Using IISADMPWD Virtual Directory

I have been trying to get my intranet web site to automatically display the change password page when the user's password is about to expire. I have configured the IISADMPWD virtual directory according to KB 184058. Reading through the KB articles I could find, I get the idea that there is supposed to be a way for IIS to automatically notify a user when they log in that their password will expire soon, but can't seem to get this to happen. Is there some sort of IIS setting that I need to do in IIS to make this happen or am I just dreaming here?

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Virtual Paths In Virtual Directory

IIS 6 Windows 2003

I need a virtual directory in Site_B to serve the files in Site_A (without redirecting the request) so I just added for example Site_B/A as a vdir, and set it's home dir to the physical root of Site_A (eg. C:inetpubwwwrootSite_A) sounds simple enough... not for long:

Problem (nb. I tend to use forward slashes as web/iis paths and backslash as windows filesystem paths):

The include files in Site_A reside in: Site_Aincludes and the include statements in the ASP code seem to be absolute virtual paths (if such a thing exists) for example: <!--#include virtual="/includes/header.asp"--> Code:

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IIS 6 And Virtual Directory

I have an Intranet site sitting on an Windows XP server, which has IIS 6.0 installed. This Intranet site contains a virtual directory (VD), which sits on a second server and has Windows 2000 installed.

To test how a virtual directory would work for this particular Intranet site, I had previously set up the VD on the web server. Everything worked errors.

Once testing was complete and the location of the VD changed to the second server, I have been receiving the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found

I understand what this error is saying, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any problems between IIS 6 being on a XP server and the VD on a 2000 server and any possible implications.

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Virtual Directory

Is there a way in asp to create a new default web site within IIS
I am setting a content managament system and want to create a new default web site during on of the processes.
So for example if people create a new site within the admin section and call it Jacinto this will create a new virtual directory called Jacinto.

This would then be accessed at http://localhost/jacinto

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Virtual Directory

Here are a couple of links that describe how to create a virtual directory programmatically on IIS.;EN-US;188954

I haven't had a close look at the code yet but it's not in asp/vbscript

Has anybody done it in pure asp.I would like to do it on a site hosted by a third party and I am unable to install any dll's or exe's on the machine because it is a shared webserver.Both .NET and Non .NET would be good

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Virtual Directory

I have a virtual directory set up and it's fine. Now what I want to do is write files into them. When I try to do that it gives me a "path not found" error.How can I do this? Is this even possible?

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IIS Virtual Directory

I want to write a web hosting application. But how to create a IIS virtual
directory programmatically in ASP page?

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Virtual Directory

I have a website hosted on an ISP server, my code creates folder and places files in it using the FileSyestemObject. The problem is that I have to write the absolute folder/file path in the createFolder method, and I don't know the absolute path on the server, when i use relative path, the folder is placed on the system32 directory as the root folder (That is where the ASP dll is located). So how can I create folders and files on the virtual directory without knowing the physical path.

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Virtual Directory

I created virtual directory(IIS) in which i placed images and scripts.I referred this directory from my application(ASP.Net).But during run time this folder is copied to my application root.How can i avoid this.

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Virtual Directory

I used KB 308150 as a guide to create a virtual directory shared by a few webstores that my company hosts. The virtual folder and websites reside on the same box. The shared directory includes code files used by all the webstores.

The problem - when a user adds items to the shopping cart, ***sometimes*** the session variables get reset and all cart information is lost.I can't consistently make the error occur - it seems to be random.Also, if you have any different ideas on how to share code between many websites.

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Virtual Directory Question

If we have two virtual directories the live and a demo would they both access the same dll (the last one registered)? So if the ‘live’ dll is the last one registered then the asp files running from the demo virtual directory will use the dll that is in the component folder on the ‘live’ virtual directory?

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Cookie, Virtual Directory

The following script sets,resets or displays the contents of a cookie.

When I place the script in a directory under the iis root, let's say "mysite" (http://localhost/mysite/tst.asp) it works as expected.

When I create a virtual directory "mysite" and point it to the directory where the script is, the cookie can no longer be set after it has been cleared, even though it is accessed in the same location (http://localhost/mysite/tst.asp)

Anyone know why?

