Uploading Executables

Is there any way I could upload a certain file whether it is contained as an executable such that when I do a form submit, it can perform the same task that CDO, CDONTS, or JMail could do but without requiring the web hoster to register the dll files to their servers

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ASP - Launching Executables

I have an Executable which I want to run from an ASP page on the server. I have the following code in place:

strcommand = "C:UsersSSR_BWUpload

strcommand = "cmd.exe" & " /C " & Chr(34) & strcommand & Chr(34)

set ws = server.createobject("WScript.Shell")
ws.Run strcommand

The exectuable gets launched but does not complete as the control is passed back to the ASP page. How do I wait for the Executable to finish before getting back to the user.

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Running Executables

does anybody know how to run an executable using asp?

I don't want to use aspexec because i'm not allowed install anything
onto the server. i have been using this code but its not running anything:

Set WshShell = server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "C:Inetpubwwwroot rip_report rip_report.exe "
response.write "this has completed"

it writes this has completed but never runs the executable!

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Running Executables From ASP Page

if it's possible to run an .exe or other command line utility form an .asp page? What I am trying to do is have a report request page where the user would supply a few details, and then submit. At this point I am hoping to pass the data to an .exe. This .exe will write its output to a text file which will be read and displayed on the page. Is this
easily accomplished?

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I need to add the functionality to upload an image to the webserver, store it in a folder and add its location to a database so I can find it. I have no idea how to get started on this though. Does anyone have an idea of how to do it or can point me in the direction of a good tutorial.

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Uploading With Sun ONE ASP

I am trying to use the upload file feature that comes with Sun ONE ASP but cannot find any documentation on how to use it. As it is a former chilisoft product all the knowledge base documents, FAQ's, and basically all the useful stuff has been dumped by Sun.

Does anyone know how to use this feature or know of any sites where it is explained?
Please don't say "look on the Sun website" as I have been doing that all afternoon and can't find anything useful on the whole site!!

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1. I need to upload a text file (Word or txt file) to a server

2. Save the path of the uploaded file on the server to Access database

3. And then display the link of the uploaded file path in the Access database on asp page

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Web Uploading

i developed website, in that i have one two asp pages one page to collect the data's and other is the confirmation page In the local host it runs very well but i uploaded the webpage the datas i collect could not be stored in the access database

http 405 resource not allowed

my project consist

1 index page
pages folder (all the static pages, asp pages and access database)
images folder

i specified path as
path1= Server.MapPath ("db1.mdb")

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Uploading And Resizing Pic

My client wants me to add a functionality which would enable him upload and resize the pictures. His server is having ASPUPLOAD and e-kov components intalled. Also he doesn't want to write files to the disk and save only to memory.

I can use ASPUPLOAD's functionality to save files in memory or save files in the database. My question is how can I access a file so that I can resize the image using e-kov software. And when using 'upload.save' only, without path, it saves the file virtualy but where does the file and how to access it.

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Uploading Photo

My form with a upload photo function is not working - Can some one please take a look and see were I have messed up. The code is 4 sections : The Form, The DB script, The submit Script and the Upload script. Code:

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Uploading Image

i know that this thread allready exists buti still don't understand what to do ... i'm using microsoft frontpage and access database and would like to upload image file to access ... so ... it looks like that:

i have one page - on that page there is an upload form which leads to another ASP page ... on next page i would like to call that form from the previous page and then store it to the database (if it's possible i would like to do it without any software - because i'm not the owner of the server) ... Code:

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Uploading A File From .asp

I have an application that works fine in Windows 2000 IIS, uploading files of any size to a server folder The same application installed in a Windows 2003 IIS limits the upload size to approx 200 Kb, trying to upload larger files generates an "Operation_not_allowed" error in the web log

I suppose that Microsoft introduced some limitation in either the new OS version or IIS but I'm not able to find any reference, except for the 4 Mb limitation in .NET, but it's not my case.

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How To :: Uploading Images

My image is in local directory. Using "FILE" input type, I am getting the path of the image. How to upload this image to my server using ASP?

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Uploading Timing

I did a program with allowed to user to upload an excel file and insert those data into the access database. I did the testing on xp pro and to upload abt 300 records took me less than a minute.

However, the computer which the program is to be located is using windows 98. So i dowlnoaded the free server thingy. The upload time for 300 records here took about 15 minutes. haha

Just want to know what makes the uploading time so different?

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.Doc File Not Uploading.

I've got an application that allows users to upload a
file to a directory.

The problem is some users (5-6) can't upload .doc files.
They can upload anything but .doc files. File size is not
an issue.

What could ever cause that????

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Uploading And Downloading In ASP

I'm creating the Intranet for my company and in one of the parts of it I want that users to be able to upload and download files, however, I'm not sure what would be the best option/application to use for its creation. I need them specially for the uploading to be able to track when was the upload done, which user did it, and so on.

