Trying To Create Client Page For Site Running Asp

I work for a security system company. I'm in the installation department. One of the things we do is go to our monitoring service's website and check the signals to see if we got all of the signals for a particular alarm system.

Unfortunately, that means refreshing the page alot.

So, I started off using an iframe page to refresh the content i wanted. the only problem was that the urls i used to login and set the customer ID would go to another page.

So I tried to create a frameset document. However, the .asp pages completely ignored the frameset information. Code:

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Running Client App From ASP Web Page

Can you run an client application (i.e. Excel) from an ASP web page? I want
to open an Excel document that is stored on the network in the Excel App (not
in browser window) allow the user to make changes to the file and then save
the file back to the network. If this is possible how do I do it?

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Running Exe File In Client PC

Is there any wayto run an exe file in the Client PC with ASP, bypassing the security warning popup?

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Running At Client To Retrieve Data

there are specific client of mine and there is a big database which i have to handle it, every time clients want to connect to this specific database it takes long time, this database is a static database it means you dont have to edit or update it by the clients, it is like a dictionary, you type your words/code and you will see some data,

I could not find a way to reduce the time for the clients(due to the big database), I am wondering that is it possible to put a copy of this database on client's computer (I have mentioned that there are specific clients and I have access to their computers) within Access Database so in this way I have to run the connection to the access database at clients side, if so what is the coding for it??

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Running Site On SSL

if there are any disadvantages for running my whole site on SSL server (i.e All pages would run on SSL after the user logs in to their account).PS: The service I provide on my site doesn't require users to login everyday to their account. So I don't expect that heavy load.

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How To Tell What Type Of Server A Site Is Running On

How can I determine if a website is running on a Unix or Windows server? All
I have is the url.

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FSO To Create File On Client Pc

im creating an asp using the file scripting object but i cant create the file in the local pf of the client, but rather saves on the server folder.

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Create A File In Client System

How can i save the textarea(retrieved from DB) data to client system as a textfile.
I am using filesystemobject to create a text file with the path

set fso=server.createObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set ctext=fso.createtextfile("c:mydata.txt",true)
set ctext=nothing
set fso=nothing

But it is storing in the server cwebserver c: drive)
My users will access simultaneously in my LAN. They use these textfiles to print in DOS mode. Coz it contains large and formated data and to print faster.
How can i store the generated output to the client system only instead of server. B'coz the data generated is diff for each user.

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Create A Site Map

i have to create a site map in asp3 and taking the menu-titles in a mysql database.
the prblem is this: the menu-titles have submenu-titles on more levels.

the submenu are connecting by his master menu by an "id_father".

(ex. if the master-menu has id_element=1 the submenu has id_father=1 , if the master-menu has id_element=5 the submenu has id_father=5)

the problem is when the submenu has others submenu
( if submenu has id_element=10 the second level submenu has id_father=10)

starting by the first record i don't know how to order them in the web page

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Create SEARCH In My Site

i am working in creating a medical system that keep track of medical records.. i am now in coding the search engine in the system which takes tha value entered by the user and search the database for the values that match the user's value..and display it in the results page.

so how can i do that??can anyone give a sample of the code? is there is other way than using LIKE'%value%'?? because i want to write a code that search all my table columns.

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Blank Page Running ASP Page On Windows Vista

I've a strange problem with Windows Vista, running an ASP page on local
machine (http://localhost/test.asp), the page does not give me any error but
the asp code is not executed (simple code : <% response.write("hello") %),
it show me a blank page, I think I've put all the setttings correctly, but
maybe I must do something obvious to fix that.

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Running Page

What is required to run page with extension .aspx file,on win 2000 server with IIS ,it is not working,what upgrade is required ,I am using IE6 also.

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Asp Page Is Not Running

I have been connected with proxy software which is not allonwing me to run my asp page in my local host giving the error :

Does not support loopback URL
URL Address here

what shall I do to run and see the result.

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Automated Running Of Page

I am design an web application that requires information mation to be created from tables once a day, once this information has been created it is stored temporarily in another table until the folowing day. The problem is that to creat this information a seperate .asp page has to run.

I would like this page to run early in the morning when no one is in the building and accessing the servers. I have tried using windows scheduler... this works but still needs a user to press ok on the internet security password screen we have set up. Is there any other way to get the page to run without using the browser, or to change the page into a dfferent format??

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Periodically Running Asp Page

I have an asp page that will be updating the data from one database into my sql server database every 3 hours. I'd like to write code that will tell the page to automatically run every three hours. How do I do this?

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Running Executables From ASP Page

if it's possible to run an .exe or other command line utility form an .asp page? What I am trying to do is have a report request page where the user would supply a few details, and then submit. At this point I am hoping to pass the data to an .exe. This .exe will write its output to a text file which will be read and displayed on the page. Is this
easily accomplished?

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Global.asa Running ASP Page

if it was possible to put a function in the global.asa that would call/run a page every x minutes. I have an ASP page that writes a text file and I want that file to be updated/rewritten in the background every 30 minutes so that pages that call the file are current. I have requirements as to why it can't just be a dynamic page and needs to be a text/htm file.