' save this code in tst.asp
If Request("mode")="display" Then
Response.Write "cookie=" & request.cookies("cookie") & "<br><br>"
End If
If Request("mode")="set" Then
Response.Cookies("cookie") = "12345"
Response.Cookies("cookie").Expires = DateAdd("d", 2, Date)
Response.Cookies("cookie").Path = "/"
End If
If Request("mode")="clear" Then
Response.Cookies("cookie") = ""
End If

<a href="tst.asp?mode=display">display cookie</a><br>
<a href="tst.asp?mode=set">set cookie</a><br>
<a href="tst.asp?mode=clear">clear cookie</a>
' end

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Can't Include Virtual Directory

I have just taken over management of a web site, many pages of which contain
the line:

<!--#include virtual="/admin/Includes/conn_Login.asp" -->
When I try to load this page (login.asp) I get the error:

Page cannot be displayed
Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005)
The include file '/admin/Includes/conn_Login.asp' was not found.
/CECO/admin/Home/login.asp, line 10

I realise that I have to create a virtual directory but am not sure how to
do this.

Full path to file is:

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Create A Virtual Directory

I got an error and i don't understand what i have got to do it. It tells me to Create a Virtual directory but i do not know how. If i give someone the site addy, and files, will they upload it for me, it will take them about 2 minutes if you are experienced with ASP i am sure.

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Access Virtual Directory

I've got a scenario with a web application where I must access the virtual directory being accessed from within the Application_OnStart event handler. Specifically, I
have a series of IIS virtual directories which all point to the same set of ASP pages. However, since each virtual directory is a separate 'application', each has its own
set data which must be cached.

To detect which data must be cached for each virtual directory, I need to detect the name of the virtual directoy being invoked from within the Application_OnStart event.
The problem is that the Request.ServerVariables collection is not avaiable within the Application_OnStart event handler. Is there a workaround for this?

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Virtual Directory Setting

Webhost4life has their on control panel, which includes a button
labeled: "Set IIS Application".

It takes the user to a page which has a form that looks like this: IIS App ON/OFF

You fill in the rest of the URL and then select IIS App ON or IIS App

QUESTION: What is this supposed to accomplish?

There is no browse feature, so I am not sure if this is supposed to
create a FOLDER or enable a FOLDER for asp, or what?

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Virtual Directory / Session State

I used KB 308150 as a guide to create a virtual directory shared by a few webstores that my company hosts. The virtual folder and websites reside on the same box. The shared directory includes code files used by all the webstores.

The problem - when a user adds items to the shopping cart, ***sometimes*** the session variables get reset and all cart information is lost. I can't consistently make the error occur - it seems to be random.

Also, if you have any different ideas on how to share code between many websites...I'm all ears.

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Cookies In Virtual Directory With Similar Name

the next is my platform
windows 2000
asp vbscript
My working area has the next virtual directoy:

testAc (corrective ambient)
testAe (evolutionary ambient)
testA (official ambient)

testBc (corrective ambient)
testBe (evolutionary ambient)
testB (official ambient)

Every virtual directory above mentioned , has the same content with littles differences but not important for cookies or for the structure of my

When I enter in my application I set up in my cookies my language and my profile informations.

I set up the cookies with an expires date and I set the cookie value with a response.cookies("lid")=VARLINGUA (VARLINGUA is an application variable that I have recorded in global.asa).

There is a problem with cookies when I open more of the above virtual directory at the same time or when I din't have cleaned my cookies in my temp files.

After my debug I have understood that my cookies are recordered correctly in my temp files (testAc , testBc ,testA etc....) and they contains the right content, but when I try to read my cookie with the request.querystring I read the double content of my cookie(In my case I have found 2 info about language and 2 info about my profile).

It is possible for you that I read the correct cookie but there is also another value in memory.

I think that IIS has problems to read cookies in virtual directory with similar names. I have this doubt because renaming my virtual directories with various(not similar for example testAc I have called Actest, testBe I have called Betest etc...) I do not have more problems.

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Error During Virtual Directory Setup

I just got one virtual directory setup and try to run my web application from there. I am getting following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: 'Session'

I even try to create test.asp and put it in wwwroot folder only code I had was:

Response.write Session.SessionID

and I got same error. Am I missing somehting in my IIS setup? I got IIS 5.0 and front page 2002 extension applied.

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ASP Virtual Directory GetFolder Error

We have a webpage browsing folders within the wwwroot. We need to access a remote shared directory the same way.

We created a virtual directory in IIS with an alias pointing on this remote directory. The virtual directory is accessible when we type it in the address bar of IE but when we try accessing it with a Scripting.FileSystemObject. Code:

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Virtual Directory Not Accessible From Web Page?

I've got an 'include' file that is referenced in a .asp file. The include file ( needs read a .txt file (data.txt) located on another server (within the same domain). At this point, I'm not able to read that file from within the file in order to take action within the .asp file.

Here's what I've got in the file: Code:

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Creating Virtual Directory From Script

I have a function that creates a new Virtual Directory. I would like to alter this function so that it sets a few properties on this new virtual directory, namely I want to make it so "Execute Permissions" are set to "Scripts Only" (currently this defaults to "None".

