Unable To Install IIS On Windows XP Home Edition

I red a tutorial for installing IIS on windows XP HE, I bought a new
laptop with windows xp he, and i want to install iis on it, in the
tutorial i enter the system and make some changes then i add the
iis.dll and the iis.inf, anyway.. after some steps I reach to the
control panel and I have an IIS option, I thought it worked but when I
was not able to check the option in order to click next and continue
to the installation of the IIS.

I rebooted and remade the tutorial but i got the same problem - can't
check the option of the iis in the control panel "ADD/REMOVE WINDOWS
COMPONENTS" - what can i do ?

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Install IIS In XP Home Edition

I have Windows XP Home edition. Is there any way I can Install IIS in my machine (without upgrading to XP Pro)? I need to run and test my asp programs utilizing MS Accsess and SQL Server.

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IIS 5 Running On XP Home Edition

I'm running windows XP and went to add "IIS 5.0" from the add windows components but it wasn't there,does anyone here know what i should do? One more question, is it still worth learning ASP since ASP.NET came out?

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Windows 2003 Web Edition

Is there a workaround to allow .log files to be accessed


The access is just so it can be downloaded.

I get 404 errors for Windows 2003 but not for Windows 2000 for this.

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IIS Server On Windows XP Home

is there a way to install the IIS server on Windows XP home? Like the one you get wih Windows XP Proffesional CD. I have found this website which has a method of doing it, although it says here tha Microsoft says you need Windows XP Professional to install this and that this is only a workaround I wasn't sure if this was true or not.

The main reason I thought of this was because I would have thought Microsoft would have had a file you can download from their website or some thing like that, although I haven't found any other way of doing this yet.

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Install On A Windows Xp Machine Without Using The IIS?

is there a way to install ASP on a windows xp machine without using the IIS? I am running Apache 1.3.29, PHP, CGI and MySQL.

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Personal Web Server On Windows XP Home?

Is there a way to have Personal Web Server on XP- Home?

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APS Pages Not Working Now After Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 Install

Has anyone had any problems with Win2003 Service Pack 1 messing up things in IIS regarding asp pages? I had a small test site working yesterday and last night I ran the Windows critical updates on the server that included Service Pack 1. This morning my asp pages are not working.

Also I'm using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and I'm trying to setup another database connection for another page. I connect to the access .mdb file and it tests successfully. However, when I go to look at the tables in Dreamweaver, it shows that there are NO tables.

I know that there are tables and it was working yesterday. Nothing has changed between yesterday and today except for the windows critical updates. Any ideas??

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IIS And XP Home

Is there a component I can download that will run asp on XP Home?

I have XP Pro on my home dev system but only have XP Home on my laptop
and don't really want to spend out on another XP Pro license.

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ASP On XP Home

What's the best way that I will be able to code ASP on my XP Home, can I get it for free

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Home Page

Our home page name is index.html index html include left and right html. so google
get left or right html. and we would like if someone click the page then
open home page. ( if opening page is not in frame then redirect
ndex.html )

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Asp Home Page

Im building a website for a mate they want a news story on the front page that is pulled through from a database.Just want to know if i can make this page called index.asp - will it be recognised as the index page?

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Alternative To IIS On XP Home?

i have read a few articles saying that you can run IIS on XP home but it does not look too reliable to me and am not too willing to try, so is there an alternative set-up i can use to test my ASP before uploading?

i say this as all ftp hosts seem to want your code pre-tested before uploading .

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Run ASP Pages On Win XP Home

is it possible to run asp on win xp home edi? i know that it does not have the iis, but i was wondering if there is any other third party softwares that allow to achieve this.cheers.

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Running ASP On XP Home

is it possible to install PWS on XP Home? If not, is there another way to run asp on XP Home?

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Do I Need To Install ASP.net 1.1 ???

I have a win2K server that runs my web sites. I need
to use ASP.net on one of my sites. I am just learning
about ASP.net and found that I cannot run ASP.net
formated pages on my server the way that it is.

If I am not mistaken, I need to install ASP.NET 1.1

Is this correct? If so, will all of my other sites that
use ASP still work the same, or will they have to
be rebuilt?

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Install PWS

show me how to download and install the Personnal Web Server. I want to test the ASP examples.

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Install IIS

I use Win2K and want to serve ASP pages on my desktop.I am unable to install IIS as I mislaid my installation disks. Does anyone know whether either of the servers accompanying the web matrix project or Visual Web Developer Express run ASP web pages?

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Install ASP Or ASP.NET

I'm running Windows XP and Apache HTTP Web Sever and want to set up ASP and/or ASP.NET to start learning. Is this possible or am I going to have to install IIS?

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Set Up Or Install

I am a home user, running windows XP home edition. I want to write and test ASP.net pages on my PC. What do I need to set up or install?

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Re-install IIS

I recently had to re-install IIS on my XP Pro system. I uninstalled it, and every time I try and re-install it the installation gets about 3/4ths of the way complete and freezes. My comp doesnt freeze the installation just stops. I have to open the task manager to exit out.

