Upload Picture And Send With Rest Of Form Using ASP

I need to know how to make it possible for someone to send me a .gif or jpeg image through a form, by using a browse button etc.

Basically so after they have selected the picture they want to submit (by clicking on browse) and after they have filled out the rest of the form, when they submit it I would like the image selected to upload and be sent to me (with the rest of the form).

I have already got the rest of the form, all I need is the 'field' where they will select there picture, and the script that will enable it to upload.

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Upload Picture Database

I have this page/form in asp that connects to my ms access database that I would like to have it either a) upload a picture or b) display the picture if one's already uploaded. I'm looking for direction on this and have no idea where to begin or even what's what. Can I upload a picture into the database?

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Picture Resize And Upload Using ASP

I have a web page which'll allow a user upload some pictures. Problem is, different users have different sizes of pictures. I was wondering if there was a way to resize the picture just before it is saved on the server? If not, then is there a way of resizing it just when i'm about to display it?

I googled around a bit but all i got were sites which had components that would help me do just that. I don't want to use components cos my host won't allow me use any external components, just want to use pure ASP (or maybe js).

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Picture File Upload Code

I am looking for some code somewhere that is capable of getting information from a file submitted with the Form File tag and then uploading it to a remote server. Does anyoen know of anything?

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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On Error Resume Next, How To Show The Rest Of The Page

I'm on the last piece of this project, when a user goes to this page "myfolder.asp" it shows the contents of their folder.

If they don't have one created yet, I want to give them a friendly message: "You have nothing in your folder!" , and continue with the rest of the HTML code, but then ignore the Repeat Regions and dynamic text thats inside the HTML.

Right now I have it woking if the table exists, it shows the records. If I delete the table, I have this message at the top of the screen and nothing else: "You have nothing in your folder!"

Here is the code:

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Upload Files And Send E-mail Using CDOSYS

What I am trying to do is to upload 4 files to my server (Windows 2003 Server Edition , IIS 6.0) and then e-mail them to my e-mail account. I use 2 files. The first is uploadTester.asp...

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Request.form :: Can´t Upload But The INSERT INTO Form Works Propertly

I´m having a problem using ASP Upload with an insert form..

If I use ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" the all the parametres i might get with request.form don´t appear.. but i can upload the files.. Besides if I take away the ENCTYPE tag, i can´t upload but the INSERT INTO form works propertly

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Merging Upload Form And Email Form

Im having problems with my form, separately both forms work perfectly, but having problem sending the email once submitted, however the upload fuction is working fine. The message im getting is,

Request object error 'ASP 0207 : 80004005'

Cannot use Request.Form

/forminfo.asp, line 42

Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead.

Heres the script Code:

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Form Won't Send

When I click submit, everything looks fine, but it doesn't seem to send an email. I'm now at a complete loss as to why it won't email and would be grateful if someone would have a look to see if they can see where I'm going wrong, here's what I have. I wonder if it's the HTML that's wrong or the ASP as I don't have any error messages: Code:

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Send Form Data Using CDO

I'm trying to retrieve the data off a form (survey.htm) and email the results
back to me using CDO and ASP (survey.asp). I'm confused as to how to
retrieve the form data from survey.htm and send it using survey.asp. Below is
a sample ASP script that I found on ASPFAQ.com and it works fine, but now how
do I grab the info from a form and incorporate it into the emal. Code:

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Send A Form To My Email

Basically I have a page and I would like to have several forms on this page where a user can input thier email address and a short comment, then click on send and i get n email with the details.

I know how to set up a basic form but I have no idea how to send it, can anyone help me and show me what to put where to set this up on brinkster please.

Oh and I would prefer to use ASP if thats possible.

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How To Send All Fields Of A Form Without Specifying Each One

how can I send the whole form using the script below, without listing every NAME of the form. Basically I wondered if you can just put a certain code in that will send all the fields of the form without putting each NAME of the fields down indiv individualy??

My forms Name is 'conf', so I was wondering if there was a code like SENDWHOLEFORM="conf", (I know it obviously won't be that, but just to put the point across!)

DIM strNAME, Mailer
strFirstName = Upload.Form("NAME")

Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")

JMail.ServerAddress = ""
JMail.AddRecipient "me@me.com"
JMail.Sender = "me@me.com"
JMail.Subject = "Submitted Item to sell"
JMail.Body = "Name: " & strNAME

Set JMail= Nothing

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Send Email From A Form

i'm a begginer and need some help with editing some code.

I have a simple form which contains an email field. When a user types his email address and submits the form I want to send an email to him. How do I do that?

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How To Send An XML To ASP Form Flash

Any one knows how to Send an XML to ASP form FLASH, the ASP saves it into a XML on the server.

If i just could send the XML and from ASP say something like save XML....

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Send Email From Form

I am having a problem writing ASP script to send email from a form. I am setting up a order form online and need to send the information from form to my email address. I copied the script I saw on an article on this site. I have copied my exact code below...what am I doing wrong.


Set Mail=Server.CreateObject(“CDONTS.NewMail”)
Mail.From="My email field"
Mail.Subject=”Just testing my script”
Mail.Body=”Hey! I am sending this email through an ASP Page and
guess what? I haven’t learnt much yet, but know that ASP is very

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Avoid Send Twice Same Form

I have sometimes duplicate contents in a comments page because impatient people send the same form twice (they pressing in few seconds the Send button twice) . How can I avoid this?

