Updating Multiple Records Thru Checkbox

I need a code that will update multiple records on a list thru checkbox.

If the record is selected, the details that was updated on the selected
record will copy the same value as what is updated.

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Updating Multiple Records At Once

I have created a page that calls multiple records from an access database. I would like for the user to go through and update the data, press update and it updates to the database and returns to the same page.

this has been accomplished all bar one thing, it doesn’t update the database! What have I missed? Code:

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Updating Multiple Records

I have a master/detail table configuration in a SQL database.Each record in the master table can have many records, which are stored in the details table.I need to create an update page that will allow the user to view, update or add new records within the details table that is associated to a master table record.

So, say I have 7 fields in the detail table and I'm pulling 20 records from the table that is associated to a specific master record. I would have 20 rows each with 7 columns that need to be updated or added to.

The columns contain dropdown menus,which will hold the value from each field in the detail table But,I also need to pull data from other tables that will hold the other values for the dropdown menus.

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Updating Multiple Records Via Online Form

I have a database generated form that I would like users to be able to update by selecting a checkbox. Say the page displayed has six records on it and the user wants to delete one or more of the records. They would click the checkbox and hit a "delete" button.

Then the database would be updated and the user redirected back to the page that would now show all the records that weren't deleted. Sort of like Yahoo mail, you get a list of all the bulk mail, select the ones that you want to delete, hit a delete button, and the page is updated to show what e-mail is left. How do I do this using ASP?

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INSERT Multiple Records From Checkbox Form With Unique Ids

I have an .asp page with a form to copy job responsibilites form one
job to another. It is a hotmail type interface with checkboxes
besides each responsibility. After submitting, it should copy the
selected resp's to a different job. After that it should renumber
that job's responsibilities.

This is the code I am using now to copy:

POSCODE,'" & dept & "' IDCODE1,'" & unit & "' IDCODE2, '999' RESP_NUM,
'" & sourceDept & "' AND IDCODE2 = '" & sourceUnit & "') AND RESP_NUM
IN (" & Request.Form("chk") & ")"

As you can see the value '999' is hardcoded in there as the new
Responsibility Number to go with the copied responsibility. I use
this because there are no jobs with that many responsibilities. This
works fine if I only select one resp. to copy over. But if I select
more than one that part still runs fine but I get an error with the
below. It says too many rows would be affected. Of course, this must
be because there are now at least 2 responsibilites with the same

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Systematic Updating Of Records Depending On Amount Of Records In Another Table

The problem concerns 2 tables, cart_products and cart_shoppingcart.

Cart_products contains all the product data (eg, prices, product's key name, etc), but most importantly, it contains the quantity of stock (prod_quantity) for each item.

cart_shoppingcart contains all of the user's items in their shoppingcart, including those that are part of an (customer) order; these have the order_number to differentiate from those that aren't in any order (their Order_number is 'no_order', the others have the order number).

Now, what I want to do is this:

For every item in the order (ie, every entry in cart_shoppingcart that matches the username and order number), take the quantity (x) the customer is ordering, then take the quantity of stock remaining (y), then subtract x from y to create the new stock level (z) and update the appropriate record in cart_products with z (all this with SQl preferably).

I was thinking of using a Do while loop, but realised that it wouldn't work as I'd have to use several SQL statements and then I'd run into a problem the minute ASP reads "objrec.movenext".

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Checkbox Updating A DB

I'm trying to add a checkbox to a form which updates a DB (access). Dreamweaver generated this and then doesn't work.

<input <%If (CStr((RS_UpdateProfile.Fields.Item("fldReadTerms").Value)) = CStr("true")) Then Response.Write("checked=""checked""") : Response.Write("")%> name="fldReadTerms" type="checkbox" id="fldReadTerms" value="-1" />

This checkbox doesn't update the database nor does it display the value in the field in the table.

As I grow to hate dreamweaver by the day I still am not any closer to solving my little problem.

