Use ASP Or HTML To Display Contents In Notepad

I was thinking about create a web page to display my log files. I have a folder that holds all the notepad files (logs) on my hard drive.

There is a new file will be created everyday. Is it possible for me to create a webpage (ASP or HTML) to display all the logs?

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Display Folder Contents

I'm looking for a method to display that contents of a folder, showing the filename and file size.

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Display The Contents Of A Recordset

I'm trying to use ASP to display the contents of a recordset that I've queried. I use the following code:

Response.Write "<TD align=left><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=D1
VALUE=" & objRS.Fields("D1_Requestor") & "></TD>"

My question is: how do I tell ASP to write the needed double quotation marks which should go around the textbox NAME (D1)?

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How To Read The Contents Of An HTML Page In ASP

i want to read an HTML page in ASP n i m not able to do so.

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Page Returned Contents To HTML

I have an ASP search script that interfaces with microsoft indexing service that is shown in the header on all of my pages. My pages are pure div & table layout. Is there any way to load the asp search results into a table in a specific cell?

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Incorporating Contents Of Text Files Onto A Html Page

im wondering if there is a method/command which can be used so that when an asp page is called, it can 'explode' content from a text file (.txt) onto a web page, thus enabling a n00b to alter the text within the file, rather than the web page itself?

Further more, if I wanted to incorporate the text which is exploded into a CSS to give it some style flava, how would I do this? Is it possible?

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I am heading to a dead end need some help from you guys

I have a form that has 6 fields for address information
when a user clicks on a button a javascript is called

what i want to do is get the values from the fields and open a notepad and copy in it
is this possible and can someone give me a example how to do it

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Open Notepad Serverside In ASP

How do i open notepad server side in ASP .i have this so far. Code:

Dim WshShell
'remove the "server." part to run this clientside
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'this is path to notepad in win2k
'You should have enough priviledges to run it...
WshShell.Run "c:winntsystem32
set WshShell= nothing

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Launching Notepad.exe Client Side

I have written an ASP application using our IIS server which retrieves data and displays them in a nice grid. My boss wants the application to create a .txt file of this data when a button is clicked and then open Notepad with this new file so that it can be saved locally on a user's harddrive.

I can create the file itself fine, but trying to launch Notepad client-side with this new .txt file has proven to be an absolute nightmare. It is a nightmare because I've gotten errors such as from "Automation server can't create object" to others that are a constant, annoying road-block to what seems to me ought to be a simple trick.

Bottom line, how do I do the above without getting errors (opening Notepad with the file created)? Again, Notepad is what my boss wants used, so with that I need to know the solution with ASP (not ASP .NET).

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Display Txt Into Html Table

i want to convert my txt file into a html table for display . But i dun want it to go through db .

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Display Html Tags

I need to display a lengthy html source code within a text area. The problem is, a part of html source code is displayed in the text area and the later part is displayed in the actual html page in which I have the text area. i.e the the html source code is treated as a part of the actual page.

I want to show the whole html source code (which is from the database column) in the text area. Is there any special way to display the html tags in a text area. Hope I have made myself clear enough. how to achieve this?

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How To Display Html File In Asp Page

How to display html files content in a asp page through server.create object

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Display HTML Data In Excel File

I am displaying the data into HTML table into a EXcel file using the REsponse.header and content type, The data retrieved from the database is sucessfully displayed and I am able to open Excel application and save it. But in One of my TD tag I have a image <IMG> tag which should disply the image, but in the excel application the image is not loaded, If I open the table in web browser the image is visible.

Also if I select the save open form the file download box, there is a blank browser window still open, I open this file with functionality. Can somebody suggest how to close the blank window when the excel file is saved on the client PC instead of opening.

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How Do I Truncate A Fileds Content For Html Display?

I would like to change it so that it displays only the first 40 (or so) characters from the record being pulled from the MySQL DB producing a result more like this:

Is there a way to change the SELECT call to MySQL so that it retrieves only the first 'x' characters found in the record? Code:

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How To Display A BSTR String Returned By C++ Component In HTML

i have an asp page which creates a object using server.createobject and
uses its method. example:

set obj1= server.createobject("test.test") ' test is a dll
tmp = obj1.method() ' it returns a BSTR string.

i want to display tmp in HTML. when i tried to print tmp like

i get some garbage value.

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Templates For DB-contents And Non-DB-contents

This thread is not so much a big problem, but more to receive comments on my approach. You may have some other tips or advices of where to go or where absolutely not to go with my attempts. Code:

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How To Display Image In "img" Html Tags

I would like to display a lot of binary source image in one html document. Those image are read from ms acess database

I know only read and display one image, such as:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
Response.BinaryWrite rs.Fields("iamge")

But, this cannot display any text and other image, only an image can see in the browser.

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Using The Contents Of A Var

I have a vars called param1 to param10. I need to iterate through them in a loop to see if theyre empty and set them to spaces if they are. i.e

for a = 1 to 10

newparam = "param" & a
if newparam = "" then
newparam = " "
end if


but I want the contents of newparam i.e param1, param2 etc... to be evaluated and not newparam and then param1, param2 etc.. to be set to " " .

