Using ASP To Trigger OnChange

I don't think this is possible, but thought I would ask. Is there a way to trigger an onChange event. I have a couple of radio buttons and use ASP to change them at somepoint. When it does I want to trigger the onChange.

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How To Trigger OnChange Or OnClick Events For Multiple Rows In Table??

I can trigger these events successfully if table only has one row:

Sub InputField_OnChange()
End Sub

But, these events cannot be fired if table has more than one row, why?

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I need 2 colums of one table to equal the value of 2 columns on another
table any time data is inserted there. Never messed with a trigger
before so I'm want to get help so I dont screw something up.

table - dbo.lotinfo

column - idrma
column - idlot

table - dbo.lotbd

column - idrma
column - idlot

anytime lotinfo has data inserted in the above columns I need the
respective columns in lotbd to equal the same thing automatically.

Any professional advise out there for a begginer with this subject?

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About Asp And Trigger

can i send a parameter to my asp page when a trigger event occured?

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Trigger Of SQL Server

I did read Andrew's article about SQL Server trigger.
After a 'Insert' trigger is fired,is there any way we can modify newly
added data in virtual 'Insert' table before put them to the database?

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Trigger ASP Page

I was wondering if it is possible calling an ASP page automatically at a certain time. Kind of how a job is scheduled in SQL Server.

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Trigger A Request* With ASP Code

Is there any way's to trigger a reguest to some URL (+ some parameters) with ASP code and wait for the response - similar to PHP's fopen

PS. response.redirect is not what I'm looking for.

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Trigger Periodic Script

How would i go about triggering a script to run automatically every so many days on my server? Is there somekind of clock or timer function that i could use to trigger an asp script to run on my server every so many days without my intervention? This would be for database cleaning and a few other things.

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Scheduled Trigger Of An ASP Page?

I have access to an ASP based system where a supervisor has to periodically
"press the button" to generate a list based on a database held behind the
webserver. Unfortunately, people being what they are, this is sometimes
forgotten so I'm investigating whether this can be automated.

My hands are tied slightly in that I can access the webpages themselves,
most of which contain ASP, and I can run something on the surpervisor's PC,
for example via "Task Scheduler" to download pages. But what tool should I
use? I can't see any way of triggering Internet Explorer is "automated
mode" to just trigger the page so is there some tool specifically designed
for this job? Code:

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When Does The Application_OnStart Event Trigger

In the global.asa file, when does the Application_OnStart event trigger?

Is it:-

1. When the webserver starts or
2. When the website is first accessed AFTER the webserver has started.

Further to this when would the Application_OnEnd trigger?

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How To Trigger External Lamp Kit By Using ASP Codes?

I am studying Programming and Computer Engineering and got an assignment. I made a lamp kit and a program, but I now need to integrate both by using ASP. So, when somebody is in the ASP page and presses a certain button, the lamp needs to automatically switch on (or off).

This of course not only applies to a lamp but should be used for different devices. The logic is that no matter where you are or what time it is, you can remotely switch devices on or off using ASP.

My question is: What codes do I need to make this work? And what are the steps to follow?

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SQL SERVER Trigger Returning Message

I want to put insert trigger on my sql server database and showing the error result on invalid insert on the ASP page that is trying to insert the record.

Is this possible?

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Session Variable For A Sequel Trigger

Is there away to capture a session variable value from IIS and use it in a SQL 2000 trigger with out passing it as a part of a string query. I just want to capture it somehow systemically.

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how can i get a listbox to submit once the user has selected from it (ie without a submit button)

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I need to populate two select boxes So that on selecting value from one select box, the values in second select box will be populated. eg
in first select box i m having the list of all project of which a particular user is manager or co-manager.
Query1 :"select Project from tab1 where manager = ('" & userid & "')"

on selecting any project from this list it should populate the second selectbox with workgroups that are associated with selected project from selectbox one.
Query :"Select workgroup from tab2 where projectid = "

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In my form i have three combo boxes, all the values in combo box comes from database, Second combo box values will come according to the value selected in first combo box, third combo box values will come according to the value selected in second combo box, i think i have explianed it clearly.

first combo consists of brands which are in database, according to the brand selected categories(second combo box) values should come from database, according to the category selected products(third combo box) values should come from database

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Onchange SQL

Is there a way to run a SQL script from a onchange event in a form table.

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i have this code on my combo to make it reload the page to run the querys onchange='submit();' but i also need to set a variable like var=0 with the onchange function.

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OnChange Events

I have a list box that has a list of names, and i want when the user selects the name to bring some information from the database and put it below the drop down box. I think i need to use an onchase event but how do i get the page to refresh to show the new data, suggestions or examples woudl be great.

