Unable To Retrieve A Field From DB

I am having difficulty retrieving a field from a record. I do the Recordset and open and populate the resultset. I can access every value from the record and all of the data is correct except for one field. I am allowed to try and return a value from this field, but it always returns back empty (when it is not empty).

I cannot understand why it returns empty because I am using the correct field name rsSearchResults("rational"). What makes this even more complicated is that when I cut and paste the store procedure into SQL and run the query, it returns the correct values for all fields, including the "rational" field that will not return in the ASP page.

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Retrieve SQL-server Datetime Field As Dd/mm/yyyy With JScript

I have a JScript page which pulls a date from an SQL-server table who's data type is datetime.

How can I display this on my page as e.g. 19/02/2004? At the moment it shows as: Tue Feb 19 00:00:00 UTC 2004.

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Unable To Serve ASP

In WIndows XP, localhost, the asp pages rae not being served. It gives 500 internal server error. But html and other pages can accessed.

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Unable To Read

I am using file system object to read an xls file in the webserver ,
the file is located in the webserver I: ( which is map drive of the webserver ) , when i have tested the script in my local pc , where i kept the file in D: ( local drive in my pc ) it wokred fine , but when i tried in webserver it says path not found ( the web server is Windwos NT based )

this is the path which i am using in a script
"I:" & "" & 123456 & "my folder"

what i found that if i use only I:123456 it is able to reach to that folder , but after that its unable but if i rename "my folder" to "myfolder" it reaches that means not able to read the spaces in folder name

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Unable To Update

I cant seem to be able to get my change password script to work. I keep getting:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Operation must use an updateable query.

/site/internal/valid/changepword.asp, line 60

The table that this script uses is called pwords, the Fields are
appnumber - auto number
ownername -text
username - text
pword - text
appname - text

here is lines 56-60:


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Unable To Run My Asp Page

All the way i have been running my ie in my server computer....

but now i want to try running from another computer....

but it fail to load the page......why is that so???

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Unable To Run Asp.net Applications

Prob is after setting up the IIS on XP Pro, I'm unable to run asp.net applications.
I get the message: " The web server is not running ASP.NET 1.1" each time i try to create asp.net application using .net 2003. I know the prob is due to config on IIS. but don't know how.

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Unable To Contact Webserver

I have IIS. I have interdev. whenever I am trying to contact the server..it shows what I have written in the title.

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Unable To Use Variables In Asp Page

I am trying to change text in the div tags of my page with values from an
object obtained from a server side script but the object is not accessable
to the client script. I get an object required error but I know the object
exists and is correct becuase I can write the query string value and
properties of the object with a server script. I also tried to access the
div tags from the server script but this also resulted in an object required

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Unable To Download Zip Files From IE

I am unable to download zip files from IE browser. Everytime I click on the download button, instead of prompting me to save the file, Internet Explorer opens the zip folder instead.

I think this is because I have previously instructed IE to open zip files without prompting (there was a check box to do this). Is there any way I can revert to the original settings?

I have tried resetting my Web settings, as well as setting the Security level in the Internet Options, but to no avail. I am totally unable to download zip files using IE now.

How to set the default value so that IE prompts me to download the files than opening it in some location.

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Unable To Connect To MySQL

give me the steps and all the details from downloading installing & connecting to MySQL using ASP codes in Windows 2000 Server.

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Unable To Open Registry Key

I've published my database using Frontpage and inserted a result query on a ASP page and I get the following error.

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open
registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x3cc Thread 0x4f8
DBC 0x13d50024 Jet'.

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Unable To Display Web Page

I am currently facing some difficulties in accessing my web page. I am creating my company intranet website. Currently, I am developing my webpages in my local machine with IIS activated. When i run the website from my local machine's IE by typing //<computer name> my webpage displayed.

However when I do the same thing from another machine in the network, I got the error "The page cannot be displayed".

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Unable To Include File

I have a file in a top level directory called inc_protect.asp. I'm trying to include that file in a page called tree.asp. The code to include the file is

<!--#Include file="inc_protect.asp"-->

When I try that line or

<!--#Include file="../inc_protect.asp"-->


<!--#Include file="http://mysite/inc_protect.asp"-->

The server returns an error saying that the file is not found. Anyone have any suggestions on this? All files are asp script. The tree.asp is in a folder called SupServ directly below inc_protect.asp... Can these not go backwards?

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Unable To Insert Records

I get this following error while inserting recoed in ms-acces db :

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/mis/add_iteminfo.asp, line 35

This thing is making me go crazy as i'm running windows platform & running the app on localhost. The have several times but the db isn't read-only, not even in the iis. Don't know what to do .

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Unable To Send Email

I am unable to send email using this object. I dont get any error just that the email is not getting sent. I am using 2003 server. here is the code:

Set ObjMail = CreateObject("CDO.MESSAGE")

ObjMail.To = "Choontiong <choontiong.goh@tellabs.com>"

ObjMail.Subject = TXTSUB
ObjMail.htmlBody = tempMsg
Set ObjMail=nothing

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Unable To Start Debugging

When I try run the project, I get an error as "unable to start debugging on the web server. the project is not configured to be debugged. " . I'm running it on Windows 2000. I've made sure that debug=true in the web.config file and the authentication mode = "Windows".

