VBS File Passing Values To ASP URL

I have a VBS file and I would like to call an ASP web page and pass it values in the URL.
Is this possible?

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Form Values With A File - Passing Values

I want to call a recordset so you can edit the details and then obviously pass the parameters onwards into the db. However, the user guide just says this:

To process other fields in the form, use the Form collection of the upload object the same way you would use the Form collection of the Request object. For example, if your form had a text element named UserName, your processing code would include: Code:

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Passing Values

Is there a code, or something that scrambles the value being passed fromone asp page to another??

what I mean is this:

if i want to pass a value from a database (record id #721) from my page records.asp to recordview.asp

it might appear like this in the browser window, or when u highlight the link on records.asp:


I don't want users to see exactly what record number is being access... so I'd like it to show some garbage in the browser like


you get my drift...

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ASP Values Not Passing

I have a submit form that collects my values, and if my form action is "mailto" the values are passed, but if I try to pass to another asp page the values aren't sent and the asp doesn't execute.

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Asp Passing Values

i m using frontpage to create a login form using SQL SERver database. i want 2 redirect the value of username & password to another page.

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Passing Values

I have the following

pn = rs("PrinterName")
I put a response.write (PN) and it displays the correct print name

Later down the code I put in
<input type="hidden" name="PN" value=" & PN & ">
<input type="submit" value="Add Maintenance Record" name="cmdAddMaint"
onClick="window.open('addMaint.asp','addWindow','width=500, height=300')">

Then on the AddMaint.ASP page I have

PN = Request.Form("PN")

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Passing Values

how can i pass value to next page when user click on link ? i can pass one values but can not pass another value please look at the code

<td align= "center"><a href="message.asp?ftopicid=<%response.write(result("fid"))%>"><input type="hidden" name="FForumID" value="<%request.querystring("FTopicID")%>"><%=result("fsubject")%></a></td>

i am trying to pass FForumID and FTopicID

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Passing Values

I have a page which has a form in it. The form allows the user to pick a date and when he hits submit, he sees sales for that particular period of time. That works.

However, once he sees the sales for a particular time period, he has the option to click on a branch and see the breakdown of sales for that date.

I have that as a separate page and can't figure out how to pass the date to the new page. Right now when he clicks on the branch it says 0.00 because it doesn't think there is a date.

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Passing Values

I'm passing date and time value to next page but at next page I am getting only date part. I'm not getting time part...why?

Suppose I'm passing this value 21-Oct-2005 16:11 but at next page I am getting only


IssueDate =Server.HtmlEncode(Trim(objRs("issuedate")))

<input type=checkbox name=confirm_"& ObjID &" value="&IssueDate&"> ....

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Passing Values

I have a text box.. and next to that I have a link , clicking on which will open a window , pasing value of that text box , to that new window.

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Passing Values

I have an ASP called seat_add.asp, when it is initially called I send it three values


within the ASP i have two forms because I am loading one dropdown from a access DB and when the user selects something from the list dropdown two is then loading using information from the selection in dropdown 1 in the SQL query.

This is done via an onchange(this.form.submit) on the first form. I am losing my values and I am not sure as to why?

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Passing Values

I have a shopping cart displayed in a ASP.NET page using HTML Table Control. The shopping cart item details are displayed in each rows of the html table.For a purticular item say shoes i have a html select control inside the row which displays the colors available.which the user can select..also i have the size listed using another select control in the next row.

The table and rows,control and their data are build at run time and I want to access the values of these controls when i click a hyperlink "Add to Cart".The hyperlink takes me to the next ShoppingCart Display Page.

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Passing Values

In the firts form a selection is done. After submit a second form is called. In that form there must be select from a list that is depending on the result of the first form. So far so good. The selection of the second form and the selection of the first form must
pas to a thirth page when the submit botton is hit.

I use in the second form:

<input type="hidden" name="hclass" value = <%Request.Form("klas") %>>

But that seems not to work. ( no error appears)

This test works correct
<input type="hidden" name="hklas" value = "test">

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Passing Values

Iv had this problem for two days and iv been trying to work around it but its getting kinda messy. Im trying to pass values from my form,thats okay,passing them to the same page and putting them in asp variables,the problem is there a way of submitting the form everytime that you leave a frame,(i want to collect all the values from each frame) I hope i explained this okay.

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Passing Values

I have 3 option buttons, 3 select boxes correspondingly adjacent to them. Based on the selection of option button, the form should paas values of the corresponding select box. I tried using Javascript.

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Passing Values Between Two Pages.

onclick of an image button in my main page(parent.asp), im calling window.open("child.asp")as a popup!! child.asp has 36 checkboxes and a submit button.

I want my users to select any or all of the checkboxes and on clicking the submit button i need that popup(child.asp) to be closed and those checked values to be passed on to the parent page(parent.asp)!

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Problems In Passing Values!

onclick of an image button in my main page(parent.asp), im calling window.open("child.asp")as a popup!! child.asp has 36 checkboxes and a submit button.

I want my users to select any or all of the checkboxes and on clicking the submit button i need that popup(child.asp) to be closed and those checked values to be passed on to the parent page(parent.asp)!

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Passing Values From Drop Down Box

I have a form which I can upload images to a web server. In the same form I have a drop down box which is populated by folder names in a specific directory (see code). I would like the user to select the images to upload and to the select the folder (from the drop down box) they would like the image(s) to be uploaded into.

