Trouble Displaying Access Data

I have a drop down list which pulls Names from a column called 'Name' from an SQL Server view.

In this view is another column called 'ref' and each person has their own unique ref no.

I have linked a drop down list to the Name column (so user can pick name from the list) but now after selecting a particular name, I want my page to also display the corresponding ref for that particular name underneath.

The ref can be displayed just as text on the page.

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Displaying Data From Access

I am trying to display a vaule from access (which is set to currency in access) as a currency (2 dp) on a web page. Here is the code: code:

Dim rsDB
Dim strSQL

Set rsDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset" )
strSQL = "SELECT ProductName, ProductPrice FROM Products WHERE ProductID=" & Request("ProductID" )

rsDB.Open strSQL, Application("strConn" )%>
<p><b>Product:</b> <%=rsDB("ProductName" )%></p>
<p><b>£</b><%=rsDB("ProductPrice" )%></p>
<% rsDB.Close %>

Should be easy enough, but I'm just starting out.

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Displaying Data From Access Table

I am calling the values from a table and displaying them in a table, no biggie, i have not used a for loop to create the Html table, rather i have created it myself using a for loop so i can specify the table values i want.

What i am calling from the table is All of the fixtures for the football games in a season but i want to put a seperator or insert a spece of some sort just to seperate the fixtures by date otherwise it just comes out in a long list of fixtures, no nice on the eyes.

here is the code from selecting the data form the table to displaying it:

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Trouble Passing A URL Through From An Access DB

I am attempting to pull a value from my database and insert it into an ahref tag.

However I keep getting the following error..

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ''

Below is the code I am trying to make work..

<th width="25%" height="34" scope="col"><div align="center"><a href="cat_detail.asp?<%=(rsLastCatalogUrl.Fields.Item("txtCatalogUrl").Value)%>"><img src="../../../images/layout/buttons/button_backtocatalog_off.gif" width="100" height="30" border="0" /></a></div></th>

This is the SQL statement I am executing to pull the field, which is meant to be the last record inserted into the shopping cart by a particular individual. Code:

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Dataset Data To Variable Trouble

i need to use the returned value from a database in my code. it is not to be displayed on a aspx page. I can connect to a database and return the one value i want using SQL SELECT.....FROM.....WHERE...... condition. this is returned as a dataset.

Is there anyway i can return this value from the database as its real value as there is only 1 record? If not how can i retrieve this 1 value and use it in my code? Do i need to loop through the dataset and return it as a string? I want to retrieve 4 values from 4 difference database tables and them up in my code and then return the total value to a different database table.

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Displaying SQL Data

I have a fairly simple (at least in PHP) request but I can not find how do do it. I've seen things that are kindof what I want but not really. Here is what I want:

I have a ton of data in a DB. I want to pull some of that data and display it in a table. In PHP I would create a SQL query called $Result "(SELCT * FROM whatever)" and produce this code:

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Displaying Different Data

Is it possible to show different information on a page for different users?
For example a first year student that needs to select modules for this year compared to a second year student how would have to select different modules.

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Displaying Data

I've got an table that has event name, start date, end date. For instance:
EventID: 1
EventName: My Event
EventStartDate: 1/1/2007
EventEndDate: 1/4/2007

Right now we just display the name, start date through end date (if there's a different end date). So the above looks like:
My Event
1/1/2007 - 1/4/2007

Now instead, they want to have something like the following:

My Event 1/1/2007
My Event 1/2/2007
My Event 1/3/2007
My Event 1/4/2007

Other than trying to create some kind of math calculation based on the date, is there an easier

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Displaying Img From Access Using BinaryWrite

I have a commercial database written in access and I'm trying to display some images, jpegs, stored in the DB on web page. My code is as follows:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

sql = "SELECT PartImage FROM Parts WHERE ShortID='AAPTM01'"
Set rs = AMConn.execute(sql)
If not rs.eof Then
PicSize = rs("PartImage").ActualSize
if PicSize > 0 then
end if
End If
set rs = nothing

All i get on the page is the image not found icon with the red cross in IE.
What could possibly be going on?

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Displaying Access Fields

I need to display multi-paragraph articles from a field in my database, but every time they display, they come up as one long paragraph with no line breaks, even though there are breaks within the database field.

I am using MS Access 2000 with field "data type" set to Memo and MM Dreamweaver UltraDev. What do I have to do to get the line breaks in the appropriate spots?

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Displaying Images From Access

i am producing a e-commerce website using ASP. My database is MS access using a database called products.But heres my problem, the database holds the images using a OLE object. But when i come to view the data on the website, i can get the data showing such as price, product id and other information but when i try and view the images from the database on the webpage it comes up all garbled like wildcards.

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Displaying Images From Access Db

I know not to store images inside a Db table using the ole method, but I don't know how to call an image to accompany text in a for loop script.I can provide the unfinished script (missing is the coding of the fields: Pic1, Pic2, Pic3, Pic4) for inspection.

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Displaying Information From Access Db

I am trying to better a process our dept. now uses. Currently a person updates a Word document throughout the day of of actions items, basically a list of issues with due dates, responsible parties, comments, etc..At the end of the day the file is converted to a PDF and posted on the intranet.

Seems a little stale. Is ASP and a MS access database a good approach to providing real-time reporting to ther client? i.e. a person could push a button labeled "action items" and be returned a printable, decently formatted page?

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Displaying Data In A Table

I would like to display the data in a table like first 50 records in a column and next 50 records in another columns.

