Update Field Based On List Selection

What I would like to happen on this page is that when a user selects a company name from a drop down list, his selection autopopulates the cID field based on the selection. The drop down list is getting its choices from the customer table.

As I am still a novice, I am sure there is a way to do it I have not been able to get it right. Code:

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HOW To Submit A Form Based On On List Box Selection

I writing an asp application that uses three listboxes. the first one lists departments ids the second list box populates either users or supervisors based on which button is pressed ( users button and supervisors button).

If a user is selected from the list the submit button redirects to page1.asp. if a supervisor is selected the same submit button redirects to page2.asp My question is how can I submit the form without using more than one submit button.

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Changing The Value Of A Textbox Based Upon The Selection Of A Menu/list Box

I have a menu box with dynamic values from a recordset (value = 'Size' column)

I then have a textbox for which I want to display the 'Price' column according to the record selected in the menu box.

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Change Text Field Based On Menu Selection

ASP/javascript with a drop down populated by an access database. The drop down works fine but I cant figure out how to get it to change a value of a text field.

I want the value in the text field to change to reflect the data in another column in the table, same row. Code:

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Change List Selection Makes Field Visible?

I have a survey/member form that gathers information. I would like to have a drop down list on a page that a user selects, either 1, 2 or 3.If 2 or 3 I would like to show on the form another field for information gathering ie:if a user has 1 cat, fields for cat name, sex & age show.

if a user has 2 cats, 2 fields show instead of one for each, and the same
for 3.....

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Populating Text Fields Based On Drop Down Box Selection

I am working on a small application for senior users, so I want to limit the option for incorrect input whatsoever. I have a drop down box that is populated from a query and I want to make it so that when an option is selected, the pertinent text fields are populated based on the selection.

All the info I need is already being extracted from the query so its just a matter of displaying the right info based on the selection. I have been looking for examples of code but they all seem to use javascript. I am not too strong in javascript so I kinda avoided those. if there is a pure asp example, that would be fine!

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Form Redirect On Submit Based On Radio Button Selection.

I need to have my ASP form "post" action=? pass to a different confirmation page based on a radio button selection on the form, after submit.

Depending on which radio button they click on, they will receive the same confirmation but then be redirected to a selection specific page, based on the radio button selection. I'm assuming I need to create several different action pages, each with a different redirect, then have the radio button determine which action page the form is directed to based on the radio button selection.

I've tried several different options, such as creating a variable on the form, sDirectionVar, with redirect conditions, but I don't know how to call that on submit? I'm not sure I'm even going in the right direction.

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How Can U Connect To 1 Of Several Dbs Based On Selection User Makes When Accessing Main Page

We have a web site IIS 5 (on Win2000k) with Oracle 9i backend (Sun unix).

There is 1 user ID to oracle(APT_W3) that is used by all users (50).

We have a global.asa file that has one APP Start connection string using OLE
ID=APT_W3;Data Source=CCEWSDD1_new;Locale Identifier=1033;OLE DB services=-1"

The first page that a user sees asks that they select the area they want to
see (western, northern, etc) from a dropdown menu. Once they select it and
hit save they can go to other pages, session varibles indicating what area
they selected are then passed to pages. Currently all areas are in one

What we want to do is have areas in separate dbs, a northern one, a western
one.etc. Each will have separate user ids (APT_W2N, APT_W3W,etc).

We want the users to have the web page presented to them where they select an
area. Based on the area they select, the appropriate conneciton string will
be used (the one in the global asa). Code:

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Selection List/Asp Question

I have a selection list of the 50 states that is not dynamically built. If &state=CA is in the query string i want the selection list to automatically select CA out of the selection list since that is what was in the querystring. Know what I mean?

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Dropdown List Selection

I have a dropdown list where u can add students name inside the listbox. As u can see there is a "Please select one" option in the dropdown list also. When i click on the option, it will be added into the listbox also. Can someone pls help me to solve this in JavaScript. My attachment.

if (document.teamForm.newMember.value == "-- Please Select One --")
alert ("You can not select this option.")
return false;

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Remember List Box Selection

I have a list box that allows users to search an SQL database on ZIP, Name and so on

After the submit the List Box selection always goes back to the defaut selection.

I figured by writing the current selected item to a cookie prior to the submit I could recall it upon reload.

