Trying To Execute A File Using Exec Master.dbo.xp_cmdshell, From ASP

I have this file I need to execute from an ASP client. since we have installed it on the SQL Database server machine, I thought I could run it like this: Code:

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SSI Exec In ASP Page

I am trying to run an executable by means of the SSI exec command, but nothing is happening. I wrote the following line in the asp page '<!-- #exec cmd="hostname.exe" --> and I also enabled the SSIEnableCmdDirective. Although I did all this, the executable is still not showing. Is there something else that I can do to make it work, or what am I doing wrong?

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Run A Command With Xp_cmdshell

Unfortunately, on the server I use, I don't have permissions for any of the cool objects (Scripting.*, WScript.Shell and others no doubt). If I have a command in a string, how can I execute it with xp_cmdshell? Code:

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Execute Bat File

Can someone tell me what permissions i need to change.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

/ftp.asp, line 3

Code: ...

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Execute .exe File In ASP 3.0

I want to execute .exe file like(Media Player) through ASP 3.0. I want to use in ASP folloeing langauge type
<%@ language="Javascript"%>

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Execute A File In ASP


That executes the file file.asp.But how do i execute file.asp?count=10

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Execute .exe File

How can execute .exe file in ASP. E.g.(Media player, Jet Audio). Environemnt:

Windwos XP, ASP 3.0, Internet 6.0.


How can execute .exe file in ASP using javascript language.

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Master Pages

I have downloaded the Visual Web Developer 2005 Beta 2 from Microsoft.I am trying to create a Master Page that all (well, most) of the pages on my site will use. Some of my pages are displayed dynamically from a database. For example, a datagrid can have 5 rows sometimes and 500 rows other times depending on what the user chooses.

My problem is that I created a sample Master Page with a header and footer and 'attached' them to a content page. The footer doesn't dynamically move to the bottom of the page when larger datagrids are loaded. It stays in the same place as it is in 'design' mode in the IDE. Also, I have tried to create other static pages, but if I realize I need more space, I have to go in and move the footer down in the master page. Otherwise the footer is right in the middle of the content when I run the page. Any tips?

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Pass ASP Variable To Execute In A .bat File

I'm using ASP to run a batch file. I need to know how to pass a variable to this .bat file.

Is this possible? I'm using the following code but need to know how to pass ASP variable.

set wshell = server.createobject("") "c:file.bat"
set wshell = nothing

Any ideas? Or a work around?

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Master/Detail Question

I have two tables. Master and Detail. three of the fields in the Master table hold data that I want to carry over into the same fields in the Detail table when I add a new Detail record. How do I do this? I'm able to carry over the Master key, but am failing to be able to populate the other fields.

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Master Pages And There Elements

I have a master page with one Content Pane, on the left is a Nav bar that has a Login View in it so if the person is an Admin they see on thing if they arn't they see another.

For the regular users I have a gridView that displays a lists of dates pulled from the database. I want to access the selected value there normally if it was inside my content page i could just do Code:

EventID = ((Label)GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[1].FindControl("Label1")).Text;

But now except GridView on is no longer in my Content Pane but on my Master Page how do I reference to it?

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Linking Multiple Css Files To A Master Page

We have a master page set up and it is tied to its css file through the standard method in the <head> tag. What I would like to do though is from another page inheriting the master page to add another link to a css file.

That way i can have the sites global file used to make the general apperance consistent, then make the internal content more flexible without destroying the current css file.

Is this a possible task? When i went into the main master page and tried to add a <asp:contentplaceholder id="additionCSS" runat="server" /> tag to the head. When this is done visual studio alerts me saying it doesn't recognize the tag 'asp'. Is there a way around this? We are only just rewriting the site to use master pages now so I'm still figuring it out.

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How Would You Design This-part Master/labor Form

Got an item master, think of it like an inventory: description, supplier, cost, unit of measure, etc.

There is an item_type field, which, when set to a particular value, REQUIRES that labor be also entered for this inventory item. I was going to just show/hide a part of the form, but the kicker is that more than 1 labor item can be entered for each inventory item.

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Dreamweaver MX Asp Page Won't Insert Master Detail

I have defined a recordset in Dreamweaver to retreive information from an Access Database Table, but everytime I try to insert a master detail page, a dialog box asks me to first create a recordset, which I already did. Any thoughts on why it keeps doing this?

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Execute ASP File From ASP File

I try to execute asp file ( which return XML file )
and use the result it in my asp script :

set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")

but it doesn;t work !

I cannot use full path to script : !

