Updating A Record - Getting An Error

I have a very simple Access database with these fields:

ID | Team | Score

I want a user to enter the new score of the team into a form and then it's updated. All pretty straighforward - except I'm getting an error at the bottom of this page:

ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/forensic/update.asp, line 171

And when I submit the page I get this error:

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Record Not Updating

I have a bit of ASP that gets data from the database and then displays it. This part works fine.

I then have anouther page to allow for changing this information, then i want to do two things, first show the updated info, and then update it in the database.

Neither of my updates will work and i can't figure out why.

I get this error: ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'

Object or provider is not capable of performing requested operation.

I have checked the record it displays the info just fine, it will not update however. Here is my code for updating the record: Code:

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Updating A Record

I have a form which displays a record from a database. The user can amend the form as they wish before finally pressing the update button. When I get to the page which does the updating, I am unable to access the form elements. I read on one post that you can't do this using the request command but you can achieve it using the Upload component?

Suppose my form has the following 2 fields:
- brideName
- groomName

My SQL that gets the record is as follows:
Select * From Users WHERE Username='" & User & "'"

How do I update the fields bride and groom in my database using the above form fields?

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Record Not Updating

Im trying to update a record in my database by using a form which the user will enter the name of the rep and then the form will update the database inserting the rep. My script seems to look ok and doesnt error at any point but when it goes to update it doesnt actually update anything in my database. Could somebody please take a look.


<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

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Record Not Updating After An Upload

What I am trying to do is upload a file and rename it - this part works Then, get the record and update the file name field with the strName - this part does not work Here is the uploading script: Code:

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Updating A Field In A Record

I try to execute the following:

set rsCars=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsCars.CursorType = 2
rsCars.LockType = 3
rsCars.Open mySQL,objConn

'set rsCars = objConn.Execute(mySQL)

But, it doesn't work both ways , and gives the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

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Updating And Deleting Record

i have listing.asp to list all the records in both tables .i want to create a hyperlink to to update.asp in which this will update any fields that changed but i was able to update first table but having problem updating the second one. how can i update the second one as well . i have the same problem with delete too.

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Having Problems Updating A Record

My question is regarding updating records. I'm using Dreamweaver MX and a MSSQL database (using an OLE DB connection) and whenever I try to update a record, I only get record #1 to update. It doesn't matter whether I select record # 4 or 15, I can only update the first record. I followed this tutorial line by line so I'm not sure why it's doing this.

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Dynamic Record Updating

I am dynamically building a query from an access db to output on a separate page. This is working fine.

On this page (the query results page), I want to have checkboxes and a text field where the user can input text and select the records to update (by checking the box). Once they select and hit submit, I want to update only the records selected.

Problem is, I am trying to figure out the most efficient way of doing this...any ideas?

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0x80004005 Error, Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is...

I'm getting this error message: Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)

You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'employees'. Code:

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ERROR (0x80004005) UPDATING ERROR Operation Must Use An Updateable Query.

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
/changeprofile.asp, line 44


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Updating Error.

I have the following code on my site that Updates certain fields in the table. When I check the Tables they are all updated perfectly but I keep on getting the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

This is the code involved:

if strAction = "submitted" then
'lngCount = Request.Form("lngCount")

i = 0
do until i = Request.Form("lngCount")
UpdateSQL = "Update Site_Info SET Site_Accepted = " & Request.Form("acceptance"&i) & ", Site_Date_Accepted = #" & Now() & "# where Site_Seq = " & Request.Form("lngSeq"&i)
i = i+1

end if

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Error In Deleting,updating And Adding Records Using Asp!

I got an asp page that supposed to add,delete records from access 2000 mdb file. It loads all the records but when i try to delete or update i get these errrors. Code:

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Error Inserting New Record

I am receiving the following error when attempting to insert a new record into my database

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.

The code below works 1st time through, but on the 2nd invocation (with TOTALLY different data), I get the above error message.

My database is an Access 2003 database, and everything else works fine !

Also, if I'm really trying to write a duplicate record, why doesn't it fall into my duplicate trap? Code:

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Record Insertion Error

A page I'm working on contains a registration form which is supposed to a) update an Access database using ASP and b) email the contents of the submitted form to the camp administrator.

This is my first experience with ASP, and with any kind of database interfacing language, for that matter. Currently I'm struggling with the record insertion. I'll worry about email afterwards.

I'm using Dreamweaver 8, which is generating all the code for me. I have a testing server set up on my local machine (in my working directory, in fact). I've told DW to connect to the databse (located in %siteroot%/database) through the testing server using a DSN (same DSN as on the web server). Code:

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Getting Error When Trying To Delete A Record

I get this weird error when I try to delete a record...

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Cal_EventID ='.

/calendar.asp, line 1596

Here is this code on line 1596.


SQL = "SELECT * FROM Cal_Events WHERE Cal_EventID = " & SafeSQL(request.querystring("eventid"))
Set RS=dbc.execute(SQL)

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Error While Adding A Record

i have a access DB, and a asp page to add the records to the database, i work on visual interdev, i get error when i run the code as:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CB3)
object.provider is not compatible of performing requested operation.
/project/addprocess.asp, line 37 'points to rs.addnew line

my entire code is Code:

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ADODB Record Set Error

I have am getting this error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'

Current Recordset does not support bookmarks. This may be a limitation of the provider or of the selected cursortype. Code:

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Error On Second Record Insert

Working on a order sys for a client. I go to create an order, no problem IF There are no other records in a specific table. It is working like this:

create order #1...creates "order" in order table and adds 1st item in orderdetail table...add items to order in orderdetail table...no error.

create order #2...creates "order" and gives an "HTTP 500 - Internal server error".

this involves one ASP page, two tables and one SP. Here they are: Code:

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Random Record Selection Error

I'm trying to create a piece of code that randomly selects a record from a database (providing the record has not already been chosen for any of the previous 4 sections).
Here is my code:

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Duplicate Record Error Message?

