Uploading Image And Saving Details To Database

I have been using the following code to try and upload images to the server but I also want to svae th details to a database table. I am trying to get the caption entered by the user butI keep getting an error.

"Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection." when ever I try request.form("caption")

The files are upload to the server when I don't try to request the caption value.

how would I get the caption value from the form....

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Uploading Image In Database

I want to upload my images in the database instead of storing them on the server.

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Uploading Image Into Database

I have created a website where users can place advertisements and upload complementing photos. I have elected to place the advertiser's contact details and advertisement in 1 table in an Access database and the corresponding photo and Account ID in a second linked table.

Once the photo is inserted as a BLOB, the advertiser is forwarded to the payments page. The upload page has a form with a file field and a hidden field with the Account ID which as been passed on the previous page by a session variable. The website is hosted on a remote server by my web host.

My problem is that the image and the Account ID are not inserted into the database even though the processing page successfully redirects to the payments page. I am new to web programming so I am unsure where my problem lies. Code:

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Uploading Image Into A Database

how to upload image into the database ?

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Uploading Image To Database

I need to upload image into a database. Can someone suggest where i can get sample codes or tutorial or any sort of assistance ?

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Saving And Uploading Files

I have recently created a "page generator" for my website - it basically takes a form output and sticks in some html etc etc. and places it in a text area on the same page.
i was wondering if asp could be used to save the output to my server as a new file?

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Image Saving

I am using this :

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...


Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Image Saving

I am using the following:

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...

Is It POSSIBLE ?????

Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Automatic Image Saving

I need to build code to download automatically image to my local disk.
somethink like
i will specify url in code and it fetches image from that location and save
in my local disk.
for example
and it will store test.jpg in my local folder.
how to achieve this?

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Prevent Image Saving

Well i am developing an application in which few pages display just images ... (*.jpg)

format ...

now what happens is that i dont want to allow the user to SAVE these images onto their

disks ... when a user RIGHT CLICKS on the images menu pops us which gives option SAVE


well so is there anyway i can prevent that ... i thought of following way ...

(1) If I can override the RIGHT CLICK event handler and replace it with my own custom code

in which i may just display a Messagebox say ... "you cannot save this picture" ...but the

problem is that i dont know how to override this event ...

i am using ASP with VBSCRIPT and i dont know anyother scripting language .... so plz help

someone as soon as possible ...

any other method is WELCOME but keep it in VBSCRIPT ...

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Saving Path To Image In Folder

I have 1 form that put some text in Acces. After submitting that form there comes a form where 4 images can be uploaded. These image are stored in a folder on the webserver. Can I save the path to the image in the record (id) of the textfiles in Acces?

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Uploading Image

i know that this thread allready exists buti still don't understand what to do ... i'm using microsoft frontpage and access database and would like to upload image file to access ... so ... it looks like that:

i have one page - on that page there is an upload form which leads to another ASP page ... on next page i would like to call that form from the previous page and then store it to the database (if it's possible i would like to do it without any software - because i'm not the owner of the server) ... Code:

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Image Uploading

Need some help on the following problem:I have to upload an image using ASPUPLOAD component and process other information regading products also in the same form.
What I tried is putting a Frame (using iframe) in the form,
which leads to Upload.asp.
Image uploading goes fine but I cannot find a way to get the
file name or any other value(after uploading) to the FORM in which
this frame resides.
I will need some value to link the image and the product.
Kindly let me know if there is a way to pass values OR a better wayout
for what I am trying to do

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Uploading Image

Is there a way to code image uploader without using dlls like aspupload?

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Uploading An Image

Guys how do you check if the file uploaded is an image?

I tried this but it seems that it won't work for a form with ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"

...some code here

If LCase(right(strPictureURL,3)) <> "gif" and LCase(right(strPictureURL,3)) <> "jpg" Then

Response.Write("Error: Invalid File Format!")

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Image Uploading

How to upload images using ASP without using any of the .NET features.

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Image Uploading

Does anyone know/have a good DLL or script that is good for uploading images. the one I am using now does not work that great, for mac users it will not work at all.

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Image Uploading

here is what i do i get some data and images from html page and then upload the images in sql server the format in table is image so i store the image directly in the table and the corresponding data so what i used to do earlier is have a loader.asp file included into my asp page here is the code for the confirm.asp page Code:

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Image Uploading

I want to let users upload a image to their directory and then update my
database so whenever someone searches the database an image is displayed..

I've seen some scripts that use comonents . I am famailiar with asp
somewhat. Does anyone know the best way to do this ? What are the advantages
of using components ? my concern is that i may run ito problems when I
update my database.

