Using A Wildcard In Mysql

I want to post a wildcard IP in a varchar field in my mysql table so when I call it in the script it shows up giving that entire range of IP's. I've tried doing it like.
24.129.184.* but it doesn't seem to work.

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I have a script which checks the current page name and write out a certain class if it's true to achieve an active menu item effect.

I want to expand upon it a little and have it check for any pages beginning with business rather than list business_dir_info.asp?id=2517 where there are loads of ids. At the moment it's just set to check for business.asp which is the top level page, is there any sort of wildcard character I can use?

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Var1 's content can be "errorone" o "errortwo" or "good". I need to detect if there is "errorone" or "errortwo" with the If clause. How can I do that using the wildcard?

Example that doesnt work: if var1 = *"error"* then

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Dear all, if in asp. i wanna to use the command request.querystring to check the URl. For example, my item when passing to next form will be either 4 or 6 character. How do i tell asp what to do if the string pass 4 character and if it pass 6 character.

My code example for 4 character is A100, 6 character is A10001. different number of character will have to perform different task for me.

I try to use "?" as wildcard but it fail Btw if i had stored chiense character in ACCESS, but when it go thru asp n display on IE, it show "???" instead of the chinese character.

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Height Wildcard?

I am trying to show a series of movies on a web page. All of the movies are the same width, but have different heights. When I take out the width and height parameters, the pictures display fine, but the movies get the bottom cut off. When I put the parameters back, it stretches out the images to fit the entire box. Any way to make the height parameter a wildcard?

<<%=whattouse%> src="Upload/<%=(RS1.Fields.Item("xmedia_asset").Value)%>"
width="320" height="300" align="left" loop="false" controller="true"

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Wildcard Search

I have the following SQL statement that returns a result set based on the exact input stored in a session variable

If reqname <> "" Then
strSQL = strSQL & "AND(ABR_REQUESTOR='" & reqname & "')"

The variable “reqname” is set to a session variable.

I amended the SQL to do a wildcard search instead of searching for the exact string stored in the Session variable:

I altered the SQL as follows:

strSQL = strSQL & "AND(ABR_REQUESTOR LIKE '" & reqname & "%')"

The problem is the field ABR_REQUESTOR stores the first and last name separated by a space...i.e. John Smith

Using the above SQL will return John Smith if I use J, Jo, Joh.
But, if I want to search for Smith by using S, or Sm, etc. it won't work.

I need to alter the statement to look for anything after a space?

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Wildcard Not Working

I have an Access database. I am using a dropdown search box. One of the options is "Search All States" and I set the value to %. In the recordset on the results page, I have the default set to %. Here is the SQL statement:

FROM ClientInfo
WHERE State = 'varState'
and varState = Request.Form("State")

However, I get no results when choosing this option in the dropdown Code:.

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Using A Wildcard In An If Else Statement

In an ecommerce situation, when a category link is clicked, my results page shows the category name at the top of the page

This is working great apart from when a search is done without specifying category eg from the search page

So for example Results.asp?Category=%25&Keyword=&Submit=Search

This gives all products in the results page but just gives the last category name in the table as the heading

I would like to write a condition that just presents a static message eg �Results� when the search wildcard % is passed Code:

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Variable Wildcard

Not sure if this is possible but, is there any way to search a variable like,

var = "I like to play jazz"

If "jazz" * = var then ( If the word jazz is included in the variable then)
response.write "Found Match"
end if

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Simple Wildcard Question...

what I want to do is get read a database entry and if it doesn't start with http:// then I want to include it.

I can't figure out what to use as a wildcard in the first line though

IF rsGuestbook("VisitorHome") = "http://" THEN
<a href="<%=rsGuestbook("VisitorHome")%>" target="_blank">Name:
<a href="http://<%=rsGuestbook("VisitorHome")%>" target="_blank">Name:

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Wildcard & Response.write

I'm trying to compare a form field from the previous page & write a response in the html on the current page. e.g

if (form field value) is like "Custom" then write Correct or else write Incorrect. Here's the code I have curently Code:

<%If (Request("RangeColour")) = ("Custom*") Then Response.Write("Correct") : Response.Write("")else Response.Write("Incorrect")%>

I've tried *, &, ? but they don't appear to work. I've also tried like "Custom*" but I receive an error about a sub or function not being declared.

