Updating Access Table Through Web

Can anyone direct me to a web page (tutorial) where there is an explanation on how to create a web page that connects to access database and I can enter data and update the table? I can create a page using visual Interdev that displays the table only.

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Best Method Of Updating Table From 2nd Table

I have two tables. Table A has 20,000 records, Table B has 2,000 records. Table A is what needs to be updated from the data in Table B. Only some fields will be updated and of course, only some records - both tables have the same field as a ClientID so matching up records should be easy.

Anyways, been a while since I have used ASP to work on things like this but would like to work through this one. I understand the process I believe, it is just how to make it go on to the next record once it has finished updating the first.

Basically, I was thinking of having it set up to reaad the top record from Table B, update applicable data in Table A. Delete that record in Table B. Move on to the next.

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Updating Multi Table

I have two table : order and orderdetail. I want to update these tables which one order can have many orderdetail.

Can someone give reference how to do it ? I want to make sure all update process have to be success or cancel the process and give some error message.

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ASP Auto Updating An HTML Table

I need to create a webpage with an HTML table that keeps track of certain data. I have created the table and hardcoded all the nonchanging cells.

The problem is the data I need to update the table with is FTP'd to a webshare in a .txt format. I need to take this file, parse it and update the table every morning at 745.

I have found ways to do it if the webpage receives a hit, but I still need it to do it on weekends and holidays when we are not in the office, because this file will be overwritten with the new data file the next day.

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Updating/inserting >> Linking Table

If I am attempting to add multiple products to an existing Customer-Products
linking table do I do this via an Insert or Update?

The first time I enter a customer in the database I would obviously do an
INSERT into the Customer-products linking table.

But, the second time I wish to ADD new products as well as possibly
overwrite existing ones......

I am getting twisted what the correct approach is?

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Universal Script For Table Updating

I am making backoffice manager for web-data based application. I am
looking for universal technics(best technics) how to update multiple rows in

One of solutions i found it is going through each row and update with new
content. I am afraid for using long connection time for this process in case
table has a lot of records. I think the best way should be one which takes
minimum time for that.

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Updating Online Table Frequently

I have an access database already uploaded at online-server. It has two tables which I want to update on daily basis. The most updated tables are at my local computer. And updated data need to add in uploaded database file.

I have tried to drop the tables from online database (I am successful to do this) and then I need to run a sql query to select all data from locally saved updated-table and paste them to uploaded database file. But this second task is not accomplished. Code:

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Updating Numerical Data In A Table, Add Not Replace

I am doing a project for my HND for a football league and i am at the point where so far everything is goin good but i need to update the League table. For those that dont know how a league table works here it is:

For a Win you get 3 points
A loss u get 0
a Draw u get 1

Any goals u score go into you 'Goals for'
And any scored against you go in your 'Goals against".

Basically i already have some ASP files where the administrator of the system types in the results for games played now i need to update this league table depending on the results. I want to execute something like this:

If HomeScore is greater than AwayScore Then Add 1 to the played field, add 1 to the Wins field, add 3 to the Points field and for the goals for and against i thought it may look something like this:

For = for + "HomeScore'
Against = Against + "AwayScore"

I have absolutely no idea how to do this, i dont know whether to use an Insert statement or an update Statement.

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Updating Data In One Field In A Table Into Two Fields In Another

What i am trying to do is Update data in a table with data in another table but i want to update 2 fields in the destination table with data from 1 field in another table.

These are the table i have and their fields:

*CUPFirstRound* - Table1

There are 8 rows in this table, thereofre the GameID's go from 1 to 8 Code:

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Inserting/Updating Database From HTML Table

if it is possible to insert and update records in a database from the data that is in an HTML table? I have a program that converts data to an HTML table and would like to be able to insert/update records to the database on the webserver.

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Problem With Viewstate Updating Dynamic Table Contents

1) I build a Html Table dynamically (Header Row, and then 2 rows with data
All 2 rows have 2 cells: cell(0) contains a delete button (ASP Button),
cell(1) contains a HTML Text box

2) On Form Load and get some data from a dataset and then from it's contents
build the page

At this point the page is rendered and 2 rows are displayed. There is an Add
button that a user can click to add another row to the table. This works fine
and the row is added.

