Using CDONTS To Logon The IIS SMTP Server

Is it possible to logon to the SMTP server that comes with IIS from a machine other than the actual server. Ideally I would want to put some VB Script in an SQL Server Job Schedule or an ASP page that uses CDONTS and use it to pull the emails into the database. The SQL Server is on another machine on the network. Is this viable.

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Web Forms And SMTP On Server 2003 (CDONTS)

Not sure which forum this belongs in, so here it is here as well as in the IIS forum

I am migrating a Windows 2000 Server Web Server with an older version of IIS to a new Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0.....Everything is working properly accept web forms which simply send an email via a SMTP service installed in IIS:

this is the code: ....

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Iis 5.0 - Smtp Virtual Server - Smtp Problem

I am working on a listing for sending emails via CDONTS component...

I have installed SMTP service on my machine and tried running the sample code....No errors appear, yet no mail is sent in the long run...All necessary services are up and running (IIS Admin, WWW and SMTP).

Another thing is that i have checked to see if Default SMTP Virtual Server is listed under the Internet Services Manager pane tree, but nothing seems to be there except Default FTP Site and Default Web Site....

The question might seem silly i have to have a Mail Server installed.....?

How can i determine the cause that prevents the mail from being sent...Logs don't help much....Is there a way to detect the actual presence of the component...?

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I'm having problems getting the virtual SMTP server (in IIS) from
sending an email message that was created from an ASP script. The messages
are stored in the InetspbmailrootQueue directory but the computer isn't
sending these messages to the Internet.

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I get the permission denied error, so I know its a permissions problem on the mailroot folder.

My question is then, if my site is being hosted, would it matter what the permissions
of the folder on my local computer are? Or would I have to call my host and ask him to make the appropriate permission changes?

And if you could tell me what exactly I need to ask/tell the host, if that is the case,
so that I don't have to call a million times.

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Using External SMTP Server Vs. IIS SMTP Server

Our network administrator does not want to install the IIS SMTP server on
our intranet. He wants me to use our existing SMTP server
"". Can I do this with IIS?? Is this a setting in an
ASP if I'm not running the IIS SMTP server?

We are running on Windows 2000 SP4 with IIS5.

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Cdonts, Iism Smtp Issue?

I wrote a simple asp script that'll send an email to myself. Unfortunately, all the emails are stuck in the smtp queue. This happens when I try and send an email to addresses in our company domain. If I send to yahoo, gmail or anywhere else I do not have any issues..

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Sending Form Via Email - CDONTS / SMTP

I have Road Runner cable internet access and Im working in a local development environment (writing .ASP) and have a site running on my network on a windows xp pro machine via IIS with CDONTS installed.

When I try to send a confirmation email (simple text) via CDONTS the message is built but remains on the server in the QUEUE folder ... how can I tweak the SMTP settings on the server to allow me to send email out from the server...

just the occassional test as I develop sites - not looking to spam and have a fairly full featured router to block external access to SMTP machine so its not abused.

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How Do I Install/find SMTP To Send Web Mails Using CDO/CDONTS In XP Pro?

I want to send e-mails from my asp pages but don't know how to achieve that. I have tried to create CDO/CDONTS server objects but without luck. I guess I don't have SMTP installed or not configured appropriately.

Can you help me here? What do I need to do (and if complicated how is it done) to get an SMTP server up an running?

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SMTP Server

Another newbie's questions

How do I find my STMP server ( I need it to use AspSmartMail)?

My web site is being hosted on a .com , do I have to ask them? Or can I find it by myself.

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Specify Smtp Server

anyone know if this is possible? I need to specify a different one than the default.

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ASP Emails Without SMTP Server?

Anyone has ideas how to send an email through ASP without having an SMTP server? I'm currently building a website which needs emails to be sent when users submits a form, however the web space provider doesn't not have an SMTP server. I'm now using CDO on my local testing server (with SMTP installed) and it works, but I just don't know how to get it working after uploading it because the remote server hasn't got SMTP on it.

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CDO - And Remote SMTP Server

1. I wonder, why do I need to add the following lines when sending forms through mail, using CDO component?

2. If I remove these lines and the form is still submitted as it should, and I get the mail as a result as it should, does it mean I do not need these lines?

3. In other words - How do I know if an SMTP service is installed on the local server, and not in another network (besides asking the admin)? Code:

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Exchange Server For SMTP

I have no knowledge of Exchange server, and have always used CDO to send emails from ASP in the past. the server in question doesn't have SMTP installed alongside IIS, it has Exchange installed which apparantly does have SMTP capabilities but not like the default ones normally accessbile via IIS.

Has anyone ever used this approach to sending emails? I'm hoping that I dont need a component or anything else, just some changes to my existing email code.

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Using SMTP/server-side Email

Is it possible to set up server-side mail services such that when someone
e-mails to a certain address, the contents attached to that mail are
processed and the processed content is returned to the user, again, as an
attachment?I installed a server-side component for managing graphics. "Wouldn't it be
nice," thought I, "if untutored staff could email graphics to a certain
e-mail address to have them resized and returned to them.")
I understand how to handle the graphics processing and the sending. I don't
understand how to set things up so that e-mailing to a certain address will
trigger the start of an application. Ideally you could do this all within
ASP. Is this possible?

