Update Multiple Records ?

how can update the multiple records at a time ? what loop will use to update the multiple records ? Code:

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How To Update Multiple Records!

how to update multiple records on one submit. Say for example i have number of records on a html table, user performs changes on some of the records, and hits the submit button at the end and all these value have to be updated into the sql query.

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Update Multiple Records

How do I update multiple records in a table in ASP using loops ? For example.

I have a table with the following colums

ID | Col1 | Col2
1 | 50 | 100
2 | 25 | 130
3 | 55 | 70

I want to add *66* and *77* into the ID # *1* and ID # *3*
respectively. So the result should be

ID | Col1 | Col2
1 | 116 | 177
2 | 25 | 130
3 | 121 | 147

Note: All datatype of the colums are integer.

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Update Multiple Records At Once

How can I go about updating multiple records or deleting multiple records
from a DB at a time?

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How To Update Multiple Records With Different Multiple Value

i hav problem with updating the data. In the asp page i hav displayed records based on search criteria. in display mode im displaying the to be updated field in combo box for each similar contract_no. each contract_no will hav different no of rows and to be updated combo box.

based on the selected value in the combo boxes of different contract_nos i hav to update the combo value with old value. user select multiple combo values at a time I need anybody's help with detailed programming logic.

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Update Multiple Records From Array

I have a shoppingcart which is saved in an array. When the user goes to the checkout and and presses the order button the contents of the array gets saved in a databasetable. This all works fine.

The problem that I have is that I want the articles that the user ordered get subtracted from the Quantity I have got in my database. But I don't know how to tell the database which records have to be updated. Code:

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Update Multiple Records With One Submit

I have a list of registrants and I want to use a check box after each record
to show those who attend and then post all with one submit button.

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Stuck On Update Multiple Records (same Field)

how to update a database from a dynamic table with checkbox. Their is only one field I would like to change and that is the one with the checkbox.

I am using Dreamweaver and I create a dynamic table, add the update record and I get BOF EOF error. The database does have data in it. Code:

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How To Update Multiple Records Into A Single Table

I already have this piece of code that inserts multiple rows of data into a single table at once. Code:

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SQL Server - Update/Insert Multiple Cols Into Multiple Tables

Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.

I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.

If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.

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Update Records

I have a form with mutiple records. Each record has got 2 fields to update. How to update mutiple records at the same time??

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Update First 10 Records Only

I want to make modifications to the first 10 records in my database. I know that I can do it quite easily with the RecordSet object, but for speed, I was wondering if I could use pure SLQ?

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Mass Update Records

I just had a problem where I needed to update a bunch of records from a single form submission. I am sure there are lots of better ways to solve this, but I offer the code I came up with. Also I’m asking if there are any better ways.

The form page had a form in it with a table. Each row in the table had a database record in it. In each row, sat the input field titled “myOrder” and a hidden field called “myID”. The table was a repeat region, so that each field was populated dynamically from each record in the database. The number of records was dynamic in that they increased or decreased by the category the user was in.

The page submitted to my mass_update page.

Here is the relevant part of the code that took each “myID” and “myOrder” data and then updated the database record:...

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Multiple Update

Wondered if someone could help me out.
Ive got a database with 3 fields,

id - (autonumber)
name - (text)
status - (yes/no)

What I'm trying to do is display all the database contents on a web page so I can see all 3 fields etc, but then have a checkbox to represent the 'status' field so I can tick / untick multiple entries at the same time.(kinda batch update)!I know how to display things on web pages and how to bring back single records into a form and update them one at at time but it would be nice to change things all in one go

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Using Checkboxes To Select Records To Update.

I display work request records from a db table into a .html table dynamically by cycling through the db table until RS.EOF.

To the right of each record displayed I have two checkboxes, "chk_dev_accept", "chk_dev_sendnotif". These are the only editable items on the page.

"chk_dev_accept" is clicked by the developer to assign the work request to his/herself.
"chk_dev_sendnotif" is clicked if the developer wants to notify the customer that the status of the job has changed (optional and automatic - I don't have a problem with this part).

Upon clicking the "Update Record" button, I want the records with the checkboxes clicked to update.

The db record fields that would be updated are: "dev_developer" (The developer that will do the job, read from a cookie) and "dev_proj_status" (changed to 'Assigned'). These two fields should update when the "chk_dev_accept" is clicked and form submitted. I want the developer to check as many records as he/she wishes.

My problem is I'm not sure how to code that <input checkbox....> tag, and then, how to take that checked value to select the appropriate records to update.

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Update A Field For A Bunch Of Records At Once?

My products table has a weight field that I need to populate. A bunch of them have it and a bunch of them don't, but I need them all to have one. The weight is the same, 3, for all the records. I also have an Include field in that table. I want to make the weight field 3 for all records where the include field is true (it's a yes/no checkbox in access.)

I'm using Dreamweaver and I can build the SQL statement just fine but I'm not sure of how to loop through this to set the field for each of these records.

