Using CDOSYS To Email Form Results

Can someone please tell me if its possible to create an instance of CDOSYS (to send an emails) on one host and have the email sent from another host.. or are there obvious gaps in my understanding of what takes place when one tries to send an email using CDOSYS or CDONTS?

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ASP Email Form And CDOSYS Ain't Working

I contacted my hosting people and they said they're running Windows 2003, which uses CDOSYS and not CDONT. So, I followed the advice on the sitepoint site for converting to CDOSYS and have concocted the following script: ....

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Contact Form Sending Through Email Using Cdosys

I am new to asp i am facing in sending the contact form sending through email using cdosys the following is the code server space work on Microsoft Windows 2003 w/IIS 6.0.

When i press send button i get a error as The page cannot be displayed and HTTP 500 - Internal server error .....

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Changing CDONTS Email Form To CDOSYS

i recently finished a tutorial on cdonts and finished putting together the page and form etc. now ive been reading and it seems cdonts is being discontinued and cdosys is taking over. does this mean that my cdonts will not work and i have to trnasfer it to cdosys ?

how can i transfer it to cdosys ? or do i have to make a completely new mail script?

Code: ....

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Email ASP Form Results

The first page you come to in my Web application is default.asp. This gives
the user the ability to click on a drop down menu and choose a prior date
( to update or add info) or they may simply choose to add a new date and
info. They click on submit and it sends the info to the database and opens
up another page called updateproduction.asp. This page shows the results
from default.asp plus other calculations. I have a button on
updateproduction.asp that says "Send Email". When I click on that I want
the user to be able to send a copy of the updateproduction.asp page to
several email accounts. I currently have tried using CDONTS and can click
on the "Send Email" button to send a test email with html (Simply "You have
sent a successful email" in the body) with success.

If I can't send the asp page, is there a way to save the asp page to an htm
page in the code? This would allow me to send a link out to everyone
instead of the actual page.

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How To Email ID # With Form Results

I have an asp form. The results of the form both populate a database (thus generating a unique id #) and also get emailed. I now need to send the unique id in the email. How do I do this if the id is being created concurrently with the email? Code:

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Using ASP.NET To Send Form Results To An Email

I have 2 part question: I have an html form: I created that has to have SSL on it. The form also includes a confirmation page to the user after the submit button is hit. However, I have been informed because I used Front Page to create the form, the SSL doesn't work with Front Page's form handler. So I want to know if I can use ASP.NET to create the form and without any conflicts with SSL? Also, I want to find out if all the form objects (form fields, text box fields) have to be coded as ASP.NET objects or can I keep the html form objects and just use ASP.NET code to send the form to an email address and to then send the confirmation page to the user? In other words do I have use ASP.NET code for the whole form?

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Email Results And Send To DB (form)

Can I send a form to the DB and email it at the same time? How do I do that?

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Format Email Form Results


Mail.Subject = "Website - Account"
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Company Name: " & Request.Form("compname") & vbCrLf
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Company Address: " & Request.Form("compadd") & vbCrLf
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Business Nature: " & Request.Form("businessnature") & vbCrLf

i would just like to know how i can add bold/underline and line breaks in this email because at the moment it just displays the email like this..

this: this thing
this: this thing... etc

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Form Setup To Send The Results To An Email Address

I have a webpage with ASP that is a form. I have the form setup to send the results to an email address (using the Frontpage feature). We have published the page to the web, but it will not send email. It simply does nothing. This is the code:

<form name="Datasheet" method="POST" action="DataSheet.asp" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE"
S-Email-Address="" B-Email-Label-Fields="TRUE" S-Builtin-Fields startspan -->

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Email & CDOSYS

does anyone know why the code below wont work ?

It doesnt thow any errors, but no email is being sent!

'-------- now use CDOSYS to send email because im using IIS5.1
Dim objConfiguration
Dim objFields
Dim objMessage
Set objConfiguration = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set objFields = objConfiguration.Fields
With objFields
.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
.Item(cdoSMTPServer) ="localhost"
.Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25
.Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoBasic
End With

Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With objMessage
Set .Configuration = objConfiguration
.From = ""
.To = ""
.Subject = "Here comes a Subject"
.TextBody = "Here is a text body"
End With
Set objMessage = Nothing
Set objConfiguration = Nothing

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CDOSYS: No Email Is Getting Sent

I am trying CDOSYS code to send out email. The problem is when I try to send email to gmail and hotmail account, it never works. Means, no email appears at gmail and hotmail account. But when I send it to yahoo mail, it works.