I am having trouble passing (via a post method) the value of the dropdown box, namely the folder name to the upload code page. I passed value from drop down boxes to other pages successfully in the past but something is going wrong somewhere - it doesn't seem to pull any value through - would it be something to do with how the drop down box is populated?? Code:

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Passing Values To An SQL Query

I have an SQL query on my ASP page:

Select * from tblEmployee

On this page, I have a form with a Select box for DistrictName. I would like to pass the selected value to the above query and use it as part of the WHERE clause. I know that is not a problem. I can do the following:

Select * from tblEmployee where DistrictName = '" & Request.Form("DistrictName") & '"

Here is the problem. One of the values in the Select box is "All Districts". How or what do i send to the query to pull employees for all districts?

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WinHTTP Passing Values Asp To Asp

I have the following structure,

Form page My Server 2nd server
html ---------->My.asp------->2server.asp

User can submit the form in html to myasp. In my.asp I am using winhttp to
send the form values and some additional values to the other server's asp
page without showing the user where the actual process is happenning.

I have used the samples, but I am not getting the values in the 2nd server.

How to get the values?

Note: I dont want to expose the 2nd server in Myserver.
MyServer can be from anywhere (ie. the myserver may not known by 2nd server)

Any suggestions?

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Passing Values As Querystring

I,am passing form variable monthsenrolled as a query string It does not work as i get a error what is wrong here

function previous(){

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Passing Multiple Values

I have a link as follows:

<A HREF=""Tracker.asp?MovementID=" & RS("MovementID") & " PONumber=" &
RS("PONumber") & """>" & RS("MovementID") & "</A>

I am trying to pass: MovementID & PONumber.
On linking to Tracker.asp,

MovementID = 2257 PONumber=21071045
PONumber = Empty

I am just testing this with Request.querystring. What have I done wrong, how can I separate these values ?

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Passing Mutidimensional Values To Forms

Is it possible to pass a multidimensional array values[retrieve form the database] back to a form and only display the first record. When a user click a button[left , right] , i will move through the array and display the values on texboxes using the button onclick event.

Problem ..

When a user enter "Ap" in a textbox, i will goto the database and retrieve a whole list of values[industry, address, postalcode, country .. etc] with Company name that begin with "Ap". I will store all the values in an multidimensional array and when user click a left/right button, i will move through he array and retrieve the values and display in textboxes.

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Passing Values For Email Form

Lets say I have a page with 6 different options a user can select, each linking to a registration form. Regardless of what the user picks, they will fill out the same form. The only difference is the title of the Email sent. To avoid having a seperate form page for each option, is there a way to pass a value and put it into the Subject title of the email depending on which link they click?

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Server.Transfer And Passing Values

When using the Response.Redirect in test1.asp in this manner:

Response.Redirect ("test2.asp?err=something&msg=somethingelse")

You can pass values calculated in test1.asp to test2.asp.
But this is a round trip redirect - and also shows passed values in
the address bar.

But when using Server.Transfer, as in:

Server.Transfer ("test2.asp?err=something&msg=somethingelse")

This is apparently not allowed, as I get an error claiming that
non-relative references in the path of the file are not allowed.

My question is:

*Without* using application or session stores, how can you pass values
between pages called in this manner - values that are not a part of
the originally submitted information?

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Passing Values To Stored Procedures

I am currently trying to pass a value from a url to a sqldatasource control. There seems to be a lack of information on how to do this. I would greatly appreciate the help.

I am passing a variable "dept" through the url (i.e. products.aspx?dept=23) and trying to insert it into the Where part of my SQL statement.

The stored procedure is defined as follows: Code:

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Passing Values Via Java Script

My edit button on the firs page calles a java script function and passes a unique id

<a href="javascript: UPDATE(<%=rs("Id")%>)"><img src="Some Image file" border="0"></a>

The JS Function looks like

function UPDATE(Id) {
document.entry.FormAction.value = 'Update_Records';

Then my pseudo Update Code looks like

if request.form("FA")="Update_Records'" then
I connect to my db
Do my update sql where id = this is where I need my ID from Javascript

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Calling/passing Values To Another Server

I have an asp page that writes to a database after making a sale. This part works fine. In this same asp page, I would like to then call a different server to release a product key. The following is what I need to call: Code:

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Passing Values To An HTML Page

I have a web form page that passes values to an asp page, in which an email is sent to the customer with those values. The email functionality works fine. But I also want to display these values on a separate "thank you" web page after that.

What is the asp code to display those values into the "thank you" web page? Does this involve adding code to the asp page and the "thank you" html page?

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Passing Values To Text Field

how to i passing values to text field?

<input type="text" name="Usrname" size="20" value=<%= fullname %> >

i knew this is wrong.. but how do i solve this problem?

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Passing Correct Values FROM ASP/VBScript To VB/DLL?

I'm getting an error on my ASP page:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'StoreFileIntoField'

I assume - 99.5% - the error is generated because of worng value types,
I attemp to pass from my ASP/VBScript page to the VB/DLL function.

My relevant ASP/VBScript Code is: Code:

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Passing JavaScript Values In A Session

I wanna store a javaScript value in a session variable. so i wanna do something like

<%session("test123")=%> GetE('txtTargetPage').value

I know that is wrong, but how do i do it? I am using hidden for fields in other places

The reason I want to place this one in a session is that what the code is doing is creating a form for the user and if it creates a hidden field it creates it outside the form. so i therefore have to use a session variable. Is this possible?

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Passing Optional Values To Function

How can i pass optional values to a function? I tried this below which gave me an "Expected identifier" error:

FUNCTION cart_state_list(selectname, optional stateid as integer = 1)

If it were php here is the code

function cart_state_list($selectname, $stateid = 1)

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