Is there any posibility to execute asp script and return result back to

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Execute A Sp

WEll I see that this issue is not yet solved ...
So here's some more beef...
There is an update the first part of the query that takes ~50 seconds
and the connection gets cut off at 30 sec sharp. Logical as the default value us 30 sec.
question :Does anyone know how to increase that value? I can't do it in the udl , it reverts back to nothing.
[1]I would/could also optimize that update using a hint to fasten it
[2] Or try to execute the proc without using the dsn?

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Execute Every 5 Min

Using ASP 3 on an ISP account (I don't have access to the root of the
server). I have a page that does some intake processing and I'd like to have
it run every 5 minutes. Right now, the only way I can see to do this is to
have a client task that wakes up every 5 minutes and opens that page.Is
there a better way?

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Execute SQL

how can i setup a connection to run the sql statement? how can i embedded it in the script? Code:

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Execute EXE With An ASP

I recently moved an app over to IIS 6 from IIS 5. Everything works great! I use ASPExecute to run an .exe - but it doesn't fire. It just sits in the process window. Doesn't do anything. Is IWAM, or IUSR or both required to run it?

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Execute DLL In ASP

I need to use a VB6 dll like an ActiveX in ASP page. This dll use other .exe that is configured en DCOMCNFG and this dll is configured too in the same environment (DCOMCNFG) like a DllSurrogate with an specific user administrator.

I don't know how to configure this dll & IIS to it works with Anonymous authentication. I need to do this because is a development that it works in an Internet environtment and I can't assign a administration user in IIS 5 to the anonymous user.

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Server.execute ?

Can server.execute provide a return value? How? ie.

dim test
test = server.execute("page2.asp")

What code in page2.asp will produce something in test?

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Global.asa Not Execute

my global.asa file doesn't seem to be executing in IIS and i don't know how to make them run. Any ideas how to execute the global.asa file in IIS 5.1 ,

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Code Execute First

<%Response.Write "Hello"%>
<javascript language="javascript">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

Which code execute first.

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Server.Execute() &

In Page1.asp I am calling Server.Execute("Page2.asp"). Before calling
Server.Execute(), I set an application variable to a value that it is
important for me to know that it doesn't get accessed by another ASP page
before I call Application.unlock in Page2.asp, that is why I use
According to the documentation, Application.lock gets automatically unlocked
when the ASP page terminate, I want to confirm that calling Server.Execute()
doesn't automatically unlock the application, i.e that Page2.asp will start
executing when the application is still locked.

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Asp Fails To Execute

after publishing a web to iis, asp pages based on a
database fail to work. the browzer starts loading such page
and never does- at some point the status bar stops and the
page never loads without displaying any errors. the browzer
shows that it is busy all the time.

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Dropdown To Execute

what If i wanted to have a dropdown that executed a query based off the selection. so i have a dropdown on page and when they make there selection it queries other data with out submit?

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Execute Problem

INSERT INTO results(id, book, book_spoke, recordType, book_title, chap, chapter, chapter_spoke, vers, verse, verse_spoke, text_data) VALUES (, , , '', '', , , , , , , '')
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'execute'

/kjvresp.asp, line 280

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Cmd.execute Select SQL?

What is the proper format for my SQL str using command.execute? Even though
I know I have matching data in my table, I keep coming up with a
..RecordCount of -1. What am I doing wrong? Code:

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Paramater For Cnn.EXECUTE?

How does one pass a parameter to the EXEC query recordset:

set rs = cnn.execute("EXEC tblListings_qry2")

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How Can You Execute C/c++ Code Within

I am extrememly new to C (only been playing with it for a few days), and will be am required to be using C and ASP.NET (also a language i have only been using for a couple of days) for work purposes in the next few months. I come from a mostly Java background where it was easy to write JAVA code, and provide web interfaces that made use of that code in JSP.

I would be greatful if anyone can tell me...

a) Is the same effect possible using to access / execute etc C/C++ (not interested in c# code - all the explanations of this seem to cover c# only - or is there no difference? - Spot the newbie! lol) code (pretty sure that works - but be good to know incase there is another step in there).

b) Where can i learn more about it? Can you suggest any weblinks or books etc?

Incase it makes any difference - the sort of code i am interested in running would simply respond with results from databases, or extracted content of files etc (command line stuff) - and much of the code is already written in c / c++ so i am not keen on re-writting it specifically for (does that make sense? hope so!).

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Execute Request

I am getting "Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created. Error: 0x8013150a"in the event log and "HTTP 500 error" in Visual Studio.when I create a new ASP.Net project. When I browse to an already existing application Internet Explorer shows Application Unavailable page

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Execute A DOS Command

with dos command of " ipconfig/all>c:ip.txt " I can retrieve some info and save it in a text file of ip.txt, now I am wondering if there is a way to do the same thing within asp?

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Execute Two Inserts

How do I execute two consecutive insert statements against an oracle database here is the insert that was result of a response.write ...

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