I run the code at localhost. I use Win XP Pro. I just wonder why this happen.
Can someone explain to me?

Below is the code that Im trying out: ....

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How can you create a hyperlink in the HTML body of CDOsys email? Line 7 is a link for, but the asp page does not work.

Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMessage.Subject ="Test Page - File upload"
objMessage.Sender = "" & Request.Form("email1") & ""
objMessage.To =""
objMessage.HTMLBody = "Email: " & Request.Form("email1") & vbCrLf & _
"Confirmation #: " & Request.Form("ConfirmID") & vbCrLf & _
"<a href="">yahoo</a>" & vbCrLf & _
"FileName: " & Request.Form("file1") & vbCrLf & _
"Name: " & Request.Form("Name") & vbCrLf

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Sending Email Using CDOSYS

I used the below code to try and send an e-mail. On my local machine (XP machine) using IIS, the e-mail got generated and was placed in this folder.


So I am assuming the mail got generated correctly and the reason the e-mail did not get sent is that I do not have SMTP setup in my IIS. Do you agree with this statement? The reason I asked that is because I am not sure if I have SMTP setup or not in IIS and I am not sure how I check that.

To continue, I migrated my code up to the production web server and I tried executing it there. I have some display.write statements and they all were displayed so again, I am assuming the mail got generated correctly.

The problem is that the e-mail was not sent (or at least I am assuming it did not because I do not see the e-mail in my inbox).

I have never generated an e-mail before so this process is new to me. My code will be attached below but I was trying to understand some basic concepts.

-If I get my code to work on my local machine thru IIS, should it then also work in the production environment?

-It seems like I am calling so pretty specific components for the configuration settings. Is this the correct way to handle this?

-If you are familiar with this type of code, have I implemented this correctly? I would assume I have not since an e-mail is not getting set.....

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I have a form that needs to handle international characters withing the UTF-8
character set. I have tried all the recommended strategies for getting utf-8
characters from form input to email message and I cannot get it to work. I
need to stay with classic asp for this.

Here are some things I tried:

Call msg.SetLocaleIDs(65001)

msg.HTMLBodyPart.Charset = "utf-8"

I included the following meta tag in the email HTML:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

I also tried modifying the CharSet and CodePage of all involved Request and

I was able to Response.Write the form content on post back to the screen and
it was properly rendered. However, none of my efforts can get the email to
render with the correct codebase. I have tried opening the email in Outlook
and Thunderbird. Neither one picks up on the UTF-8 charset meta tag.

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Sending Email Using CDOSYS

I want to send auto email using CDOSYS but in backdate. is it possible to set the date for an email? Code:

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CDOSYS Multipart Email

can anyone post or direct me to a code snippet for sending a plaintext/html mutlipart email using CDOSYS? I can do basic code, but this is way beyond me. If a user enters html into a form, is there a way for code to strip that out and leave only plaintext behind?

The idea is that a user would fill in one html field, the form would email it in multipart, with one part using the html the user entered and the plaintext part using the same info but with the html code stripped out.

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Queue Email Sending With CDOSYS

I'm running a mailing list which has grown to around 5000 recipients. I'm currently using ASP to cycle through a database of recipients to send each a custom email with their name, unsubscribe link etc.

Currently I'm using CDOSYS to send the mail, and have set up a page to trigger the emails in batches of 50 so that they don't create blockages on the mail server.

Is it possible to queue emails with CDOSYS, since this would mean I could fire all the emails at once, safe in the knowledge that they will all be dealt with without a problem.

I've used the ASPEmail component before which does this, and it was very effective, but sadly it's not an option to use it on this domain.

