Username Lookup For Protected Directories

I need to look up what user name was used to login to a protected directory using ASP.

I don't want to create a login page, etc. It shouldn't be necessary. Only employees who already have user accounts need to log in to the webapp and the protected directory login box is all the security I need. I just need to be able to access the username that they used in my application. Code:

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DNS Lookup

I have a web page that queries a database returning a recordset containing a whole series of URLs (host headers).

I want to display these in a table with one of the columns holding the current I.P. address for each URL. I know how to get a list of these IP addresses from the cmd prompt using "nslookup" but I'm absolutely clueless how to get hold of these values in my ASP page. I'm limited to the fact that this must be only ASP (VBScript, not .NET),
i.e. I can't call install any components.

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Zipcode Lookup

Looking for a source for data and/or algorithm that would allow me to enter
a zipcode and find - in our case - every car dealership that sells, say,
Chevy's in that zipcode - if not there, then what about adjacent
zipcodes..? - in an ever expanding circle outward, and return a list of
those zipcodes.
In my database, I've already got the car dealers and available makes. What
I need is the zipcode "map" reference.

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Password Lookup

I need help with a simple (well not so simple for me) password lookup script that will email a user their pw when they put their email in an input box. I have the db set up and the connection enabled but need some help w/ figuring out how to set it up to mail these out.

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Page Lookup

On the top of my page i want to check what page the user has come from, as if they havent come from two pages i wanted them to, i need to redirect them. Alot of people are bookmarking my site with a page that causes errors. Any ideas?

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DNS Lookup Error

DNS Lookup Error.This error resulted in the web browser that my user was using and this is details:"The URL you requested could not be retrieved because the named server is not registered in the domain name services. Please check the URL and try again."
I've checked with the user and find no fault with the URL address. What could possibly be wrong?

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Text Lookup

Is there a way that we can search a remote web page for a specific line of text?We can check if a specific URL exist using the "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" object witch works just fine, but is there anyway we can search the page for text using this same object.

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Performing Database Lookup

Does anyone know of a pure ASP way of doing this?I am displaying the results of a large recordset and at the moment it looks like the page is not doing anything.I have a solution using an image and some javascript, f there was a way of doing it in ASP, perhaps using the response buffer?

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OnChange Lookup ASP Recordset

I have a form on a webpage that someone enters a number (SponsorID).
After then enter that SponsorID into the form, I need to somehow query
my SQL database and find the record that has the same ID as the
SponsorID entered into the form and return the SponsorName (and write
it out on the page using a <div> tag or something of the like) WITHOUT
reloading the entire page (because I will loose the other information
already input on this page).

Now, I don't necessarly have to query the database, I *could* create
an Array when the page loads, using ASP, that will contain the
SponsorIDs and the SponsorNames and then compare the SponsorIDs within
that array with the number that was entered on the form.

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Lookup In Multiple Tables

I just received a database schema from our dba and was given the task of doing a look up of several fields & then doing several specific tasks, depending on the information. I know how to do a lookup and an if statement for 1 table, but how do I handle a lookup in multiple tables and also do an if statement based on multiple tables?

For example, there would be a customerid, which is in the customer table; support is in the support table; and customertype in the type table.

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ASP: Exchange 2003 Free/Busy Lookup

I'm trying to get a users free/busy status from exchange from within a website and using the code below, but when I run this a login page from MS Outlook Web Access is retrieved from the server rather than a XML file containing the users free/busy status for the specified time period.

I've spent all day looking for solutions to this but I'm stumped. I have been looking for an Exchange newsgroup but there doesn't seam to be one, does anyone know if i can post this some where else to get a response from an Exchange expert.

The Server is 2003, with Exchange 2003. Code:

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Comma Delimited List & Lookup Table

I have a sql server 2000 table with a comma delimited list of ids. there is a seperate lookup table with a desc for each id.

I need for this data to be retuned in the same order in which the data was entered into the database. right now it is returning ordered by the id from the lutable.

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Database Lookup In A Javascript Function *before* Displaying The Error

Is it possible to do a database lookup in a javascript function *before* displaying the error alert?

We want to do a database table lookup first and get a BETTER error message based on the text field throwing the error.

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I know how to copy files from one location to another but how would I go
about copying a file from one directory into serveral - or actually all
subdirectories in a single action? Some kind of loop

Basically I want to be able to enter a filename into a text field and click
submit which would then copy the named file (which resides in the root
directory) into every subdirectory under the root (1 level only). Would be
helpful to be able to specify mutliple files to be copied at once.

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Protected Download Of Files...

I am creating a series of downloadable articles, career
tools, spreadsheets, etc. However, some of the content is
for "registered" guest. The registrants are stored in a
database and logon.

I want to ensure that someone registered cannot simply
pass someone the path to the files for download. However,
I am not creating an actual system user name for the
folders where the various documents exist.

I don't want someone to logon, retrieve the path to a
file, and be able to send that path or return to that path
without having to logon.

How do I accomplish this?