Now if the user clicks the delete button in row 2 the form is posted back, I
rebuild the page, and then in the click event for the delete button remove
the row from the table and the dataset. All appears to be fine at this point.

Now if the user clicks the add button again another row is added, but this
time row 2's textbox has the wrong value. It appears to be related to the
view state. I think the view state somehow is not getting cleared when the
row is removed.

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Updating My Access DB

I'm doing a program using VB.net. Hosting it on a server so it is done in ASPX.

So my problem is as follows. I want to add a new row of data in my access db. I know this code is working but it doesn't update the db once I close the website. EG it will make a temp db I believe but doesnt save it. Here's the line of code that adds the row and the data with all it's corresponding fields. Code:

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Updating Access DB

I have an app that takes user input (its a normal Windows program) and does a variety of functions from installing software to updating group members, to joining a server to Active Directory. This app was built using SMS installer and receives the input from users as variables and does the functions on the computer specified by the user. I'd like to add another feature that would add this computer name to our Access database that sits on our web server.

We use ASP pages to view, add and update the entries by hand. Incorporating this into the Windows APP would be beneficial.I am trying to learn whether or not I can pass these variables from the program into a URL that would perform an update to the DB by opening a web site Something like

passing %appvariable1% to http://mywebpage?SRVNAME="MYNEWCOMPUTERNAME"
and performing the submit automatically.

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Updating A Access DB

in access i have a feld called STORY which is a MEMO field. all the updates work fine and i can update/modify this field no problem, untill i start using working with ",! etc in.

these symbols are obviously messing with my code as the update page submits, i can't have news storys with no " or , in them, so if anyone knows of a way round this problem.

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Updating Access MDB On Webserver

how/if I can update records within a Windows hosted Access MDB file directly as I can on Unix based webhosting systems with phpMyAdmin on MySQL databases.

I have an app written in ASP that uses an MDB, that I am currently testing out and each time I want to update the MDB I need to amend my local copy then re-upload it. how?

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Updating Access Database On The Web

I know this is a redundant question but I can't find a straight answer anywhere. I've got an online registration page that I just want to save name, address, etc ... to a record in an Access 2000 database via ASP on a site of ours.

I know it's a permissions issue. How do I make my connection to the database where I will have rights to update, or add records, to the database? My local test environment works fine so the update code and logic are fine.

I need to know the specifics of how to do this on our host server. I've done this simple task before a couple years ago, but things obviously changed since then. My Web_Account has Read, Write, and Executable rights, but it dies everytime it tries to update my record to the table.

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Updating Multiple Tables In Ms Access And Asp

I have an query that gets value from two tables lets say tb1 and tb2. First i m tryin to insert values into tb1 and based on those values i have to update some already existing values in tb2. it gives me following error:

Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only

i know my cursur types are correct as i can update without any error with a single table. This leads me to wonder if updating multiple tables in access is possible?

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Systematic Updating Of Records Depending On Amount Of Records In Another Table

The problem concerns 2 tables, cart_products and cart_shoppingcart.

Cart_products contains all the product data (eg, prices, product's key name, etc), but most importantly, it contains the quantity of stock (prod_quantity) for each item.

cart_shoppingcart contains all of the user's items in their shoppingcart, including those that are part of an (customer) order; these have the order_number to differentiate from those that aren't in any order (their Order_number is 'no_order', the others have the order number).

Now, what I want to do is this:

For every item in the order (ie, every entry in cart_shoppingcart that matches the username and order number), take the quantity (x) the customer is ordering, then take the quantity of stock remaining (y), then subtract x from y to create the new stock level (z) and update the appropriate record in cart_products with z (all this with SQl preferably).

I was thinking of using a Do while loop, but realised that it wouldn't work as I'd have to use several SQL statements and then I'd run into a problem the minute ASP reads "objrec.movenext".

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MS Access - Table Access Problem

I'm trying to access a table in a MS Access database using ASP but the name of the table is causing me some trouble. The problem is the table name has a space in it eg, "My Table".

If i try and access it using a query "SELECT * FROM My News", it says i cant find table "My". If i remove the space from the name (to MyTable) it works fine. But the trouble is its a customers database and i cant easily rename it because its linked to other tables and db's.

How can i access a table with a space in its name? I've tried "SELECT * FROM My_News" but that doesnt work either.

