Updating Checkbox Value Into Database

Currently i am using this function to update the database for the values of the checkboxes. Anyidea on how to go about including the values of those not selected.
0= not checked 1=checked

MenuName | Super | IT
Menu1 1 1
Menu2 0 1


for each chk in Request.Form("opt")
sSQL = "UPDATE GroupAccess SET IT = 1 WHERE MainMenuID = " & chk

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Checkbox Updating A DB

I'm trying to add a checkbox to a form which updates a DB (access). Dreamweaver generated this and then doesn't work.

<input <%If (CStr((RS_UpdateProfile.Fields.Item("fldReadTerms").Value)) = CStr("true")) Then Response.Write("checked=""checked""") : Response.Write("")%> name="fldReadTerms" type="checkbox" id="fldReadTerms" value="-1" />

This checkbox doesn't update the database nor does it display the value in the field in the table.

As I grow to hate dreamweaver by the day I still am not any closer to solving my little problem.

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Updating Multiple Records Thru Checkbox

I need a code that will update multiple records on a list thru checkbox.

If the record is selected, the details that was updated on the selected
record will copy the same value as what is updated.

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Updating Via An INSERT Query Controlled By Checkbox

I have a form that if a user selects a certain option from a dropdown list a checkbox will appear. This checkbox references information from another table and then multiplies a figure before it is submitted (well, that's the theory anyway!)

I can't seem to get the multiplier to work. Can someone please give me some advice to this? I've included some simplified code that concentrates on the areas that I'm having difficulty. Code:

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Set A Checkbox From Database

I have a database which contains a field called hide which is a yes/no data type. I have an edit record page which is populated with all the data from the database which can then be changed and updated back to the database. What I am trying to do is set the checkbox based on the value in the database . i.e. if hide = true then set checkbox to true.

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Using Value From Database Updating The Database And Resuing The Value

i wrote a shopping cart using cookies found out thatIE 7 won't let me add more cookies after a certian number. decided to use DB along with cookies and now i have very weired problem never encountered before Code:

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Insert Value Of Checkbox To The Database

what Im trying to do is to insert into the database the values of the checked checkboxes of the recordset fields the appear in the table I've written the following code:

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Dynamic Checkbox With Database

i have list of items as a list.Now user can select any item in that list. Now what i do is create checkboxes to enable user to check the item which has to be selected.

1. Checkboxes are dynamic.

2. I create checkboxes with one name assign value = Itemcode value so that when form is submitted i can get the itemcode value as a comma seperated list and which would be easy for me to put it in a database query.

3. the part i have problem is i have to display those checkboxes ticked back to user , ie after form submit i have to make the checkbox which are previously checked, to be in checked state.


assume this is an arrray i am getting from form element.what is the easiest and efficient method so that i can make those checkbox checked again.

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Update Database Using Checkbox

I'm trying to update a database and some of the answers are check boxes. If I don't change the value of the check box the database is not updated. That is, if I had the checkbox checked when I first submitted the survey it would show ON in the database, when I try to update if I leave the checkbox blank, it will not clear the result in the database.

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CheckBox's Validation Thru Database

The Subscribers on my Web-Site need to Personalize their Settings so as to Only View the Categories(Pertaining to Tendering) of their Interest by Selecting them thru Checking the CheckBoxes, HowEver they may Change the preferences(for Personalization) at any point of time by Re-Selecting few other Categories or Deselecting the Previous Selected Categories. Code:

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Updating My Database

I have a stock control database, I want

first the item sold and recorded as sold in the sale table
secondly the item will be deleted from the stock table
third the item wil be automatically reordered in the order table.

is this possible please. I am using Dreamweaver/access and some of ASP that is generated,

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Updating Database From From

how to update database using information in a form? I'm using dreamweaver but it seems like it doesn't work properly.

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Database Not Updating

I have this form that people fill out with information and it updates. I'm fetching from two tables and it doesn't seem to update any forms related to the second table. Code:

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Database Updating

I am using an Access Database and I want to be able to update user address records using VBScript via Asp. Looked at many sites and cant work out an answewr. All I want is for the user to enter there new details into a text box hit submit and the address fields within the database to be updated automatically.

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Updating Database

whenever i try to add a new entry to a database through ASP i keep getting the following message:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.

i have enabled WRITE in IIS and i have made sure that the database is not read-only in ODBC. Funny thing is it was working fine a few weeks before but now when i try and add a new record that message keeps coming up. I am fresh out of ideas. I have created a new DSN in ODBC but it still comes up with that message.

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Problems With Checkbox Value Stored In Database

I have a checkbox the value which goes to a database via a asp page that
builds the sql string.

In the front end asp page, the checkbox code is written as follows:

<i><input type="checkbox" name="chk_Complete" value="<%Response.Write
l_IsChecked%>"<%if cbool(l_IsChecked) then Response.Write " checked"%>>

The code to captures the checkbox value in the asp page that builds the sql
string is follows

l_f_IsChecked = Request.Form("chk_Complete")

With this, when the database is already checked (and the checkbox shows checked) unchecking and saving makes the value of the checkbox value in database unchecked. At this point when the asp front-end page is refreshed it shows the checkbox in unchecked state(should be so). Now if I want to check the checkbox and save in the database, the checkbox value in the database does not get changed to checked.

