Upload Files And Send E-mail Using CDOSYS

What I am trying to do is to upload 4 files to my server (Windows 2003 Server Edition , IIS 6.0) and then e-mail them to my e-mail account. I use 2 files. The first is uploadTester.asp...

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Send A Mail With Cdosys And Save A Copy In The Sent Mail Folder: How To?

I need some help: with cdosys i'm able to send e-mail from asp using the local exchange
server. Now I also have to save the sent mail into the user's mailbox for future reference: how to?

I'm using:....

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Mail Insertion Hack On Send Mail Form

I'm using CDO to send mail to the site owner from ASP pages with forms.
Recently one of my forms is occasionally sending email with what seems
to be an insertion which is replacing the plain text part of the email
with something else. Looking at the server sent email source, the
hacked emails have the following:

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how to check can be made to see if a CDOSYS email was sent successfully? And if not retreve and post the error?

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CDOSYS - Not Sending Mail?

I am usually a CDONTS man but the hosting company say I must use CDOSYS. The following code seems to only work correctly when the recipients email address is the same as the sender address.

I have tried to send the email to Hotmail, Yahoo and GMail accounts and it does not send. No error messages, just is not received in the inbox of the account.....

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ASP Sending E-mail With CDOSYS

im using code below to send an email, let say sample is my company domain, when i try to put myMail.From and myMail.To as Lee@sample.com.sg, but when i try to put myMail.From and myMail.To as same as code below, it seems like never send ou the mail. Can anyone tell me what is the problem? Code:

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CDOSYS Mail In JScript

I have managed to scag around the internet and find this code posted in a forum way fack in 2004. I have working examples of aspMail written in VBScript but am doing (not through personal choice the coding in JScript).

This code seems to be ok apart form the http:// schema sections, they throw an errror and I can not find any information as to what they should be set to. Code:

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Email With CDOSYS SMTP Mail

I've been using CDOSYS Mail and this bit of code fine for a year. Well, we wanted to change the method of sending email from the Webserver sending it, to designating a specific SMPT server.

So, I found this code on MSFT's web site (MSFT CDOSYS SMTP ) that will allow me to do this, and it works, except that the redirect command that I have at the end of the file no longer works. I have no idea why.

Thi is the error I get:
error '8004020f'
/asp/send_email_foundation_conf.asp, line 78

Code: ...........

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Sending Htm Mail With Cdosys To Hotmail

When I send htm mail to hotmail using cdosys the links appear like this " javascriptl("news01.htm"); " without quotes, the images appears in the worng place and they shows as attached, but when I send the same mail to Outlook there is no problem, the links and images apeears in the right place, there is no problem with it jus in hotmail or free web based application mail. (yahoo, gmail, hotmail, etc...)

Somebody Knows why??

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I run a web site that uses various forms to send email to customers. For example, I have a "Forgot your password?" script and a "Email this page" script.I've found out that when a user sends an email via my site to a Hotmail address, the email just "disappears." I'm assuming Hotmail is considering the email SPAM because it was send by my web server? The site uses ASP and I've tried using CDONTS and CDOSYS (which I specified a SMTP server for) and nothing seems to work for Hotmail.

A large portion of my customers user Hotmail, so banning it really isn't an option.Is there anything I can do to prevent Hotmail from blocking my site's emails?

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Use CDOSYS To Send Email On Different Server

I've set up a website contact page which uses CDOSYS to send form details to an email address.

However, the domain is set up such as the client is using their own mail server, and using my server only to host the website.

Ordinarily I would set up hosting with email and change the nameservers of the domain to point to my server, but in this case the client is keeping the nameserver details the same, but just updating the A record to point to my server to display the website.

Trouble is, the CDOSYS email doesn't seem to work with this set-up. Do I need to hard code their mail server IP somewhere to get it to work?

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Get .Send Status In CDONTS Or CDOSYS

I put the following code into my mailer: Code:

if objIndexMail.Send then
Response.Write("Mail Sent")
Response.Write("Failure. ")
end if

and it's coming up as Failure every time. Is there a way I can see the status of the .Send command, and why it came up as a failure? no errors are being generated, it's just not sending..

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CDOSYS Mail Form Runtime Error

I have downloaded the script from brainjar but it needs a bit of tweaking because my smtp host requires authentication, I have added what i feel are the relevant lines of code but these are giving me a runtime error

These are the relevant lines of code, the 1st line giving me the error:

objCDOSYSCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 'whether you use a authentication on the server

objCDOSYSCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = *******
objCDOSYSCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = *****

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Using CDOSYS And The SMTP Service To Send Email

I am running Win XP and have installed the IIS SMTP service, however I'm not sure what I need to do to configure both the SMTP service and CDOSYS properly to allow me to send out email from an ASP script.


What is happening is the email is not sent and goes to the 'c:InetpubmailrootQueue' folder. I have checked the event viewer and the error I receive is:

Message delivery to the remote domain 'yahoo.com' failed for the following reason: The remote server did not respond to a connection attempt.

I believe the SMTP service isn't setup correctly or I haven't configured CDOSYS properly in my ASP script.

The CDOSYS part of my ASP script is setup as follows (I am using Javascript with ASP btw):

Code: .....

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How Can We Send Email With Links And Images By Using CDOSYS?

I have a CDOSYS mail and it's working ok but it sends plain text massage. But i want to send with images and links. But when i put a link with image in the .HTMLBody field like <a href="http://www.mysite.com/"><img src="file:///C:/My Documents/image.gif" border="0"></a> so, i got an error message.

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/cdo/cdosys.asp, line 41 .....

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How To Send CDONTS Or CDOSYS Email With Specified Attachment?