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Getting The Contents Of The A Control

I have a select element in a form on a page with some options. When i submit thet form and the target asp page is executed, i want to find retrieve all the values in that select element on the page...?

thru request.form("sel") i am able to retrieve only the vaue selected by the user.

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I have the following code:

for each SesVar in Session.Contents
if( Session.Contents(SesVar) <> "" ) then

The problem is that most of the time this works okay, but sometimes the code
crashes on the compare.

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Form Contents

I am wanting to do this but am not able to do it.
I have two fields: first name and last name and then submit button.
When i hit submit button ,according to the name entered in the first field ,some results are displayed from database.
Now when i hit submit ,the contents of my fields are cleared and i dont want that...i want the name to be still displayed in the textboxes...
How do i do this?
I dont want to basically clear the form contents on submit.

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Displaying Of Contents

I am currently working on ASP. Users will input their contents into a textarea. The problem is that when they input and I retrieve them from the database, they will use the textarea space that was allocated to them and display exactly it is.
For example the text area given is 500px and i only give the display part of 250px. Despite that, it will fill up and scrollbars will appear on my bottom of the webpage and have to scroll to the right.
how i can display all text with the break lines in between yet still confined to the space of 250px.

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Contents On The Server?

I want to read a classic HTML Form using the ASP Request object on the server. This is a common approach. But how can I read all the contents of a listbox (the <select> tag)

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Return Contents

Does anyone know of any issues interacting with asp pages from within Flash when you use Control>TestMovie ? i.e. When using a send and load, Flash seems to want to open my asp file (and return the contents in Flash) rather than run it and return a name/value pair as I'm expecting.

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Save Contents

I have successfully been able to load text from an SQL-DB into a <textarea>.Now I need to save the edited text back to the DB But I can't seem to extract the value from the <textarea> into a vbscript-variable.

When the user clicks the submit button under the textarea I need the text to be saved into a variable, how?



<TEXTAREA NAME="text1" ID="text2"><%Response.Write(Recordset("text"))%>

<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="submit2" ID="submit3" NAME="submit4">

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Protecting Contents

what is the best way to protect a folder of files on an asp site so that only people who have logged into the site are allowed to view the files?

would it be best to put them inside a cgi-bin and then have a page with links to the files, or is there a better option?

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Contents Of Two Arrays

I'm trying to figure out if there is an easy way to combine the contents of two arrays into one array. Order does not matter, I just want them all together. I'm sort of new to working with arrays, so I don't know if there is a really basic way to do this.

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Submitting The Contents

I am creating a website which has a form for registration. I am not using any database or server side coding. The form details should be sent through an email to me. I tried the action = "" but it only fires my outlook when the submit button is clicked.if it could be done the way I want?

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DataTable Contents

Is there a way to export the DataTable contents to an XML file.

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Dynamic XML Contents

I have worked in PHP / MySQL. But never worked in ASP/MSSQL. At the moment, i ma stuck with a problem. Hope someone here can figure it out.I have a list of countries in a Page. When the user MOUSE Over any Country, through Javascript, a small layer <DIV> appear that shows some data about that country. Up till now that XML File is filed MANUALLY.

Now that Data is changing frequently. What we want is that to do the same thing described above through database. Like when the user mouse over any country, that will load XML and connect the Database, extract info and then show in the same DIV layer. Or alternatively, there might be some sript, that will RUN AUTOMATICALLY daily or weekly and update all the countries data XML files. please guide me how to achieve this in ASP + MSSQL + XML + Javascriptor any combination of these.

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Contents Of A Post In ASP

I'm trying to access and iterate through POST variables. I'm thinking of something similar to PHP, where on a submit it creates a POST object, which is an associative array of all the variables. Is ASP the same way? Is there any way to see what is in the array and have access to it's contents without knowing the contents beforehand?

The reason I ask is because I have about 100 check boxes, and the user only checks a number of them - each check box is named differently. I want to, on the post page, to find out which ones were checked, short of putting an if else or select to check all 100 of them. Is there an easier way? I tried printing out the post: Response.Write(Request.Form()), and all that gave me was the querystring .

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Contents Of A Particular Recordset

I am developing a website and in particular, a shopping cart for the company I work for and I have everything working fine. This website is written in ASP. When you add a product to the database, it adds it along with a UserID based on a Session variable.

Everything is working fine regarding the user functionality of updating particular product quantity and options. However I am having trouble finding any information on how to send the contents of that recordset via email, when the user decides he is ready to send it. I have no trouble sending forms and such via CDOSYS and ASP but how can I send the contents of an entire recordset?

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Displaying Contents

I'm trying to compare fields in two recordsets. I'm having fun with apparently empty fields. In order to avoid displaying meaningless messages, I need to know what is in these fields - e.g. is it a space, a null, an empty string, or what?

I'm not much of a programmer - how do you display the contents of the field using asp, for example, to return the ascii character code? Or is there a simple way to check for non-printing character codes?

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