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Updating Checkbox Value Into Database

Currently i am using this function to update the database for the values of the checkboxes. Anyidea on how to go about including the values of those not selected.
0= not checked 1=checked

MenuName | Super | IT
Menu1 1 1
Menu2 0 1


for each chk in Request.Form("opt")
sSQL = "UPDATE GroupAccess SET IT = 1 WHERE MainMenuID = " & chk

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Updating Via An INSERT Query Controlled By Checkbox

I have a form that if a user selects a certain option from a dropdown list a checkbox will appear. This checkbox references information from another table and then multiplies a figure before it is submitted (well, that's the theory anyway!)

I can't seem to get the multiplier to work. Can someone please give me some advice to this? I've included some simplified code that concentrates on the areas that I'm having difficulty. Code:

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Updating Records

what is there i need to look up and add to my code so that if more than one user is logged on to my site and edits information such as stock levels other users aren't under the impression there is stock when it has just been givin out to someone else? the easy was is just to have one user to access it at any one time but i think there will be about 5 -10 users at anyone time viewing the info and if 2 ppl update records at the same time how is it done?

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Updating Records With A Join

Through the form action I want to be able to update the existing record. Is it possible to run an update through a join? The statement selects a ticket and the associated contact. The user should be able to change the contents of any field and then hit the submit button the update save the ticket. Code:

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Updating Records By Login

i want to know how to update records by login
i mean to say when a user will login by his name and password his records of his name n password from the database will dispay on page and he will be able to update

after login m redirecting the page to update.asp .
how can i move the values how parameters i.e loginname and password.

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Updating Database Records

Those anyone knows how can I update several rows in a table using form fields with ASP?.
I'm using oracle9i.

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Updating Records In Database

I'm trying to update records in the database and the script I'm using is giving me an error:

Type mismatch
/Action_Item/action_items/view_action.asp, line 79
Whis is referring to this line:

response.Write("<tr bgcolor=""" & strBgColor & """><td width=""150"">" & lclArray(0,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(1,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(2,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(3,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(4,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(5,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(6,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & "<a href='edit_action.asp?action_id=" & RS("action_id") & "'>"&"<img src='edit.gif' border="" alt="">"& "</a></td>" ) ....

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Multiple Checkbox Only Passing One Value

I have a series of checkboxes:

<td><input type="checkbox" name="reportTo" value="Rob"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="reportTo" value="John"></td>


but I only get a value passed to the database if just one is selected. If more than one is selected, no value is returned. I thought the value passed was s'posed to be a comma delimited string of all checked boxes?

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Add Multiple DB Entries By Checkbox

There are a lot of references on the net on how to delete multiple entries in a database by using a checkbox. What I would like to do is add a checkbox to the output of a query (ie. bunch of names).

Then be able to select some of the names by clicking on a checkbox and when submitted, add those checked names to another database (insert). Similar to a shopping cart selecting multiple products but when submitted, it does not add them to the checkout, it adds them to a database as new inserts.

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Multiple Insert With Checkbox...

This is my problem... its for a mailing list with categories...

I have 3 table...

1 : Name,City,Email

2 : Categorie

3 : Name_id , Categorie_id

So when a user fill up the mailing list form, he can check as many categorie he want...

but how i can insert 1 row in my table #3 for each checkbox checked...

Can someone post me a simple script...

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Inserting And Updating Records In Classic Asp

I am having trouble getting records to insert and update properly. This is not a consistent problem. It is intermittent. The page will allow me to correctly update 2 or 3 times generally, however after that it will double up the data in the insert and update.
Here is the code I am using. Code:

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ASP, Access, Checkbox, Multiple Delete

I have to develop a page where, based on status some records are selected from the Access database and displayed. A checkbox is displayed beside every record.

Some checkboxes can be selected and the corresponding record should be deleted if the delete bottun is pressed.

I know how to select the records from the database and perform multiple delete. But do not know how to link the database and the checkboxes. Anybody has any ideas??

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Persits.Upload.1 And Multiple Checkbox

I have an ASP script which is used to upload files with Persits.Upload.1 object. But I can't get the values from mutliple checkboxes in the form like normally.

<form method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"....>
<input type="checkbox" name="language" value="English">English
<input type="checkbox" name="language" value="Spanish">Spanish
<input type="checkbox" name="language" value="Chinese">Chinese ....