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Access An Access Link Table

I have an Access DB which contains couple of link tables. All these tables are from different databases. So each one has it's own database password. Since there is no way to save the password during the DSN creation. Then you need to manually type in the password each first time when open the table.

This causes the problem in ASP code during run a query. Since the table cannot be accessed due to the password protection. Is there any statement than can open a table and meanwhile pass the password in? Does anyone experienced with the similar situation?

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ASP Trying To Access SQL Table..

Trying to access an SQL Table....


I have a form that is set up to search the table and attached is the code that is trying to get data from that table.
Need help please, if anyone has any ideas.

This is the error Im getting:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '2003'.

/pub/property/tpp/SearchRes.asp, line 124

I cant figure it out.

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Retrieve Access Table's

my problem is with a db(that i upload on server every day) which has some "static" tables in it plus a table updated every day.
the website must show the date of last update of that table so i first retrieved that from the access file, but this means that every time i upload db(with that table untouched) the last update changes. i've found something about table's extend properties on the internet but i don't know if this can be useful to me.

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UPDATEing An Access DB Table

trying to run an UPDATE query on an Access DSN.Done the following.Updated DSN to full access.Given write permission on the IIS directory.still getting error, Operation must use anupdateable query.whats going on?

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Download Table From Access

I have a table in an Access database that I would like to download in an excel spreadsheet. No editing required, I simply want to copy the whole table.

I can connect to the table and, if I wanted, could display the complete data in the table on a web page but importing that data into excel is where I am stuck at.

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Access DB Table Tbl_faults

Access db with a table tbl_faults

id autonumber
firstname text
lastname text
datelogged date
email address text
faultdesc memo

When a user fills the form with these fields the data get saved to the table AND I would like to see a message saying your unique ID (fault number) is xxxxxxx .

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how do you create a table in MS Access from with an asp script? I will be creating the table name from Request.querystring("name"), also needs fields of branchname and branchcode. guess something like CREATE TABLE & Request.querystring("name") branchname. branchcode.

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Data Into A Access Table

I have coded a form which enters data into a access table however I want the same recordset when clicked to go to another table in the same database then when clicked again to go to another table within that database...is this possible?

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Advanced MS Access Table

I need some help with creating an MS Access table using ASP. I'm familiar with "standard" SQL statements, and also with the ASP methodology/syntax for creating a simple MS Access table. However, the table I need to create is a bit complicated, because:

The primary key is a FORMATTED auto number (i.e., if I were to define this field directly in MS Access' "Table Design View", I would put "Acme-"000 in the FORMAT field to create an autonumber that automatically generated a series like Acme-001, Acme-002, Acme-003, etc.)

The first part of this formatted autonumber is a variable. So, with this in mind, how do I write an ASP statement to create a table that has an autonumber field as a PRIMARY KEY, formatted per the above?

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Access Table Creation

I would like to know what the comands/syntax is for creating a table with fields in an Access database using ASP? I've done this a few years ago with visual basic, but haven't been able to find anything for ASP on the internet.

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Uploaded Txt To An Access Table

I am trying to find out if I can take an user uploaded file. comma delimited txt file. and read this information into an access table. I have the file upload working now I want to read it into a table, all using ASP.

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UPDATE Operation On An Access Table

I'm trying to run an UPDATE operation, using a command object. I'm getting the error back, Operation must use an updateable query. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here.

Would it be the Command object settings you have to set before executing the command? Can someone tell me what those settings should be for an update query?? Is there a lock on the table from somewhere else???

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Displaying Data From Access Table

I am calling the values from a table and displaying them in a table, no biggie, i have not used a for loop to create the Html table, rather i have created it myself using a for loop so i can specify the table values i want.

What i am calling from the table is All of the fixtures for the football games in a season but i want to put a seperator or insert a spece of some sort just to seperate the fixtures by date otherwise it just comes out in a long list of fixtures, no nice on the eyes.

here is the code from selecting the data form the table to displaying it:

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Date Field To MS Access Table

I have more than one date field on my ASP forms (and in the sister MS Access table) I can not write (created the record in Access table) to the table UNLESS there is date data in ALL the date fields on the ASP form.

I need to be able to have the user enter only one date, then do back at a later time and enter the other date.I am using the short date format in Access table (MM/DD/YYYY) When there is only one date field (on ASP form and in Access table) the date is written and the record is created.

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