Also I want to make the new virtual directory an application (as if I created
the virtual directory manually and clicked the "Create Application" button on the vd properties. Code:

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Create, Delete Virtual Directory With ASP

I am trying to write code to create and delete a virtual directory with ASP 3. If it is not possible, then how could I do the same with a physical folder.

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Using Virtual Directory To Remote Folder

I've created a medium large library of ASP routine and I've published on a
web server part of a NT domain.

Now I need to publish this ASP modules on other web servers part of the same
NT domain.

For not having the problem of synchronization and versioning of ASP modules
on different webservers I've decided to create Virtual Directory pointed to
directories of the first webserver.

What about my solution ?

Is there any other similar solution ?

Is the creation of virtual directory pointed to network share a good idea or
not ?

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Virtual Directory Not Accessible From Web Page?

I've got an 'include' file that is referenced in a .asp file. The include file ( needs read a .txt file (data.txt) located on another server (within the same domain). At this point, I'm not able to read that file from within the file in order to take action within the .asp file. Code:

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Cannot Open File In Virtual Directory Defined Via Share

I have 2 web servers both running win server 2003 with iis 6.0. On my
PROD server I have a virtual directory called CONV. It points to a
folder on the C drive of this PROD server.

On my TEST server, I defined a virtual directory called CONV. It points
to a share called prodservernameCONV. Note that the share name is
the same name as that of the virtual directory.

Using IIS on the TEST server, I can navigate to this CONV virtual
directory and via right mouse, click EXPLORE. I see all the content I
should but when I try to doubleclick on a file I get a message saying
"Security alert" - "your current security settings do not allow you to
perform system commands on this item".

I've tried everything I can think of on the security settings for the
physical folder on the PROD server. I extended EVERYONE from READ, etc.
to FULL CONTROL. I added the user called INTERACTIVE and gave it full
control. In short, I am stumped and guessing now.

Basically, I just want to avoid duplicating all the data files on my
PROD server over to my TEST server.

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500 Error Running On A Virtual Directory That Runs With No Errors

I do not understand why. I am running perfectly well on a virtual directory, but if I put a simple asp file such as this, and named it foo.asp, and try to run it from this virtual directory, I get the 500 error:



Any ideas why? I check the Properties of this virtual directory, and under The Virtual Directory tab, Configuration button, App Mappings tab, I can see .asp listed pointing to
C:WINNTSystem32inetsrvasp.dll . If I look at this folder the dll exists.

I'm running windows 2000 professional. But I found the same problem in another computer running Windows 2003 server, IIS 6.0

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Active Directory :: The Attribute Syntax Specified To The Directory Service Is Invalid

I have written a script to update user information in the Active Directory using ADSI. Here is part of it:

Set User = GetObject("LDAP://<GUID=" & GUID & ">")

User.Department = DepartmentName


Set User = Nothing

This works fine unless DepartmentName is an empty string ("").

Then I get error 0x8007200B: "The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid."
This happens with all the attributes I have tried, including TelephoneNumber
Do I need to delete the value of the attribute instead of setting it to an empty string? If so, how do I do it?

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Virtual Browser

I have heard there is something called a 'virtual browser' which allows me
to check asp and html output on the complete range of browsers without
having to download each browser and version (side by side).I did a google
search and see a variety of links but nothing conclusive.
Is there a standard product experienced asp developers are using.can you
point me towards it?What are the limitations and challenges in using this product?

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Virtual SMTP

My server has POP but only has SMTP if sending to my domain, and not other domains (such as hotmail). I'm therefore wondering, if anyone knows of any scripts etc, that will allow me to have a sort of "virtual" SMTP server on my site?. (I really can't afford to use a third party SMTP mailer).

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Virtual Directories

In php you can have a script like: http://localhost/page/parameter1/parameter2
where page is acually a php script and the script gets the parameters in $PATH_INFO

I need something similar in asp. If possible without modifying any settings on IIS.
Here is a tutorial on how to do it in php.

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Virtual Addresses

We have aan asp content management system running on IIS6 that produces hundreds of pages from one page template so each page is called mainpage.asp?id=22 and the number at the end changes.

Is there any way of attaching a virtual address to the pages so they could have for example news_story or about-us and control this using a database?

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Virtual Frames

I have a page that i find hard to maintain, or add new pages to. It is tha navigation bars down the sides of all the pages. At the moment they are all just like, well a normal page, so when i want to add a new page i need to go through ALL of my pages and change them.

I know there is a way, but i dont know how, to make the asp file call another file and basicaly ask for what goes in the side navigation bar. I have seen this done, it would have used framed, but personaly i think they are evil, you can only stick them to the top, side botton etc.... of a page. And i have made my page so that it is in the centre of the browser.

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