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Updating Multiple Data

How do i update multiple records?I used to put the values in an array after splitting them.But what i noticed was , if there are values that are seperated with commas in the field value itself then it is taking the field value to be 2 in number.for eg:

if my field1 has value of abcd,defg and my field2 has value 123.When i update my field1 is updated with abcd and filed2 is updated with defg and so on? How can i overcome this?i want the values to be updated correctly into their respective field.

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Trouble Editing, Updating, And Deleting Records

I am having trouble with the edit, update and deleting of records. I got the codes from a user in a different forum. Now I can't find ant help from that forum. Here is a link to a zip file with the pages and database in it.


Simply open the listings.asp page then click on one of the Edit or Delete labels. I am getting the following message when I do:

Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E10)
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/Tests/New Folder2/delete.asp, line 7

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Error In Deleting,updating And Adding Records Using Asp!

I got an asp page that supposed to add,delete records from access 2000 mdb file. It loads all the records but when i try to delete or update i get these errrors. Code:

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Persits.Upload - Submitting Multiple Checkbox

I am using a form to upload images with Persits.Upload object. Now my problem is I cant use multiple checkboxes in the form.

In general forms I can use Form("checkboxName").Count to get the number of checkboxes selected and use Form("checkboxName")(i) to retrieve the value of each check box.

This doesnt work with Upload.Form

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Updating Multiple Tables In Ms Access And Asp

I have an query that gets value from two tables lets say tb1 and tb2. First i m tryin to insert values into tb1 and based on those values i have to update some already existing values in tb2. it gives me following error:

Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only

i know my cursur types are correct as i can update without any error with a single table. This leads me to wonder if updating multiple tables in access is possible?

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How To Update Multiple Records With Different Multiple Value

i hav problem with updating the data. In the asp page i hav displayed records based on search criteria. in display mode im displaying the to be updated field in combo box for each similar contract_no. each contract_no will hav different no of rows and to be updated combo box.

based on the selected value in the combo boxes of different contract_nos i hav to update the combo value with old value. user select multiple combo values at a time I need anybody's help with detailed programming logic.

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Multiple Records

I have this search and results system on one page....
I'd like it where the results that come up from the search are editable and can be updated.
I can't seem to figure out a working way to update more than one field at a time.anyone have a good piece of code for multiple edits

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Multiple Records

I need to retrieve multiple records and insert all of them into different table.I got an error running the code below.


FilePath = "C:Inetpubwwwrootdata.mdb"
Set Conn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn1.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & FilePath & ";"

SQL1 = "SELECT name FROM total where marks = 2"
SQL2 ="INSERT INTO people (names) values ("SQL1")"


while not SQL1.EOF
Conn1.execute (SQL2)


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Add Multiple Records

I have to create a page that contains a daily register information for more than 1 person each person should be added as a new record to the db. Is this possible? How would I go about doing this, I know how to create new records that add data to a db but I am not too sure how to add more than 1 record at a time.

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How To Update Multiple Records!

how to update multiple records on one submit. Say for example i have number of records on a html table, user performs changes on some of the records, and hits the submit button at the end and all these value have to be updated into the sql query.

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Inserting Multiple Records

Im having a hared time with this, im trying to update multiple records in a database from a form.

The form display all records from a search query and then the user selects whether to post the record of put the record on hold (two fields in the database).

Now everywhere I have looked I only see examples which update the records by using counts but I could end up with any number of records. I thought that using a loop would be an idea to get passed this.

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Update Multiple Records

How do I update multiple records in a table in ASP using loops ? For example.

I have a table with the following colums

ID | Col1 | Col2
1 | 50 | 100
2 | 25 | 130
3 | 55 | 70

I want to add *66* and *77* into the ID # *1* and ID # *3*
respectively. So the result should be

ID | Col1 | Col2
1 | 116 | 177
2 | 25 | 130
3 | 121 | 147

Note: All datatype of the colums are integer.

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Delete Multiple Records

I read this article below and play around with delete multiple records function in dreamweaver. Assume that all my database fields setup are exactly like the code below. I was able to follow the instruction and did everything excepted line# 29. Can someone give me a suggestion of the line# 29 suppose to be (in example if possible).....

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