User Registration Email

i have designed and implemented an asp site that allows users to register online and they decide what password they want , but i want to be able to include code that will send a mail to the user on registering thanking him/her for registering with the site.

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User Registration

I know this question in general has been asked before and various answers have been given, however is my case, none of the answers I found really apply.
This is the scenario - I have written a very small commercial program. This product will be available for payment and download electronically.
I generate a registration code at the time the program is paid for. And that registration code is stored in an access database on my web (external ISP) which is in a directory with read write modify permissions having been set. At the time the registration code is supplied, I log the IP address the user came from.
Now my question is this - when the user sets up the program (an asp application) the registration code is entered and stored in the users database. Now when the code is accessed, I would like the code on the users machine to access my database, and check the user registration details are the same - if they are not the same then the program becomes limited in its use. So what I am asking is how do I programatically allow external access to my database from another machine to achieve this ?

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User Registration And Login

how can create user registration page and log in page. does anyone have any tutorials on this, links?

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When User Clilck On Link Then Registration Page Open

user clicks the link which brings him/her to a secure page (let's call it page "X") which requires login session. If user is not logged in, he/she is redirected to a login page. how can I make user get redirected back to that original page (names "X") which threw him/her to login form?

I tried something like getting url name of page X and redirect to login with that name variable. After login, it gets redirected back to the page that sent variable. But it did not always work.

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ASP Email To Complete Registration

is this one possible with ASP?

"To complete your registration, click on the link below: "

if this is, can someone please explain how to do it?

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User Registration From One Server To Another Server

Previously I have canvassed a few way to get a registration code from one server to another - checking the results of the search and returning a function in a string tro be executed at the end. Well that worked until one of my beta testers decided that he would fiffle and get around the syste mmm...

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Get User Name From Email String

I need to get the userName from an Email address. For example, if the email is Join Bytes!, how can I can I get just the "username" part using the RIGHT() or LEFT() functions?

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Getting User Input Via Email

Does anyone know if its possible to create and email HTML
forms. Email recipients would then input information to
these forms in the same way that they would on a web
page. Pressing the submit button would mail the form
back, after which it would be separately submitted to an
ASP page on the web server for processing.

The main reason for this is so we don't have all the
issues associated with firewalls and security to deal
with. Our corporate mail servers will strip out viruses
so that not a problem.

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Tracking When A User Opens An Email?

I want to write an web mailing list application that will track and record when the subscriber:

1. opens the email
2. clicks through a URL in the email

Any ideas how this can be done?

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How To Send Automated Email To New User

How can I write a program to send automated email to user's email address after they registered to my site.

I want my email has HTML format or even links. Not just one sentence.
Once the user click on the link or reply this email, their registration will be complete.

I am using ASP with Access Database.

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Automated Generated Email - For User Password

Could anyone provide code that would generate an automated email containing a users password from a database when they submit there email address. Any good sites on the subject either!

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Auto Send Email To AOL User With CDO Message


Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig
cdoMessage.From = ""
cdoMessage.To = strEmail
cdoMessage.Subject = " User Registration"
cdoMessage.HTMLBody = "<html>" &_
"<body>" &_
"Hello "&strUName&"<br/><br/>" &_
"Thank you for registrating with Please activate your account by clicking the link below.<br/><br/>" &_
"<a href='"&strID&"'>Activate my account.</a>" &_
"<br/><br/>Thanks for your registration." &_
"<br/><br/><br/>Vincent" &_
"<br/><br/>Administrator of" &_
"</body>" &_
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing

I got return email that the mail fail to deliever to AOL user. I assuming AOL email doesn't accept ASP script embedded in the email?

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Email After User Submit Info. Online?

Currently I have online survey, which uses ASP and Access database. Now, I wanted a email send to the sender after they hit submit, what should I do? I don't know where to start! My server is running on WIN2000AdvanceServer.

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Grab Logged In User's Email Address

I have this asp page (see code below). It grabs the values from the previous page and populates the email which gets sent to the recipient from the person bidding on his product. I need to grab the bidder's email address (he is logged in when sending this email) from the database.

I can't seem to figure out the code for grabbing a logged in visitor's information from the database to display in the "From" field. Can anyone help? I need the code that grabs his email address, and the code that goes in the "mailer.from" variable to populate that field. Here's the code:

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User Informatio Send To Email Accout How Can

How can i send an Email using ASP, i mean, let's say a user is registering .I want to send him an email with his user info,is it Possible?

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ASP Page - Alerting User That They Have An Email On Our Exchange Server?

Is it possible to create an ASP page that can notify the user that they have an email on our Exchange server? And that will list the number of unread emails they have waiting in their inbox.

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When A User Register In Website Then All Informtion Send On His Email

I want an automatic email to send to a user when they register, the first page looks like this, i took away all the table information and what have you ....

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Need To Do 2 Tasks Based On User Click On Email Link

My app lists jobs for a recruiter. He wants to track members who have
replied directly to job postings. So instead of simply making the client's
email address an <a href="mailto:...> link, I need to do 2 things:

- add a record of their posting to a database table
- open the email client to the job

Howe do I do this? The first part is easy, but I don't know how to open the
email client in an ASP command (I don't really want to auto-sed email, just
open the client and let the user attach their resume and add their cover
latter). Do I have to get my Web Hosting company to install CDO, or is that
standard with all IIS? I get an error when I try to run 'Set MailObj =

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Registration Authentication??