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Displaying .asx Data On Site

I have a client who is running a Windows Media Server where audio files are streamed with a ASX file. The client wants to display the most recent tracks played on a webpage.
The problem is, how can one find out what is the current track playing on Windows Media Server, so it can take the data and then insert it into a database which the webpage can just take it from there.

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Displaying Data Question

I'm using ASP to display data from an Access Database. My question revolves around the data and how it looks using CSS.

1) Do I have to use <p> in my access data to display paragraphs in my story.asp page? Without the <p> I just get one big chunk of data.

Which leads my to my other problem. When I do use <p> in my access data this code won't pick up my CSS class "body". I'm not sure why because I would think it would cascade.

<P class="body"> <%Response.Write (rs("newsBody"))%></P>

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Displaying Data From A Database

I have a page that allows users to sign on and then have access to the site. What I need to do is to have them sign on and see selected (tables) or data that is in the database.
I need some help. How would this be written. Unfortunalely the only book I have on the subject is Code:

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Displaying All Data From 2 Tables

im currently working on a login system, and its the first time i have had to use an inner join. basically i have 2 tables, an attendance table and a member table. the attendance table contains the following: Code:

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Error In Displaying Data

I have an ASP web page that displays records from SQL 2005 database. It works fine until I re-order the columns, all values of some columns disappear. I have no error or warning
I tried to change the font and font size, it doesn't effect.

Also I have an update record form, If I re-order the fields, some values disappear Code:

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Displaying Data On Dreamweaver 8

I am creating a dynamic website by using Dreamweaver 8 and Access as the database. I have designed the layout for the website and the database have also been completed. However, when I try to display the data on the webpage, it just won't display. I am also having some problems with the form and recordset.

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Avoid Displaying Data

I am using MS-Access database to display top 10 records containg title and date, and with each record a text named "NEW" is also displaying.

But I want to display "NEW" only with the records which are not older than a week. Is there some way to calculate the present date with the date of each record?

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Displaying Data In A Table

I want to display data like the following:

<td>1 to 10 records</td><td>11 to 20 records</td><td>21 to 30 records</td>
<td>31 to 40 records</td><td>41 to 50 records</td><td>51 to 60 records</td>


I tried with rowcount it is displaying in a row ancontinully with if conditions also. how to do this or any example script.

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Displaying Data In Columns

I want to be able to display my recordset as follows:

a e
b f
c g
d h

Instead of :
a b
c d
e f
g h

Any links to some examples?

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Displaying Images From An Access Database

I have an Access database set up with a number of text fields and a hyperlink field which references a different image per record. I am trying write ASP code to retrieve allt his data and images onto a web page. I have the data but the images are causing a problem.

The code I am using is as follows:

For the data: ....

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Displaying Text On Asp Page From Access

I've created a db field with Memo type, and I have stored some text with
carriage returns (no html) So the 3 words start on a differnt line. In
access this displays correctly ( each word starts on a new line).
However when I display these on a web page all the words appear on the same

I need the words to be displayed on a seperate line.

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Displaying Currency Datatype From Access

Using ASP, I'm fetching a currency datatype from an Access database. When displaying the results, it shows "2" instead of "$2.00"

I know about FormatCurrency, but if the datatype is currency, should it not come out looking like currency?

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Displaying Data In Multiple Columns

I thought its more space efficient of displaying the data in multiple columns (let's say 2 columns for now), instead of one loooooooooong column in a table, are there a simple script of coding that can do just that?
How about 3 columns?

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Displaying Data To 2 Decimal Points

I have an ASP/SQL 7 application that rips data from SQL Views onto an ASP
page. I have a money column in a SQL table that contains money income values.

When data is input to this field it needs to be displayed as money (to 2
decimal places - 10.00 or 7.60)

However, this only seems to be occurring when the user puts in the extra 0,
and if 7.6 is entered, it is still displayed as 7.6

I need all data to be displayed as money values (and it is selected as money
in SQL), so is there any way (either in the table design, View design, or
display on the ASP page) to get the data to 2 decimal places, no matter

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ASP Page Displaying SQL Table Data

I need to solve this as part of a class project. It is designed to simply read a SQL table and display the data in the browser. But it will only show one record based on ID at a time. So if I have multiple records with the same ID such as page.asp?ID=9734, it would show all records using that ID in the browser. Code:

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Displaying XML Data With XMLDOM Questions

I've got an application setup that uses API to receive XML responses containing shipping information. A basic response example is as follows: Code:

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Problem With Displaying Data In Table

I'm trying to display three columns in a table row, then I want to create a new row with three columns until there are no more records to display. Unfortunately, my code only displays one column in each row: Code:

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DateTime Data Not Displaying On Page

I am trying to display some DateTime data from a SQL Server db using the standard recordset object...objRec("PostTime").value

It displays nothing.

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File System Object And Displaying Data

I used to have some static htm files which used to display data. There is a
calling asp file which used to do something like below

if Request.QueryString("PageName").count = 0 then
strPageNameHtm = "toc.htm"
strPageNameInc = ""
strPageNameHtm = Request.QueryString("PageName") & ".htm"
strPageNameInc = Request.QueryString("PageName") & ".inc"
end if
strPageNameHtm = server.mapPath(strPageNameHtm)

strPageNameInc = server.mapPath(strPageNameInc)
set fs = server.createobject("scripting.fileSystemObject")
set f = fs.openTextFile(strPageNameHtm)
strSPDHtml = f.readall

The strSPDHTML info used to be displayed using a response.write(strSPDHTML).
This allowed the static content to be loaded up.

I switched the static pages to be asp pages having the content come from a
database. I would still like to maintain the controlling page logic. Can I
modify the above section of code in anyways to access the asp page content

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