I am trying to get a asp-mailer setup that will send a specified attachment.
I have tried both CDONTS and CDOSYS methods ... both are giving me headaches.

And the best part is how incredibly helpful the error is: (Sarcasm Intended)

Error Type:
Unspecified error <-- They should change that error to ... "Good Luck!"
/knowledgetree/emailer-drivers.asp, line 90
I hilighted the above line in the code as well.

Here is the code I am working with: Code:

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CDOSYS Access Denied On ObjMail.Send

I'm running IIS 6.0 with Exchange 2003. One web site that is hosting is trying to use the new CDO method of sending e-mail.

SMTP Service is working fine for Exchange, but for web sites on the same box using code below generates:

CDO.Message.1 error '80070005'

Access is denied.

/test.asp, line 15

Site: http://www.ytr.com/test.asp

Code: ....

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How To Send Mail

I have the code for the sending mail but i do not know to loop it. I have been given specification saying that i should send mail after registration and deregistration.

so i have a asp page given the action function of the register form so the page updates the registration done. so i given after registration the send mail code and want to have the loop or condition for the mail to be sent to the person who updates registeration
and code is as follows....

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<BODY> .....

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I'm 99.9999999999999999999% sure there haven't been any code changes, since the date stamps of the code are older than any email 'failures'

The email piece quit working using the mail.send. If there haven't been any changes made to previously working code, where do I look for the problem now? I restarted the SMTPservice in IIS. Our real email is hosted remotely, I checked with the admin and she said no changes were made, i.e., not blocking port 25 traffic from the gateway.

I guess this isn't ASP specific, but any ideas how to troubleshoot this?

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Cannot Send Mail From ASP Using CDO

I am sending mail from ASP program. My server is win 2k, IIS 5. SMTP
server is configured.

I am generating a report(purchase order) and the same sending as an email to
the supplier. upto last week it was sending well. Now its returning bounce

in the c:inetpubmailrootadmail contains the file(.bdr). The contents of
the file are ....

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E-mail Send

I would like to know how can i nodify some users which are into my databese with an e-mail? How can i sent to them an "automate" e-mail using VB script.

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How To Send Mail Through ASP

I tried the code given in this site,

Set Mail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Mail.Subject="Just testing my script"
Mail.Body="Hey! I am sending this email through an ASP Page and guess what? I
haven’t learnt much yet, but know that ASP is very powerful."
Set Mail=nothing
response.write "DONE"

But it did not work

I use Windows 2000 Server and Internet Information Service (IIS).....

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Send A Mail

Where can i found the source code that allow me to key in myself email address and message and then key in friend's email address, after that my email address will be send out to my fren with my site URL and message that i typed?hope its asp file extension.

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Canīt Send Mail

<i><b>Originally posted by : Serno (serno@worldonline.dk)</b></i><br />Iīm using IIS 5 on Windows XP. When trying to send a mail using 'CDONTS.NewMail', I get this error message : <br />ActiveX component can't create<br />object: 'CDONTS.NewMail'<br /><br />Please help!!<br />

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Send Mail

I'm using the following script for send emails.Recently, we migrated our server. Everything is working fine. Except the mailing.

set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")

Mailer.FromAddress = strFrom
Mailer.AddRecipient "", strTo
Mailer.Subject = strSubject
Mailer.BodyText = strBody & vbCrLf & Application("EMAILNOTE")
I got the following error

IIS versions are same.

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Send One Mail To Client

i m creating city checkboxes from database table...so using this client can subscribe for various cites...after submit i m adding all his/her datails into subscription table ...i m adding all selected city into one colums branch_city...and after this i m sending email to corresponding subscription department of selected city....and only one email to client with the all city name he has been subscribed... Code:

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Ways To Send Mail?

I am wanting to know what ways there is to send mail from a form such as CDONTS.NewMail.

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ASP / Send Mail Question

I am having an e-mail being sent from a form submitting on a web page.

Right now, it is just a generic name (not a valid e-mail address) in the
Mail From box. "Web Server Request". How can I add a reply to piece to
this, so when a user clicks on Reply, it sends it to a valid e-mail address.

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Mail Send .CreateHTMLBody

I am trying to send an HTML e-mail that sends a webpage from a website. Couldn't get it to work. I am able to send out the email, but body content does not show up on the email.

Set tMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
tMail.CreateMHTMLBody = "http://www.xxxxxx.com/xxxx.asp"
set tMail=nothing

Any suggestions?

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Send An Unicode (UTF-8) Mail

How can i send an Unicode mail with ASPclassic? I want to send an email in Farsi ( or same Persian ) I use this code but this is ...

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Send Mail In ASP Using CDONTS

I had to write a page in ASP which sends an email. I googled and was able to write the following code:

Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Mail.Subject = "Test MAIL Subject"
Mail.Body = " Body Body Body Body Body Bodyody Body Body"
If Mail.Send Then
Response.Write("Mail has been sent successfully")
Response.Write("Mail Sending Failed")
End If
Set Mail = nothing

When I run this script on a shared hosting server, It's saying "Mail
Sending Failed". I had never written ASP code before and couldn't find
what the reason is.. I also checked whether CDONTS.NewMail component
is available.

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Automatically Send E-mail

I need some free tools that would allow me to automatically send e-mails to somebody acoording to the current date (e.g. if I have a table in a database with some fellows and their birthdays, I would like to automatically send them a greeting e-mail, when their birthday is). I would preffer that tool be installed as a service.
It will be just fine if I will be able to use this tool in an ASP site.

Otherwise, how could I program such a tool (and what language would be the most appropriate)?

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