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Cdosys Body Text Is Not Being Sent By Email

cdosys body text is not being sent by email. Please see if you can spot the problem. Everything below emailHeader & emailFooter is not being sent by email.

see code below:


dim strBody
Set MailObj=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
MailObj.Subject="Your Online order from store-website"
MailObj.From= ""
MailObj.To= Request.Form.Item("cEmail")
MailObj.TextBody = strBody

strBody = strBody & "DELIVERY INFORMATION (If Delivery was selected):" & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Choice: " & Request.Form("dChoice") & " on " & Request.Form("choiceDate") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Name: " & Request.Form("dName") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Address: " & Request.Form("dAddress") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery City: " & Request.Form("dCity") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Zipcode: " & Request.Form("dZip") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Phone: " & Request.Form("dPhone") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Delivery Instructions: " & Request.Form("dInstructions") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "-----------------------------------------" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf

strBody = strBody & "CONTACT/BILLING INFORMATION: " & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Name: " & Request.Form("cName") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Address: " & Request.Form("cAddress") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing City: " & Request.Form("cCity") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Zipcode: " & Request.Form("cZip") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Phone: " & Request.Form("cPhone") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Billing Email: " & Request.Form("cEmail") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Amount to be paid with Gift Certificate: " & Request.Form("GiftCamount") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Gift Certificate Number: " & Request.Form("GiftCnumber") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Amount to be paid with Credit Card: " & Request.Form("cCardAmount") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Credit Card Type: " & Request.Form("cCard") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Credit Card Number: " & Request.Form("cCardNumber") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "Credit Card Expiration: " & Request.Form("cCardExpiration") & VbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "-----------------------------------------" & VbCrLf

wantedCartColArray = Array(0,0,0,1,1,1,1)
wantedCartColNamesArray = Array("LineItemTax","LineItemTaxValue","ProductID","Quantity","Name","Price","Total")
wantedCartColFormatArray = Array(false,false,false,false,false,true,true)
currencyTypeArray = Array("$",0,-1,-2,-2,-2)


' UltraCart II Email Order Version 2.01
MailObj.TextBody = UCII.BuildEmailBody(false,emailHeader,emailFooter, _
"Order ID",true,_
"Order Date",true,_
"Sub Total",true,_
"Shipping Method",false,_
"Grand Total",true,currencyTypeArray)

MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "localhost"
MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25
MailObj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 60
Set MailObj = nothing

<!--- END CDOSYS CODE --->

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Use CDOSYS To Send Email On Different Server

I've set up a website contact page which uses CDOSYS to send form details to an email address.

However, the domain is set up such as the client is using their own mail server, and using my server only to host the website.

Ordinarily I would set up hosting with email and change the nameservers of the domain to point to my server, but in this case the client is keeping the nameserver details the same, but just updating the A record to point to my server to display the website.

Trouble is, the CDOSYS email doesn't seem to work with this set-up. Do I need to hard code their mail server IP somewhere to get it to work?

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CDOSYS Email Header Injection

Recently our contact forms on the website have been receiving messages with html links in the text entry fields. I'm assuming that a bot or something is using my mail script and bypassing the contact form.

I have seen posts about most other mail scripts in PHP that say the bots are injecting their own header information and effectively writing the message to their own BCC list.

Does someone have a thread out there about this and what can I do to keep people from sending html links through my forms to their own list. How do I check to see if they're successful or if I'm just getting a bunch of tests hitting the form and that the messages are only coming to me, the specified recipient.

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Email With CDOSYS SMTP Mail

I've been using CDOSYS Mail and this bit of code fine for a year. Well, we wanted to change the method of sending email from the Webserver sending it, to designating a specific SMPT server.

So, I found this code on MSFT's web site (MSFT CDOSYS SMTP ) that will allow me to do this, and it works, except that the redirect command that I have at the end of the file no longer works. I have no idea why.

Thi is the error I get:
error '8004020f'
/asp/send_email_foundation_conf.asp, line 78

Code: ...........

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Sending Email Iis5.1(xp) Cdosys

I am trying to send myself an email using cdosys. The error i get is:

CDO.Message.1 (0x80040222)

The pickup directory path is required and was not specified. my code looks like this: Code:

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CDOSYS With Variable For To: Email Address

Has anyone been able to use a variable for the To: line with CDOSYS? When I
put in a specific address like: myMail.To = "" it works
fine. When I put in a variable like: myMail.To = areaDirector it doesn't
work. I did a reponse.write on the areaDirector and it comes out like it's
supposed to: Join Bytes!