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Redirects To Home.aspx.

I' currently making a time and movement site for our department.I would like for the user to use a login page,once they log in I want them to be directed to a personnal home page that allows to add and view their current week movements.How would I proceed
I built a login page, once the login is validated it redirects to home.aspx.
In the home aspx what would the coding for the home page to retreive the date related to the particular employee without having the employee to retypr his login information in a search form.

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Custom Home Pages

I'm looking to do custom homepages based on user login, something like googles homepage, But not as drastic. I'm not sure how i should go about this. any suggestions on the thought process would be nice .

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Setup ASP Server At Home

Could someone lead me in the direction on how to set up server on my home PC so I can view my ASP pages, rather than uploading them to host server to view. The easiest and less painful way.

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Wierd Issue With XP Home / XP Pro

When I access a web page that adds information to a database on a PC running
XP Pro it works as it should.

When I access the same page from a PC running XP Home I get a ' Internal
server error - page cannot be dispalyed' message.

I've tried it on 5 PC's running XP Pro & 5 running XP Home - same result.

ASP code is: Code:

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Localhost / Home Computer

I am trying to play with ASP on my home computer. I am placing a "hello.asp" page with simple code in C:Inetpub or C:Inetpubwwwroot and running it and am getting:

The page cannot be displayed. The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. I am running Windows 2000 Server, and I just stripped off Apache/ MySQL. I am not sure what I need to do to allow myself to run ASP pages on my home computer.

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Re-install ASP-engine

A new-installed server-application has damaged my IIS.
Now I want to reinstall the ASP-engine on my W2k-server

I already tried:
- remove IIS (-->add-remove programs)
- install IIS and all components (-->add-remove programs)
- run Windows 2000 SP4
- run IISSTATE for debugging

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CDONTS Install

I have a dedicated windows server on BlueGenesis.

I'd like to send an email using ASP, but I'm getting this error message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'

ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDONTS.NewMail'

I'm told that is because CDONTS is not installed.

So, how do I install cdonts or some other asp mail program. How much
is that going to cost?

I'm a perl programmer and I'm always a little shocked at what is not
built into ASP!!! No less so than now.

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Web Based Install

How ca I write a asp page that will handle web based Install? Is it possible
or I need to go for some 3rd party Software for this, If Yes what is the
Best to use with ASP?
My requirement is: I have one Software that I wanted to install in Customer
PC directly from Webpage instead of allowing the user to download the
Software and Install.

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What Do I Need To Install To Run ASP Scripts?

What do I need to install to run ASP scipts on a windows 2000 machine?

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ASP Classic On LAN IIS Install

Trying to create a mini-ASP web dev with a couple of PCs at school. When the teachers are happy with the site on the LAN then going to upload it to the school site. Problem is having real problems with the ASP side of things.

Timeline of events is as follows:

1) Added IIS (via Add/Remove Windows Components) on WinXP Pro machine (6 month old Acer to be exact). No problem.

2) Created a folder called asp in the inetpub folder and made it web shareable by right-clicking on it and setting the Web Sharing bit. I usually have read, execute and directory browsing. No problem.

3) Put a text file (with an ext of .asp) in this new asp folder, typed the usual text of <%=now()%and saved it. No problem.

4) Went to http://itpc1/asp and clicked on the new 'test.asp' file. Date and time appears. No problem.

5) Went to my colleague's little office (showing him how to do asp) to make sure his PC can see the web page working OK (both machines are on the same network) and the page displays fine. No problem.

6) Now the reason for this setup is that the PC in his little office is only WinXP Home and the PCs with WinXP pro on are the children's suite, which he can't have sitdown access to all the time. My plan was that I would web share the asp folder AND network share the folder so that he can be dropping files in and doing edits on the asp folder via the network share and then view the results via the http://itpc1/asp web share.

Proceeded to network share (all are setup for simple sharing) the asp folder. No problem.

7) Went into network places on his WinXP Home PC, found the folder no problem, created a shortcut to this folder no problem, he can open up, edit and save changes no problem.

HOWEVER, as soon as he goes back to the http://itpc1/asp page all of the asp files generate an ASP error saying the Invalid Default Script Language.

I go back downstairs and try and get the pages via the main WinXP Pro machine and this now generates the exact same problem.

The long and short of it is, I have to uninstall and then reinstall IIS to fix the problem. Nothing in the IIS settings has been changed. I never touch the default scripting lang setting, which is in fact the right setting of vbscript.

Could somebody please let me know what is happening. Why is the XP Home PC screwing things up when the files are network shared on the WinXP Promachine?

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Install On Linux

I need to install Comersus Cart (http://www.comersus.com) and try out to see how it works on Linux. The document says that it works on Linux as well, as long as ASP is enabled.

I avoided using ASP on Linux. How well does it perform really? And does anyone have experience running Comersus on Linux? How does it perform? Did you have any issue?

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Install Asp In My Computer

how to install asp into my computer and i know that it needs iis server connection.can u tell me how to do that.

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