I also get an error when I try it on IE5 as :"Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS " .

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Unable To Debug ASP.NET Project

i try to debug a simple ASP.NET project on a windows server2003 and i
receive a msg that saya's i dont have permissions and to check if i am in a
debugger group.

I following the IIS (version 6.0) with the "Manage your server" from the
administrative tools. i did the following:

1. make sure that the machine debug manager service running
2. the digest authentication is unCheck
3. add the IUSR_ to the debugger group in the AD (the computer is a domain
4. i gave the user a full control over the wwwroot library

i really dont know what else to check.

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Unable To Redirect The Output

Response.Write "<tr><td>"
"<a href=""rightwelcomecat.asp?teamID="&rs("teamid")"" "target="frame3"">"

Response.Write "<NOWRAP>"&rs("TeamName") & "</td>"
Response.Write "</a></td></tr>"

in my second line i wannted to display new page in fram3 that is exists in same page. i have divided the full page into 3 frames. one top frame contains info. second frame will capture the data fo all teams from database as shown above code. the third frames is blanks.

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Unable To Display Recordset Value

I have a value in the db column (LinkTextHit). This columns stores the links to display on the web-site. Sample links are: Code:

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Unable To Figure Out Codes

I'm now doing a project about handphone making a call and sending sms or mms by using vb.net.

But i need to make the button invisible inorber to see the buttons of my phone.when i switch the visible to false.

The button become inactive and i can't even click it. How to make the button active and it is invisible at the same time. Need to figure out the codes fast,running out of time to do the project.

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Unable To Run ASP Pages Locally

I am receiving the following error whenever I attempt to run any ASP from localhost:

"The page cannot be displayed. There is a problem with the page you are
trying to reach and it cannot be displayed."

At the bottom of the page is states the following:

"HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer"

Any ideas?

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Unable To Read File

I have a pdf file,in a directory c:inetpubwwwrootproject. i am using PDF component to read it. but I am getting error. Unable to read file.

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Unable To Open Web Project

I have been working with a project in Interdev for some time now. Today I tried opening my project and I get the following error:

"Unable to open Web project 'xxxx'. Server error: Cannot open "frontpg.lck": no such file of folder. what this might be about.

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Unable To Update Data Using Datagrid

I am really having a problem with trying to get my datagrid to update my data base.

I have tried 2 different sets of codes, but when ever I enter the new data to be updated and click update, the datagrid will just return to the orginal datas. There is no updating done. I really am very new to this. Please advice what are the problems in my code that I must change. Code:

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Unable To Read Files In Directory

IIS cannot read files in a directory reporting that :

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6)
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Fso.GetFolder'

This has to do with Scripting.FileSystemObject.
I make sure the scrrun.dll is properly registered with regsvr32.
Still the problem persists.

Previously I do not know what I did right once in permission setting and
managed to display the said files but it went away after tweaking the
permission for make other functions available.

I scoured the web and this problem is a perrenial one. Many many suggestions
have been made even in expertsexchange site but no real solution. I don't
understand why it is so difficult to have this file system service up and

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Unable To Veiw Background Images

My background images are not appearing on the page. I am unsure why. I can see them on my on pc, but nobody else with the same computer configurations can see these background images. We are using XP, so I thought there may be a problem caused from this.

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Unable To Get Dynamic Image To Display

Hi, I am trying to output an image using a filename from a database.

My code:

Response.Write("<img src='uploaded/" & bannerRecordSet("Banner_Image_File") & "'>")

Response.Write("<img src='uploaded/homepage1.jpg'>")

The first example works but doesn't display the image
The second example works and always displays the image

I don't know what is wrong with my code as the images are definitely on the server.

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Unable To Browse An Aspx Page

In IIS, when I try to browse an aspx, I get a popup message asking me if I want to open or to save the file instead of actually browsing to the page. Any idea of what could cause this issue?

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Unable To Send To Yahoo Mail

I am facing very weired problem that i am not able to solve so finally i give up. i use mailing application to send mails to my website members this script working fine with all e-mail services except yahoo.i cant figure out why its not working on yahoo only what probably i have done wrong Above is the script i am using....

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Unable To Read The Project File

if someone can help me on VB/ASP.Net project. The project was
developed by another developer on another machine. I need to load it and
make some changes to this project. I get error message "Unable to read
project file (name of the file). The Project file has been renamed or is no
longer in the solution.

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UNABLE TO UPDATE DB With Err Code -2147217900

I am getting err code -2147217900 on trying to update an access db. The code for the update is: Code:

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Unable To Download Files From Server

I'm having trouble with my first IIS6.0 on Windows Server 2003.

The web site works fine: all ASP pages are processed and displayed normally. The problem is we are not able to download any files from the site (pdf, zip, doc, ...) When you click on a link pointing to one of these files (or if you write the file's absolute URL in the address bar of IE) you get the normal Open or Save as dialog. Whichever option you choose, the next window is an error message stating that the file cannot be downloaded. The strange part is that everything else is working fine, it is file download what fails, exclusively.

Is this something that needs to be enabled in IIS6.0? Do you know anything about this issue?

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