Any ideas? Does it have something to do with the quote marks?

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Creating Bulk Email Through Cdosys.dll

is it possible to rn a client side vbscript to send messages using cdo.message and cdo.configuration? what are the requirements to do this? my wks are xp and 2000 and all have cdosys.dll registered. do i have to have outlook express loaded.

i have workstations that don't have outlook but rather lotus notes and want to send email to an smtp server. these emails have local attachment thus the need to run client script versus server scripts. is this possible or am i on the wrong track.

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SCH Reference In A CDOSYS Email Message Script

I'm just looking into modifying a script for an asp page and I've come across this code.

sch = ""
Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With cdoConfig.Fields
.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 1
.Item(sch & "smtpserverpickupdirectory") = "c:InetpubmailrootPickup"
End With
Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

Could someone please explain to me what the sch reference is for and if I need it.

I'm going to create an E-mail message and use CDOSYS to send it. I think it's necessary to understand what's going on before I continue....

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Using CDOSYS And The SMTP Service To Send Email

I am running Win XP and have installed the IIS SMTP service, however I'm not sure what I need to do to configure both the SMTP service and CDOSYS properly to allow me to send out email from an ASP script.


What is happening is the email is not sent and goes to the 'c:InetpubmailrootQueue' folder. I have checked the event viewer and the error I receive is:

Message delivery to the remote domain '' failed for the following reason: The remote server did not respond to a connection attempt.

I believe the SMTP service isn't setup correctly or I haven't configured CDOSYS properly in my ASP script.

The CDOSYS part of my ASP script is setup as follows (I am using Javascript with ASP btw):

Code: .....

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How Can We Send Email With Links And Images By Using CDOSYS?

I have a CDOSYS mail and it's working ok but it sends plain text massage. But i want to send with images and links. But when i put a link with image in the .HTMLBody field like <a href=""><img src="file:///C:/My Documents/image.gif" border="0"></a> so, i got an error message.

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/cdo/cdosys.asp, line 41 .....

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How To Send CDONTS Or CDOSYS Email With Specified Attachment?

I am trying to get a asp-mailer setup that will send a specified attachment.
I have tried both CDONTS and CDOSYS methods ... both are giving me headaches.

And the best part is how incredibly helpful the error is: (Sarcasm Intended)

Error Type:
Unspecified error <-- They should change that error to ... "Good Luck!"
/knowledgetree/emailer-drivers.asp, line 90
I hilighted the above line in the code as well.

Here is the code I am working with: Code:

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Cannot Insert Data And Email Results

I have a form that I created via DW that inserts data into a db. I also have code that I want to use which will email the results of the form. However, I have no idea how to combine the two functions (insert and email) into one page of code. Is there a way to merge the two? Where would I put teh email code? Code:

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Not Getting Form Fields Thru ASP (CDOSYS)

Code to email form data via ASP. Forced to use CDOSYS by 2003 server at host. It sends an email fine, but the form data is missing. Where my going wrong? Could it be the html file's form actuating the .asp file? Could it be an enctype issue? Or bad ASP syntax... Code:

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I’m writing about a form which processes another form from the which i send newsletters.
There are two cases, cdo (plan text) and cdohtml and everyone of them should sand mail with attach, it debends by which case has been selected in the generale settings, stored in a msaccess database.

The strange is that the mail in plain text format (case cdo) is sent, with attach too, and NO ERRORS are encountered:

the html mail des not works, even if the process says (no errors) no mails reaches the recipients. Code:

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CDOSYS Mail Form Runtime Error

I have downloaded the script from brainjar but it needs a bit of tweaking because my smtp host requires authentication, I have added what i feel are the relevant lines of code but these are giving me a runtime error

These are the relevant lines of code, the 1st line giving me the error:

objCDOSYSCon.Fields("") = 1 'whether you use a authentication on the server

objCDOSYSCon.Fields("") = *******
objCDOSYSCon.Fields("") = *****

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