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Wildcard Character/syntax

I have a little script that is supposed to check for a certain value in a db column, and then do something if that particular calue is present:Code:

...<%ElseIf rsIDK.Fields.Item("my_column").Value = "/default.asp" then ...

The problem is that my_column can contain up to 300 characters, so the code above doesn't work. What I really need is a wildcard at the end of "/default.asp" but I don't really know the correct way of doing this.

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Serach Db With Id Param Wildcard

I have a form where a user can choose one or more options from drop-down menus to search the db :


The id's are all numbers in a MySql database. I have put the default param for each search as % and this only changes if the relevant search option is chosen: Code:

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IIS 6 SQL Injection Sanitation ISAPI Wildcard

I created an ISAPI dll application to prevent SQL Injection attempts by
intercepting the HTTP requests and sanitizing both GET and POST variables (or
any combination of both) before the request reaches the intended code. This
is especially useful for legacy applications not designed to deal with MS SQL
Server Injection attempts. Though this application was designed with MS SQL
Server in mind, it can be used with no or minimal changes with other database

This ISAPI is only compatible with Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.0
which comes with Windows 2003. Windows XP uses IIS 5 engine which DOES NOT
support ISAPI Wildcard.

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Can't Pass % Wildcard Variable In Querystring

I'm trying to pass the wildcard variable % to another page via

When I go to pick up the variable through request.querystring, it will
never diplay the "%" if one is included. It will diplay any other
characters included in the variable though.

Code from page 1:

<%response.write "<a href='Page_2.asp?Severity=" & varCombo_Severity &
"&Owner=" & varCombo_Owner & "'>" & "<i> Go to Page 2 </i>" & "</a>"

Code from page 2:

<%varCombo_Severity = Request.Querystring ("Severity")%>
<%varCombo_Owner = Request.Querystring ("Owner")%>

Result: No % wildcards are passed though to page 2

Any ideas?

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Use Mysql With VB6

I am trying to connect to a Mysql database in the following manner:

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
conn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=myserver;PORT=3306;DATABASE=mydatabase; USER=myusername;PASSWORD=mypassword;OPTION=3;"

however I am getting an error:

visual basic run-time error microsoft [odbc driver manager] data source name not found and no default driver specified.

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C# Asp Mysql

How do you add data to the tables from asp website using C# (for mysql)

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Mysql With ASP

Our website is currently developed in ASP/Mysql 4.
The dedicated servers on which it is currently hosted arrive at saturation.
Here is their configuration:
- 1 server PIV 2,8Ghz 1GB RAM with IIS 5 on Windows 2000
- 1 server Bi-xeon 3Ghz, 512 MB with MySQL 4 on Windows 2003
The website makes approximately 10.000.000 of pages seen and 310.000
visits each month (given by an external statistics tool), increasing by
10% each month.
The database is approximately 60 MB.
I made, I think, most of the optimizations on the database (cache,
According to our current web hoster, this saturation is due to a bad
management of connections between ASP and MySQL and recommends to us:
1/ to put the site on Windows 2003/IIS 6.
2/ to change our database from MySQL to SQL Server.
3/ to change our PIV to a second Bi-xeon.

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er...i dont know if this belongs in here, so apologies if it shouldnt...

Im working on a programme in VB6 that allows people to add news to my site. I was just wondering how can you connect to MySQL with VB and how can you add records

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i need to compare against the database if the user input the correct username and password otherwise to send the user to another page.. but still lets sign in even if the username and password does not match.. here's an example of my code:

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I was having trouble with access because it was far too slow and the site kept crashing as too many people were accessing the database at the same time (servers errors because of the lock file kept cropping up).