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Firing OnChange

A drop down list is populated with certain values from the database and when the selection is changed the post is posted back to itself and ceratin other processing takes place on the same page, based on the selected value.
I have modified the code to make a default list item selection (using option selected etc. ) when the page loads the 1st time. I also want the onChange event to fire the 1st time (by taking this default selected item) on page load, not just when user makes a selection from the list.

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Javascript Onchange

Dynamic select menu, the moment i select the required item i want to populates two textboxes with some other data.

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An Onchange Identifier

I have several Lists with onchange=submit, so, as you select "Country", the form submits, and "State" list changes, and so onwards.

If I have several lists, How can I know wich list submitted the form in asp? (the list should be the same that was last changed by the user).

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Use Onchange Event

I wrote this code:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Write "<SELECT id=Customer name=Customer
Response.Write "<OPTION value=1>One"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=2>Two"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=3>Three"
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write "<INPUT type=""text"" id=text152 name=text152>"
Response.Write "<BR>"

But change the SELECT,onchange event not been called

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OnChange Event

When a user changes the value in a select statement, I would like to update the recordset using a onchange event. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Would like to stay away from forms if possible.

<select style="width: 200px; font-size: 10px;" name="selStat" size="1">
<option value="<% = rs("Status") %>"><% =rs("Status") %></option>
<option value="CLOSED">CLOSED</option>

sql="UPDATE dbE SET Status = 'CLOSED' WHERE EMAILid = 25"

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Select Box Onchange

I have a select box where the user select a branch and using the onchange, show up another select box in the same page, containing all the users within that branch. this sounds easy but I just can't get round to it.

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Dynamic Select And OnChange

I have a Dynamic drop-down box that is populated based on a ADO query. This works fine. I want to capture the users selection and assign it to a variable for use in another query.

I am using the onChange event to try and capture the users selection but it always passes the last entry in the drop-down list not what the user selects. I am very new to ASPJscriptVbscript. A snippent of the code is below.

<select name="cur_mgr"

<option value=""></option>

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Combo Box Using OnChange Event

I am working on an asp page and am having trouble with several things. First, I connect to Oracle and populate a combobox with the field values. No problem there. The next thing I want to do then using the onchange event is update 2 textboxes with the min and max (on same form) with the min and max values from the database. The form is created dynamically using vbscript. When the user changes the value in the combo box I need the text boxes to automatically update with the min/max values. Thoughts?

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OnKeyPress And OnChange Not Working Together

i got 3 text field in my program, first, second and sum. user enter in 2 number and sum will automatically displayed in sum text box. i use event onKeyPress to control user enter in number only. and onChange to auto calculate the sum of first and second. Code:

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Using Onchange With Option Lists

I am trying to take actions using onchange with an option list without success.

I am not able to fully populate the list without a bad bad behavior (the list is not getting populated)

What I am looking for, is being able to call a sub procedure each time a new item in the list is selected (of course after it has been populated)

Below some of the code: ....

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OnChange Event To A Textbox

I have a drop down menu and it is populated with different subdivisions...Those subdivisions are associated with an ID. I need a drop down box that once the subdivision is selected it will change the ID in a hidden textfield. Any thoughts or ideas on how to do this?

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Function From OnChange Event

I am trying to use the following code to call a function staffname() and nothing happens when called. What's wrong with my code? What is the proper way to call a function?

<select name="staffname" size="1" onchange="staffname()">
<option value="#"><-- Please select your name --> </option>
<%while not rs_staff.eof%>
<option value="<%=rs_staff("StaffID")%>"><%=rs_staff("StaffName")%></option>
%> </select>

<script language="vbscript">
Function staffname()
alert("hello") End Function

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OnChange Event For Select

I need to update a variable based on the value that is selected in a drop down. This is nothing special, just cant seem to wrap me head around it.

response.write "<select name=mySelect onChange=???></Select<"

Response.Write CreateInput ("hidden", "Name", lFacilityName, "") & CRLF

I want to change the value of "Name" whenever the value in mySelect changes.

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OnChange Lookup ASP Recordset

I have a form on a webpage that someone enters a number (SponsorID).
After then enter that SponsorID into the form, I need to somehow query
my SQL database and find the record that has the same ID as the
SponsorID entered into the form and return the SponsorName (and write
it out on the page using a <div> tag or something of the like) WITHOUT
reloading the entire page (because I will loose the other information
already input on this page).

Now, I don't necessarly have to query the database, I *could* create
an Array when the page loads, using ASP, that will contain the
SponsorIDs and the SponsorNames and then compare the SponsorIDs within
that array with the number that was entered on the form.

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