Does anybody know how to set default selected item for a list box? Am I going about this the right way? The more I research it seems dynamically creating the list box is the way t go

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Getting 2 Selection List Boxes Working Together

Here is my situation, I have an ASP page with 2 list boxes. The first list box displays people that are available to be selected. The other list box shows the people who have been selected. This makes it easy to see who has been selected and who has not been selected since if you are in one list box you will not be in the other.

I know how to write the SQL to get the data for each list box but my problem is getting this to work without having to reload the whole page (I thought I could just re-run each list boxes' SQL and display the results instead of having to load the page again).

Write now I was thinking each list box would have an OnClick or OnChange JavaScript event. I would then have 1 table with all People in it and a second table of people who were selected. When the user clicked on the list box of available people (not selected) I need to run an ASP insert script and then requery both list boxes to pick up the change. In the case a user was removed from the selected list box, I need to run a Delete ASP script.

My problem is that I can do this if I reload the page every time a person is selected from a list but there has to be a way this can be done without reloading the page. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?

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Drop Down List Selection As Parameter To A SP

I working on an ASP page that has a drop down list that gets its contents from a SQL table.

Can anyone show me how to use the selected item from the drop down list and use it as a parameter in calling SQL stored procedure (this procedure simply updates a table so there are no result sets).

I have designed my page to include a submit button and was wondering if it is possible to call the procedure as soon as the submit button is clicked. I get really confused with whether to use a server side or client side script.

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Populate List Box Base On Combo Box Selection

how do i get a value from a combo box and populate a list box base on the selected value from a combo box? If possible can i get a sample coding.

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Fill Field Based On Another Field

I have a input form with 5 fields. One of the fields is MajorNo and the other is named Description.

I have a reference table in my MS Access database (tblMajor)that lists the major numbers and their descriptions.

I would like to have the description field in my ASP automatically filled based on the major number entered on the form, so the user will only need to input the major number when submitting to the Access table (tblSalesTotal).

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Adding A New Entry To A List Menu Based On A Database

Let's say I have a dynamic list/menu, which gets its values from a
database table, for example a list of contact people where the value is
an ID number and the label is the name. However, if the value the user
wants is not in the list I would like to place a hyperlink which

(1) open a small window, with an ASP form to allow the user to add a
new entry

(2) save the entry to the database

(3) add that value to the list/menu in the parent window and make it
the selected option

(4) close the small window and return to the original window.

I can handle the code for 1,2 and 4, but 3 is what I'm not sure about.
I don't like the idea of forcing the user to leave the current screen,
go to some other form, add the entry they need to the lookup table,
then come back; this seems like a logical approach, but just wondering
how to make it work.

This seems like a common enough situation; anyone have any code samples
or suggestions about how to do this?

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Refresh Values In Select List Based OnChange Of A Dropdown Box

I am trying to learn and use good DHTML concepts and code (assuming they are needed). My current issue concerns how to handle this situation.

I have a Select List box which displays values based on what value is selected in a dropdown list. For example, my dropdown list contains a class name, and the Select list contains all of the students who are registered for that class.

So what I would like to occur, is when the user changes the class from the dropdown box, the Select List is re-created displaying the students who are enrolled in that class.

I thought I could do this without having to reload the page (with DHTML) but here is my problem. Code:

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Autofill Field Based On Entry In Another

have form on asp page with an email address field, when the user enters
their email address I want it to populate another field automatically on the
same page, some kind of OnBlur event. Have worked extensively with dropdown
OnChange events but cant get my head around this one.

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Displaying Information Based Off An Empty Field

I've been searching for an answer to this for quite some time now and have found nothing, so maybe (hopefully) someone out there will be able to help me.

At my work, we have a lot of folders for different jobs we've done. And right now, we have more than one person making the folders for all the new jobs that we get. I am trying to make a database were it will only show the jobs that have not had folders made. In order to do this, I've created a field titled "Initials". I want the webpage to pull up all the records where the Initials field is empty, but I'm having trouble doing that. I've tried a few different things and have found no success.

I'm not having a problem accesses the database or updating it, just displaying the right information. I'll give a little illustration (because I'm never good with words):

Say I have 3 jobs: Job #1, Job #2, and Job #3. Someone has already made job folders for Job #1, but Job #2 and Job #3 still need to be made. Since Job #1 has been made, that means there are initials in the initials field of the database and thus, I do not want that Job being displayed on the "To Be Made" page. Job #2 and Job #3 do not have initials in the initials field and as such, I want to display those jobs....