I would like to be able to automatically authenticate a registration. Meaning:

A registration occurs
email is sent to registering party
Party clicks a link to authenticates.

or something to that effect.

Does anyone know where I can find something like this?

I would use a forum (i.e. webwiz, phpbb.....) the only problem is they are asking way too many questions for what I need.

I have built a database to hold the party's information, I have built an asp page with form that inputs the info I need into the DB, which all works, but now I would like to be sure that the person registering is a real person and it is a valid email address.

Any Ideas on how to get started?

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I am trying to figure out how to create a
registration form that can limit that amount of people who are signing
up for an event.

The form has to take in consideration the number of
guests the attendee is bringing table seating location. How can
interact with the database in order to do this. I know how to create a
form and send that information to a database.

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Registration Error

when i get a new user register, a confirmation email gets send with a link, the link to active the account is not working heres the code for the activation script, the red line is the error line the page returns Code:

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Registration Application

I am working to develop an event registration application. I have also been asked to research a possibly pre-made application. I have made 4 of these types of applications before but This one is the most complex I have ever done. So does nayone know where I can probably purchase a good application. I may not be able to get an ASP application so either ASP or PHP is fine.

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Registration Form

I am trying to use a form to write user registration information to my website, but I get the following error wwhen I submit the form:

Active Server Pages, ASP 0134 (0x80004005)
The object has an invalid ProgID of 'MSWC.MyInfo'.
//global.asa, line 1

What could be the problem?

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Redirect To Registration Page

how to force users from a common asp page to the registration page. Example:

Joe blow goes to abc.asp and has a look around. He never registers because there is nothing saying he should register before browsing. I want to force joe blow to register before browsing some pages.

What would an If statement look like in that case? On what object do you perform the check?

I know how to use a redirect statement, I don't know how to perform a check for prior registration or login. I would imagine the check should be the first call of the page?

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Volunteer Registration Script

I have searched the web high and low and have only found things that will not work. Does anyone out there know of a good script that will allow me to sign-up, track and maintain information on volunteers? Basically my organization has a very large warehouse, and we constantly need volunteers in to sort things. We ask them to sign-up for days that we have available and so on. I need it to have a calendar that we can pre-set limits on (i.e. days available and slots for volunteers available). I'm at a complete stand still and it's killing our 2 person staff

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Error On Registration Page

I have an Insert Into statement that is working well, but there is no form validation on the text boxes. Is there a "blanket" error check that I can add to the script that performs a data/number check before submitting to the Db?

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Online Registration Software

Our company will be hosting a conference soon,and I need a Online Registraion Software that can host by us in our own web server.Is there such software out there?

Our buget is around $500.Please let me know which one is good.That can save me a lot of time in searching.

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Protect Automated Registration

I have one registration form with "submit" button. I don't know how to make protection from automatic submit (with picture and security code)?

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Automated Registration Attack

when we register a email account, it hv a picture that got few words inside, n ask us to write the word to prevent automated registration attack. wat is this techinque called ? n anybody got this sample code ?

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Export Registration Information

i have registration page with customer can edit their details. i want to export registration info. as csv file. here is the screen shot. i want to export the registration records. but after the records are exported, they need to be flaged as exported. so next time when i export,i will only export the records which haven't been exported.

Also if people edit their profile (or so-called registration information), i need to change the flag to unexported So when customer exports the records next time, these edited records will also be exported. how to do it?

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Making A Registration Form

I have a few textbox to be filled in the form.

Fistname: (textbox)
Lastname: (textbox)

I would like to do some checking on user input when he/she submit the form.

Fistname: BBB 'error
Lastname: bbb 'correct

If there happens to be error on the user input (eg. user input in uppercase), it will go back to the form and list the errors.

For those error input, their respective textbox will be cleared for user to re-enter again. For those which is correct, the user input is displayed in the textbox (remained unchange). Code:

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ASP Rookie Trying To Make Registration Page

I need to make a registration page for a community service volleyball
tournament our organization is doing. I am VERY NEW to ASP.
Would the easiest way to make it be just doing it on frontpage (where i
just lay out the form and save it as an .ASP file) and then changing
the form properties so that the results are sent to the access file?
I read that you could make aso forms on frontpage and it just seemed
too easy. Do these really work or will I still need to go back and
edit some code?

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ADSI - Trying To Enable A User - The User Add Works Very Well

I have written an ASP.NET 2.0 application that uses Active Directory or ADAM
to manage account users - the site has a page that allows people to create an
account (much like any site). The page populates the AD with all the
information and the user account but I am unable to enable the account.
Microsoft has information on how to do that here -->
(the sample is for Visual Basic) - and I am unable to complete the bottom
portion of the script. Can some one point me in the right direction - or can
you tell me how I can add a snippet of VBscript code to an ASP.NET page.

I am using the Active DS Type library - not sure why there are multiple ones
(System.DirectoryServices) but it is rather confusing - I seem to accomplish
one thing with one and another with the other (they did have trouble
co-existing however). Anyway my script works very well but I am not able to
access the properties required to enable the account.

Here is a simple version (no error checking) of the code.....

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