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How Does One Update All Records Displayed In A Asp Page

I got a test asp page which connects to Northwind.mdb database. This page
pulls all the rows from the Customers table. One column i.e. GoodStatus has
been added to the customers table. The following is the code to display all
records of the customers table with some customization. Code:

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Update Statement For Selected Records

I wish to update certain records in a access database where the placeID is a certain number and the coststypeID can be other numbers. I am using the following code:

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Update Multiple Rows

Visually, the page will look somewhat like a spreadsheet. It could have
hundreds of records (rows) displayed. I want to enable the user to edit any
one or any number of records and any fields, then click a save button to
UPDATE the SQL table. I'd like to use stored procedures if possible. How is
this done? Where do I start?

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SQL Update Multiple Columns

I'm trying to update an acccess database using asp.net (vb.net)
Can anyone tell me why the following code does not update the columns

Dim sqlUpdate As String = "UPDATE tblForumMaster SET Replies = @Replies, LastUser= @LastUser WHERE ID = @MasterID"

Dim objCmdUpdate As New OleDbCommand(sqlUpdate, objConn)
objCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@Replies", intReplies)
objCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@MasterID", Request.QueryString("MasterForumID"))
objCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@LastUser", strUserName)

No errors are produced so the syntax passes but the update does not happen.

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Multiple Update Syntax

May I know what is the syntax to copy multiple records to a single record? login_userid is in string.

sql =" UPDATE user, leave_summary_temp SET user.l_annual_taken = leave_summary_temp.l_annual_taken
sql = sql & " WHERE user.login_userid = leave_summary_temp.login_userid "
conn.Execute( sql )

Let's say in user table

login_userid | l_annual_taken
steve | 0

and in leave_summary_temp

login_userid | l_annual_taken
steve | 2
steve | 1
steve | 4

So, after the copy, the result in user table should be

login_userid | l_annual_taken
steve | 7

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Update Multiple Tables

I have 3 tables

I can easily use a join to retrieve all the data I need from all three tables.Now my problem is updating those tables.I want to be able to update all three tables in one swoop. That is, how do I update all three tables with one update statement? Is this even possible?

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Sql Update Multiple Fields

Is it possible to do an update on a recordset like this?display all the fields in a form and let the user pick which ones to update? What happens if they pick, say, two of the total to update, and leave the rest of the form fields blank? Would that update the chosen records and leave the rest of them blank or null?

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Update Multiple Tables

I havecracking my head to solve this problem. I am doing a project on Online form. But because the there is too much field for a table, i have to split it up into 3 tables. I need to know how to update the 3 tables simultaneously, when i submit the form.

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Multiple Insert/Update

After the page (transactions.asp) loads I want to allow the user to enter the number of transactions into the provided textboxes. Then, when the user clicks submit, I need to have all the hidden fields as well as the number of transactions values inserted into the transactions table of my database?

I have attached the database should you have any questions about the db table values and fields. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information or files.

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Multiple Records

I have this search and results system on one page....
I'd like it where the results that come up from the search are editable and can be updated.
I can't seem to figure out a working way to update more than one field at a time.anyone have a good piece of code for multiple edits

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Multiple Records

I need to retrieve multiple records and insert all of them into different table.I got an error running the code below.


FilePath = "C:Inetpubwwwrootdata.mdb"
Set Conn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn1.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & FilePath & ";"

SQL1 = "SELECT name FROM total where marks = 2"
SQL2 ="INSERT INTO people (names) values ("SQL1")"


while not SQL1.EOF
Conn1.execute (SQL2)


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Add Multiple Records

I have to create a page that contains a daily register information for more than 1 person each person should be added as a new record to the db. Is this possible? How would I go about doing this, I know how to create new records that add data to a db but I am not too sure how to add more than 1 record at a time.

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Update Multiple Date With Calendar.

I have form to update multiple data at one time. One of the field is Inspection_Dt. I want to update this field using calendar. But when i click on the calendar, it will refresh the page. Code:

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ASP: Update Multiple Dbase Rows?

I've got a little user poll system and I'm trying to create an 'edit' form. The form relates to 2 database tables, one holds the poll details (title, start date, end date, etc) and the other holds the answers/options (answer_id, answer, etc). I've successfully setup the form so it updates the poll details but I can't work out how to update the answers? Code:

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Inserting Multiple Records

Im having a hared time with this, im trying to update multiple records in a database from a form.

The form display all records from a search query and then the user selects whether to post the record of put the record on hold (two fields in the database).

Now everywhere I have looked I only see examples which update the records by using counts but I could end up with any number of records. I thought that using a loop would be an idea to get passed this.

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Delete Multiple Records

I read this article below and play around with delete multiple records function in dreamweaver. Assume that all my database fields setup are exactly like the code below. I was able to follow the instruction and did everything excepted line# 29. Can someone give me a suggestion of the line# 29 suppose to be (in example if possible).....

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Insert Multiple Records

I'm trying to set up a form whereby users can select a variety of different subject mailing lists they'd like to be added to.
Each subject is in a different table so I want the FROM part of my SQL statement to loop through the values selected from the list box which I've loaded into an array.
But I'm getting a Type mismatch error.Code:

Dim strSQL
Dim subjects
Dim subjArray
Dim iLoop

subjects = Request.Form("subjects")
subjArray = split(subjects)

strSQL = "SELECT firstName, lastName, address1, address2, city, state, pcode, country, email FROM"
For iLoop = LBound(subjArray) to UBound(subjArray)

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