So, I converted the Access Database to mySQL, used the connection string:

Conn.Open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};database=dhsweb;server=localhost;uid=root;password=chadwick;option=3;"

And it connects ok. However, I get the following error on the main page: Code:

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ASP & Mysql

How can i make ASP read a table and view its content from mysql ?

any xamples or a site i can refer to ?

1 more thing .. how to view the Database entries as URL or Links ?

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I am trying to create a website in ASP with a database back-end.

I am ok when using MS Access, but I have recently read articles saying that Access is no good for dealing with multiple users accessing it at the same time, so I am worried that it will not be able to cope.

As an alternative, I am looking at MySQL.

I am completely new to MySQL, and even installing it seemed complex. I have installed it to the directory C:mysql, and using 'mysql front' I have managed to create a database with a few tables.The database is in the 'data' subdirectory along with the mysql database. Code:

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Using MySQL

I have a not so now small application where I am using an Access database as the backend and ASP. Since the size of the database and the complexity of the app are growing I am looking for a "stronger" database.

I have checked MSSQL but can't afford it, that's why I am thinking to use MySQL instead. Do you have any experience using classic ASP and MySQL, comments, etc.?

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I'm working with MySQL both locally and on a live server but empty text (memo) fields error out (Exception) when on PWS but not IIS. -Even if I'm just checking to see if there's a value (if rs("mytxtfield") <> "" then..)

Both are win2k boxes (Pro vs server) with the same drivers (3.51)

I've googled it, but no luck. Has anyone else run into this or is it just me?

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ASP And MySQL 4.1.21

I'm trying to connect to a MySql datbase, which is version 4.1.21. This is the connectionstring I am using: Code:

strConnectionhg = "driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};server=67.159.10.***;uid=dan_anope;"
strConnectionhg = strConnectionhg & "pwd=******;database=dan_anope"

However, whenever i run this script, I get the error:
[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

I've used the exact same script on MySQL 5, and it works perfectly. So what must I change to make it work on 4.1.21? it's not possible for me to upgrade the MySQL client.

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I'm using PHP. So, i want exporting my Data to Word or Excel. However, PHP can't. And i must write one ASP page to do it. and ASP can connecting to mySQL ?

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asp is compatible with MySQL as a backend? Further can anyone also help provide me user groups for MySQL? Is PHP a better option than ASP?

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Connecting To MySql With ASP

how to connect to MySql Database using IASP .

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Site With Mysql

How create site with webmatrix with MySql ?

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Mysql And Datetime

I am using mysql as my database and which to use a datetime field, for both displaying the data and time and using it to sort the recordsets.

And although when you look at the Db it shows the data and time like this

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

however if you simply display the field it displays like this

mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am (or pm)

I want to sort the data out so that it displays dd/mm/yyyy and there is no time, i can do this but wanted to know if there is a better way of doing it

My problems being I first have to work out if the date is below 10 then us a split function according, then the same with the month, then i have to use a massive if statement, to get it to display in words, and then I have to us the queries before so i can split the year, even if i use to fields in the db to store time and date i would still have the same problems, what is the best way to do this, Plus i may have more than one record to do, will this make a big different in processing my page if i say have 20 records to do.

and just to make sure is the timedate field suitable to sort my record sets out.

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Getting Started With MySQL

I have been using Access and ASP for about one year. I'm getting verty comfortable with this now.

I want to pull some data out of a mySQL database for my ASP pages. It's the database for my PHBBB forum. I'm a bit overwhlemed on where to start. Boy is it difference.

I have made the DB connection and see the tables. As I said it's very different.

Any advice on getting started with mySQL so I can start getting some results?

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Asp-mysql Eror

I m using windows 2003 server, mysql and asp for my web site, I can select, insert, delete data from mysql, but I cannot update, this is the error that I get

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.

and this is where the error is in the script:

objNotas.Open SQL, DBConn, 1, 3

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