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Uploading Image Problems

What im trying to do is set up a user profile page.. on this page the person can enter details about themself etc...pretty much like on this site..ive got the entering data etc down to a t, but the only thing that doesn't want to work, no matter how i go about it, is the option to upload an image of yourself.

I dont want to upload the image itself to a database, i want to put the image directly on the server using the mappath thingy in a directory "images/members/". Also i would like to put the username of the member before the image name...renaming the file if you will so for example if my member name was phil and i had an image called me[1].jpg that i wanted to upload, i want the asp to rename it as "phil_me[1].jpg" is that possible?.

Another thing i would like to do is keep a track of all the images you have uploaded to your profile.. so for this im using a DNS less database connection.


Dim myConn
Set myConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MdbFilePath = Server.MapPath("databases/conkers.mdb")
myConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & MdbFilePath & ";"


When the image is uploaded the user name and name of the image will be put in a table in that database.
table name : files
column1 : Member_Name
column2 : Image_Name

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Image Resizing And Uploading

I have a register module where user can register with their information and they have to upload their images.

1. I need to know how i rename that image and upload to server with that new name.
2. how to i change the image's height and width and then upload that image.

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Image Uploading Using Dreamweaver ASP-VB

I have an ASP form created using Dreamweaver-ASP-VB combination. I want an image to be uploaded to my database (MS Access) and displayed the image in my web page. Could anyone tell me, how this can be done using Dreamweaver(from Macromedia studio MX 2004).

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Saving To Database

ive got something on my site where if they visit a page that does not exist a asp page will come up where you can inform me about it if its a broken link ive got a code which i have took from a registration form in a login system but it still runs a query im quite new to asp and dont know how to remove it if ne1 can help the code is below! Code:

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Cannot Use Request.Form In Image Uploading Pages

I have downloaded a Image Upload componet and incorporated it into my existing code. It is working great. My issue is that I cannot call a field from another table in SQL.
On insert.htm, I can do this:

ptrack = Clng(Request.QueryString("tracknumber"))
And I can get the tracking number of the specific client.

If I try to do this in insert.asp, it doesn't work. I have read other posts regarding this and I still cant get it to work. Like I mentioned before, it is a tracknumber, so its a numeric. Code:

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How To Write Form Uploading Image Directly Into The Folder In Server, Not DB?

I need code please..

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Saving From An InputBox() To A MySql Database

I have an InputBox in VBScript for you to enter your email, I now need it to write to my database. I am either getting a type MisMatch error or it is writing an empty string...

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Problem In Saving A Form To Ms Access Database

Iam facing a problem in saving a particular form to ms access datdabase. Iam preparing an enquiry form and want to host it onto the company's website, but Iam not able to save the form to a database. The code is as follows: Code:

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Saving Code In A Database Via Use Of A Textarea Form

i have built an interface for template making. i am using a simple form with a text area and submit button to save the code, i want to show in a template page, into the database.
I also use the same textare to view any code saved to the database for a specific page.

THE PROBLEM - i have to save a

the minute i paste it into the textarea it saves it fine but shows it wrong as if once it reads the </textarea> in my saved code the main page 'closes' the main textarea . i.e. the rest of my saved code is shown as part of the page - and its not pretty!

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Uploading Images Into A Database

I would like to know if there is a way to upload an image and text into an Access database using asp. I have a web site hosted on a web server which doesn't accept to install components. If anybody knows some sample code (in case this is possible), a link or some code would be welcome.

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Uploading Images To Database

My database only has an image field (sql2005).

All the tutorials I find have the databse with additional fields like Filename, FileSize, FileData, FileID, Contenttype, etc.

I want to upload into ONLY that image field because my windows app accesses the same database, and it doesn't use those additional fields. does someone out there have a tutorial or some code example or SOMETHING related to uploading a file into a SQL database?

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Error Uploading Database

I use Dreamweaver MX and I'm trying to upload some files unsuccefully. I'm getting this error:

An FTP error ocurred-cannot put upcoming.mdb

I'm able to upload all the files but upcoming.mdb and upcoming.ldb. I never had this problem before.

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Uploading Access Database

I have been told to write a script that will automatically upload an access database stored in server in our building to the webserver located in another building. This script should run automatically once every week.

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Saving Images While Saving ASP Pages !

When I try to save any ASP page, I get the message that "The page will not save correctly". Even though I go ahead and when I go offline the space of images is blank.

I have this website also where I am using ASP pages and my users are facing the same problem. HTML page is created but images are not saved.

What changes are required in ASP code so that images are also saved.

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