Update Page Info On Tab Out

I want to build a page having a list of products with their individual price, order qty, and total price.

What I would really like is that when a user enters the order qty and tabs out, that the total price is updated instantly. How would I go about doing this?

When the user has finished all his order, then he would press the submit button and not before.

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Info Page

I am working on a users system for my site. I have the databases and most of the pages set up. But, I need to create a page called "My Info". This page would display only the information of the person that is logged in.

I am curious as to how I would retrieve only one entry in an access database and display it based on the person logged in.

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Info From .NET Web Form To ASP Page

How can I get contents of a web form transferred to an ASP page. i.e. the form variables? I tried using Server.Transfer with the preserve form parameter set to true, but this created some wierd .NET framework error.

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Displaying Database Info On Asp Page

I can display information to a webpage from a database and handle the connections etc. My next task is a bit more complicated for myelf. Id like to have a page the pulls information from a record set and displays like this.

down one side

the container numbers

along the top

the products in the containers

the information in the middle would be the amount of product that came on that container.

Im just wondering how the best way to setup my database would be, and the best way to setup the asp webpage. (oh) nearly forgot, it has to repeat the information till all the records are finished but i guess that gos without saying.

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Sending Data Info With Jmail Page.

I have a SelectBoxes.asp page that is working with multiple selection
dropdown boxes to extract data and total the selection prices.
Tom & Bob were kind enough to give me a big help getting this page
working and it's working just fine, no problems with this page.

However I then would like this data e-mailed using jmail (my host insists
on this method) and that is the function of the sendEMail2.asp page.

This is failing and only giving me a HTTP 500 - Internal server error and
I'm at a loss as to what's wrong. Code:

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Displaying Info From A Database On An Html Page.

if I have a list of book names and prices and I just want the info to be called onto an HTML page to be displayed how would I do that?

It sounds easy...but who knows with code? :P

I havent' set up the database yet but i suspect it will just be called books.mdb and the table will be called Books.

Fields in the table will be

Name, Type, Condition, Price

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How Do I Reload The Page To Show New Info With Multiple Submit Buttons

i am new to asp and web designing, and was wondering how to reload a page so that a different set of images appear, depending on which submit button is pressed. Code:

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Update My ASP Page

Do anyone now how I should do to update my ASP page every 5 sekond.

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Go Back A Page After Update

After updating a record, I want to go back to the results page from a search. Anyone know how to redirect after you update a record to go back a page to see the results again. A simple click of the back button would do the trick, but that can't be done after you click the update.

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Rs.Update Locks Up Page

I have an ASP page which uses QueryString data to determine what the user is wanting to do. It has Upload (which provides a form to enter a category, title, overview, and file), Edit (which gives user a form with the before mentioned sections, minus the file, to change the overview, title, or category), Update (which processes the Edit form), and Delete, which allows the user to delete a file.

A user can upload a file just fine, and a file can be deleted just fine. The problem is with Edit/Update. The Edit form loads fine, with all the correct information in the input boxes, and a hidden field storing the "ID" for the record. This form submits to .asp?Action=Update, where the Select statement is based on the hidden ID. When the user clicks the update button on the Edit page, the next page never loads, the confirmation never comes up.

On our Production (Live) server this caused ALL of our sites to go down, we had to restart the server to bring them back up. Now I've been testing in our Development server trying to solve, it causes this site to go down, but all other sites on the development server continue to function (so we have a different result on this server, but still the problem). Reboot is not required here though, if I wait a few minutes, I can access the page again (maybe a timeout is happening here that isnt on the other server?) Code:

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Update Db Without Doing A Page Refresh

I want to update a database but, NOT do a page refresh.

Like how they do it on Netflix with the "was this review helpful?" you choose yes or no.

I just want to capture the yes or no, without doing a page refresh so the user can make a number of interactions on the page.

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Update A Page Without A Refresh

How would I go about updating a page without a form submit?when a user types the number 1 in textbox1 and the number 2 in textbox2, textbox3 automatically displays 3.

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Update Cart Page

i am using following code to display purchansed items...

<tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
<td class=h1 class=stocktextfont><b><%=RS("cnt")%></td>
<td class=h1><b><input type=text name=qty<%=RS("Order_Qty")%> class=stocktextfont size=2 value=<%=RS("Order_Qty")%> maxlength=2></td>
<td class=h1><%=RS("Order_Item")%> <input type=hidden name=pname value="<%=RS("Order_Item")%>"></td>
<td class=k1><input type=text name="pval" class=stocktextform size=5 value=<%=RS("Order_Amount")%>></td>
<td class=h1><input type=button name=but value="Update" class=stockbuttonfont2></td>

in this i get sr.no by <%=RS("cnt")%> which keeps increasing by 1. when i change some quantity how to capture in next page as i wont be knowing how many itesm are displayed in this page and which item user wants to update.

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Update Access Database Through ASP Page

I developed an ASP page which has 2 input fields- First Name and Last Name.I used Access 2002 as database. Once I click the Submit button,

it has to perform 3 tasks-----
1) It has to update the First Name and Last Name in the MS-Access database in their corresponding fields.
2) It has to go to the Home Page(which I already did)
3) It has to update the date/time in the "Time" field in the MS-Access database.

