User Manual Schedule

I need to write one program to schedule the job to run the DTS created at SQL Server 2000 with Global Variable passing in every time when user select. I have search from internet, there only have example written in Visual Basic, can any body help me because my company not have Visual Basic.

And When I try to copy the example from VB Code to ASP code, there are error :

Invalid ProgID. For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:

After I check is because of ProgID "SQLDMOUtil.Job" used in code.

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How To Write A User Manual..

I suspect many developers here have had to write a technical manual for their software, and I'm wondering if you have any info as to industry standards for formatting.

For example, should a screen shot be included for each edit screen? If so, how big? What if the picture won't fit on the page with the corresponding text?

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Download ASP Manual

Does anyone know where I can download a manual for ASP? Something like you can get with PHP that details all the built-in functions and how to use them? The online version on the MS site isn't convenient for me.

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Creating Manual Line

I want a script that will force a manual line break after 'N' characters.In other words,it will take a string, say, strString, and insert manual line breaks every 78 characters.Anyone have some snippets I can poach?

My e-mailer component will do this for me, but I'd like to know how to do it "by hand" if necessary.

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Different Schedule

I want to create ASP page that shows the schedule of TV station. Since each day's (Monday - Sunday) schedule is different, and I want each day will display the schedule on that day of a week. I wonder if I need to create 7 different ASP pages and call different one on each day? This is just my idea, but I think this is not a good solution.

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Schedule Task

I am trying to create a Function to delete records in database on daily basis. I am stuck with date/time.


Delete * from MyTable where date = &date& 'not sure of quotes also.

How can I rewrite my sql to delete records daily at 8.00pm?

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Schedule Tasks

I want to allow the users to shedule a particular task (shedule the time and date of inserting thier forms and data into the table ) such that i ll provide a simple form where the user can enter his name , age , and some other details at the end of this form , there is field to enter the date and time of inserting those fields into the table in the database,so that data inside this form will be inserted into the table as per the user scheduled date and time

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Schedule ASP Script

How to do the above without global.asa?

I need the script to run every 24 hours. Currently I am using database.

If rsDB("date") < DateAdd("h",-24, Now()) then

Then I have a script that puts the rsDB("date") to Now().

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Schedule A Task

Any way to do a Scheduled task without having access to a "Scheduled Task" feature in the hosting control panel. IOW, I want to run a single Update Table query every Sunday at Midnight but I don't want to have to manually run it. I use SQL 2000 on a Win2k machine.

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Schedule Task In VB/ASP

I'm trying to find a way where I can schedule a task to be run within a web site, either in VB (COM) or within the web site (ASP). What I want to do is to run a daily scheduled task which will cleanup a desired folder within the web site. As I say, this must be an automated scheduler which can kicked off by itself without any interaction from a user etc.

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On-call Schedule

how to create an on-call schedule. It just needs to be really simple. Basically a two column table with names on the left and dates on the right. There is a specific order that the names are in in the Access db and need to stay in that order to keep the schedule rotating properly.

I want the name of the person who is on-call this week to be at the top of the table and then when the on-call week is over that person drops to the bottom of the table. A typical on-call week is from Mon-Sun. Also making the dates populate correctly without having to manually enter them in the db

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Grid Schedule

i have this event sign-up program that displays events from access databases and allows a user to click on a sign-up button to sign up for these events. currently when viewing an individual summary, the users see a listing of events they've signed up for, but it's been suggested to create a grid schedule for a better visual.

these events cover a 9 day period (Friday through Saturday) and i was wondering if there's a relatively easy way to create a grid schedule for the users?

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Add A Meeting Schedule

We have a web application to allow user register a meeting and want to automatically add into their outlook calendar. how to do this in asp?

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How To Schedule ASP Script To Run Every 24 Hrs.

I wanted to run an ASP script to send mails, to be executed every 24 Hours.

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How To Send Schedule Email In ASP

I have developed a website in ASP 3.0 and Acesss 2000/SQl

I wan my web site sent invoices to my customer
automatically some specified time
(lets say it execute ceratain ASP page at 3:00 am that
send emails)

how can i schedule that?

Should i write some program (EXE) that will run on web
seerv to do this task or do we have soem other decent

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Automate A Basketball Schedule

I'm building an asp website with calendar for a High School Basketball team. A database holds dates for all events on the calendar. I want to build a schedule for a SEASON automatically based on the current date() they are visiting the site, and a SEASON is June of one year through May of the next. Example:

If they are accessing the schedule in January 2007, a query will filter all events for the 2006-2007 season (June of 06 through May of 07)

If they are accessing the schedule in August of 2007 I want them to get events filtered from June of 2007 through May of 2008 (the 2007 - 2008 season).

I can't seem to get my mind around the logic (and code) needed to build this query. If i build a query based on the year alone, by picking 2007 you would get the end of the 2006-2007 season and the beginning of the 2007-08 season (events from Jan 2007 through Dec 2007).

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Connection With Outlook Schedule From Asp

I am in a Intranet project for Global telehone Directory for my company.Is there is a solution in which we can connect to the microsoft mail exchange server and get a details of a employee through Outlook schedulewhether he/she is available or not.

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Schedule Asp Page To Execute

I would like to know if there is any way to schedule an asp page to run once a month.
The purpose of this process is to automatically insert data to a table in a monthly basis to allow users to manupilate it without having them to add any fields to the table.