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Programatic Feedback From An Smtp Server

I have an application which sends emails. Currently we use the mailenable web server.
If an email is not sent successfully then we want to update the email address in our database as unreacheable automatically.

In other words we want a mail server that when it gives up sending an email will do an http post, or will somehow communicate with our software so that we can update our database. if ther is a mailserver which will do this?

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Declare Smtp Server When Send Email

My question is do ASP need to declare smtp server when send email using CDonts function?

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Adding Smtp Server Settings To CDOSYS

i am having trouble getting CDOSYS to work, i have just changed from CDONTS (which was working fine), because i want to be able to email a webpage as my body Code:

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CDONTS On WIN2003 Server,

I am moved to WIN2003 Server, and the server admin is saying CDONTS is no more supportable on Win2003 I don't like the CDOSYS

and tell me in detail what I need to do to get the CDONTS on my win2003

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CDONTS And Windows Server 2003 / IIS 6

I just set up an acct. with godaddy for a shared virtual dedicated server using Windows 2003 and IIS 6. None of my ASP scripts work to send emails using CDONTS. Research took me to how to install the cdonts.dll file and after doing so I don't get the error about not being able to create an ojbect but rather that of permissions on the line that has the .send. Other research led to me believe that windows 2003 does not support cdonts at all? I'd prefer to use CDO but I was told by Godaddy that the script below is not supported on a shared server - Code:

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CDONTS Not Working On W2000 Server

I am trying to run a test sending mail using CDONTS on my W2K3 machine.

It works fine running from my WXP Pro, but I don't recieve the mail if
run the W2K3 machine.

Both machines have IIS configured essentially the same. Code:

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Some one has posted this question on 10th August, as CDONTS is not working
on windows 2003 serever. I have the same problem and I copied CDONTS.DLL
from Windows 2000 Server and registered on Win 2003 server but it giving the
error on line when I calling method send of the object.

Error is
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

I tried to register CDONTS as COM+ with Admin user right to execute but it
still giving same error.

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Cdonts Using Exchange Server- Configuration

I am having a problem here to send my asp form to my email! I am using CDONTS under w2k and IIS! when i submit the form, all of the message (that suppose to go to my email), went to the queue folder under wwwroot!! nothing appear to my yahoo email also...
that means that my script is working...but only the configuration is need to be adjust here!

the thing is that i dont know how to configure, setup or setting the configuration for Exchange server! since my organization uses exchange server instead of the SMTP!

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CDONTS And Windows Server 2003

if I can use CDONTS in W 2003 Server environment to send emails the same way it is used in W2K Server. I have heard that CDONTS is no longer available in W 2003 Server and if so, how can I send emails from ASP page.

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How To Replace CDONTS With CDOSYS And Set The Server Name Property

I was told that I need to replace CDONTS with CDOSYS. Code:

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CDONTS.NewMail.1 Error '80020009' Unable To Connect To Server

I get the follow error on a linux box that is running sun asp:

CDONTS.NewMail.1 error '80020009' unable to connect to server

The error occurs when the Send Command is Executed. Here is my code:

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I require a utility in ASP which has to logon to another site, with my username and password and grab the content of thet page
any restriction will be there in the server preventing these type of access. how to authenticate ? will it work in the secure sites?

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How Can I Get The Logon Name?

I'm using Basic Authentication for my web site - not great I know but I'm
having to support devices like the Nokia 9210i which dosn't seem to like the
digest information for windows domain servers.

The question is that I would like to be able to somehow capture that logon
username/id so that I can use it within the web site to track changes made
by the user.

I've thought about switching off authentication all together
and writing my own logon asp page (query to an SQL database or something and
then store the result in a session variable), but if I can somehow capture
and access the basic authentication information, it would save me some work.

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ASP Logon Script

I have a working basic login script that processes an Access database to see if the username and password is correct then logs in if so and passes through to a members area.
However, what stops anyone from just downloading the database and opening it (altho the database can be passworded admittedly).Is there a way to make the database more secure, or to allow login from a more secure system?

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Logon To IIS Site Via ASP

I'm using an online app made with asp which authenticates login with a MS Access Database and then redirects the user to a URL corresponding to the entry for the logon credentials in the database.

The url has anonymous browsing disabled, thus I need to pass a username and password to the iis server when the user is redirected to this site.

This process must be automatic and not visible to the client logging on.

Can this login info be passed to the iis server via ASP code, and if so can you help me with necessary code snippets ?

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Windows Logon Name

I am setting up an intranet application and would like to get access to the users windows network log on user name. I have turned on "windows authentication" for the
application. I was hoping to find it with the server variables, however the LOGON, AUTH and REMOTE users were blank.

I then created a WindowsIdentity object, the name I found there was MAC-WEBASPNET which is a generic user account name. What am I missing here?

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LOGON Question

We are currently moving our site, while doing this we are now going to make people logon to our site (if your name is not in our IIS you can not get in), while doing that we are having another company keep our files on thier site (they maintain our files .)

The company is letting us copy thier logon code and paste it into one of our frames for our site so that it just looks part of our site. Is there a way that when they log on to our site that thier user names and passwords (same as our sites) for the other company will automaticlly go into the user name and password. Code:

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How To Get NT Logon User Id

I am trying the following code to retrieve the user id of the NT logon user. Code:

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