The following is the code I wrote to connect to the database and update the fields in the Access table---

set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
MyConn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver

(*.mdb)};;DBQ=c:/documents and

rs.Open sqlqry,MyConn,2,2
rs("firstname") = first name
rs("lastname") = last name


Can somebody please help me in figuringout if I am missing something.

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Drop Down Button In UPDATE Page?

I had successfully created a update page for a registration. But now I went into a problem.

1: In REGISTRATION page (Where they submit their data for the first time), they are able to use Drop down button to choose their answers. In my UPDATE page (Where they can edit their data), I can only create textbox for them to change their data which they originally used Drop down button.

For example: In REGISTRATION page, they can choose Yes/No from Drop Down button. In UPDATE page, they need to type in Yes/No instead from Drop Down button.

How can I create drop down button in the update page with their previous answer selected?

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Update Only A Specifc Part Of A Page

i want to update a specific part of a page every 3 seconds without refreshing the whole page, any ideas?

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Update Record On Page Load

how to Update Record On Page Load. I have one feild in my database that I want to subtract 1 from each time the page is loaded.

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Refresh Page After Database Update

i am updating client's table(i.e insert one new client) from one asp page and after that it is being redirected to html page on that page i have one link which selects records from client's table and then displays it in the form of list. The problem is that when a new client is added it is not shown in the list. If anyone can please guide me on how to refresh the asp page after every database updates.

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How Does One Update All Records Displayed In A Asp Page

I got a test asp page which connects to Northwind.mdb database. This page
pulls all the rows from the Customers table. One column i.e. GoodStatus has
been added to the customers table. The following is the code to display all
records of the customers table with some customization. Code:

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Update Page Display With <select> Box?

Is it possible using ASP to update the page display by selecting a record from a <select> box, then, search the db for the record selected and update the same page with the content of that record? Code:

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Update With Click On Edit Buttonon Same Page

How to update, add, delete and save any data that has been called to a page. instance, second.page. The update must be done in second.asp too...

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Opening Database & ASP Page Update Same Time

There's an access database on an iisserver and asp makes updates to it. The
database got moved to a newer server. The users used to be able to open the
database and use the asp pages at the same time. Now when the database is
open the asp pages won't update.

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Refresh/update Page When Using Time() Function

I have an asp page in which I use the �time() function but that just gives the time at the moment the page is loaded. I need to reload/refresh the page once every second so the seconds increase by one continuously.

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Installing SUS(Software Update Services) - Page Not Found

Microsoft has a service called SUS that allows operating
system files to be updated from a dedicated server
instead of from Windows Update(Microsoft). SUS is a web
app based on .asp. I went ahead and installed SUS on a
Windows 2000 server that already had IIS 5.0 on it.

After the installation of SUS I tried to browse to the
home page,ie: http://localhost/SusAdmin, and got the
error "page not found".

I was able to browse normal html files in the same SUS
virtual directory in IIS and see them with no problem.
Something is wrong with .asp on IIS or with the setup of

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Formmail Email Page Won't Work After Windows 2000 Update

I'm using formmail.asp which is an emailing utility. Basically, the user
fills out a request page, clicks "Submit" and the page posts to formmail.asp
which emails the user information.

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2k server box and recently ran the Windows Updates
(the last time I do that). Anyway, that emailing form doesn't work now on
any of the sites I host. Any ideas?

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Validating Forms - Redirecting Form Values To Update Page

I have a form I am validating on a page. Currently I have the page call itself to check the form values for validity. I want to use the form post method to send the form values to the Update page but can't because I am using the "Response.Redirect" which doesn't post the form values to the next page.

What is a good way to validate a form values then direct it to an update page if values are valid. Should I use Client-Side or Server-side script?

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How To Tie RegID To Form To Update (batch Update)

Okay there is an unique EventRegID for every registration. When people first register they get pre-registered. Then an admin comes in and confirms or wait list them (based on whatever requirements). My question is how can I tie the EventRegID to a form with multipule ID's so they can batch confirm or wait list the PreReg list? Code:

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Asp Info

Is asp.net similar to vb.net ? What can you create with it ? ,Is there a program you suggest me to use , or even a compiler ?

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Looking For Info

I need to know where I can get information about learning how to code in ASP. This getting cide snippets and such doesn't work out real well if you don't know what to configure. Also I would like to have my own work not someone elses.

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Getting DB Info

In different examples I've seen different ways to do the same thing, and I want to know what is best (fastest, easiest to remember, same command for all types of stuff, etc)

For example, to get data from a database, should I use:

[VBS]set rs = conn.execute sqlstmt[/VBS]
[VBS]rs.Open sqlstmt, conn[/VBS]
or something else?

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ASP Info

what can i use to get my server's ASP information, like with PHP you can use:

PHP Code:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

What can i use in ASP?

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Aditional Info

I have a form that I use a few option selections from DB table and a insert script at the end.I'd like to have access to aditional info from the same table after choose an option

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Grabbing Info

I am trying to retrieve data from a dropdown listbox in asp using:

<%Response.Write + Request.Form("cboBox")%>

The problem is that I only retrieve the first value of the option. For
example, if my first option was <option value=this that>, I only can
retrieve "this". It won't get the second word.

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