I have a booking form, called classroomform. On this form the user requests a classroom number, location, date, start/end time and number of students.

As it stands, the data is submitted via a submit button and an insert query created using Dreamweaver.

I already have various validation on the form, such as javascript which error checks for invalid times etc and asp validation which checks for correct dates etc.

However, the final touch that I'm looking to do is to add some code to the form which checks for duplicate entries that are in the database. I basically want an error check which doesn't allow the user to enter a duplicate record that is based on classroom number, location, date, start/end time.

Here's my code: ...

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ADO Record Set Error Number -2147467259

SELECT * From Product WHERE CatId = 14 AND CatSubId = 13 AND CatSubSubId = 9
Now if i change this query to either of the below it reults in an error as nothing is puled from the database. Now if i run this query directly in Access, these 2 execute fine:

SELECT Size From Product WHERE CatId = 14 AND CatSubId = 13 AND CatSubSubId = 9
Or to

SELECT Distinct Size From Product WHERE CatId = 14 AND CatSubId = 13 AND CatSubSubId = 9
Size is a number (long integer) field.

Err.Number is -2147467259
Err.Description is blank. no description
Err.HelpContext is 5003251

I have increased the script time out and command time out time and still the same thing.

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Apostrophe Error While Retrieving The Record From The Database

I am using a Replace function to replace single quotes with double when
submitting a text field in the database i.e. Replace (q, "'", "' ' ")
which works fine. When I retrieve the field from the database which has
apostrophe I am getting 'Object expected' error message. Is there a
way to fix this?

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Single Record In Array Produces Error.

I get a "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/tourasp/town.asp, line 200 "

error when running following piece of code:

set RS = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
DS = RS.GetRows()' -- (this is line 200)
set RS = nothing
set Conn = nothing

If the recordset has two or more records in it, it works fine, but if the recordset has only record in it, I get the error. Code:

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Insert Record Goto Last Record

I have an insert record form that posts fine to a db which automatically creates an ID how could I get the next page to do a preview using the ID just created by the DB to go to the right record?

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Record Numbers Against Record Problem...

I have a .asp page which lists a date, then a bunch of record lines for data that falls within that date, then the next date and it's bunch of data record lines. e.g.

Ship Date: 04/06/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What I want is:

Ship Date: 04/06/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

How can I get these numbers printed againsts the records ?

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Well, my script consists in check if the typed code doesn't exist in the DATABASE, but thats not the problem... the problem is that the PAGE1.ASP (that check the code) redirects to the ADD.ASP that will add those codes to the database!

Response.Redirect("add.asp?cod_1=" + cod_1 + "&cod_2=" + cod_2 + "&cod_3=" + cod_3 + "&cod_4=" + cod_4 + "&cod_5=" + cod_5 + "&sexo1=" + sexo1 + "&sexo2=" + sexo2 + "&sexo3=" + sexo3 + "&sexo4=" + sexo4 + "&sexo5=" + sexo5)

That's the line in page1.asp that redirects to the add.asp. So, when the database is completed empty and, the page1.asp checks that there ins't any problem with it and redirect to the add.asp that doesn't update my database!! So, it continues without any record. But, if the database has, at least, one record, the script works normally without any problem!

Another thing that I noticed is that when I, manually, type the adress Http://, for example, and the the database is empty, the script does the UPDATE and adds the code to the table!

I have no idea that the problem is. Does any one have a clue?

The goes the add.asp script: ....

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URL Not Updating

I'm not sure if this is an ASP thing, a IIS thing, or a GoDaddy (where my domain is registerd and forwarded from) thing...

First I'll start by saying I run my own Windows XP web server and do all the coding myself..

I've noticed in the past (and never really gave it much thought, because the site works fine), that when I switch pages within my site, that the URL line is not always updated.

For example, I go into the pictures section, view a few pictures, then select the "Home" tab... The URL will stay with the variables that were passed when I was viewing the pictures. Therefore, if I do a "refresh", the page goes back to the pictures I was previously looking at, not the home page.

I've tried this on multiple computers at multiple sites, and with multiple browsers... And seems to happen rather consistantly...

Anyone have any thoughts?

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I am looking at updating a notes part of my data base. I am calling two fields (first name and last) from the data base and putting them into read only text box (as i dont want the details changing). All of this is contained within a form. I am also calling a feild from the database called notes which originally has been inserted using a <textarea> tag. The problem i face is that you cant put values into a <textarea> (ie. i can put data from the database into the value tag of a textbox but <textarea> doesn't have a value tag). Due to this i am putting existing notes onto the page as text. Under this i have do have a <textarea> to put the new notes in.
The problem i have is that i some how need to store the existing data in the notes field and then add it to the new notes that i will be adding. I just don't know how to put the data i am getting from the notes field in the database into a variable.

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Updating With '

Having problems writing an update script because in one of my fields I'm adding a chunk of HTML that contains ' characters. Obviously this throws up an error. How do I get around this?

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Updating Db

I'm trying to create and assign variables with the values from my db but can't work out the code getting my " & ' mixed up.

i = 1
do until i = 6 or rsSet.EOF

rBlock(i) = rsSet("rBlock'" & (i) & "'")

i= i + 1

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Updating Db ADO

whats better ADO or SQL
for example, an INSERT statement or an objrecordset.update blah blah?

same with .net

should I C# to update or SQL

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Updating XML With ASP

I have an XML file which i'm trying to append elements to using an html form and ASP with javascript scripting inside the ASP file. Code:

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