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Returning Records Based On Time Field

How does one return records in a recordset based on a time/date field. If todays date is 8/25/04, how could i return all those records from 8/25/04. Mind you, i have long date format ex. "8/25/2004 4:46:45 pm"

I dont want to user a form for this i simply just want these time- sensative records to be returned in the recordset .

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How To Hide Form Field Based On Dropdown Choice

Dropdown has three choices. If the third is chosen, the next field needs to be hidden. is there an ASP version of a show/hide script?

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Create Monthly Totals Based On Date Field

my question is regarding using ASP to loop through the results of a sql query and calculate a monthly total based on a date field.

I am using the following query to total the number of train rides for a given branch by day type (weekday, Sat., Sun.) and create a 3 month rolling avg. (to diminish large fluctuations in the data). I am using Oracle 9i to store the data.

Please see below for the database query, the query output, and the desired output using ASP to sum the rides for each month. Code:

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Problem With An .asp Page Displaying Data Based On A Form Field Value.

I have an asp page that displays informaton from an Access database. I want to create a form that allows users to display only data that matches their search criteria.

I have made many forms like this in Front Page with the Database results wizard, but I want to manually code it. Code:

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Update Selected Dropdown List From/to Database

I am creating one web page which contain a drop down list. It use the data from database. Now my problem is when the user select the drop down list value, I want the current selected value update to the database. How to write the code?

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Getting Id Field After Rs.update

this is a problem that is cropping up for the other developer here and i can't seem to find anything wrong. this code has worked for months and then the last couple of days it started sporadically not working. i'm thinking that it has to do with a performance issue but i'm not sure.

i don't use the ado .addnew or .update, so i'm a bit unfamiliar with the workings of it. here is a brief overview of the code.

... do the field updates
order = cint(ordRS.fields("order_id")

the problem is that order sometimes ends up as null, it's not getting the order_id field after the update. like is said, it's sporadic. anyone have any thoughts here?

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Update Field

ive got a table filled by a recordset with a column named "STATUS"
each record is a sale transaction. the status of this transaction is either open or closed. right now the table displays whats in the database as is, but i want to add the functionality to be able to close a transaction from the table.
i was thinking of 2 methods, one would be a check to see if the field = open, and if it is, make that field a link to a small popup that verifies the user wants to close the transaction then does its lil sql thing aand updates the table.
the other way i was thinking was to check if its open and make it a drop down list that will update table when submitted.
im veering more toward the former idea(not a fan of drop downs)

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Update From Same Field

I have a list of names and a box with the age like this:

Name [20]
Name [26]
Name [15]

So i have his code:

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Inserting Value From List Box Into Database Field

My question is this: how do I get a value from a listbox to assign to a variable (elementary I know)? Code:

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Editable Dropdown/list Field

I have a page that has a form on it which has a dropdown list on it. It connect to an sql database and populate the list. What I would like to do is make the list editable so that if the data returned doesnt contain what I want, I can type in the data I require which will then be updated to the database when the form is posted. Hope I've made sense, you may be able to tell.

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MySql Field Update

Why is it that this does not work in MySql?

RS.Fields("Fullname").value = "Bob"

Is it because MySql does not support this?

The code below is a bit more representative of what I'm doing:

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="Database_Open.asp"-->
sql ="SELECT * FROM CustomerBase WHERE " & _
"UserName='" & username & "' AND " & _
"SECRETWORD='" & password & "' "

RS.Open Sql, Connection, 3

'redirect code here
RS.Fields("Fullname").value = "Bob"
%><!--#INCLUDE FILE="Database_Close.asp"--><%
Response.Redirect ("Menu_Account.asp")

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Update A Field In A Database

I'm having a spot of trouble trying to update fields in a access database using asp. I can delete and add fields thru the asp page but when i attempt to modify the fields i get a page not found error message. Code:

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Update Phone Field

i have a phone field in one of my tables. the data is pretty ate up. there's some numbers with .,- and extra spaces among other things. how can i do a mass update i would like to have all the phone numbers formated like this 555-555-5555 .

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Update Form Field

I have a asp form that has a dynamic drop-down box that a user selects a value from. Once the user makes a selection I use the onChange event to capture the selection and pass this value to a vbscript sub.

The sub then makes a adsi query using this value to retrieve additional information. This all works. I used a msgbox to display the retrieved value and it is correct. My problem is how do I update a field on the form with this retrieved value?

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