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Running A Script From ASP-page

I need to run a script in a ASP-page. Everthing runs exect the script.

Set objWShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objCmd = objWShell.Exec("cscript /nologo c:ssssasysdag.js
/addclass " & Request.Form("klas"))

I get an error on the Exec-line. On the server it shows ASP-script access-denied. After closing the MS-script editor i get

WshShell.Exec error '80070005' in the browser.

Someone know a solution? Or anouther way to run that script?

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Running SQL Files Through ASP Page

I have created some SQL files which i can run on the Oracle console. Code:

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Running Asp Page As Particular User

I have this situation where I have one shared folder on particular server
and this folder is shared for just one user to access it. I wrote an asp page
wich should open a file from that shared folder. However because the folder
is shared for just one user I have somehow to run the asp page as this user.

The same way like in ASP.NET application where I can use impersonation in
web.config file. Is this possible?

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ASP Error While Running Aspx Page

This is the error which i got when i tried to display message in my text box which is a aspx page.

Error which i got:Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error :

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

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Error Running Bat File From ASP Page

I am using windows 2000 server IIS 5.0

i was trying to run bat file from asp page and getting: Access Denied

but when i run the bat file from the command prompt on the local server, it's running good the bat file copying files from target computer in the LAN to the local
computer, o.k

i give write and execute permission on the IIS for this site on the local folder(where the bat file) i assign full NTFS access for "test" user on the target computer i shared the folder with Everyone Full control and assign Full NTFS access for the "test" user
but still cannot run the .bat file

where it can be the problem, how i need to set the site on the IIS to run the bat file?

any how to run bat file from ASP page document?

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Running A Perl Script From An ASP Page To Include QUERY_STRING

I am running IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003.

I would like to be able to run a perl script from a web page and
include the output.

I have tried doing it with an ssi:

<form action='docsearch.shtml' method='get'>
<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/>

This correctly ran the script, but it was unable to include the
QUERY_STRING from the parent URL into the included perl script, and
there seems no work around to enable me to do that on IIS 6.0,
therefore on this thread:

I was recommended: "to a simple ASP page which will easily do exactly
what you want because it actually has the functionality you want, by
intention, and is supported." Code:

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Attempting To Write Create An ASP Page FROM An ASP Page.

I'm trying to write an asp page line by line, as one would create a
text file, only my file will end in .asp.

One line simply writes a close ASP code tag, or


When this line processed, an error occurs saying that the string was
never terminated because the asp page attempting to write this line of
code to a NEW asp page reads that close ASP tag (%>), as an actual
close asp tag for itself, instead of a STRING value.

How do I write this %> symbol to a new asp file, while still
maintaining its purpose to close a group of asp code in the newly
created page?

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Wap Site On Web Page

i want learn to make a wap site on a web page exmp.geocities or freehomepages. how can i creat my wap site(ý have a wap site from tagtag)on a web site?

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How Can I Preven An ASP Page Returnig Response To Client.

If I want to execute an ASP page and get NOTHING in return, no HTL Headers as well?

response.clear clears only the contents, but HTML Header is still returned.

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How To Calculate Web Page Loading Time On Client ?

How to calculate web page loading time on client and send back result
to server side ?

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To Prevent Client Side Web Page Caching

I wish to avoid caching asp pages at the user end . Currently I have declared Response.Expires=0 at the top of my asp page. I have also used the following meta tags
to prevent client side caching:


but still the pages are cached at the client side.

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How To Make A Page Look Like It Is On Another Site

I am developing an ASP page for clients. I will host the page on my
server, but it must appear on the clients' websites. That means that
the user should not be redirected to my site, but instead should remain
on the client's site. Or at least appear that they are remaining on the
client's site.

One thing that would be acceptable is to host the page on the client's
site, but have it hit my site to get the data. I have looked into
XMLHTTP and also just having the ASP page hit a remote SQL Server
instead of a local one, but haven't made any decisions yet.

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Site Map: Display Categories On Next Page

I'm trying to create a site map that will display links to all pages including links to bring the visitor to different categories. See below:


About us:

-Category 1:
-Category 2:
-Category 3:
-Category 4:

Contact us:

When the visitor clicks on 'Category 3' they should be sent to a page that displays all the products in Category 3. Code:

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To Display Site In 1st Page Of Google

i want to make my site to be displayed in the first page of google.can it possible?

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Downloading Web Page From Secure Web Site.

I work for a large chain coporation. My schedule is posted on their secure web site which I have a user name and a password for. I want to create a URL string that can be sent (using VBA inside of Outlook) which contain my username and passsword and allow me access to my schedule information.

I tried: ....

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Web Site Loads Wrong Default Page

I'm running win 2000, I downloaded a calender and put it into my root website folder. the calendar folder contained a file called . After the insertion of this folder and creating links to it we noticed that when the web page loaded it's home page, another older page that has been deleted is displayed.

This page was located in the calendar folder. So now I've deleted the calendar folder, and restarted the server but this old page is still on display.

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