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Schedule Emails To Be Sent Out At Particular Time

Is it possible with ASP to schedule tasks such as the following:

A database contains hundreds of registered users. Within three days of their registration expiry an email should be automatically generated to inform all relevant users that their account will expire shortly.

A sheduled task should also run every night (say, at midnight) to remove expired accounts from the system.

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Classic ASP Schedule Execution On Server

I have a pure asp (Vbscript) page that manipulates data between MSAccess and
SQLServer2000. I'm trying to use the Scheduler app on the IIS server to run
this page nightly but there must be a better way of doing this.

How can I make my code in to an object and install it on the server and have
it schedule to run nightly?

Below is the code:

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Send Url Request At Schedule Time Interval - Asp

I am developing site in asp where I need to call a url at every interval. Is there a way to automate this. I want to call the url every 15 or 30 mins.

Cureently I have written a asp script tp call it using

Set objWinHttp = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
objWinHttp.Open "GET",URL
objWinHttp.Send ' Send it.
strResponse3 = objWinHttp.ResponseText ' Get the response string from the object.

But it is not schedule..I can call it only when I rum the asp script. So is there any way I can schedule this url call for every 15/30 minutes.

Also forgot to mention : the site does not have that much traffic that I can add it in index page...there may be a user visiting the site in 5 hours time or within next 5 mins or for next 2 days there may be no visitor.

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ADSI - Trying To Enable A User - The User Add Works Very Well

I have written an ASP.NET 2.0 application that uses Active Directory or ADAM
to manage account users - the site has a page that allows people to create an
account (much like any site). The page populates the AD with all the
information and the user account but I am unable to enable the account.
Microsoft has information on how to do that here -->
(the sample is for Visual Basic) - and I am unable to complete the bottom
portion of the script. Can some one point me in the right direction - or can
you tell me how I can add a snippet of VBscript code to an ASP.NET page.

I am using the Active DS Type library - not sure why there are multiple ones
(System.DirectoryServices) but it is rather confusing - I seem to accomplish
one thing with one and another with the other (they did have trouble
co-existing however). Anyway my script works very well but I am not able to
access the properties required to enable the account.

Here is a simple version (no error checking) of the code.....

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Mail User Info To User

how to go about setting up an asp script or flash action script to take the input from a user of his/her username and password then send an email to the user with the information. I am able to do all of this but the problem is that the users pc is the one sending the email. I want the server to send the email instead.

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Can't Get User's NT Log-in

I'm having a real tough time getting a User's NT login after they
submit a form.

I have Anon. Login disabled. I'm using Digest Authentication (although
I've tried everything).

Every time I run the page, I get a blank string instead of the
requested information.

The information is in a hidden field, with the value set to:

The icing on the cake is that when I run this on my PWS, I can pull the
information and it shows up in the SQL DB I'm sending it too. But, when
put on our live box, it doesn't show up. The setting on each box are
exactly the same.

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I have a classic ASP program running on a server in the DMZ. I need to consume a web service so that I can consume data from that web service. However I am not able to call the web service from the DMZ since the server can not send messages out on the

Thus, I need to send the call to another server running within the internal
area of the company's internet. I need to send this message to an IIS server
and then from the IIS server call the web service. I was thinking that I need
to call the service on the IIS server with an ADO.NET connection. This
ADO.NET connection object would be generated just long enough to call the web
service, get a response from the web serice, and return the message to the
server running in the DMZ.

Let me know if you think this would be a good solution and tell me how you
would setup this interface. (Should C#.NET or Visual Basic.NET be used or
some other lanaguge.)

Also after this solution works, I will need to implement this similar type
of solution to call other web services.

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does anyone know a way to show a users USER name instead of just there login name
its for a school intranet currently we retrieve a lot of data based on the login name by using this script:

[code] <%=Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")%>

it would be a lot more functional if i could pull the full name, we are using Active Directory 2003 and iis6, and all the logins have the full username inputted in the AD?

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It seems that the ASP.NET user in AD has been deleted. How can I get it

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ASP Add User

I'm developing an ASP form registeration system. The details of the form must be added to a text file not the tradional database.
Each time a new user adds a record it should be added to the list at the bottom to the previos adder.
Does anyone have a script sniplet of how i could do this.
Remember details from the form i.e. name, firstname should be added to a text file...

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User ID

How can I get the user information of the user as which the ASP script is being run?

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Get User Name With WIA

I am new to .NET and I am trying to get the user name from a kerberos ticket and I have no idea how to do that. There seems to be some ability to do it using WSE 2.0 but I cant really see why there is not an easier way. how to do this?

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I have a admin-page wich is username and password protection and Microsoft Access database with table called "member" and fields "username and "password" in it. I wan't to have a welcome message when user is successfully logged in so he/her can see for example "Welcome Chris". How to I do this?

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Create New User Using IIS/ASP

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2K server, and I want to have an ASP page that
creates new users. I have some simple code to test this, but am getting
a "500" error when I run it. The ASP looks like:


strDomain =""
strUser ="Foo1"

' Create new user with password
Set oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain)
Set oUser = oDomain.Create ("User", strUser)
oUser.SetPassword = "password"

Just for this testing, I've added IUSR_machinename to the Administrators
group, but am still getting the 500 error.

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Limit User

How can i limit the number of users on my .ASP page, i want only one user to
be using the page at a time,

The query i have on my page is big and takes a lot of my system resources.

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