I have been using ASPs to create the website. Could I do this with ASPs ?

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Image Uploading

Need some help on the following problem:I have to upload an image using ASPUPLOAD component and process other information regading products also in the same form.
What I tried is putting a Frame (using iframe) in the form,
which leads to Upload.asp.
Image uploading goes fine but I cannot find a way to get the
file name or any other value(after uploading) to the FORM in which
this frame resides.
I will need some value to link the image and the product.
Kindly let me know if there is a way to pass values OR a better wayout
for what I am trying to do

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Uploading A Folder

Is their any way of implementing an Upload section on my site that can upload a folder with images in them, insdead of just images..

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Uploading Files

how I can upload a file to
the server, and overwrite the existing file if there is one.

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Uploading Image

Is there a way to code image uploader without using dlls like aspupload?

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Uploading PDF File

I have a pdf file on an IIS server and I would like the user to upload it on to their computer from the server website.

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Uploading An Image

Guys how do you check if the file uploaded is an image?

I tried this but it seems that it won't work for a form with ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"

...some code here

If LCase(right(strPictureURL,3)) <> "gif" and LCase(right(strPictureURL,3)) <> "jpg" Then

Response.Write("Error: Invalid File Format!")

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Uploading Files

I have this ASP code, for uploading files. I can upload an image,but cannot retrieve other form element data, can anyone suggest me a way out?

For eg, I have a form wherein I am getting some info from the user and he needs to upload an image as well. The code I use can upload the image but cannot get the other info. form the form fields. The code to upload is: Code:

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Uploading Files

I am using some free Upload code by Jacob Gilley:

'' File: Upload.asp
'' Author: Jacob "Beezle" Gilley
'' Email: Join Bytes!
'' Date: 12/07/2000
'' Comments: The code for the Upload, CByteString,
''CWideStringsubroutines was originally
''written by Philippe Collignon...or so
''he claims. Also, I am not responsible
''for any ill effects this script may
''cause and provide this script "AS IS".

However, it takes a really long time for it to write large files to
disk. I am uploading files that range from 500k to 2.5 megs in size.
It can take Jacob's code up to 2 minutes to write the file to disk.

Should I just buy one of the upload controls? Are they any faster?

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Uploading .mdb Files

Is there a script out there that will allow me to upload .mdb files. I am trying to be able to let my client go into thier admin page and download the .mdb file (that works fine...) and when she is done changing it or w/e she wants to do with it she will need to upload it to make the changes work. So it needs to over right the origional or something like that...

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Uploading Time

Did a program with allowed to user to upload an excel file and insert those data into the access database. I did the testing on xp pro and to upload abt 300 records took me less than a minute.

However, the computer which the program is to be located is using windows 98. So i dowlnoaded the free server thingy. The upload time for 300 records here took about 15 minutes

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Uploading Files

I have one Server that supports ASP, but very little storage space on that server.
I have another Server that supports only PHP, with lots of space.

My website is writen in ASP, so all my ASP files are on the first server, and I have an option on the ASP server to upload files to it from an ASP page by users accesing a certain page.now, I wondered if it is possible to upload files by an ASP file located on the first Server to the PHP server, because there I have more storage, is it?

I need this done this way because once the file is uploaded by the ASP page the file name,size and type are inserted into the DB thats on the ASP page.

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Uploading Two Files

i found this code on the net that allows me to upload a file to the server:


The code works really well. However, i want to upload two file at once rather then one. I have tried changing the code but nothing really seems to work. Can anyone see a good way of using this code to upload two files?

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Uploading Picture

how to upload images and store it in a server folder or database.

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Uploading Data In MB,s

I have a website where I am using PHP to have my visitors upload large files. (up to 225 MB) However many shared hosting plans limit it by 2 MB. Their php.ini file is set as max_file_upload 2MB and tehre is no way to overwrite it. ( i tried many possible solutions) .

I am thinking to have it rewritten using ASP but I am not sure whetehr ASP has similiar limitations, or any files that sets the parameteres as the one for php.ini file.

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Uploading To Different Directories

I am trying to set SA-Fileup to filter the files that are uploaded based on the name of file selected in the form. I am able to get it to work on Filetype, but I need it to do it on Filename is not Filetype. where I can find something on this?

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Uploading Files

I'm making an intranet application where all the users can send mail and attachment to the adiminstrator. Physical file transfer to server machine and putting the message in Access database is done.

I want to upload all the messages along with the attachments in the Outlook of server machine. So that when administrator starts Outlook application, all the incoming mails from intranet are displayed in his inbox. I'm using Access and ASP (VB Script).

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Uploading A File ASP 3.0

I have ASP 3.0 and I cannot change that, but how can I upload a file using ASP? Also, when a file is passed from a form how do you obtain it? I know with data you would
usually do Request.Form("file"). Does this also work with files?

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