Consider the following:
serverroot/registeredcontentfolders would be protected by
a single logon name - not accessible via anonymous
access. User's logon to site and I auth them with their
user name but on the server side, auth with the single
account I am establishing for access to the protected

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Password Protected Pages

I have a site that is using .asp mainly for SSI. There is a login section where the user types in their login and password, and this allows access to the member area of the site. So far so good. However, once in the member area, the user could bookmark that page and get back to it anytime without having to login again. Therefore, they could just email the link to friends and anybody could access it. (and yes, if they wanted they could email the login and password - but I can't stop that). I have another site that uses a single login/password to access restricted areas, but it's done with .php Any ideas about a quick code insert that could use their login/password to gain access (per session) to a certain file folder.I hope it's not an obvious answer

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Calling A Protected Page?

How do I call a page in a password protected directory? In other words, I had my admin make a directory protected with authentix and now I want to use a page outside that directory to call a page inside that directory. How can I do this

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Password Protected Directory

how to password protect a directory (downloads) on a Windows NT Server? UNIX is a breeze. It seems like you need an Act of God to get Windows to do the same?

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Open ACCESS DB Protected

How can i open an Acces Database protected by password in ASP ? To open a Acces Database without password, my code is :

conn.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(".") & "d1.mdb" & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" ...

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Protected Directory Redirect

Im running a site on IIS6 and its got a link to a protected directory.. Authentication required, so user enters their username and password and it gives them access to the directory.

now however we want to use the same link but different users.. so whoever clicks the button it prompts for login information but then redirects them to their own directory per their username/password. any ideas for me to investigate ? maybe an index.asp that waits for username and then redirects ? is there a simpler way ?

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Pass Protected Docs.

I have pass protected files within a directory adequately and included a function that ensures the http_referer is the secured folders index file so that I can be sure the file they are calling is opened up as an include within the index file.

My problem is what if it is a pdf or word doc or pp file. It is a bit of a training directory and they may use various forms of presentations. Now in cold fusion I can control the whole directory by implementing the application.cfm file but I know of no way in asp to do this.

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Password Protected Area

I have created a password protected area on my website using session variable. I used a pre-programmed package on the internet using ASPLogin not the very expensive company software- another more basic type from another company! A user can log in OK for the first time, however, when he/she next visits within a couple of days or more the login screen says that they are already logged in., and because of this, they cannot log in and have to wait for the session variable to expire.

I am using both Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer and both are having the same problem. I am not too sure of what is going wrong here, as ideally, each time they have logged out I would like them to log back in OK again.

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Seeing Directories Using ObjFileScripting

I found this script on the web that I've adapated a little to see the files I put into a directory. However it doesn't see any sub directories. Does anyone have any idea how i can point to a directory and list everything, including the directories? Code:

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Directories And Security

It's funny that this has not been invented yet, or has it?:
You store your DB outside your default website.
It is accessed only through your ASP code and a ODBC-connection.
This way your DB is not obtainable for the web user.
Why doesn't Any One create a connection corresponding to ODBC, lets call it
FileConnect that in the same way allows us, in a web site, to have directories
and files that are really hidden?

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Virtual Directories

In php you can have a script like: http://localhost/page/parameter1/parameter2
where page is acually a php script and the script gets the parameters in $PATH_INFO

I need something similar in asp. If possible without modifying any settings on IIS.
Here is a tutorial on how to do it in php.

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Uploading To Different Directories

I am trying to set SA-Fileup to filter the files that are uploaded based on the name of file selected in the form. I am able to get it to work on Filetype, but I need it to do it on Filename is not Filetype. where I can find something on this?

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Looping Through Directories

i have a subdomain on my works server that i use to store different stuff on, like different projects that i'm working on. They are all set up in their own folders, for example,, etc etc. (all the folders have different names).

What i want to do is to create an index page on that will list out all of the folders. I dont have any access to the server workings so this all has to be done with a script.

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Global.asa And Sub-directories

My global.asa maintains some stats for me. However when I put part of my site in a sub-directory it appears to run the global.asa file from the sub-directory when I am accessing content in that sub-directory. This makes all the paths specified in global.asa wrong.

I can understand that it runs, since it is application driven and all sub-directories will be part of the same app, but I can't understand it running in a different directory to where is resides.

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Creating Directories

Is it possible to create a directory in ASP? If possible, how?

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Create Password Protected Website !

I am trying to create a website where user is required to login first
to view members page.

I want user to come to my website. They can move around in free
sections where I give examples of the lessons that are to be taught.
But if they need to few the whole lesson then I want them to signup
first. Signup is free.

I want to use ASP to do that.

if you know any tutorial or have an example which tells how to do
that, please let me know.

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Listing All Files In A Protected Directory

I know how i can list and manage files (with the file object) on a normal directory with ASP. But i couldn't find any information on how do i list/work with files which are locaed on a password protected directory (with basick auth). how to make such a task ?

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Logout For Protected Directory Login .

the hosting control panel gives the ability ot make a login for the directory you want to secure , but i want to make a logout for this login , how could this be done ?

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Protected Folder Login Details

I have a folder that is protected, the users login with their unique
username and password, these are held in a text file.

Is this information logged in a way that I can use the login name as a
variable for use on my page, such as if I login as Jon the page can display
"Logged in: Jon"

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