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Cannot Get Form To Send Me E-mail

I am struggling to set up a form that would allow me to recieve an e-mail from someone submitting an e-mail address for my sites newsletter. My host does have ASP and it is enabled on my site. It says there is a problem with line 122 on the thank-you.asp page but I am not seeing it. Click here to go to the page with the form on it.

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How To Send Blank Fields On Form

I have created a database were you submit a job by entering the fields which is fine if it is a site visit but if it is a phone call or remote help not all the fields need to be filled in but if there not filled in it wont submit the values to the database i get data mismatch error code is below.

I either need to be able to send them blank values to the database or ideally i wont to create a option box with Phone call, Site visit and remote help which when selected takes you to the correct page which have different values in the form to fill in.

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Using ASP.NET To Send Form Results To An Email

I have 2 part question: I have an html form: https://ws13.ipowerweb.com/eoscorg/pre-op_form.htm I created that has to have SSL on it. The form also includes a confirmation page to the user after the submit button is hit. However, I have been informed because I used Front Page to create the form, the SSL doesn't work with Front Page's form handler. So I want to know if I can use ASP.NET to create the form and without any conflicts with SSL? Also, I want to find out if all the form objects (form fields, text box fields) have to be coded as ASP.NET objects or can I keep the html form objects and just use ASP.NET code to send the form to an email address and to then send the confirmation page to the user? In other words do I have use ASP.NET code for the whole form?

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Email Results And Send To DB (form)

Can I send a form to the DB and email it at the same time? How do I do that?

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Any Simpler Way To Send A Big Form Via Email?

I have a very big form which should be filled up and when submitted should sent as an email exactly in the same format (html). I use CDONTS to send mail. sending mail works fine. In the Mail body I concatenate every line as given below. As the form is very big I find this way to be very troublesome when there is any " (quotes) or whenever my form need to be changed.

I want to know whether is there any simple way to send a big form in the html format to a mail id using cdonts.

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How Do I Send The Current Form As E-mail

I have constructed an order form and the users will enter the informtion. I
now need to send the filled out form as an e-mail (body being the HTML with
the fille din data) to a predefined e-mail address. I know how to use CDO. I
don't want to go to another page to recontruct the HTML as the '.body'

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Form Send To Email Using CDO Syntax

I having a problem with the CDO syntax I guess. Here's the code :

response.buffer = true
message = "The following data was submitted:"
message = message & vbcrlf & vbcrlf

for each item in request.form
message = message & item & ": " & request.form(item) & vbcrlf

'Create message object
Dim objMessage

Set objMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

objMessageTo = "billy_fong@hotmail.com"
objMessageFrom = request.form("email")
objMessageSubject = "Message from the website"
objMessageBody = message

set objMessage = nothing

response.redirect "confirm.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode("You have successfully sent your quote, thank you")

The error was on the objMessageSend. What's wrong with that? Actually there was another form file which called to this asp file.

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Web Form Which Send Data In XML Format

I've written many pages that emails the content of a web form, but the data
formatted very nicely. Is there a way to have the content of the submitted
form data via email in XML?

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Send Mail Based On Form Value - Only Once!

I've been racking my brains over this one. I have a Classic ASP edit
form with many fields, one of them a Status drop-down. If the Status
(option value) has been changed to "Pending" for instance, I do a
objMail.send, otherwise it doesn't send.

No problem, but how can I
prevent the mail from sending AGAIN if a user goes back to the page and
updates another field, or even just refreshes the page? If it helps, I
am updating a SQL Server database.

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Current User That Send A Form

how can Identify a domain user that send a form made with ASP. I have see that exist a variable called currentuser, but what does it mean?

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Send Web Form Input As Email

I want to send the data from a user's form input in an ASP email. For instance, shen the user submits their name and email address on a form, I would receive an email with those fields mixed in with a plain text message. How can I do this?

I have programmed extensively in other languages, but not ASP (our company is switching from ColdFusion), so I will need my answer in fairly introductory ASP terms.

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Send A Form Back From An Asp Page

I have a html form which allows the user to select add, delete, update or view from a drop down list. Their choice is sent to an asp page.

My problem is how to send them back a form from the asp page depending on their choice and send the resulting input to the same asp page again for processing.

So if they choose 'add' from the html page then that is sent to the asp page and they are sent back another form, to fill out the new record details which is in turn resubmitted to the same asp page to carry out the 'Insert' statement.

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Send Values From One Page Form To Another

one page displays the values which have just been retreived, and i want those values to transfer to the next page which is a booking page.. Code:

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Send Mail Before Form Post

I have an asp page that posts to a third-party site. I need to send an e-mail from this page when the user submits the form but before it posts to the other site.

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I have a problem with uploading two images in one submission. Has anyonen got any code that would let me do this?

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Form Upload Pop-Up

I am building a new site for the Television Station at Western Carolina University. The need a feature where visitors can submit requests for announcments in the final form of PowerPoint slides. So...

I built the form but due to server restrictions by the School it must be a component-less upload. Not a problem I found a very good high quality one.

The problem I am having is that I do not want to integrate the component-less upload into my main form just because of confusion for future webmasters and so forth. So...

I want a pop-up box that will basically be the one file that executes the upload and saves the uploaded PowerPoint files.

Now I have to reference the uploaded file back to the main form so that when that form is saved it also contains a link to the file they uploaded. If you need I can provide an example from a webmail site that uses what i want.

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