the blog company the RSS feed originates from blame
the script. Bytescout, who wrote the script, says that it's probably
the feed that's causing the problem. The RDF version of the feed
validates as RSS, but the ATOM one has specs that are too new for the
validator to parse correctly. Code:

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Connection Trouble

I keep having trouble connecting to my database I am running windows xp pro and Access 2000

Error Type:
Provider (0x80004005)
Unspecified error
/test.asp, line 60

It keeps bringing up the above error message sometimes it works fine then other times it dosen't has anyone had any similar problems.

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Interesting Trouble

i'm working on access db the problem is when i enter date in d/m/y format it wrote db m/d/y format but this happens only with small numbers i.e if date 04/09/2002 it become 09/04/2002 in db but if it is 24/09/2002 there is no problem.

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Function Trouble

I've narrowed down my error to one particular function. It looks as if the function may not be receiving the variable that is passed to it.

The error message is:

error '80020009'
results.asp, line 21

Line 21 is: Code:

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ASP XML SelectSingleNode Trouble

I'm having some trouble parsing an XML document I'm getting from my company's bank in response to a XML document I'm sending. Both docs are transferring fine, and in fact if the transaction in the document I send is accepted (valid credit card), everything parses perfectly.

The prob is when the transaction is not accepted by the bank server (invalid credit card), and the document that's returned to me has different tags. Code:

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Trouble Inserting A New Row Into Database

I am having trouble with someone else's code that worked when it was used last, but now it's not. I am new to ASP programming so I not too sure what's happening. Code:

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Trouble With Session In Global.asa

I have started session("visitorID") in global.asa in order
to keep track of how many users are on our site at any
given time, trouble is I can't seem to call the session
while on another page.

As I am relatively new to asp I'll post both the setting
of the session and the call to it on the other page below Code:

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Trouble Passing A URL Through From An Access DB

I am attempting to pull a value from my database and insert it into an ahref tag.

However I keep getting the following error..

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ''

Below is the code I am trying to make work..

<th width="25%" height="34" scope="col"><div align="center"><a href="cat_detail.asp?<%=(rsLastCatalogUrl.Fields.Item("txtCatalogUrl").Value)%>"><img src="../../../images/layout/buttons/button_backtocatalog_off.gif" width="100" height="30" border="0" /></a></div></th>

This is the SQL statement I am executing to pull the field, which is meant to be the last record inserted into the shopping cart by a particular individual. Code:

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File Uploader Trouble

I am having trouble with my file uploader. I do not program a lot of .asp and its a bit confusing. As well, I just took over the development on this webpage so the code is not my own.

The file uploader worked before but now that I have the webpage put to a test site it doesn't. Would this be a reason why I cannot upload? i am also having trouble accessing the database, which makes it even harder for me to see whats hapening to the file.

When I upload it says that it uploaded successfully but when I see the webpage the photo isn't there. Would you like to see the code for the uploader?

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Having Trouble Breaking Loop

I'm trying to break this loop for 4 different contacts to be inserted into the system.

For new inspections I want to be able to search the DB for the Owner, User, Contractor, and Cert_Recipient for new boilers the certificate will be mailed to the contractor which will be the Cert_recipient first.

then for annual inspections I want to be able to search for Owner, user, and Cert_Recipient for annual inspections I will have to search the DB for either the owner or User as the Cert_Recipient

For some apparent reason I can't stop the search, it keeps going thru the loop. I must be missing something. Code:

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Dynamic SQL Query Trouble

ive been trying this for ages and various ways have all failed! please can some one show me the correct way to achive what i am after!

the ASP code looks like this: PHP Code:

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Trouble Reading From TextArea In ASP

I am trying to put together a little ASP page that lets you paste a block of HTML in a text area then, at the click of a button, convert it to Javascript document.write statements (including any concatenation, switching of single and double quotes). A really useful tool! Code:

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