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Adding A Checkbox Which Returns Value To Database

I am trying to write a basic holiday booking system for the company I work for, it is quite simple in that the user selects the dates they want off work, and they can view if it has been approved or not. It has an admin screen so that the manager can go in and approve the holiday request.

To do this I would like the admin screen to display all the dates in the database that the user has selected off and to have a checkbox next to each that the manager can select to approve it. However I don't know how I would do this, at present all it does is read the info in the database. Code:

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Insert Checkbox Vaule To Database

I am having problems inserting checkbox data into my database. The string data from the text files in my form have no problems being inserted in the db. Code:

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Tick Checkbox If Database Is True

in my web page, i would like to user to see a ticked checkbox should the database = True however, i cannot seems to be getting it. Would anybody be able to help me out? Code:

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Email Updating A Database?

ive noticed loads of online apps that allow emails sent to a particular
address, to update a database i.e. ta-da.com - can this be achieved with
COMless scripting in asp?

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Updating Image In A Database

I would like to be able to update an image I have stored in a database by uploading it through a form. The current pages I have now will only add a new entry to the database. I would like the customer to be able to change the image on their index page through the form. How can I change the following code to do that?

showPicture.asp ....

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Updating Database Info

I have a form that when the user inserts the password data it is supposed to update the member info in the database with the password but instead it just adds a new row with the password and leaves the id requiring the password blank. SO it does add to the database but just not in the correct row.

Here is the code that I have:

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Updating Database Query

i have this shopping cart i'm working on and it keeps giving me this error and the original code is on the bottom. Code:

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Problem Updating Database

I'm trying to edit a database, its a small table that holds users login details. but i want to be able to edit them, IE new email etc..

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open constring

strSql = "UPDATE userinfo SET email='" & email & "', info='" & info & "',news='" & news & "' WHERE useronline = username"
Set rs = Conn.Execute(strSql)

Set rs = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing

All usernames are unique, but it changes 'Email, info and news' in ALL the records, i just want it to change the 1 record.

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Updating A Database Via Form

I have created a nice form that i want on my site for users to fill in detail. But i was wondering if anyone knew any good tutorials on how i can get this info sent to my database?

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Updating Database With Variable

Is there any way you can put a variable in the values in an update command?

If oRS("n4") <> 0 then
Response.Write ("<tr>")
Response.Write ("<td>4</td>")
Dim qn4
qn4 = oRS("n4")*intQuantity
strsql = "INSERT INTO report (q1) VALUES (qn4)"
Set oRS2 = oConn.Execute(strSQL)
Response.Write ("<td>Meter box, meter and test block</td>")
Response.Write "<td>" & oRS("n4")*intQuantity & "</td></tr>"
end If

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Updating Database Records

Those anyone knows how can I update several rows in a table using form fields with ASP?.
I'm using oracle9i.

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Updating From Excel To Database

im doin some code on asp where ive got an excel file and run it against a database file. i am trying to code it so that it runs asp code that checks the data in the database and if the data isnt present in the database- the code insert it , but if its already in the database- it should be updated.

Ive used sql commands, connection and a few loops-to run to this- it adds new data to the database but it overrides and re- inserts the data when run a second time.

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Clients Updating Database

i am trying to build a page that my client can log onto with a password and update information daily, if there is someone who can point me in the right direction or tell me how to do this it will save me days of research trying to find it myself.

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Updating Records In Database

I'm trying to update records in the database and the script I'm using is giving me an error:

Type mismatch
/Action_Item/action_items/view_action.asp, line 79
Whis is referring to this line:

response.Write("<tr bgcolor=""" & strBgColor & """><td width=""150"">" & lclArray(0,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(1,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(2,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(3,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(4,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(5,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(6,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & "<a href='edit_action.asp?action_id=" & RS("action_id") & "'>"&"<img src='edit.gif' border="" alt="">"& "</a></td>" ) ....

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Updating Access Database On The Web

I know this is a redundant question but I can't find a straight answer anywhere. I've got an online registration page that I just want to save name, address, etc ... to a record in an Access 2000 database via ASP on a site of ours.

I know it's a permissions issue. How do I make my connection to the database where I will have rights to update, or add records, to the database? My local test environment works fine so the update code and logic are fine.

I need to know the specifics of how to do this on our host server. I've done this simple task before a couple years ago, but things obviously changed since then. My Web_Account has Read, Write, and Executable rights, but it dies everytime it tries to update my record to the table.

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Updating Several Rows Into A Database At Once !!!

I'm building a shopping-cart like feature with Dreamweaver MX 2004, an access database and ASP & VbScript.

I'm now at the point where I need to add several rows to the same table in the database. Each time the amount of rows that need to be added tot the database varies from 1 row to however many orders a customer places. I'm cappable to make this function for one single row. But not for orders with several rows. Code:

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Continually Updating Database

im in the process of creating a MySQL database and I am trying to figure out how I am going to accomplish what i need done. I have 2 scenarios to solve:

1) When a user clicks a button.. I need the action to be set on a timer so that the event will take place in X number of seconds.

2) I need to be able to have a couple thousand rows of data that will need to be continually updated every second.

ie. a person has a bank account that is to gain .0001 th of a penny every second. i m not really sure where to start with this.. I am setup on an MySql database and will be using ASP and VB.

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